I saw the whole battle and the monster reminds me slot of the 1st boss in Beasts world. Maybe it's child
Wasn't the Secret Episode advertised with the promise of "meeting someone relevant/important"? That couldn't have meant the heartless could it... :/
The pictures are still pretty wicked though.
I remember somewhere said before the secret episode will be important for the next game or leads to KH1.
But end up ..lol
Maybe the creature plays important role? xD
The creature has important role in the next game? xD If not, it wouldn't suddenly appear
By the way, is there any requirements to unlock secret episode?
I havent reach it, it should be unlock after you complete final episode
Luckily is not after defeating the secret boss lol
Since the secret episode can be unlock in Beginner Mode, so i think secret boss is not the requirement.
As well as the secret ending?
I just notice the red-eyed boss had change his eyes into yellow when he is visible.
Yeah, first form with red eyes, second form turn into orange like colour eyes.. I don't know if it actually mean something...xD
Some upgrading Heartless lol
I not sure what Aqua said before the battle with red-eyed, but if the creature is something to do with the Unversed, then it will means Vanitas was still somewhere around there.
Someone translated it that.. Aqua said the creatures is not an Unversed.
But yeah..if the unversed still existed, means Vanitas is around...