Man, I was seriously impressed with the voice acting in this title. Birth by Sleep I always saw as a serious low point for the series in terms of both storytelling and voice acting, but with this new Birth by Sleep game I can safely say that Aqua is a good character and her voice acting is good. I can also say (and I can't believe these words could ever come out of my mouth) Terra's voice acting was actually good! Seriously, the worst part of Birth by Sleep in my opinion was improved for the sequel, and in my opinion it helped me a lot to sympathize with his character this time around as opposed to his dull, unmotivated performance in the original game. I wish we heard some more Ventus, although I do see why they would have not had him speak. Just saying I love Jesse McCartney's voice work and would have appreciated it again here.
However, on terms of them feeling like a family... I guess I got it more here (and certainly more than in Birth by Sleep), but I still felt at times that this immense sadness in this game almost seems unearned from the last. They felt a lot more like good friends, sure, but I still am not sure if I'd call it a "family" bond yet. Despite that, it is much better than it was in Birth by Sleep, so I'll give credit where credit is due.
P.S. As for back cover, everyone, for the most part, was great! Chirithy's voice was really annoying, I guess, so there's a downside (also, was I the only one that felt that Ephemer's voice didn't match?). Overall, excellent performances from pretty much everyone (ESPECIALLY the Master of Masters).