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Fanfiction ► Sakura Secret Mission (A Naruto FanFic) Updated!!

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Son of a Mage!
Sep 25, 2010
Re: Sakura Secret Mission (A Naruto FanFic)

Thanks everybody, glad you like my fanfic. Will be working on my next chapter so expect it soon :)


Son of a Mage!
Sep 25, 2010
Re: Sakura Secret Mission (A Naruto FanFic)

Thank you!! Having people comment totally help me a lot when I write, and knowing that it's good makes it so much easier.

I really like yours too. Just reading your AC fan fic makes me want to replay AC :)

Lanydx reborn

The Superior Lanydx
Jun 14, 2009
Re: Sakura Secret Mission (A Naruto FanFic)

Wonder if Naruto would do something out of AC I mean he is a ninja after all.


Son of a Mage!
Sep 25, 2010
Re: Sakura Secret Mission (A Naruto FanFic)

Thought I would do a little review with the gang so far in the Sakura Secret Mission

Tenten: Your doing a great job.. but what's with all the TV's appearing?
Me: Sorry but can't tell ya that.
Me: To bad Neji but your stuck with him.
Me: he is your team mate you know..
Me: Better hurry after him Neji..
Neji and Lee are gone.
Naruto shows up
Naruto: Did someone yell for me?
Me: ...no
Naruto: Have you seen Sakura?
Me: nope but you might get to see her in the next chapter.. >:) grins evily
Naruto: ...your scary.. like Ino and Sakura
Ino shows up
Ino: Did I just hear you call me scary Naruto-kun?
Naruto: ah no
Naruto runs away
Hinata shows up
Hinata: Is Naruto gone?
Me: Yup.. why?
Hinata blushes
Tenten: In the last chapter I asked her "Hinata you like Naruto don't you?" and then the TV disaster happen
Hinata frantic searches around for a TV
Me: There's no TV here so calm down
Ino quietly sets a small TV behind her
Me: then again I can be wrong.. burst out laughing.
Hinata screams running away with the TV later Lee finds out chases after her follow by Neji who yells "YOUR ALL FOOLS!"
Tenten: Ino why did you do that to Hinata?"
Ino: I thought it would be fun
Me: for once it wasn't me
Ino and Tenten look stare at me
Me: What?
Shikamaru arrives
Choji arrives
Choji: Munch...
Shikamaru: This is a drag were only been in the first chapter.. and the end of the third..
Me: I have to give everyone else a turn
Choji: she's right
Shikamaru: sigh you always agree with the girls
Choji: Well if Sakura and Ino are scary... I'm sure she's just as scary
Shikamaru: Fine, but I want to be in the next chapter soon..
Shikamaru leaves followed by Choji
Me: Remind me later to do something to Shikamaru
Tenten and Ino nod
Kiba arrives
Kiba: Why haven't I been in this yet?
Shino arrives
Shino: why do you care?
Kiba: I am way cooler then Naruto
Me: you will be but not yet
Kiba: alright me and Akamaru will wait
Akamaru: barks
Shino: The title of this Fanfic is called Sakura Secret Mission will we find out at all what it is?
Me: maybe
Ino: Well when will the new chapter be up?
Me: soon.. so until later got to go work on the next chapter

End of Review for now

Me: Oh didn't notice the post above.. well then maybe I will give it an AC kind of twist. Thanks for the idea, will keep it in mind, for I haven't written the next chapter yet :)


Son of a Mage!
Sep 25, 2010
Re: Sakura Secret Mission (A Naruto FanFic)

Yup thought it would, haven't even started on the next chapter yet so I thought it would be fun to do something like this to give me a break until I start the next chapter :) lol


Son of a Mage!
Sep 25, 2010
Re: Sakura Secret Mission (A Naruto FanFic)

Cool I gave someone an idea :)


Son of a Mage!
Sep 25, 2010
Re: Sakura Secret Mission (A Naruto FanFic)

Wow!! You really thought it was that good!! o_O wasn't expecting a 5 out of 5!!

Awesome you guys really like my fan fic!! And you guys think it's funny!

Going to work hard on my next chapter! So happy people like my fanfic! And find it funny!! =) lol

Lanydx reborn

The Superior Lanydx
Jun 14, 2009
Re: Sakura Secret Mission (A Naruto FanFic)

Glad you like making it. Enjoy what your doing and have fun.


Son of a Mage!
Sep 25, 2010
Re: Sakura Secret Mission (A Naruto FanFic)

It will be :) also new chapter will be up some time today. Just have a few details to add then it will be posted some time tonight! XD
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Son of a Mage!
Sep 25, 2010
Re: Sakura Secret Mission (A Naruto FanFic)

SORRY EVERYONE FOR THE WAIT! Had a really busy day today, so wasn't able to post the next chapter until right about now. Since I've made you guys all wait here is the fourth chapter :)

Chapter 4


Having known Ino wasn't going to show Sakura felt surprised that neither Tenten or Hinata showed up. "Guess they had other plans" said Sakura deciding she would still continue on with her plan, but wasn't sure how.


The sun setting behind him as he finally arrived at the training grounds only for Sakura to be nowhere in sight.

"Not again... I've wasted my whole day off looking for her" said Naruto disappointed at arriving to late.

Leaving the training grounds Naruto didn't want to give up on finding out about Sakura mission, so he thought of the last place he hadn't checked and headed there to wait.


Earlier in the day, an hour after leaving Naruto to meet up with Choji and Shikamaru at there favorite place to eat.

Sitting around a table Shikamaru and Choji told Ino about the TV incident.

"So it was all caused by Naruto?" asked Ino drinking some coke.

"Yeah pretty much" said Choji waiting for food to arrive but wanted a bag of chips to munch on.

"Why it even happen, is beyond me" said Shikamaru rubbing his neck feeling tired from the day he had.

Ino spotting Neji walking in, from a distance she could tell Neji was worn out as he spotted them at there table.

Ino, Choji, and Shikamaru stare at Neji as he came over, taking a seat at there table then placing his head down on the table letting out a big sigh.

"You okay Neji?" asked Ino watching as Neji gazed up at her from where his head rested on the table with a glare.

"Sorry" said Ino shocked at just how angry and miserable he was.

Shikamaru seeing Ino reaction remember earlier that it wasn't just him and Choji, but Neji too who had TV problems. Only apparently Neji had it worse then Shikamaru or Choji.

"Was it really that bad... Neji?" asked Choji. Neji spoke but none of them heard what he had said.

"Ah.. could you repeat that a little louder?" asked Shikamaru cupping his ear along with Ino and Choji as they leaned in to hear what Neji had said.

Neji sighing as he felt angrier then ever, as he thought (I can not believe these fools didn't hear me the first time.. oh will I repeat it alright! And it will be loud and clear!).

"LEE! AND THOSE BAKA TV'S! DO YOU WANT ME TO REPEAT THAT FOR YOU A THIRD TIME!!" yell Neji knocking all three of them down, causing a bunch of other people to stare at them.

"Jeez Neji.. did you have to say it so loud?" said Ino righting herself and holding her ears as they rung.

Neji resumed as he was with his head on the table, eyes closed hoping to never see another TV.

Choji laughed a little as he sat back down like nothing happen. Shikamaru slowly righted himself up, then sat back down asking "Why what did Lee do? And what do you mean the TV's?".

Neji couldn't believe this.. all he wanted was to stay away from Lee, have peace and quiet.. the last thing he wanted was to talk about either of those two things.

With a huge sigh from Neji all three cover there ears as Neji sat up looking at them ready to speak when.. you guessed it a TV appears.


Neji following Lee as he continue his worthless search of Hinata and the little TV's.

"Lee the TV's are gone... Hinata is gone.. can't you let it go now? So I can go home?" said Neji sighing as he waited for Lee to stop.

Lee ignoring Neji started to run thinking he could hear a TV nearby. Neji noticing Lee stop turning this way and that.. finally stopping as if he were a blood hound following a scent.

"Lee where are you going?" asked Neji as Lee started to run but stopped to answer.

"TO THE ALMIGHTY TV!! I CAN HEAR IT COMING FROM OVER THERE!!" said Lee disappearing so fast that Neji had to use Byakugan to find Lee.

Seconds later Neji was standing in an alley, as Lee having found a TV sitting in a dumpster, pulling it out and gentley placing it on the ground began to worship the TV.

Neji shaking his head got angrier by the minute, yelling as loud as he could "STOP WITH THE WORSHIPPING!! IT'S A STUPID ORDINARY TV AND IT'S NEVER GOING TO SHOW YOU SAKURA!! as Lee continued bowing to it.

Neji having had enough, grabbed hold of Lee collar of his suit began dragging him out of the random alley, onto the street, and away from the TV.

Lee having finally stopped struggling notice Neji was still dragging him on the ground. "Neji" said Lee.

But Neji continued to ignore Lee as Lee began to protest. "Neji.. you can stop dragging me now!" said Lee but all he got was silence.

Neji having reached his destination let go of the fool, as Lee asked "Why did you stop here.. where are we?".

Neji having never really lost his temper with Lee before turn on him watching as Lee cowers in fear.

Finally letting the baka know how annoyed and angry he was yelling "Lee... IF I EVER SEE YOU WORSHIP ANOTHER TV or SEE YOU NEAR ONE... I WILL MAKE SURE YOU ONLY HAVE FIVE SECONDS BEFORE I GRAB HOLD OF YOU!!".

But Neji mouth dropped open as Lee continue on talking about the Almighty TV this.. the Almighty TV that.

"DID YOU HEAR ANYTHING I JUST SAID LEE!!" yelled Neji frustrated at Lee.

Having brought Lee home, Neji open his door shoving Lee inside and left before he could hear another thing about a baka TV.


Before Ino, Shikamaru, or even Choji could do anything Neji destroyed the TV, scattering pieces of it everywhere.

"IF I SEE ANOTHER ONE OF THOSE BAKA TV's, I'M GOING TO-" yelled Neji breathing hard as Hinata walked in and was startle to see her cousin this mad.

"Wow I never seen Neji be this angry before over a TV.. You must really hate TV's" said Choji as Neji suddenly cooled down enough to say "Oh it's you Hinata".

"To bad the day after tomorrow Neji goes back on missions" said Ino knowing Neji suffering will continue as long as Lee is around.

"I see Hinata not alone... Hey Kiba ..Shino" said Shikamaru waving them over.

"Hey don't forget Akamaru" said Kiba as Akamaru head popped out of his sweatshirt barking out a greeting.

"What happen here?" asked Shino seeing TV bits everywhere.

"You pretty much missed it, except for Hinata who looks like she still in shock" said Choji.

"Awe I miss out on all the fun, so what have you guys been talking about?" said Kiba sitting in Neji spot.

"TV's and pretty much Naruto" said Choji.

Hinata getting over her shock, saw that Neji had gone back to being really mad, was about to blow if she didn't do something.

"Kiba.. I.. uh.. think you should move ..that's Neji spot" said Hinata quickly in fear.

"I'm sure Neji doesn't mind.. Right Neji? I'm sure Neji can-" said Kiba who was blasted out by Neji with his Byakugan doing fifty fisted palms.

"OW!! Neji what did you do that for?" said Kiba sitting up rubbing the front of his face, having landed on it.

"That's what you get for not moving out of his spot Kiba" said Shino pulling up a seat.

"After the day Neji had, I think it's best you leave him be.. also don't bring up TV's or Lee" said Ino in amusement having never seen Neji be like this.

"Y-yeah I take back what I said about Ino an Sakura, Neji a lot more scarier then the both of them combined" said Choji losing his appetite.

"What was that Choji?" said Ino sweetly her eyes blazing, knuckles cracking as she asked "Want to repeat that for me CHOJI?".

Choji shook his head, started to get out of his chair backing away before either Ino or Neji do something horrible to him.

Only for the waiter to arrive and Choji sat back down having gotten over his fear of Ino.

The waiter having been carrying there order of food, tripped causing only one of the orders of food to fall right onto Shikamaru. Hitting him right on the head, landing all over him from head to toe.

(Me: Laughs Evilly, this is why you agree with me Shikamaru).

"Great.. I'm cover in food" said Shikamaru as the waiter set everything else down while everyone except Shino and maybe Neji tried not to laugh.

Kiba couldn't hold it any longer as he burst out laughing seeing Shikamaru hair all in ketchup, a bun on his head, a pickle over his right eye, and a coke having been knocked all over him, making him sticky with the rest of the meal.

"You okay Shikamaru.. WAIT ISN'T THAT WHAT I ORDER!!" said Choji realizing it was his food covering him.

"CHOJI! ALL YOUR WORRIED ABOUT IS YOUR FOOD?" said Shikamaru out rage at Choji for caring more about his food then him.

Hinata nervously looked at Neji to see his expression remain blank.. before you knew it everyone was staring at him.

Neji began to laugh.. and kept laughing. "I think Neji lost it guys" said Choji as he order for a new tray of food from the same waiter.

"Uh.. should I take him home?" asked Hinata scared of what might happen once Neji stops laughing.

"Yeah.. I think Neji broken" said Kiba creep out from Neji laughter.

"Well this was fun" said Shino arms folded as he sat there watching Hinata leave with Neji.

"You think she will be ok?" asked Ino staring after Hinata and Neji.

"Yeah Hinata tough" said Kiba waving his hand around dismissing the thought.

"Say Ino why couldn't we talk about Lee or the TV's?" asked Kiba.

Ino sighing began to explain with Choji adding in details she may have missed.

"So that explains Neji then.." said Kiba laughing.

"This wasn't suppose to be a funny story to you Kiba" said Ino annoyed.

"She's right Kiba" said Shino.

"Yeah, yeah" said Kiba not really caring what Ino or Shino thought.

Shikamaru having been standing there watching everything unfold finally said "Is this day over yet.. sigh.. I'm going home".

"Good question" said Ino as she watched him leave.


Having passed Neji on the way home sighed inwardly at the thought of what cause Neji to become so scary.

Walking further down the street, Tenten spotted someone heading in the opposite direction cover in ketchup and what looks like someones meal.

"I hope that's not someone who came out of a garbage can" laughed Tenten nervously as she near Choji favorite place to eat with Ino and Shikamaru.

"Hey Tenten over here!" said Ino having finish eating, paying her way out.

"Oh Ino your heading home?" said Tenten.

"Yeah want to walk with me?" said Ino.

"Sure..." said Tenten having only stopped in to see if the gang was here.

"I saw Hinata helping Neji home" said Tenten walking along side her having waited quietly for her to say something.

Ino stopping her then said "You really don't want to know.. lets just continue walking quietly in silence until I get home.. I'm sure someone else will fill you in tomorrow.. and I"ve already done that once today already..

Later in the Evening


Having been waiting outside Sakura's house, he finally spots her coming home.

"Hey Sakura" said Naruto going over to greet her.

"Naruto why were you standing there.. were you waiting for me.. how long were you there?" said Sakura.

"Don't get so freak out Sakura.. I"ve only been here an hour.. just now I was going to head home" said Naruto rubbing his head while looking at her, afraid she might hit him.

"Sigh.. Naruto why have you been waiting here for me?" said Sakura.

"I've been looking for you all day.. and I kind of wanted to know what your secret mission was" said Naruto.

"Naruto.." said Sakura as her eye twitched.

"Yes Sakura?" said Naruto oblivious at what he just done.

"Were you not listening to me earlier!" said Sakura eyes blazing grabbing hold of him.

"S-Sakura you said Mission!! So I been wanting to find out what it was, so I could help!" said Naruto trying to get himself out of her grip.

Sakura suddenly let go, making Naruto have a bad feeling as a mysterious radio appear playing scary music.

"You want to help me.. on my secret mission..?" said Sakura grinning evilly.

"Yes! I'll do anything! Just let me be on your secret mission!" said Naruto jumping up and down in anticipation, pumping his fist in the air.

Sakura opening the door to her house was about to step inside when Naruto realized he hadn't asked her what it was.

"Um.. Sakura what is this secret mission and what do I do in it?" said Naruto having no idea what he just signed himself up for.

"You really want to know?" said Sakura as Naruto waited. "Yes just tell me!!" said Naruto having lost his patience to wait.

"You won't try to back out.. or not do it?" said Sakura laughing evilly at the thought of Naruto helping her tomorrow.

"Yes, as a ninja I won't go back on my word" said Naruto.

"Okay then.. tomorrow your to keep all the fan girls away from Sasuke.. including Ino who lost the chance of me being fair" said Sakura.

Naruto having been listening took a moment to get it. "Wait ...WHAT!!" yelled Naruto realizing what he done.


"Naruto you can't back out now... and if you don't ..I'll tell Lady Tsunade what you-" said Sakura as Naruto cut her off saying "NO! I'll DO IT!! Just don't tell Grandma Tsunade".

"Oh and Naruto you better not embarrass me in front of Sasuke tomorrow at the party" said Sakura.

Naruto nodded thinking (When did Sakura get so scary?).

"Good, meet me tomorrow.. here at lunch time" said Sakura leaving a bewilder Naruto on her door step.

"Now what am I going to do?" said Naruto knowing he can't back out.. and if Tsunade learns of what he did.. Naruto shudder at the thought wondering how Sakura even knew.

"Have to think of a plan..." said Naruto going home knowing next time he sees Sakura going off somewhere... never ask to be on her secret mission.


So that's the fourth chapter, sorry for the delay but look forward to more chapters of Sakura Secret Mission. So enjoy and there will be another review with Naruto an everyone soon.

Also there may be a day or two of delay before next chapter arrives, including the review with Naruto and everyone in this chapter :)

Other wise hope you enjoy the fourth chapter of my fanfic :)
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Son of a Mage!
Sep 25, 2010
Re: Sakura Secret Mission (A Naruto FanFic)

Cool, wasn't sure if you guys would like it or not. When I posted it was a bit late, so I look it over and I know it needs some editing but otherwise that's great that you like it :)

Will be working on next chapter and review soon.

Also since someone asked if I will use AC for anything in Naruto... will be considering it when I do the next chapter.
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Lanydx reborn

The Superior Lanydx
Jun 14, 2009
Re: Sakura Secret Mission (A Naruto FanFic)

Once again nice chapter.Also AC means Assassin's Creed.
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