Sora or Riku haven't get their official title as Keyblade Master, yet they posses some chracteristics of KM.
I think at this moment, one should not underestimate Sora(by saying he shit or what ever) because his skills and knowledge haven't been fully explained yet.
I agree with you. Sora do something which cares his friends more, see KH2, how he desperately finding for Riku.
And personally, i think friendship between Sora and Riku was clearly indicate than TAV.
This is why I say that most people who vote for Sora do it out of favoritism. Yes Aqua is my fav but I am not blind to her, and certaintly if I saw her losing I would say it.
The point Crystal and Smile is that Masterhood is not just a title, with the title you are passed down knowledges that only masters know. Sora learned to use the Keyblade on his own, this alone is testament of his monstrious potential and skill have no doubt about it but he still lacks proper training.
Aqua has her Keyblader armor, she can use the keyblade as glider, she would totally own Sora in magic and I think this is a point no one who reason this match without bias is going to dispute her magic si only second to MASTER XEHANORT. She can use her Keyblade as an interdimensional transportation ship. This alone would allow her to fight with the same style as Lingering Sentinent, anyone here is going to tell me Sora is stronger or would be able to defeat Lingering Sentinent at the CURRENT momment? I think not, and Aqua for all end and purposed would be able to fight like that, even Jimmy journal said LS was far more powerful than him.
And this is only the advantadges she has as a trainee, because she had a proper training she knows how to use her keyblade as a glider, she was endowed with a keyblader armor and her magic is only second to master xehanort. Try to imagine Aqua beign a secret boss at KH2, she would fight almost exactly as LS, albeit a little bit weaker because of the infinite stamina of LS.
Again sora COULD have all this if he had a proper Keyblader Traning, he has the potential to pull all this abilities and possibly to extent that would greatly surpass TAV, but unfortunately even if he can physically he doesnt know the HOW and no I am not going to give him those feats saying "well is only becuase he doesnt know how to do it, if he knew he would pull all that but better" because he doesnt.
And this is only as trainee.
As Master again Master is NOT only a title, remember Yen Sid thiks current Sora and Riku arent enough to face reborn Xehanort but properly trained Riku and Sora with mark of maestry are enough.
The difference as far as we know is agan the KNOWLEDGE that is given to the master. Knowledge of how to destroy entire planets like Master Xehanort did pouring darkness in Land of Departure, this is a grear advantadge. Because unlike Sora Aqua doesnt needs a gummi ship, she can simply fight an even fight against Sora and then destroy the planet he is fighting it, Aqua can leave easily via glider Keyblade but Sora will have to board the gummi ship and if it isnt at hand Sora isnt going to survive that or is going to be pulled into the realm of darkness.
If Sora escape, he is going to have to be in Gummi Ship until she finds a planet and Aqua can pursue him with the Keyblade and fight the ship the same way you fought Lignering Sentinent, gliding the Keyblade. Yes Gummi Ship has weapons, but I think we all can agree that Gummi Ship cant defeat or stop a high end warrior, it is only suited to fight fodder heartless and nobodies and Sora cant fight in space.
And another broken abilities given to masters
Apprentices of Keyblade Masters that pass the test have two choices:
- The Keyblade Master may take on their own apprentices, and reshape their world to one more of their liking as Master Eraqus did.
- The Keyblade Master may go out on their own journey as Master Xehanort chose to do. Should one choose to embark on their own journey, many different paths open up to them.
Thats a very broken power, they can reshape entire worlds, and depending on how you take that rule that could mean not only reshaping a world but outright be able to create one and then have totale control over that world (reshape it to your will). But fine I wont give feats out of speculatuion or inflate them so I will just take it as face value and say it is limited to reshape. Aqua knows how to change the scenario to make it more challenging for Sora, Master Xehanort did it at the Keyblade graveyard by creating mountains out of nowhere and manipulationg Keyblade Graveyard to his will.
Sora will be fighting a foe that not only can fight exactly equal as Lingering Sentintent minus the infinite stamina, but also one that can causally destroy the planet he is in and manipulate the planet he is fighting it to fuck Sora's battle style. This is why I see Aqua winning, her knowledge and feats are better. Simply Aqua has more abilities and to all that add that she has been building muscle fighting the strongest heartless at RoD I say she will be to Sora at least as challenging if not more as Lingering Sentinent, could Sora CURRENTLY defeat it? No, I also dont see him defeating Aqua.
When posting guys please try to post out of FEATS and ABILITIES not out of favor towards the character Im trying to be as less bias as possible I am trying to be.
I say Aqua takes this simply because she has more abilities, yes it would be the fight of her life but she would barely come on top at the end.
I will simply put the FEATS and ABILITIES listed here
Sora advantadges over Aqua:
- Possibly has more raw power than Aqua in wielding the keyblade
- His forms, defintively is a big plus
- Her blows
Aqua advantadges over Sora:
- Her armor
- Can reshape entire worlds
- Can destroy entire worlds
- Advantadge magically (yes, even in Wisdom form)
- Can glide in her Keyblade to fight Sora light LS did
For those reasons I think Aqua would take this