Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
A few years ago, I saw a commerical for Gamerz that they'll repair your scratched, and I think, broken discs for only $3!!!! You can check there and see if they still do (they should). If not, listen to xikem and do the GameStop thing and get the cleaner. ^^
I don't know how to remove scratches but your game may still be able to function with scratches
Get a cloth (dry) and wipe in a space a finger wide from the inside to the outside of the disc, don't go in or around always rub from the centre out, cos' that's the right way to rub a cd
Coredawg, if you know someone that works at Hollywood Video, they have pretty sweet cleaners. Also something that is made of silk is really good for removing scratches believe it or not.
Using scratch removers aren't really that great especially those cheap kinds you get easily find. Unless you can find those good kinds, which I have no real idea of, buy a new copy for your own sake and troubles.
Using scratch removers aren't really that great especially those cheap kinds you get easily find. Unless you can find those good kinds, which I have no real idea of, buy a new copy for your own sake and troubles.