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something that has to do with Terra and Axel

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Oh and about what you said with the fight un-cannon.
Dare i remind that Xemnas in KH:FM was an optional boss battle but WAS canon
Yes it was, but I don't think you had to go through a portal to a completely different world to get to it. Though, if it is canon, it can still work.

Plus, what Nomura recently said:
Interviewer: May I believe that the one you fight in KH2FM+, and Terra are the same person? Because they both use a very similar kind of Keyblade.
Nomura: If they really are the same person or not is uncertain, though it doesn't matter if you think they are the same person.
Sounds to me he doesn't seem to care what you think about the battle, which prolly in turn means it holds no importance and/or isn't canon.
And with that being canon, i think this could be. And this is how i came up with a mini-theory to go with your theory. In your theory you say that Terra and MX's heart are both in 'Xehanort' and then down the road, MX splits away and becomes that loveable Heartless we all knew as Ansem. But what about Terra's heart? I, personally, think that what you fight in KH2:FM+ IS Terra's heart, or what's left of it anyways. Being with MX's heart could have eaten away at Terra's own heart. (This also may explain why MX was powerful enough to retain human shape and will as a heartless, because he had more then just his own heart in power) What was left was a coroded Terra heart. Hardly existing, it's memory tainted and condensed. Hidden away (Chain of Memories anyone?)
Thats a good idea. They all sound likely, but if Terra's heart is floating around somewhere, maybe we can see it again in some way or form in future games. Perhaps a boss maybe? XD
I'm sorry if I'm not being thoughtful and creative at the moment, it 4:50 a.m. here, and this is my last post for tonight. But keep going though, I 'll get back to it tomarrow :"O

Where do you battle Terra anyways?
YouTube - Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix Enigmatic Soldier Defeated!
Disney Castle, you go through a dark portal.

Also,why is it in almost every Akuroku fic I read, Sora is such a slut? D:
Like in this one I'm reading now, he constantly has sex on the brain ( he's paired up with Tidus currently ) and keeps hitting on Axel AND Rox ( who is his brother here) AND Demyx....

God, your such a whore Sora. Poor Riku. XD


How did this turn into a Terra Xehanort thing?
It turned into a Terra Xehanort things because we came to the term that Axel and Terra arent connected and naturally we started talking about who DOES connect with Terra, simple.

V.A.T.13 said:
Sounds to me he doesn't seem to care what you think about the battle, which prolly in turn means it holds no importance and/or isn't canon.
Or.... maybe... he means 'it doesnt matter what you think because i already know who it is, bwha ha' You know how he can get. Is Nomura really 35? In the pictures i've seen of him he looks really young like a 20 year old (though i know thats not possible but he looks kind of young.)

V.A.T said:
Also,why is it in almost every Akuroku fic I read, Sora is such a slut? D:
Like in this one I'm reading now, he constantly has sex on the brain ( he's paired up with Tidus currently ) and keeps hitting on Axel AND Rox ( who is his brother here) AND Demyx....

God, your such a whore Sora. Poor Riku. XD
lol. Sora isnt a slut in my fics... just a stripper at a place called 'Axel Land'.... heh.
I don't really see Sora as the slutty type though, more like the person everyone preys on (pedophilia comes to mind here)
I was actually thinking about writing a Terra/Aqua fic for you :p


New member
Jul 17, 2007
axel cant be riku's nobody
he never lost his heart
he just got posessed by "ansem"
but it is a good theory taht axel is terra's nobody
and maybe roxas reminded him of ven so they became friends

I'll add to that... Rikus name mixed up with an x in it does not equal Axel.


I'll add to that... Rikus name mixed up with an x in it does not equal Axel.
I can't see why people cant come to reality and realize that Axel is his own character, he doesn't HAVE to be the Nobody of a major character because him AS A NOBODY is why he's a mjaor character. Plus, just for arguments sake, Riku doesnt look anything like Axel, Axel doesn't look anything like Riku. Terra doesnt look anything like Axel. Axel doesn't look anything like Terra. What have we learned?


Kairi's name mixed with an x doesn't equal Namine either.

There are 'special' nobodies out there.
That's completely different. The 'x' trick only works with people IN THE ORGANIZATION. If they aren't in it they dont get assigned an 'x' name. That simple. (and this is made obvious with Naminé)


New member
Sep 28, 2007
That's completely different. The 'x' trick only works with people IN THE ORGANIZATION. If they aren't in it they dont get assigned an 'x' name. That simple. (and this is made obvious with Naminé)

Lol I was going to say the same thing.

However that just goes to show you that the members of the Organization remember their old selves. "We remember what its like (to have hearts) thats what makes us special." So Axel would remember who he was and if he was Terra then chances are he'd no Sora (from Destiny Islands) and all that.

I think that Xemnas is Terra's nobody though.


Lol I was going to say the same thing.

However that just goes to show you that the members of the Organization remember their old selves. "We remember what its like (to have hearts) thats what makes us special." So Axel would remember who he was and if he was Terra then chances are he'd no Sora (from Destiny Islands) and all that.

I think that Xemnas is Terra's nobody though.
Mhm. I think Xemnas is Terra/Xehanort's nobody (thanks to VAT...) It makes sense though.

Charlie K

Back in Business
Aug 23, 2007
No. Terra/Axel, never would work. And sides Axel would be much much to young to be Terra's nobody.

Ultima Fenrir

Bronze Member
Aug 6, 2007
Axel's Chakram, said way back on the first page that Terra and Axel have the same colored hair and it looks the same....completely false. Axel;s hair is red, Terra's is brown. If you look at Xehanort HIS hair is the same as Terra but much longer. Another way to point out that we have no idea if Terra even has a nobody.

Axel"s Chakram

New member
Sep 30, 2007
Boy, wouldn't you like to know?
Hi. I know this is an old thread, but it's my first:] I just wanted to add that the game NEVER twlls you when Axel was created. Nomura stated in an interview that the final mix+ movie was from the end of BBS. What i'm getting at is that at the end of BBs, Terra could turn into a heartless. Thus creating Axel.


The Darkness Flame
Apr 19, 2007
Inside the Darkness, just under the light
There was also something about Axel being Riku's nobody. :/ Considering he and Sora are best friends. Roxas is Sora's nobody, therefore I think THAT theory would be more reasonable.

But I suppose it could be possible. You really never know with KH anymore. -.-; It'd make more sense if there was more proof, though.

neither is reasonible

Roxas was formed before Riku was sent to Kingdom Hearts
almost exactly after he was formed Xemnas inducted him into the Org

Axel had to have been created after Xemnas
he more than likely would have been 7 if he had been created ealier


All you need to know.
May 25, 2005
Yo mama
Hi. I know this is an old thread, but it's my first:] I just wanted to add that the game NEVER twlls you when Axel was created. Nomura stated in an interview that the final mix+ movie was from the end of BBS. What i'm getting at is that at the end of BBs, Terra could turn into a heartless. Thus creating Axel.



Xo, you fail. This thread fails. Please end this
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