i have the perfect plan, my school is close to gamestop so after school i'll run there then my mom will meet me there, we buy it, i will be crying my eyes out when i buy it. i get home, read the manuel while the menu trailer is rolling, read the my le guide too, play it till my fingers bleed, get some bandaids, play untill the bandaids catch on fire from all the friction, play till the next day, call in sick, play all day, and over all i will die, cause once i beat kh2 for the gazillionth time my life will be complete. and the forums will probably be empty on the 28th and 29th and 30th. i will have the soundtrack in my stereo listening to it while i play kh2. kingdom hearts 2 will probably rule my life for awhile. once friday comes, ricky....er sora unchained is coming over and we'll play nonstop but he'll probably die of boredom and probably lose too much body fluid cause i wont let him play at all, i wont even let him look at my le guide or the cover (the last time i let him look at the cover i printed out he put a hole in sora's neck cause he loves kairi and he believes that he should be the only one to love kairi). i will leave to eat every once in a while but not that much. i'll probably turn anorexic but probly not. when i have to go to school i'll take my guide to read all day then go here in typing class to talk about it and whenever i get home i will always go strait to my room so i can play. once i beat it on normal i'm gonna play it on proud then i'm gonna play on easy just to feel good. i'm going to become the best kh2 player in the world mwahahahahaha i will pwn you all!!!! i just cant wait only 6 MORE D@YS!!!!!
wow, did i type all that in 5 minutes? those typing classes really help, ya know what i mean? my fingers hurt T-T