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Help/Support ► She kissed me while I was sleeping

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Zero Sora

Now comes with 50% more bullshit
Apr 7, 2005
Ok there's this girl I like, and every so often we sneak out at 12:00am and go for walks or whatever. But lately we have been lying in the grass stargazing, its cold at night.

So next time she brought a blanket to lay on. After we were a bit sleepy, I started to fall asleep while she was resting on my chest with he leg wrapped around my leg and her arm hugging onto me to keep me warm.

Anyway she started whispering in my ear to see if I was awake, and I was half asleep at the time and was to tired to answer her. Then she placed he finger on my forehead and ran it down my nose to my chin softly, it tickled and I made a face as if I was sleeping, and she laughed.

So I kept pretending to be asleep, and she did this multiple times, laughing whenever I would make a face, eventually she quickly kissed me on the cheek and grabbed my shoulders and shouted "Wake up" so I woke up pretending not to have known that she kissed me.

Now what I am curious about is, what did that kiss mean, and why did she wake me up a split second after she kissed me on the cheek.

I believe the reason she woke me up so fast was to make sure I didn't get woken up by the kiss, because she probley doesn't want me to know that she slipped in a kiss. This is a girl that doesn't kiss people for no reason.

Any thoughts on why she kissed me and what this kiss means?
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oh u prankstahs ★
Dec 31, 2005
o-0 Wow. Awww that seemed so cute!

Anywho- She may...like you?

Kisses are a sign of affection. Your mom does it to tell you're a special person. You're special person does it to tell you what he/she is feeling, maybe. Just a peck on the cheek shows shyness...to me that is.

Those are just my point of views of a "kiss". But hey, I am only 13 in a huge world try to show my-self, I guess. Ask her? And surprise her with the peck on the cheek.

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the loose moose

Ok there's this girl I like, and every so often we sneak out at 12:00am and go for walks or whatever. But lately we have been lying in the grass stargazing, its cold at night.

So next time she brought a blanket to lay on. After we were a bit sleepy, I started to fall asleep while she was resting on my chest with he leg wrapped around my leg and her arm hugging onto me to keep me warm.

Anyway she started whispering in my ear to see if I was awake, and I was half asleep at the time and was to tired to answer her. Then she placed he finger on my forehead and ran it down my nose to my chin softly, it tickled and I made a face as if I was sleeping, and she laughed.

So I kept pretending to be asleep, and she did this multiple times, laughing whenever I would make a face, eventuall she quickly kissed me on the cheek and grabbed my shoulders and shouted "Wake up" so I woke up pretending not to have known that she kissed me.

Now what I am curious about is, what did that kiss mean, and why did she wake me up a split second after she kissed me on the cheek.

I believe the reason she woke me up so fast was to make sure I didn't get woken up by the kiss, because she probley doesn't want me to know that she slipped in a kiss. This is a girl that doesn't kiss people for no reason.

Any thoughts on why she kissed me and what this kiss means?

dude if you do not ask her out i swear ill shoot you in the face

this happened to me once except i was awake
actually come to think of it
this has happened to me many times
except i was awake

it was funny though because i not only kissed her and asked her out in front of her older brother

she still said yes
and man she was prolly the best girlfriend ive ever had
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New member
Jan 2, 2005
The Temple of Light
*sigh* i miss my high school days. lying in the grass, enjoying my innocence, without a care in the world. Sure, there was schoolwork, but at least back then I had time for things like love, friendship, and exploring life.

if you've got a chance with this girl, take it. if you've got a chance to do anything interesting, new, or exciting, take it. you may think everything will be so much cooler once you're older and you can do stuff like drinking, moving out, going to college, and going out to clubs, but you'd really be doing yourself a huge favor if you just try to make every minute of your time as a kid or a teen last.

i'm about to turn 21 in just a couple months. i'm an adult, and the fate of my friends and family members all seem to rest on my shoulders. if i cant balance out my work load and make sure i'm able to drive people around when they need it, then so many people i know could lose their jobs, completely go broke, and have to live under overpasses.

you dont have to worry about that, remember that. you still have time. if you like this girl, go for her. that's what youth is about. it's about spending your days doing the things you wont be able to do when you become an adult.


New member
Jan 17, 2007
My guess is that she likes you.

Take it like this, talk to her about it but be kind of "not very knowing" about it.

For example: Ask her if she kissed you......."I was half asleep that night, but I could almost swear that you kissed me on the cheek.......did you?"

If she denys it she may just be too shy to tell you, if she tells you she did, then you can continue on to see if it meant anything.

The Big Lovin'

Everyone's Favorite Uncle Ji-Chan
Feb 12, 2005
This is like the PG-13 version of what happened to me xD

Ask her out =/

JUST DO IT!!! wewt


New member
Jan 2, 2005
The Temple of Light
Honestly, here's what I think you should do. Just hang out with her like you normally do.

The next time you two are sleeping together in the grass, try to rub your forehead against hers. If that works and she doesn't try to shrug you off, then try the same thing again, except with your noses instead of your foreheads.

If she accepts, and doesn't shrug you off, then you have one final test to give her. Do the same thing you've been doing, but this time, try it with your lips. Now this stage can be the most difficult, because at this stage, she wont shrug you off, even if she refuses. Dont ask me why, but she wont. However, if she accepts, then she'll start to open her mouth. She can open it wide, or open it slightly, it doesn't matter. If she refuses, her mouth will stay shut. Dont try to force it if her mouth stays closed, because things will get worse, and she may shrug you off. If she accepts, then open your mouth as well and the rest will work itself out.

Trust me, I first used that trick on my first kiss when I was 14. I've tried it on almost every girl who I've had in the same situation since then, it's great for gaining assurance and adhering to the rules of subtlety.

Also, I'm sorry I didn't really answer you too well earlier. When I see stories like this, it just reminds me of when I was in high school. It reminds me of all those great times.

The Big Lovin'

Everyone's Favorite Uncle Ji-Chan
Feb 12, 2005
I say go with what you are comfortable with. But if you are very conservative, well, you need to step out of your comfor zone =/


Legendary Member
Jun 3, 2005
Back from the Dead
*sigh* i miss my high school days. lying in the grass, enjoying my innocence, without a care in the world. Sure, there was schoolwork, but at least back then I had time for things like love, friendship, and exploring life.

if you've got a chance with this girl, take it. if you've got a chance to do anything interesting, new, or exciting, take it. you may think everything will be so much cooler once you're older and you can do stuff like drinking, moving out, going to college, and going out to clubs, but you'd really be doing yourself a huge favor if you just try to make every minute of your time as a kid or a teen last.

i'm about to turn 21 in just a couple months. i'm an adult, and the fate of my friends and family members all seem to rest on my shoulders. if i cant balance out my work load and make sure i'm able to drive people around when they need it, then so many people i know could lose their jobs, completely go broke, and have to live under overpasses.

you dont have to worry about that, remember that. you still have time. if you like this girl, go for her. that's what youth is about. it's about spending your days doing the things you wont be able to do when you become an adult.

I'd just like to say, thanks.

You've made my day a little better, my bday's tomarrow, and right now I'm oddly depressed. . . I don't really know why, but I may be a little happier in the near future. . .


New member
Jan 2, 2005
The Temple of Light
I'd just like to say, thanks.

You've made my day a little better, my bday's tomarrow, and right now I'm oddly depressed. . . I don't really know why, but I may be a little happier in the near future. . .

you're very welcome. if you really want to return this favor, just make sure you hold on to these times as firmly as possible. it'll make me happier knowing that even though i'm tired of playing the hero for so many people, i'm still capable of helping people that are in need.

i lost my innocence a long time ago, but you dont have to lose yours. nobody has to lose theirs. people just let it happen, by thinking too much about the future.


New member
Jan 2, 2005
The Temple of Light
But if you don't prepare then you're destined to fail....

people have a bad habit of overestimating destiny. destiny is an efficient guide, but it cant tell you whether you're going to succeed or fail, and you shouldn't let it try to.

the truth is, it's human nature to try to predict what will happen next, even though in our hearts, we all know it's a futile attempt.

you dont know what's going to happen next, nobody does. some people find this uncertainty painful, and frightening, but you shouldn't. trust yourself. trust in your own abilities, and those abilities will cause the future to unfold as it should.


I share this account w/ my mom lmao
May 26, 2006
wearing sweatpants
it doesnt take a genious from this to know she has feelings for you. Before even the kiss you could see that.
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