It is pretty big, but they can chose from so many locations and stories. (although they will probably be going with ROTJ).I’m really not a fan of the idea.SW is just too big. We already have fun little tidbits like Mark Hamill, and Biggs and Wedge in Twilight Town, but I really wouldn’t be thrilled with the idea of talking to Luke (or Ray) in a franchise that already has a huge traction of its own.
And it’s clear with KH4, they are removing Sora from the established to make him a stranger in a strange place. I think the point is to put him into something well-established—to be in a place that is bigger than he is. Throwing him right into the climax of a galactic war is the sort of experience Sora can’t smile his way through. And he probably won’t arrive at a point where things are relatively peaceful. He’ll probably be right in the midst of the action.
And this game is probably the best place to do this. It’s honestly why I’m happy this is happening, and why I hope Marvel is here, too. This is their chance to have Sora in these larger-than-life stories before sending him back into what we are familiar with.