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Speculation of the E.S Battle (Spoilers Knights names and possibly Old man's)

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Bronze Member
May 19, 2005
But this speculation is pretty good, Xaldin. Seriously.

Thanks xD also I'm noticing that some of the moves the A.U does slightly resembles that of Xemnas, I'm not sure if it was a coincidence or just something extra, since the orange eye trait is also there...any thought?


New member
Dec 31, 2005
Thanks xD also I'm noticing that some of the moves the A.U does slightly resembles that of Xemnas, I'm not sure if it was a coincidence or just something extra, since the orange eye trait is also there...any thought?

A.U. ? How far have you got with the E.S. now? Hopefully if KHIIFM+ comes over here I'll be able to give it a shot ^.^ Although it might take me sometime to beat it seeing how I had trouble beating Sephiroth in the first Kingdom Hearts o.0

Not to mention I haven't beat the Sephiroth in KHII ^.^()


Ip Man

Jan 5, 2006
From what I gather, Sora, Riku and Kairi represent each of the Knights. Who knows how. Maybe descendants? Hell, maybe they Knights spirits or whatever live inside them. Remember how in TWTNW, the girl's armor is empty? Maybe she's inside Kairi. And the other Knights are inside Sora and Riku? Bah, this is getting confusing.

But Sora cant represent one of the Knights. 'Cause the ES mistook him for Xehanort, and got all angry at him. The other time we saw such anger was against the Old man, which points to the Old man being Xehanort. So it's a bit contradicting; Sora doesnt represent one of the Knights, he represents Xehanort.

But why did the ES call him Xehanort? Isnt "Xehanort" the name Ansem gave him, because he didnt know his real name? Why didnt the ES call him by his real name?

Replica Riku

New member
Jan 7, 2005
The old man was the only person using a keyblade with a keychain, which means he is probably a keyblade master. Maybe that is why calls Sora that because he is a keyblade master himself. And I think the old man was named Xehanort.


New member
Apr 12, 2007
Ok so heres a thought i had when i was reading this forum. Alot of people Think that Xehanort is the E.S. but at the same time the creator says all the knights are new characters. But with the original Birth By Sleep vid saying Memories of Xehanort its really does seem that he's involved here. And With the 1st games boss being Xehanort's Heartless, and the second game boss being Xehanorts Nobody, it tends to lead you to what Nejiguy posted about the Heartless, Nobody, Chaser connection. Were as the 3rd game's boss Would be Xehanort's Chaser. And With that remember when Ansem the Wise was trying to capture the essence of kingdom hearts and turn it into data and he realized things were going bad and said you never know what to expect. And then that returned Riku to his normal self ( His younger looking normal self) Well then maybe the Evil guy at the End of the KH2FM+ Vid Is Xehanort and when he finally approached Kingdom Hearts it transformed him into the younger version of Himself that we saw in Ansem's Study with King Mickey and Ansem. Thats one thought i had. The Other Thought is that just like Riku Maybe Xehanort was just originally Corrupted by darkness and was close with the 3 other knights and he's the Evil mage's little sidekick that is wearing almost the same gear as Riku was in the 1st game. Since i don't know japanise i can't read any of what is said in the fight between Sora and the E.S. but reading what people said it translates to maybe sora resembles Xehanort and thats why the E.S. attacked him. Another Thought is people keep putting Kairi Into the whole mix just because she's a girl and one of the soldiers was a girl. But When they picked up the 3 keyblades one was Mickey's Kingdom Key, one was Sora's Kingdom Key, and the other was Riku's Soul Eater not the blade kairi held. And why was King Mickeys Key stuck down there in the ground and instead King Mickey was holding Star Seeker (Sora's Second Keyblade). More Questions I Have is if Xehanort had lost his memory Prior to Ansem the Wise finding him, Who knew is name was Xehanort, Did he make it up, Did he not really lose his memory but wanted to use Ansem for his knowledge of the heart to gain back the power of kingdom hearts that he once felt?. What did the Hearts Do to Ansem The Wise, is he dead, is he now a heartless?. And how did Roxas and Nominae Exist If Sora and Kairi Were whole. And if They weren't Whole until they got reunited were Sora and Kairi still Heartless's? What about Axel, he truely liked Roxas where as that goes against what we know about nobodies. He wouldn't have cared either way. But he really missed Roxas and even resorted to helping out sora just so Roxas could be. Does that Make Axel Special like Roxas was special. Ok i'm starting to get off topic. i'm ending it.

The Key Chain

New member
Mar 30, 2007
i agree with *player* who agrees with MuffinMan because just look at the theroy of the week. sorrry im too lazy to bring a link for it. also after you look at that, look at the secret ansem report 1 from kh2

Ansem the Wise brought in Xehanort and nursed him from the face of death. then he discoverd that Xehanort had lost his memories.

so E.S was almost dead fromt the fight from the old man, then he lost his memories about it. then later he rememberd eveything and turned from ansem and stuff :)
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