lol that made me laugh...
I've always thought when Sora came home he'd find his parents split and had completely new families. Ahahahahahahahaha (Good Soap Opera aye?) Oh and Riku would feel too ashamed to tell his parents about what happend while he was away. So I imagined them living on the island together. Teeheee.
Yes I guess they really dont have a purpose aye?
Oh you...
Me and D had an eerie feeling that Riku and Sora are cousins. But that was brought up because she was reading 'Our Kingdom' and the characters felt similar to Riku and Sora....heheh...heh...*gigglesnort*
haha My thoughts exactly. Sora has this perfect little life, while Riki gets screwed over constantly. He wanted Kairi, lost her. Was going to get the keyblade, lost that too.
As for parents they are pointless in KH. There's nothing left to say.
This is true. Sora's life seems so perfect and happy while Riku goes through the most shit. I bet he was raped as a child, or is neglected. Or both.