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Sora vs. Aqua


Who do you prefer, Aqua or Sora?

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Codename: D
Jan 31, 2008
Going to deliver Binks his sake
The biggest problem with XH and Xemnas are that they're half people, whereas Terranort was... three people, derp. So they're not quite comparable.
And as said before, Sora had Donald, Goofy, and Riku in spirit with him when he fought XH, so you can't even say "well Sora was only a Heartless and he beat XH, that counts for something".
The gameplay elements really downplayed Sora's skills and praised Aqua in that regard.


New member
Dec 22, 2010
Gokai Galleon
The biggest problem with XH and Xemnas are that they're half people, whereas Terranort was... three people, derp. So they're not quite comparable.
And as said before, Sora had Donald, Goofy, and Riku in spirit with him when he fought XH, so you can't even say "well Sora was only a Heartless and he beat XH, that counts for something".
The gameplay elements really downplayed Sora's skills and praised Aqua in that regard.

That's right, I agree. Not only was Sora's gameplay more simple than TAV's was, but you have to consider the fact that TAV had training under Master Eraqus for years; particularly Aqua, who held his beliefs in most regard, thus, probably training the hardest. Sora had very little training with the Keyblade (I'm counting Merlin giving him Magic) and only knew how to fight at all cause him and Riku used to spar. Aqua is definitely stronger in battle regard. Though it is possible that Sora's power exceeds hers, he hasn't reacheed his full potential yet, nor has he awakened all of his power, so Aqu'a definitely strnger.

Nayru's Love

Why don't you play in Hell?
Dec 17, 2008
Chicago, IL
XH was a complete being for the parts you fought him in, bar the fact that the body wasn't his. He still has nothing on Terranort and his combined moveset, though.


New member
Feb 4, 2011
To be fair, Sora may have had the strength of a master as early as KH1, if we are to assume that Sora releasing Kairi's heart was an instance of a heart release via keyblade.

That being said, I'm still trying to analyze the details of their adventures.

In KH1 Sora had his ass handed to him by Xemnas there is NO WAY in KH1 he has the strenght of a Keyblade Master, in KH2 he had his ass handed to him by Sephiroth I doubt he has the strenght of a Keyblade Master, MAYBE (big maybe) he has the brute strenght of a KM but however he doesnt has the techniques which is why he lose against Aqua. Aqua can use her amor, can use her Keyblade as glider to fight Sora as Lingering Sentinent did (which by the way was steamrolling Sora), can use the Keyblade secrets only known to masters like how to destroy and reshape entire worlds. She has the upper hand in the magic department by a big margin, in magic she will simply totally dominate Sora. She can fight Sora in a LS like manner and then when he is tired simply proceed to destroy the world where Sora is standing like MX did, she escape with her Keyblade glider, Sora cant do it because he needs the Gummi Ship which cant be accessed anywhere and guess takes some time to prepare to dock, GG Sora.

Sora after becoming a Keyblade Master will surpass TAV have no doubt it, but right now Aqua would dominate him.


Codename: D
Jan 31, 2008
Going to deliver Binks his sake
in KH2 he had his ass handed to him by Sephiroth

There's a difference between not being able to kill someone and having you ass handed to you by him.

I doubt he has the strenght of a Keyblade Master, MAYBE (big maybe) he has the brute strenght of a KM but however he doesnt has the techniques which is why he lose against Aqua.

You're forgetting the biggest difference between a Keyblade Wielder and a Master is, besides the title, just a couple of stuff your Master taught you. And even then it's not that you couldn't do it - you just didn't know how to.
That aside I have to wonder how much Eraqus managed to teach her.

can use the Keyblade secrets only known to masters like how to destroy and reshape entire worlds.

She actually knew just what she had to do, not how it worked or why. I'd hardly give her credit for it, seeing how - again - the biggest difference is that it's not like Sora or Riku or Terra couldn't pull it off - we just know they don't know how to, or to be precise - never got the chance.

She has the upper hand in the magic department by a big margin, in magic she will simply totally dominate Sora.

Wisdom form.

Jeez, and later people wonder why I think Aqua's a Deus Ex Machina despite ironically being described as a DiD in the reports...


New member
Feb 4, 2011
Sora didnt beated Sephiroth what are you talking about people? Sephiroth gave Sora his ass handed to him

*Afer a VERY fucking hard fight
Sora: ARRRRRGH I defeated you!
Sephiroth: Your skills are impressive
*Sephiroth proceeds to remove some dust from his shoulder and then shrug off the attacks

Sephiroth clearly wasnt fighting at full power, while Sora was heated up and for real.

Mr. Crowley

Feb 3, 2009
Locations? Bonk locations.
Sora didnt beated Sephiroth what are you talking about people? Sephiroth gave Sora his ass handed to him

*Afer a VERY fucking hard fight
Sora: ARRRRRGH I defeated you!
Sephiroth: Your skills are impressive
*Sephiroth proceeds to remove some dust from his shoulder and then shrug off the attacks

Sephiroth clearly wasnt fighting at full power, while Sora was heated up and for real.

Also, its not like Sora was half dead after the fight. He didn't even look tired.


Dont take it too seriously, is the term used to say someone would totally dominate that other someone in battle. Is a fairly common term in metafiction (which are among other things vs battles) rape is the same as saying "steamroll" "godstomp" "rapestomp" "babyshake" "destroy" etc.

But as it has double meaning I am playing with the word to make some funny statements. Basically I am saying "Aqua would totally destroy Sora in a battle" and then also saying something like "man I would love to be raped by Aqua if it was rape in the literal sense" because you know she is very pretty. Just sayind dont take things too seriously.

screw you, man. my best friend was raped. it's not a joke. why not use any of those other adjectives you listed instead of "rape"

you have no class.

and dude, she's neither pretty or ugly. she's an animation...

what is wrong with you, get a life


New member
Feb 4, 2011
screw you, man. my best friend was raped. it's not a joke. why not use any of those other adjectives you listed instead of "rape"

you have no class.

and dude, she's neither pretty or ugly. she's an animation...

what is wrong with you, get a life

Ok I was just joking and trying to be nice. But seriously you are here the one who is royally behaving yourself as a freaking faggot.

Please dont enter into a metafiction forum EVER like Narutofan because things like "lol X character would get raped" etc. are common language here refering obviously not to literal rape. You would be banned for flaming in no time lmao.

You are the one who broke the rules here in the forum and directly attacked a user and deserve a ban, seriously you are the one who is behaving like a freaking idiot.

Probably because you are, good sir. I never attacked and neither showed disrespect towards you prior to this.


I was just making a joke, I was just stating a personal opinion, you have no right to come here and talk to me and call me out like that over that.

You just showed ignorance by not knowing that the word rape in metafiction is synonim with destroy, rapestomp, godstomp. In short synonim that meaning that X would totally dominate Y in battle. Attacking me over that in your rampage just show outright intolerance, stupidity, asshollery and faggotery.
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New member
Feb 4, 2011
There's a difference between not being able to kill someone and having you ass handed to you by him.

*Afer a VERY freaking hard fight
Sora: ARRRRRGH I defeated you!
Sephiroth: Your skills are impressive
*Sephiroth proceeds to remove some dust from his shoulder and then shrug off the attacks

Sephiroth was basically laughing at the fight, he wasnt fighting at 100% power, Sora was.

You're forgetting the biggest difference between a Keyblade Wielder and a Master is, besides the title, just a couple of stuff your Master taught you. And even then it's not that you couldn't do it - you just didn't know how to.
That aside I have to wonder how much Eraqus managed to teach her.

Indeed, you yourself said it. Sora potentially could pull that off too, the thing is that he doesnt knows how to, you cant give him feats that he doesnt know how to do. Aqua has upper hand in magic, knows how to use the armor, the Keyblade as glider to fight basically the same way as LS, knows how to reshape entire worlds and destroy them, can use her Keyblade as inter dimensional spaceship. Sora cant, could Sora do it if he was taught?

Of course, and most likely he will by Yen Sid, until then Sora is superior.

She actually knew just what she had to do, not how it worked or why. I'd hardly give her credit for it, seeing how - again - the biggest difference is that it's not like Sora or Riku or Terra couldn't pull it off - we just know they don't know how to, or to be precise - never got the chance.

Yes, but again knowledge is power. For example there is a series where a guy is able to manipulate reality itself because he can see the quantum states that alter reality, and in theory everyone can do it just that he is the only one that do it because he knows how to, and the others characters no, thus is the most powerful beign in said fiction. Even if it is because lack of knowledge of how to perform the technique rather than lack of skill or physically unable to do it, doesnt change the fact that Sora doesnt have access to the most haxx keyblade abilties while Aqua can.

You cant give Sora abilities he doesnt know how to perform and say "he can do it too, because he only lacks knowledge" he never showed to be able to reproduce the feat neither it was stated he could like in Aqua's case, so unless Yen Sid trains him, he cant.

Wisdom form.

Lol and seriously a limited time form is going to give Sora better magical abilities than a girl that is second only in magic to Master freaking Xehanort?

There is misconeption here that drive forms are allmighty, they are powerful yes but they doesnt automatically makes you the best in the area of the form. For example Riku's transformation at Hollow Bastion in KH1 was practically identical to a drive form, yet Sora still defeated him.

Sora vs Aqua would be basically another version of Lingering Sentinent vs Sora and we all know how that would end, the same as KH1 Sora vs Xemnas and the same as TAV vs Mysterious figure, they arent simply right now at the level to compete against those foes, period.

Will he in the future? Yes, but right now he would lose to Aqua after an epic fight.


Ok I was just joking and trying to be nice. But seriously you are here the one who is royally behaving yourself as a freaking faggot.

Please dont enter into a metafiction forum EVER like Narutofan because things like "lol X character would get raped" etc. are common language here refering obviously not to literal rape. You would be banned for flaming in no time lmao.

You are the one who broke the rules here in the forum and directly attacked a user and deserve a ban, seriously you are the one who is behaving like a freaking idiot.

Probably because you are, good sir. I never attacked and neither showed disrespect towards you prior to this.


I was just making a joke, I was just stating a personal opinion, you have no right to come here and talk to me and call me out like that over that.

why u edit ur original post?

getting defensive are we? u mad bro?


New member
Feb 4, 2011
my dad could beat your dad up in a fight, fo reals

Irrelevant to the topic. Stop trolling, flaimbating and flaming.


This is the exact response I expected from someone who has to resort to name calling and offending other users because of their opinions, who has to resort to insult other people and attack to have their point set when the only thing you do is make yourself look worse and desesperated.

Well what else can I expect from an intolerant troll? Yes I also replied harshly in my last reply, guess who started? I just lowered myself to the same level you showed and gave you the exact same treatment you gave me.

I was beign absolutely respectul towards you until you insulted me, and I am always respectul towards other users. Just an advice, please restrain yourself from acting this way, only piss people and makles you look desesperated.
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