Re: Sakura Secret Mission (A Naruto FanFic)
Here is the next chapter
Chapter 6
Having trouble going back to sleep since everyone woke him up, Shikamaru got up.
"Guess I'll go find Naruto, after all its his fault that I'm up" said Shikamaru having gotten changed and went downstairs to leave.
Hearing someone knocking on the door this time Shikamaru sighed in relief (At least it's not that bloody doorbell... I hate that doorbell).
Opening it there stood Choji.
"Hey Shikamaru" said Choji munching on a bag of ramen flavored chips.
"New flavor Choji?" asked Shikamaru closing the door behind him.
"Yeah, stopped at the store and saw a new flavor had come out" said Choji munching away at the chips.
"So I guess your here because...?" said Shikamaru.
"Well remember were suppose to get everyone? An I passed Temari, Kiba, and Neji on the way here.. they said you were having beauty sleep problems" said Choji.
The moment Choji said that was a big mistake. Shikamaru furious swiped the bag of chips from Choji's hands then throwing it as far as he could, watching all the chips fall out as it landed on the side walk.
"NNNNNOOOO!!" yelled Choji as someone stepped on the bag.
"See you later Choji" said Shikamaru as Choji cringed at the sight watching the bag get ruined.
"SSHHIIKKAAMMAARRU!!!" yelled Choji turning around to see he was gone.
Having left Choji side, Shikamaru spotted Naruto hurrying over to where Sakura waited.
"Naruto" said Shikamaru as Naruto caught sight of him stopping.
"Shikamaru" said Naruto uncertain if Shikamaru was planning on taking revenge for this morning.
"I remember you stopped by earlier and I want to know what for" said Shikamaru.
"Ah... well I kind of needed your help but..." said Naruto looking away embarrassed that he no longer require it for he had plans.
"But?" asked Shikamaru.
"I won't be needing it any longer" said Naruto watching Shikamaru suddenly smile brightly, freaking Naruto out.
"Okay then" said Shikamaru with a smile on his face as he thought (I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!! FOR RUINING MY SLEEP!!)
"Ah bye then" said Naruto running off.
"Yeah bye..." said Shikamaru as he watched him leave.
(I am going to sabotage the party, and make a bunch of fangirls angry to go after Naruto later) thought Shikamaru laughing causing people to stare.
A random woman with her five year old kid passed by Shikamaru.
"Mom? that guy looks really scary looking" said the kid loudly.
"Shh! Don't say that so loudly he'll hear you" said the woman casting a nervous look at Shikamaru.
"But mom he's-" said the kid as he felt a burning gaze on the back of his shirt.
"Shhh" said the kid's mom frighten, grabbing hold her son running away.
Shikamaru was so furious that he heard other people around him say "Boy what's up with him?".
"Yeah he really is scary looking".
"Maybe he didn't get enough beauty sleep?" said another.
"WHO WAS THE BAKA TO SAY THAT!!" yelled Shikamaru whirling around seeing a bunch of people back away frighten by the sight of an angry looking Shikamaru who didn't get his beauty sleep first thing in the morning.
"Wow Shikamaru, I never thought I would see you get this crabby in the morning" said Ino.
"Ino!?" said Shikamaru calming down a little but was still really crabby.
"C'mon, let's go get everybody. Your just wasting your time standing around here and scaring everybody off" said Ino grabbing hold of his arm dragging him away from the crowd that had gather.
"You can blame Naruto for my crabbiness" said Shikamaru following Ino.
Temari having left Kiba an Neji to go see if Kankuro was up yet.
Neji walking with Kiba spotted a bunch of fangirls across the street heading to the party.
Kiba laughed nervously making Neji eyebrow lift up.
"You.. ah wouldn't call them over here... would you Neji?" said Kiba remembering the last time the fangirls grabbed hold of him, ending badly.
"What makes you think I would?" said Neji sweetly with a sinister smile.
"Ah no reason in particular" said Kiba watching the fangirls nervously.
"Say Neji isn't that Lee coming this way?" asked Kiba spotting Lee among the fangirls.
"Wait.. No!" said Neji having seen what Lee was carrying.
"Neji?" said Kiba as Lee spotted them came running.
"No! Stay AWAY! GET AWAY FROM ME!! AAAAHHHH!!" screamed Neji running as fast he could to escape Lee with the horrible TV.
"Hey Lee" said Kiba as Lee stopped besides him looking confused as he watched a screaming Neji run away.
"Why did Neji run away?" said Lee holding the TV with a hammer.
"Well... ah.. how to put it" said Kiba trying to hold back laughter but making a terrible job of it.
"I just wanted to ask Neji, if he would like to help me break the baka Almighty TV..." said Lee.
"Ah so I guess your over the TV's then?" asked Kiba laughing a little.
"Yeah it won't work... see I went home having forgotten I have one of these TV's, so I begged for 24 hours for it to do what I wanted... and it just wouldn't work" said Lee sighing with frustration.
"Lee... pfft... ah AH HA HA!! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DID THAT FOR 24 hours!" laughed Kiba.
Lee annoyed at Kiba threw it at him knocking Kiba over.
"YOU BAKA!! THAT HURT!!" cried out Kiba having been crushed by the TV weight.
"That's for laughing, if you knew how amazing these TV's are you would have done the same thing" said Lee hotly.
"Yeah right.." said Kiba then began to laugh realizing Lee never let it occur to him to try to turn one on.
"Lee?" said Kiba beginning to laugh.
"Yeah Kiba?" said Lee confused at why Kiba was beginning to laugh.
"Did it ever occur to you to try to turn it on?" said Kiba watching Lee eyes widen.
"NO! I don't think it ever occur to me to do that..." said Lee.
Kiba picking the TV up for it was a portable one, yet it was slightly heavy turned it on.
Handing it to Lee, Kiba watched as Lee eyes grew round watching in amazement as the TV started to play.
"Kiba? HOW DID YOU DO THAT?? ARE YOU A TV GOD!?" said Lee looking up at him.
"Oh no what have I done" said Kiba as Lee started to figure out what each button did.
"Neji is going to kill me... unless the fangirls get to me first." said Kiba running leaving Lee standing there watching clips of Sakura.
Spotting Sakura, Naruto sighed in relief having made it on time to meet up with her.
"Sakura over here" said Naruto waving.
"Naruto" said Sakura with a smile.
(Even though that pink hair is a bit of an eye sore, I still think she's really cute looking) thought Naruto standing before her.
"So about yesterday" said Sakura as Naruto waited.
"Yeah?" said Naruto.
"I have three sleeping bottles that will help you with the fangirls" said Sakura.
"Okay.. that shouldn't be a problem" said Naruto.
"But.." said Sakura.
(Oh no what else could she have in mind) thought Naruto.
"Your going to help me get Sasuke to dance with me at the party" said Sakura.
"And?" said Naruto knowing there was more.
"And your to make sure no other girl shows up with him, that includes Ino" said Sakura.
Naruto mind suddenly clicked with an idea but he knew it was going to be really risky on his part along with getting Sasuke to agree.
"But what if I can't get him to dance with you or what if he has a date already?" said Naruto hoping his idea would work.
"First it better not happen or I'm going to rip that girl apart, and second if you can't then it's fine" said Sakura.
Naruto confused at this asked "But I thought if I didn't help you, you would tell Grandma Tsunade what I did in her office?".
"Well if you didn't help me or even try then yes I would tell her, but if it doesn't work out tonight your off the hook" said Sakura unhappy about this flaw.
"Yes!" said Naruto but seeing her icy glare knew he shouldn't be getting to excited about this with her around.
"But I don't plan on it failing... not when your going to keep everyone away so I can get alone with him" said Sakura making Naruto regret the idea of it not working, seeing her smug look.
"Okay so then is there anything else?" asked Naruto while his mind went whirling with ideas.
"No, just have fun at the party" said Sakura casually.
"Okay see you later Sakura" said Naruto knowing he needed to find Sasuke and get him to agree not giving Sasuke a choice in the matter.
Seeing Kankuro was up, Temari sighed in relief thinking he wouldn't wake up at all today.
"What? did you really think I was going to miss out on the party tonight?" said Kankuro sitting there working on his puppet.
"You were up all night working on that thing" said Temari annoyed.
"So what? I mean not every likes getting up early like you and Garra" said Kankuro gazing at her.
"Just don't forget were suppose to be at the party at seven, and speaking of Garra.. have you seen him?" asked Temari.
"No, I thought he left to see Naruto since it's been awhile" said Kankuro.
"Guess I should see if he's found him yet" said Temari leaving the place they were staying at again to go search for Naruto Uzumaki this time.
"If you see him tell him I said hi" said Kankuro refocusing on his puppet he was working on.
Temari sighed shutting the door thinking (When is it Kankuro's turn to watch Garra?).
"Temari!" said Tenten having been walking around.
"Hi" said Temari not having a clue what this girls name was.
"So are you guys here until tomorrow?" said Tenten.
"Ah yeah.. oh have you seen Uzumaki at all?" asked Temari hoping Garra was with him.
"Actually yeah why?" said Tenten.
"I'm looking for Garra" said Temari.
"Oh well I just saw Naruto, he's heading over to Sasuke's house" said Tenten.
"Thanks" said Temari wanting to get away before she reveals she has no clue who she was.
"Yup no problem Temari" said Tenten walking away to find Lee.
"Good... now to find Uzumaki" said Temari just as Kankuro came out the door.
"I see Tenten stopped by to talk to ya" said Kankuro.
Annoyed Temari turned around to look at him. "So you know her?" she asked.
"Yeah, of course I do... wait you didn't know she's on Neji's team?" asked Kankuro enjoying Temari annoyed expression.
"I just couldn't place her" said Temari not recalling ever meeting her, she remember Neji an Shikamaru but not her.
"Good thing she's gone or she would have found out, I don't even know her name" said Temari.
"Her name's Tenten" said Kankuro.
"I thought you were going to work on your puppet until it was time for the party?" said Temari.
"Nah, I didn't really need to do anything to it, I just did it so I wouldn't have to look after Garra" said Kankuro with a cunning grin.
"Wait, so all that time last night you did it just so I would have to look after him?" said Temari beginning to have a fit.
"Yup" said Kankuro watching in amusement as Temari tried to control herself not to harm him.
"Kankuro!" said Temari wanting so badly to do something so horrible to him making her grip her fan tightly.
But Kankuro just stood there relaxed knowing Temari wouldn't really do a thing to him.
"Say don't you think you should be looking for Garra right now?" said Kankuro seeing her forget about him an worry about Garra.
"Shoot" said Temari hoping she could still catch Naruto.
"See you later Temari" said Kankuro as she began to leave.
Temari stiffen, turning around with a deadly glare that could have sent chills through him she said "Don't think I haven't forgotten Kankuro... cause your going to pay back for it later".
Kankuro watch after her knew she wasn't kidding, he knew he would be paying for it when comes back.
"I guess I should have stayed inside until after she left" said Kankuro just as Garra appeared.
"Ah Garra, where have you been? Temari been looking for you since this morning" said Kankuro.
Went to see the fifth hokage and Naruto Uzumaki" said Garra having forgotten that he can't be running around without him or Temari.
"Well nothing can be done about it now, so how was meeting up with Naruto?" said Kankuro heading back inside listening to Garra talk about Uzumaki.
All the while Kankuro thought (I guess I'll let Temari search a little longer before letting her know he's back).
Arriving at Sasuke's house Naruto saw that it was really big compared to where he lived. (Must be really quiet when he's living there alone) thought Naruto.
"Naruto, are you just going to stand there all day staring at my place?" said Sasuke behind him holding a bag of food.
"Oh Sasuke, actually I'm here to ah.. oh.. look can I come inside?" said Naruto knowing if gets caught by Sakura for doing this, it wouldn't just be Tsunade he would have to be afraid of.
"I guess, just stop staring it's freaking me out" said Sasuke opening the door walking in.
Naruto following wonder how he kept it so clean, compared to his place Sasuke was was such a neat freak.
"So what did you want? Naruto?" said Sasuke seeing Naruto looking around touching the surface of a desk.
"Oh sorry, well you see.. OOHH HOW DO I BEGIN!!" said Naruto trying to find a good way to explain it.
"Just spit it out you baka" said Sasuke going into the kitchen with Naruto trailing behind him.
"But your going to probably kick me out of here, once I tell you what's Sakura got plan for you at the party, along with the idea of getting out of it" said Naruto sitting in a chair.
Sasuke stopped what he was doing turn to look at him.
"What do you mean Sakura got plans that involve me?" said Sasuke not liking the sound of this.
"Well that's just it, she wants to get you alone to dance with you.. an the only way out is if you find a date" said Naruto knowing Sasuke would figure out what he was implying.
"It won't work if I'm not going" said Sasuke resuming back to what he was doing.
Naruto shook his head standing up knowing he can't let Sasuke not go or else Sakura will know.
"Why would she do that?" said Sasuke as he put stuff away.
"Because I have to help her" said Naruto.
"And let me guess... you somehow you got involved because you knew Sakura wanted help with something?" said Sasuke with a knowing tone.
Naruto nodded with a pained expression feeling each direct hit of Sasuke words rang true.
"So tell me if I go how do I get out of this?" said Sasuke hating that he has no choice but to go now.
"Well if you have a date or she doesn't get you alone to get you to dance with her" said Naruto.
"Great, and I don't want to have a date or dance with her cause I'm not interested" said Sasuke.
"Can I tell you my plan?" said Naruto seeing Sasuke give him a look that said if it was something baka he would make sure he regrets it.
"Your not going to like it" said Naruto hesitating watching Sasuke sit down waiting, leaning on the table hands propping up his face.
"Tell Me" said Sasuke.
Gulping Naruto said "If I do that one jutsu and wear a wig with makeup she won't know, and I will have a clone with her to help try to get you alone but on your part your to find excuses to be busy talking to Kakashi or something".
"Naruto, if it weren't for you getting yourself into this and the fact that your my teammate I would have not agree to this" said Sasuke.
"So you'll go?" said Naruto.
"yeah but this better work, cause if not your on your own" said Sasuke having no desire to do this or ask anyone to be his date.
"Thanks Sasuke" said Naruto grinning but remember there was a third option.
"Also if neither of those work you just got to escape whatever trap Sakura tries to pull" said Naruto.
Sasuke nodded then went to make some lunch offering if Naruto would like to stay and eat, so they could work out the details for tonight.
"Yeah" said Naruto hoping he could pull this off.
So hope you guys enjoy this chapter. More chapters to come, and the next one will be the night of the party