Thanks, but I mean completely bypassing the load of the animation altogether. There was someone on here a few months back that was doing it with some flash setting or backdoor or something.All that I know is that you can just skip by clicking the skip button on the top left. It seems that when you click on the Raid Boss, the game sends the whole battle data to the server to be processed, and the animations are just aesthetics.
This is why I was asking. It seemed as if Unicorn 1 (at least some of them) were doing this to beat us when we were ahead (My team, Fox 1, do not do this) can attack the raid boss by simply invoking a request to the khx server...
So yes, it is possible, and I bet the top tier players are using this to attack&play the game.
Yeah dying between 50 secs and 1 min. Most of us just got the spinning processing circle until it timed out half the time.We too just lost to Ursus 1, not sure is they having super fast loading speed or using some kind of program to send direct command to the game, and during LUT, the subspecies boss(lvl 300) can be defeated within 1 minute and 30 second, I guess the time will be shorter for Vulpes 1~~~
Sure, attacking raidbosses faster is nice, but what I really want is the ability to user bronze tickets and mog point draws faster.
This guy!I could provide a solution for just the drawing of cards (bronze tickets and mog points), but I would need something in exchange - an S Class Unicornis team would be nice, so I could give the software to the whole team and benefit from it aswell.
Wow is S rank really that good.... ;_;I could provide a solution for just the drawing of cards (bronze tickets and mog points), but I would need something in exchange - an S Class Unicornis team would be nice, so I could give the software to the whole team and benefit from it aswell.
Stop the non-sense, I think you are asking too much.Once you tell them the process but you are still don't have a strong deck as Gellmax's. Therefore,you will be kick out as a trash.Moreover, you don't know how to communicate with them by using Japanese so they won't listen to you at all.