Oblivion Bringer really QUICK! I've seen the trailer, but i might want to make a sig out of some of the pics if i have your permission. And how did you rip it that quick!?
Oblivion Bringer said:Blue Suit= Sora fusing with Donald for thos who didn't see the Trailer. He does a little FF7 Cloud victory stance(puts keyblade behind back, and twirls it) when he first hits this tranformation.
lightbreeze said:lol i was laughing at that after sora fused with donald but thanks to the pics Mikail
Riku-Keyblade said:Hey you forgot Naminé's face (If you didnt notice she is older too but does not have a new outfit....) Kairi's face is so weird.... I love it! the gummi ship looks aweasome. You o have to protect meg because in that scene if you look at the top it says information! and then pete attacks you.
Mikail said:yea, that was kool.
The new gummi ship looks awsome. It has a lot faster game play compared to KH1's gummi ship sequences. Oh man, I can't wait for the game to come out now...again...