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Fanfiction ► Shadows and Daylight *A Riku Story*

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Miss Murder

Ah, thanks much. And I still haven't quite decided if I'm going to have that battle, but I might play it out differently.

Miss Murder

Chapter 5: The Jungle Falls​

Riku kept on walking, but he was disturbed by his encounter with Sora. Why does he always have to show up at the wrong time? said Riku to himself as he swung from a low-hanging branch up to a higher one. Why can't he just stay away, and make things easier for the both of us? Riku hoped that it could be possible, but he knew Sora all too well to think that Sora would just stay clear of something like this, especially with Kairi being involved and all. I'm the one who cares for her, anyway...not Sora.

It was then that the anger began yet again. Anger had fulled him first while Sora and he were in their first adventure, mostly while at Hollow Bastion. Xehanort had taken over him then, and Riku hadn't really forgiven himself for all that had happened, but now, he forgot most of that as he convinced himself, I was the one who was destined to be the keyblade-wielder! I was the one who was going to save Kairi! IT WAS ME who gave up his life and heart, all of my being, so Kairi would live!

This new anger fulled Riku to run and leap even faster throughout the leafy treetops of the Deep Jungle, searching for the two who's fates would be decided on this day. On this day... thought Riku. I will get one step closer to saving Kairi. The sun didn't reach through the thick canopy of the jungle trees, so Riku was bathed in shadows as he heard another sound come crashing through the whole place, richocheting off the treetrunks, it's sound being carried into the wind, a sound of a gunshot. And it was close.

Clayton the hunter... said Riku as he kept to the shadows, moving speedily yet stealthily across the remaining bunches of leaves and branches. Then, he stopped and hid in the shadows of a nearby treetrunk, and he kneeled down, looking into a clearing where three people were speaking to one another. One of the people was a seemingly elderly man with a moustache, a woman, probably in her twenties, and a muscular man, in his thirties or fourties. Apparantly the muscular man was the one who had made the sound, because in his hands was a hunting rifle, and the woman and other man were pestering him for shooting it off in the jungle, for a reason Riku had not heard.

"You cannot just go around shooting at random objects while were here, Mr. Clayton!" exclaimed the woman, hands on her hips. "Who do you think you are?"

"I believe I am both of yours' guide in this jungle." Clayton replied, his slim eyes closed, and his mouth creased in a frown that he seemed to be accustomed to. "Now, if you please, Ms. Jane, I am here to do my job, and that is what I intend to do."

"Don't you talk to my daughter like that! Now see here--" The older man started off on a rant, and no one, not even Jane or Clayton, seemed to be paying him any attention. Jane was still staring in anger at Clayton, Clayton was looking at either his hands, fingers, or fingernails, and Riku was deciding whether to attack right now, or wait until later. "--And furthermore..." The older man began to start off again, but Clayton interrupted him, "Enough of your ranting, SIR, I have to be off."
He said the term, "sir" with a note of distaste.

"Off to where, might I ask you, Mr. Clayton?" Jane asked, stepping in front of Clayton as he turned to leave the area. "Not to hunt any of the gorillas, I wouldn't imagine?"

Clayton put on a mask of fake shock. "Why, of course not! How could you even suggest such a thing?" And with that, the three of them started off on a large and well-fulled arguement. They must be used to things like this...and they must argue a lot. said Riku. He waited a little while longer for things to cool down, but, when they didn't, Riku made his descision. Might as well do it now, but Jane and her father had better not get in my way...

Riku leaped down from the treetops carefully and quietly. All of them had their backs to him, and none seemed to notice Riku as he circled the clearing on the edge, getting closer and closer...when all of a sudden, a yell pierced the area like the gunshot had minutes earlier.

After the yell subsided, a man in nothing but a loincloth with wild, long, brown hair leaped down from a vine and landed on his knuckles and the balls of his feet.

"Tarzan!" exclaimed Jane. "What are you doing here?"

Clayton aimed his rifle at Tarzan, but it was too late, Riku had already attacked. And, just like an assassin, he decapitated Clayton, and went right on to attacking Tarzan, which proved much more difficult.

Jane was screaming and her father was ranting as Riku surged forward, attacking Tarzan with his sword, and Tarzan, holding on and pushing on Riku's blade, trying to push it back to Riku so he could get an attack in...and it worked. Tarzan's strength pushed Riku's blade back, but before Tarzan could attack, RIku jumped backwards to avoid any blows he might've taken. Tarzan grabbed his spear that was in a sheath on his back, and ran forward with it's point poised at Riku's chest, but Riku jumped over Tarzan, and, once landing, turned swiftly around and slashed at Tarzan's back with his blade, making a deep, bleeding wound to it.

Tarzan grimaced in pain, but then turned around so that he and Riku were face-to-face. Tarzan ran forward again, but this time jumped to Riku's side, and hit Riku with the handle of the spear, knocking him to the ground, only to have Riku leap to his feet and begin to deal Tarzan a string of deadly blows, most of which cut deep into Tarzan's face and chest. Tarzan doubled over to the ground after Riku was finished with the blows. He's almost done for... said Riku to himself, when out of nowhere, Jane came up and started to hit Riku on his back with her fists. "No! Don't you dare even touch him again, you evil little rat!" she shouted.

"Stop it, and back away." said Riku, but, when Jane persisted, Riku shoved her back. "I said stop!" He turned to face her with his blindfolded eyes, but he could sense the hurt in her, and the terror. Not for her own safety, but for Tarzan's. How can I keep on doing this? I know that I'm not this kind of person, and I know that I don't like it...but what choice do I have? That's right...I don't Riku went over it in his head as he stood over Tarzan's heavily breathing form. I have to end this as quickly as possible, for Kairi's sake.

As Riku murdered Tarzan with a final blow, added to Jane's helpless screams, her father's appal, and Tarzan's final sounds of life, Riku heard one other voice louder than any other - That's it, just like a good little boy... It was the voice of Xehanort, speaking to him and taunting him. Xemnas and I like what you have done, Riku... Riku found that Xehanort was speaking to him through his mind, so he thought, as he walked away from the scene of bloodshed, after marking the two new names off of his list, When do I get to see Kairi?

Apparantly Xehanort had heard him, because he chuckled evily and said, Yes, I think that you've done good enough to at least see her, come back to the World That Never Was for a sneak peek... And then the dreaded voice faded, bringing nothing but darkness and pain to Riku as he summoned another portal to get away from the sobbing sounds of the mournful Jane...Why did I have to do that? But it was for Kairi...at least I get to see her now. He just hoped it would be something he would be grateful to see.

Miss Murder

Anyone have any comments or ratings on any of the chapters so far?

Miss Murder

OK then...where'd the people who liked it go? Oh, well. I'll make the next chapter soon, I hope.

Miss Murder

Chapter 6: Mental Torture

Riku summoned a shadowy portal to the World That Never Was, arriving in the dark streets of the dark city. "Now, where are you, Xehanort?" Riku said with a noticable amount of distaste and distain in his voice. "Come out, and don't be a coward!" he yelled the last part, but the only noice that greeted him was the echo of his own voice, haunting him and taunting him with it's mocking reverance. Riku ground his teeth together, and stared around the area, expecting something to happen, but nothing did. Riku waited for a moment more, at least for some heartless or nobodies to appear, but, after nothing at all happened, he tried to summon a portal to the inside of the Nobody's Castle, possibly for the chance to confront Xemnas, if no one else. But, to Riku's dismay, he found that he couldn't summon a portal at all.

"So now I suppose that you'll try and make a ultimate entrance and all, right?" Riku said as he sense a figure behind him.

"No, of course not, dear boy." Xehanort's voice was even more mocking than Riku's own echo.

Riku turned to face the heartless. "Where is she?"

Xehanort grinned a sly and evil grin, the one which Riku hated above all else. "Where is who? I don't know what you're talking about, Riku..."

"Don't say my name! You're not worth it to use my name in that sort of humiliation." Riku grimaced in anger. "Now tell me where Kairi is!"

Xehanort crossed his arms, his gloved hands in fists. "Oh, that Kairi. Where is she? She is safe, for now, at least. But you still have one more world to scavange. The heartless and the nobodies have taken care of the rest of the worlds, and their inhabitants.

"Take me to her. You said that I could see her!" Riku was near attacking Xehanort, but he was worried that if he did, Xehanort, Xemnas, the heartless, or the nobodies would harm Kairi in some way. "Now keep your vow, and take me to her." Riku said, slightly calmer this time.

Xehanort's ammused expression faded to one of irritation, to Riku's satisfaction. "Fine, then. Follow me." Xehanort began walking in the castle's direction, and Riku followed. "As you've most likely noticed at this point, you cannot summon dark portals." said Xehanort as they were walking, Xehanort in the lead, and Riku following closely, cautiously, and attentively behind.

"Yes, actually. I have noticed that." Riku stared down at his own hand that was in a black Organization robe. Oh, how he hated that robe, that symbol of darkness and possession. How he would love to give it all up and return to Destiny Islands with his friends. Riku remembered that time, seemingly so very long ago, the time when he himself had suggested riding out on a raft and visiting distant worlds...but that had all changed now. If he could just return to the island safely, he promised himself that he wouldn't ever again think thoughts like that, or wish that he could be somewhere else, somewhere more meaningful. But, it was too late for that. He had wished it, and his wish had come true. And this granted wish, his lifelong dream, had become a nightmare above all others.

Riku was pulled out of his thoughts as Xehanort laughed his evil laugh. "That is because we cannot have you running out on us, and going somewhere where you're not supposed to go. Don't you realize, Riku? Before, when I first told you of my plans, you easily could have gone to somewhere like Hollow Bastion, Traverse, or Twilight town, and you could have gotton help. But, you were foolish enough to dismiss those thoughts as futile plots and ignore them for what they really could have been - loopholes, and escape routes. But now, it's too late, and Xemnas and I have caused your portals to become useless right now, but I will change that so you may go to the last world that you shall reap, but no other. After that, you may go back to your islands with Kairi, and Sora. That is, at least, if Sora does not interfere."

"He knows..." Riku mumbled.

"Of course, I know, Riku. I know everything..." Xehanort said with a grin. Riku thought he had spoken quietly enough so that none but he would have been able to hear, but of course Xehanort had heard. For he hears everything.

Riku looked at the ground. I could have escaped! Why didn't I think of that? It was obvious, and in clear view....maybe this blindfold is really couding my vision, causing me to not see things, or feel them...causing me to turn to the darkness more and more...

"Causing you to become a heartless." Xehanort had even heard Riku's thoughts, and he must have noticed Riku's shocked expression, because he added with obvious glee, "You belong to me, Riku. You are slowly but surely becoming a heartless, and once you do, I will have complete power over you and you will be my slave of darkness."

Riku drew his weapons. "I will never belong to you! My heart is too strong for me to become a heartless."

Xehanort just kept walking, and didn't pay any attention to the ready-to-attack Riku or his drawn weapons. "No heart is too strong to succumb to the seductive power of the darkness. No one can resist past the point of no return...and you are no acception, Riku. If nothing, you are even more a better target than others, like, for say, your so-called friend Sora.

Riku heistated his attack, but not for any reason that he knew of. "So-called?" he said, trying not to pay attention to his hesitation. "Sora is my friend, there is no 'so-called' about it!"

Xehanort seemed to not notice Riku's rebellious pose, but instead said, "You see how you hesitated? You are already falling under my control. Once you turn fully into a heartless, you shall be known as nothing more than the Bounty Hunter."

Riku's knuckles cracked while he tried hard to attack, but was refused by his body to succumb to the action. "Wh-what do you mean?" he said, grunting a little with the effort, but then continued walking behind Xehanort.

"You know good and well what I mean. You fell into this little trap of mine, and you will fufill your stupidity with a lifelong and eternal sentance to servitude. Nothing more I ask of you, and nothing less. Actually, I ask nothing of you. I'm telling you." Xehanort laughed again in his seemingly un-questioned triumph, but Riku spat in his direction.

"You won't ever control me." he said with absolute and unmatched hatred.

"We'll see about that..." Xehanort whispered.

"Yes, we will." Riku whispered in a lower tone. "Yes...we will........"



Legendary Member
Jun 3, 2005
Back from the Dead
Wow, five chapters on two pages. . .that's a good sign. . .

I've only read the first one but it seemed good, so I'm posting to save this thread in my list. . .so be happy. . .Hey Lycian, will you take a look at my FF? . . .Actually it's an OF. . .meh. . .My Riku FF died. . .

Miss Murder

Yeah, good job on it.

OFs are pretty cool, and not all that common as good as that one. Most of them now are just like,

"And Dani went to the supermarket to get a bologna sandwich..."

Haha, not really, but you get the point.

Professor Ven

The Tin Man
Jun 12, 2006
10/10. Really tapping into Rikus more sensitive and darker side. I just love the Xehanort and Riku scene too.
Last edited:

Miss Murder

Thank ya'! And you all thought this was dead, didn't you? Well, keep the ratings coming, and I'll try and post the next edition when I have more time.


Tragic Fall

Wow.....This is really good. I like how you've put Riku into a really dark situation.


You Swear To Listen
Apr 15, 2007
.....see....how do i make my fanfic that good? All of mine, they say have sucked......how do i make them good?My latest one is off the kingdom hearts storyline but still conatains the same stuff...like the keyblade, and the darkness...I just used the same Kairi...that's it......what do I do?Is it ok if I ever PM you?


Mar 27, 2007
...stop spamming, ShadowKnight.
Read the stickys if you desire, and do not post such spam here.

This is a brilliant fanfiction, and not stupid like most other Riku ones are. You really tap into their potential as characters and make a beautiful story. 9/10. :D


You Swear To Listen
Apr 15, 2007
I meant to edit my last post but i thought 2 days after wouldn't make much sense....you really know how to bring someone down...I didn't mean to spam!calm down lol
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