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something that has to do with Terra and Axel

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riku never lost his heart
so he cant have a nobody
plus he and axel dont look anything alike

ok V.A.T
that makes sence
that is what i think too

Well actually....Riku DID lose his heart. It went to KH.
Check the first Final Mix cutscenes....

Cin: Do I sense denial? XD


Mr. Cinnycap, wtf... lol

I'd say that your idea's of similarity are very good, mr.firstposterofthisthread. But, sadly, I can't see how Axel could possibly be even remotely related to Terra. We've pretty much already established he's got a tie to Xehanort... lol

Axel"s Chakram

New member
Sep 30, 2007
Boy, wouldn't you like to know?
Mr. Cinnycap, wtf... lol

I'd say that your idea's of similarity are very good, mr.firstposterofthisthread. But, sadly, I can't see how Axel could possibly be even remotely related to Terra. We've pretty much already established he's got a tie to Xehanort... lol

Sure Terra has a tie to Xehanort, but that doesn't mean he has no relation to Axel. And don't think I'm fighting for this theory because I'm an Axel fanboy, I'm fighting for it because IT IS plausible.


New member
Sep 28, 2007
In a box...you happy now you heartless bastard?
Sure Terra has a tie to Xehanort, but that doesn't mean he has no relation to Axel. And don't think I'm fighting for this theory because I'm an Axel fanboy, I'm fighting for it because IT IS plausible.

It's also plausible for a you to walk through walls...do you? Not that I know of...XD

Really, Axel being Terra's nobody is plausible, but HIGHLY unlikely. And I mean HIGHLY.


never seen the final mixs' cutsceans
but i dont think he lost it cause his heart and xehanort's heartless's hearts where battleing eachother inside riku

In KH2 and CoM, yes. In KH1, nu-uh. it wasn't there. You know that scene when he stops Ansem from doing anything to Kairi? Yea, after that he's gone. Heres the cutscene: YouTube - Riku in the world of Darkness

But for the rest of you that are still hoping, Ansem had Riku's body. You NEED a body and soul to create a nobody.

But Riku's body was taken over by Ansem, and his heart was in KH, so there couldn't be a nobody.
Unless Nomu decides to be a delicious ass.

safire inthe sky

New member
Sep 21, 2007
On a raft out at sea
I really like this idea, it is quite a good theory, but I very much doubt it is true. the first thing I noticed is that terra has bright blue eyes while axel has deep green eyes, and also if it were true, that would make axel way older than he seems.
and for those of you who were thinking that axel might be rikus nobody, nomura has already stated that riku never had a nobody.


?The Ace in the hole?
May 17, 2007
In KH2 and CoM, yes. In KH1, nu-uh. it wasn't there. You know that scene when he stops Ansem from doing anything to Kairi? Yea, after that he's gone. Heres the cutscene: YouTube - Riku in the world of Darkness

But for the rest of you that are still hoping, Ansem had Riku's body. You NEED a body and soul to create a nobody.

But Riku's body was taken over by Ansem, and his heart was in KH, so there couldn't be a nobody.
Unless Nomu decides to be a delicious ass.

V.A.T question if riku's body went bye bye then what is the souls purpose hearts are emotions right what is the soul used for then i mean look athe the nobodies like org 13 they have sense but does the heart posses more than light dark and feelings :/ and if so what the hell do souls posses besides life and death?


V.A.T question if riku's body went bye bye then what is the souls purpose hearts are emotions right what is the soul used for then i mean look athe the nobodies like org 13 they have sense but does the heart posses more than light dark and feelings :/ and if so what the hell do souls posses besides life and death?

Thats what I've been wondering, but every time you mention souls around here, you get cut off and not aloud to think about it. *pouts*


But anyway, I still believe that there is a connection between Axel, Riku, and Terra.
They arn't each other's nobodies but theres gotta be something there.

There is. They are all madly in love with their best guy-friends. And that's a bond that they'll always share. Hahaha.

But for the sake of making this related to everything i'll play the "Name" Card. Does Axel - an x = Terra?
What? It doesn't? Who would have thought.
Also, Riku never casted off his heart, OR his body. He can't have a Nobody unless it is one of those 'Naminé' type things where something is created out of unconventional means. And if they did, Riku's nobody would be #14/15 (after Roxas, because Roxas would have been made before) and it would not have been #8 (Axel... he is number 8 right?)
Also, Terra = Xehanort/Xemnas isn't possible. I need to get the proof (i know where it is i just need to double check) i'll make a post, be sure.


There is. They are all madly in love with their best guy-friends. And that's a bond that they'll always share. Hahaha.

But for the sake of making this related to everything i'll play the "Name" Card. Does Axel - an x = Terra?
What? It doesn't? Who would have thought.
Also, Riku never casted off his heart, OR his body. He can't have a Nobody unless it is one of those 'Naminé' type things where something is created out of unconventional means. And if they did, Riku's nobody would be #14/15 (after Roxas, because Roxas would have been made before) and it would not have been #8 (Axel... he is number 8 right?)
Also, Terra = Xehanort/Xemnas isn't possible. I need to get the proof (i know where it is i just need to double check) i'll make a post, be sure.

Ohh! Ohh! I wanted to make a topic about future fandom relationships, but I don't think there are enough fangirlz on this site to disscuss em with. *pouts*
Like, ok
Riku and Sora got the best friend foreverz thing going on,
Axel and Roxas got the Stalker/pedophilla tsundere thing...

What will Terra and Ven bring to the table? :'O
Big brother-like bond? Or will Ven play the role as damsel in distress?

Terra = X or w/e not possible? check the link in my siggy sexy. ;'D


Ohh! Ohh! I wanted to make a topic about future fandom relationships, but I don't think there are enough fangirlz on this site to disscuss em with. *pouts*
Like, ok
Riku and Sora got the best friend foreverz thing going on,
Axel and Roxas got the Stalker/pedophilla tsundere thing...

What will Terra and Ven bring to the table? :'O
Big brother-like bond? Or will Ven play the role as damsel in distress?

Terra = X or w/e not possible? check the link in my siggy sexy. ;'D

lol. Which one, you have so many. And trust me, i am almost 100% (keyword: almost) that it isnt possible due to information already revealed (in KH1/CoM/KH2)

As for Ven and Terra? who knows? Maybe they will play the "I'm not Gay!....Want to Make Out?" Card. you just never know. Maybe they will bring drag queens into the equation.... tis a scary thought. Damsel in Distress could be quite the possibility (we've already seen screens of Terra holding a hurt Ven summoning his keyblade. Gotta protect your lover XD)


lol. Which one, you have so many. And trust me, i am almost 100% (keyword: almost) that it isnt possible due to information already revealed (in KH1/CoM/KH2)

As for Ven and Terra? who knows? Maybe they will play the "I'm not Gay!....Want to Make Out?" Card. you just never know. Maybe they will bring drag queens into the equation.... tis a scary thought. Damsel in Distress could be quite the possibility (we've already seen screens of Terra holding a hurt Ven summoning his keyblade. Gotta protect your lover XD)

Whut info? :'O

Terra looks like he'd be the over-protective big brother type, and Ven is like " Lemme alone! I can do it myseelllfff! DX " *whine*

But it also seems like everyone his after his ass. Ven that is, The old man is gonna be the new pedophile next to Ansem, Ansem the wise, miceky and Marluxia. ( Axel too, but thats just for Rox. )


Whut info? :'O

Terra looks like he'd be the over-protective big brother type, and Ven is like " Lemme alone! I can do it myseelllfff! DX " *whine*

But it also seems like everyone his after his ass. Ven that is, The old man is gonna be the new pedophile next to Ansem, Ansem the wise, miceky and Marluxia. ( Axel too, but thats just for Rox. )

Well, this info (which i cant reveal at this time. hah, i make it sound so cryptic) will do one of two things. It will either:
A.) Destroy the Terra =Xehanort = Xemnas Theory completely.
B.) will do nothing but support it even more.

I need to recheck the info and then i can be sure.

I think it is quite lame that EVERY Guy/Guy friendship in this game is IDENTICAL to Riku/Sora (though Axel/Roxas is more gay.) Silly Nomura, can't come up with a different kind of friendship. I wonder if it's possible for him to make two best friend guys that dont come off as gay.... doubt it.

But again, which link is your master Terra = Xehhy?
I need to give it a read!


Well, this info (which i cant reveal at this time. hah, i make it sound so cryptic) will do one of two things. It will either:
A.) Destroy the Terra =Xehanort = Xemnas Theory completely.
B.) will do nothing but support it even more.

I need to recheck the info and then i can be sure.

I think it is quite lame that EVERY Guy/Guy friendship in this game is IDENTICAL to Riku/Sora (though Axel/Roxas is more gay.) Silly Nomura, can't come up with a different kind of friendship. I wonder if it's possible for him to make two best friend guys that dont come off as gay.... doubt it.

But again, which link is your master Terra = Xehhy?
I need to give it a read!

This one. D:

But don't be cryptic, tell meeee....before Omni sees it. I want to be first! XD

Don't you know the rules of fandom?
Your gay no matter what you do or say. XD
Gotta girlfriend? Gay.
Married? Gay.
Homophobic? Gay.
Gay? Bi.
Hate each other? Gay.
Best friend with a guy? Gay.
Look at another male? Gay.
Exist? Gay.
Don't Exist? Gay.
Only male in your story? Gay with your self, or females will be turned male.

Kinda like rule 34.
Which is also gay.

But when it comes to KH "friendship", omg....
The gayest character in that game is most likely the straightest. ( Marluxia XD )

But anyway, what about the side pairings? Like XemnasxSaix (bondage/master n slave), Ansem/Xehanort ( Teacher and student ), Ansem(H) x anyone ( Pedophilla/rape ), Riku x Mickey ( King and knight ), Donald x Goofy ( Tsundere ), and plus all the other org members have their own, Tron x Sora ( daaahhh, I have no idea, but I've seen it. )

Oh, and theres the love triangle between Ansem, Mickey, and Xehanort...
And thats just the gay pairings. The girls have a couple too.
God, this is why I love KH. It's a hidden dating game. XD


This one. D:

But don't be cryptic, tell meeee....before Omni sees it. I want to be first! XD

Don't you know the rules of fandom?
Your gay no matter what you do or say. XD
Gotta girlfriend? Gay.
Married? Gay.
Homophobic? Gay.
Gay? Bi.
Hate each other? Gay.
Best friend with a guy? Gay.
Look at another male? Gay.
Exist? Gay.
Don't Exist? Gay.
Only male in your story? Gay with your self, or females will be turned male.

Kinda like rule 34.
Which is also gay.

But when it comes to KH "friendship", omg....
The gayest character in that game is most likely the straightest. ( Marluxia XD )

But anyway, what about the side pairings? Like XemnasxSaix (bondage/master n slave), Ansem/Xehanort ( Teacher and student ), Ansem(H) x anyone ( Pedophilla/rape ), Riku x Mickey ( King and knight ), Donald x Goofy ( Tsundere ), and plus all the other org members have their own, Tron x Sora ( daaahhh, I have no idea, but I've seen it. )

Oh, and theres the love triangle between Ansem, Mickey, and Xehanort...
And thats just the gay pairings. The girls have a couple too.
God, this is why I love KH. It's a hidden dating game. XD

Haha, i like you, you're amazingly funny.
I'm reading your theory, it's huge... Incredibly so.
Might take me a while. But i think my 'criptic' evidence has been disproven ( i was looking it up and all.) But i'm still looking. I need to read some of these pairings! The only fan fics i read are my own o_O Need to read some others!
But you know.... Dare i say it... but Terra is too white to be Xehanort.... i said.. Please don't kill me ::ducks::


Riku-Keyblade: I'm not gonna kill you for that, but I may kill for no gosh darn reason. Just not at this moment. Reading fics n all. I'm in Ansem/Xehanort and akuroku mode....


Terra's skin IS lighter, but so is the old man who we know is a form of Xehanort in some way. Thats one of the things I can't really explain. :/
Is it because of darkness you turn black? Srsly. I want to know the reason for why the skin changes. Nomura, your so lame, it's adorable.

And all of that is true when you go into the deep dark realms of fandom. All pairings are possible and exist...somewhere.
Hell, my friend D and I even came up with Nomura x Gackt, and Nomura x Hyde x Gackt, KonamixSquare, Disney x Square, Nintendo x Square, etc. etc. etc.....

oh yea, have fun reading that. Feel free to pick out anything that doesn't sound right.


Riku-Keyblade: I'm not gonna kill you for that, but I may kill for no gosh darn reason. Just not at this moment. Reading fics n all. I'm in Ansem/Xehanort and akuroku mode....


Terra's skin IS lighter, but so is the old man who we know is a form of Xehanort in some way. Thats one of the things I can't really explain. :/
Is it because of darkness you turn black? Srsly. I want to know the reason for why the skin changes. Nomura, your so lame, it's adorable.

And all of that is true when you go into the deep dark realms of fandom. All pairings are possible and exist...somewhere.
Hell, my friend D and I even came up with Nomura x Gackt, and Nomura x Hyde x Gackt, KonamixSquare, Disney x Square, Nintendo x Square, etc. etc. etc.....

oh yea, have fun reading that. Feel free to pick out anything that doesn't sound right.
I like it a loty actually. I think you've conviced me that Terra does = Xehhy. I love good theories.
Oh, and about the Terra battle in KH2:FM+ (glad i read your theory or else i would have forgotten COMPLETELY about that, plus i never saw the scenes!)
I really like that scene because, to me, it proves that Riku was the one who was supposed to take on after Terra.
Terra said:
Keyblade...Who are you? I can feel it.... we have met before (Flash: Terra watching Riku and Sora playing on the beach) it was when before....(Your theory inserted here?) No, it isn't you... It isn't you that i have chosen (this, to me, means Riku. He picked Riku to take the keyblade after him. (we know that Riku was intended to be the original keyweilder and we know that Riku + Terra are connected somehow)) Why is it not him? (Riku bitches.) Xehanort (this ruins my Rikuness, but maybe he is just a kook and remembered that Xehhy stole his body or whatever. Or maybe [Warning: Crackpot] He can 'sense' that Xehanort is in Riku now? and confuses the two?) Xehanort... is that you? (is he confusing Sora with Xehhy? or is Riku secretly at the scene like he always is (STALKER... ahem... excuse me)) ...
Oh and about what you said with the fight un-cannon.
Dare i remind that Xemnas in KH:FM was an optional boss battle but WAS canon
Xemnas to Roxas(coughlosercough) said:
I've been to see him (Final Mix) he looks an awful lot like you.

And with that being canon, i think this could be. And this is how i came up with a mini-theory to go with your theory. In your theory you say that Terra and MX's heart are both in 'Xehanort' and then down the road, MX splits away and becomes that loveable Heartless we all knew as Ansem. But what about Terra's heart? I, personally, think that what you fight in KH2:FM+ IS Terra's heart, or what's left of it anyways. Being with MX's heart could have eaten away at Terra's own heart. (This also may explain why MX was powerful enough to retain human shape and will as a heartless, because he had more then just his own heart in power) What was left was a coroded Terra heart. Hardly existing, it's memory tainted and condensed. Hidden away (Chain of Memories anyone?)

Where do you battle Terra anyways?

Anyways, it isnt a complete theory but i think you could make more sense of it? Thoughts?
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