I would typically tend to agree, but I've followed the complete trainwreck of business practices with the brand under Disney. There are a few flukes here and there and some hidden gems, but for the most part, Disney has done nothing but play things safe, especially in the spin-off material that might dare to include Luke, Han, Leia and any of the major film characters.
As for why we SW fans would dislike it? Technically, if it gave us a good story with Luke as a party member, maybe even helping train Sora to become an even better fighter and having a great dynamic and chemistry with him, we'd jump all for that. One of my favorite elements from the old continuity was Grand Master Luke and his New Jedi Order, where he took his niece and nephews under his wing and helped to train them, not just to become Jedi, but just to become better people in general.
That'd be the kind of dynamic I'd like to see. Two paragons working together. But I'm pretty sure that's not what we'd get and we'd no doubt get a lackluster story that wasn't allowed to take any chances either.