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Sephiroth help

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New member
Jun 9, 2006
Umm nonya city...
Ok , I beat KH2 last night and im interested in geting the fenrir keyblade. Could anyone tell me some good advice on how to beat Sephy and what level should i be on? Thx in advance.


I was level 75 when i beat him. You should have a lot of elixers ready and at least a level 2 high just so you can stop his sin harvest. Having the ultima will also help :)


New member
May 8, 2006
Chicagoooo :)
I was on level 76 when I beat him. Sephiroth is a pretty hard guy. Right when the match begins press triangle to dodge his first special attack then quickly counterattack. This guy teleports a lot. Try to stay away from him until he teleports behind you then QUICKLY guard and counterattack. If he knocks you up in the air QUICKLY use air recovery and counterattack in the air before he does his aerial combo. This fight is about fast reflexes and counterattacking at the right time. Be sure to press triangle whenever you can to dodge his special attack that he used in the beginning. When he flies high in the air he will use Sin Harvest, which leaves you with one HP and 0 MP. QUICKLY use an elixir and press triangle to dodge his special attack. If you get to close to him he will use pillar if fire. Just run or glide away from him. When he uses Meteor keep jumping or gliding around until he stops. Be sure to cure yourself when HP is low and you should be able to beat him. If you want fenrir go back to town and talk to Cloud. Tell him you've seen sephiroth and then run back to the place where you fought him. Talk to Sephiroth and watch the movie that follows. After the movie you will obtain fenrir.


New member
Feb 18, 2006
I just went to my cousins house on vacation and he wanted the Fenrir so bad but hadn't worked on the game since he beat it. He was in bad shape ability wise and only at level 59. But I work miracles and from the time he asked me to the time I finally did it was about 15 minutes. This included leveling up the forms so that normal Sora had at least level 1 of High Jump, Quick Run, Aerial Dodge, and Glide. These are almost musts if your going to beat him. Andf thank god he already had Second Chance because it probably would have taken me much longer. The main thing in this battle is Sephiroths vulnerability. He constantly leaves himself open for attack, when he is walking are many oppertunities. The next key point is when he hits you into the air and then teleports next to you midair to finish you off, do the aerial counter. I don't know if that's the actual name but when you get knocked in the air press square right as he teleports in front of you. That way it's you who gets the combo on him instead. He has that basic attack pattern and never changes it so feel free to do this constantly. Pretty soon you'll be beating himj in your spare time for fun like me. Have a saved game set aside right before you do it so you can do this beat him constantly.

Color Me Evil

Mar 9, 2006
Erm... for KH1, he has an invisible life bar that's 150 points or so. Deplete that and you'll be able to deal some real damage.

I beat Sephiroth at level 99, lmao. I didn't try to beat him at an earlier time. Basically, here's what I suggest you do:

When the battle starts, he instantly jumps into a combo. Press triangle to deflect it, then use Trinity Limit. Don't forget to equip Berserk Charge. Once Trinity Limit is done with Berserk, you have the Reaction Command "Break." Use that to inflict much more damage. Once your magic is gone, you can either glide around the arena and physically pound Sephiroth and wait for your MP to charge, or just use an Elixir. I used Elixirs, because you can keep using Trinity Limit and Break. Keep pressing R1 too so you can quickly find him after he teleports. When he leaps into the air, use Aerial Spiral to close the gap and let Trinity Limit go on him. That will knock him out of the air and stop his most devastating attack, Sin Harvest. If you don't make it in time, you're HP will drop to 1 and MP to 0. Right after Sin Harvest, he'll fly down and perform the combo he did at the start of the battle. Quickly press triangle to save yourself, and then use an Elixir. When he has a wall of fire around him, glide away. The fire will try and pull you in, so again, glide away. When he summons meteors, use Reflega or whatever it is to send them back at him. You can also manually attack them to get them out of your way. Basically all you need to do in this battle is use Trinity Limit. Best of luck, chief.

Mythological Omega

the arsenal of megadeth
May 16, 2006
Banished from the dying world
I beat him at level 36 on Begginer and Standard. 49 on Proud. Start with the Block Reaction Command. It's the only way to avoid taking damage from his Rapid Slash. Quickly counterattack and then run. When he starts jumping at you, slashing, use Guard then just keep attacking until you can land a combo attack. When he knocks you into the air, quickly use Aerial Recovery followed by an aeriel combo. When he uses "Descend Heartless Angel," use Trinity Limit, followed by an aeriel combo, then quikly use an Elixer. Just keep following this strategy and you should beat him easy.:thumbsup:


who said i was gone :D
Jan 21, 2005
the way i did it is i level up final form which gives u level 3 glide i think and basically sephiroth does the samething over and over again for me. keep at look out at the reaction button cuz if u dont press it, ur most likely to lose a lot of life. the reaction button would deflect the his devisating attack. when sephy does that thing when u he takes most ur life and mp. wat i would do is ill use my glide to get up to him which would stop the attack but if ur far away from him its better to have some elixer.

i hope that would help, please let me kno wat i did wrong.

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