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Fanfiction ► Sakura Secret Mission (A Naruto FanFic) Updated!!

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Son of a Mage!
Sep 25, 2010
Hey everybody :) decided to try to make my first own fanfic, so thought I would make a Naruto fanfic since most fanfic are about KH. Also this is suppose to be a bit funny haven't entirely worked it all out yet, but I'm working on each chapter at a time. This is a time before Sasuke leaves and there all together still as a team 7. Lots of characters will be in here from the series. So here goes :)

Chapter 1


(What a boring day, no missions to do) thought Naruto as he was walking around Konoha a.k.a the leaf village. Having been wandering around he spotted Sakura looking busy like she was headed somewhere.

"HEY Sakura!!" yelled Naruto. Sakura jump startle by Naruto, a hand over her chest breathing a little hard while saying "Naruto you baka you scared me".

"Sorry" said Naruto looking at the pink hair that Sakura had, secretly wondering if she dyes it or if she was really born with that color.

"Say Sakura I was wondering if your hair is really-" went Naruto without thinking as Sakura started to fume knowing what he was about to ask. "NARUTO!!!" yelled Sakura punching him in the face sending him flying.

Landing Naruto couldn't help but curse at himself for actually saying it out loud making Sakura mad first thing in the morning.

"s-Sakura you didn't have to hit me so hard all I was askin was-" went Naruto realizing he was about to say it again only to feel tension in the air Sakura turning around to look at him eyes blazing as he had sat up rubbing his head.

"S-Sorry Sakura, please don't hit me again" said Naruto standing now as Sakura looked at him. "Good" said Sakura as she calmed down facing away arms folded.

"So... Sakura what are you doing on your day off?" ask Naruto. As if it was something he said Sakura laughed nervously as she said "Oh... nothing just got something like a mission to do, so I better hurry can't be late".

Naruto having not totally paid attention heard the word (mission?) was about to ask what mission but she was gone. "What's up with Sakura today... she's acting really weird" said Naruto as he stood there alone again like he was when he was wandering around earlier.

"Hey Naruto" said Shikamaru having seen Sakura throw a punch at him sending him flying a few minutes ago but kept away until Sakura was done being her scary self.

Looking over he saw Shikamaru followed by Choji who was munching on chips like always.

"Choji, Shikamaru what are you guys doing here?" ask Naruto. Both looked at each other then said "Nothing just wander around, might see what everyone else is doing... I see Sakura sent you flying this time Naruto... so what did you do this time?".

Naruto feeling his cheek from where Sakura punch him laugh awkwardly, feeling a bead of sweat drop thinking (I was lucky Sakura held back or I wouldn't be standing here) while answering "Oh nothing".

"Munch" went Choji as if Naruto was a potato chip about to eat him, sending shivers through Naruto. "C'mon Naruto you know were not going to buy it, what did you do to Sakura?" said Shikamaru curiously.

"Alright, all I was asking was something about her hair" said Naruto. "That can't be it" said Shikamaru. "Yeah it was" said Naruto.

"No way can that be it ...munch.. you have to have done something to make her mad there are three things to make Sakura scary" said Choji finishing his bag of chips.

Shikamaru and Naruto surprised to hear Choji say this made them both wonder what could he possibly know that could make Sakura that scary when she's really mad.

"one you did something embarrassing to her, two you said something horrible about Sasuke, or three you said something to her like she's crabby" said Choji picking the third one.

"Say Choji ...how do you know all of this?" ask Shikamaru as Choji started to laugh. Naruto wondering what could be so funny wanted to know too. "Tell us!" said Naruto.

"Haven't you watched Naruto do all three of those things? It's so funny just to watch him do one of them and watch Sakura get mad sending him flying" said Choji.

Shikamaru nodded then said "I should have known that was the obvious answer, sigh Naruto how can you be so clueless to not know you do those three things".

But Naruto stood there shocked at Choji yelling "HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT? AREN'T I ALWAYS NICE TO SAKURA?". "Yeah but Naruto think about it, don't you remember that time you had that one mission Protect the Waterfall Village?" said Choji.

"What about it?" ask Naruto. "You step in dog.. you know what in front of everyone on your mission, Sakura was ranting all night over it to Ino" said Shikamaru. "Okay but what about that other time?" ask Choji.

"Oh yeah the one where you said something to Sakura about her choice in guys" answer Shikamaru.

Naruto having heard enough as Choji started to mention another time with Sakura that Naruto yelled "ALRIGHT ENOUGH! I know Sakura get's mad at me for things like that but can you please just stop now?".

Choji and Shikamaru burst out laughing "No this is too much fun, to bad we don't have a video of it" they both said. Mysteriously a tv with a tape appear began playing every moment Naruto did something to make her mad.

"WHERE DID THIS TV COME FROM!!" yelled Naruto smashing it to pieces with rasengan. Both Shikamaru and Choji were cracking up finding it funny.

"I"m leaving, I want to know what Sakura mission is" said Naruto fuming began to walk away. "W-Wait! bah ha ha Naruto what do you mean mission?" said Shikamaru.

"Sakura said she was on a mission" answer Naruto not bothering to turn around to look at them. "Strange there's no missions today, go see Ino maybe she knows" said Choji.

Naruto glared at them then left to go find Ino.


So guys what do you think of this Naruto fanfic? Good? Bad? Well I'll have a new chapter posted soon. So hope you enjoy this chapter.
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Son of a Mage!
Sep 25, 2010
Re: Sakura Secret Mission (A Naruto FanFic)


:) SO happy now! I'll make the next chapter right away!

Lanydx reborn

The Superior Lanydx
Jun 14, 2009
Re: Sakura Secret Mission (A Naruto FanFic)

You go do that kiddo! Dang I have my own thing to work on.


Son of a Mage!
Sep 25, 2010
Re: Sakura Secret Mission (A Naruto FanFic)

Well here's the next chapter :)

Chapter 2


Having been unable to find Ino, Naruto spotted Neji and Lee talking.

"Neji! Bushy Brows! Have either of you seen Ino?" said Naruto hurrying over.

"Hey Naruto" said Lee. "Sorry Naruto but we haven't seen Ino, how come your looking for her?" asked Neji.

"See I'm actually trying to find out what Sakura up to, so have you seen Sakura?" said Naruto.

"Nope, sorry Naruto" said Lee. "Dang, where could they both be?" said Naruto thinking hard.

"Well Tenten left not to long ago to find Hinata, said she was going to go meet up with Sakura an Ino" said Lee.

"Any ideas where Tenten was heading to meet up with Hinata?" asked Naruto.

Neji having thought about it knew if Naruto showed up when all the girls were meeting up something bad was going to happen.

"Lee, you know Naruto just going to land himself into trouble" said Neji.

"But it sounds like fun, and were not doing anything" said Lee.

"Hey! I don't get myself into trouble!" said Naruto. "Oh yeah?" said Neji.

Within a minute another TV popped out of nowhere began showing Naruto doing something reckless or foolish or being baka like always.

"ANOTHER ONE!" yell Naruto eyes blazing as he hit the TV with Rasengan just as Neji and Lee were about to watch.

"AWE Naruto I wanted to see" said Lee. "NO!" yelled Naruto.

Suddenly a red thick rope appeared looping around Naruto tying him up to a tree.

"WHAT THE!" yell Naruto struggling.

"NARUTO!" yelled Lee surprised.

But before Neji or Lee could move this time a HUGE TV showed up. "Not again.." moaned Naruto in agony wanting to destroy the TV.

"Why is there another TV here?" asked Neji.

All three stared at the TV waiting, before you knew it began playing exactly what Naruto was trying to stop it from playing. Both began cracking up, as Naruto was tripping over his shoes, and more.

"GUYS COME HELP ME GET OUT OF THIS ROPE!" yell Naruto struggling.

"Sorry Naruto but I want to watch the TV... It's like it's begging for me to watch" said Lee.

"Lee only you would say something like that" said Neji.

"C'mon guys! I need to find Sakura!" whined Naruto. But Naruto yells were ignored as Lee was glued to watching the huge TV.

2 hours later
Naruto having gotten his kunai manage to cut the rope freeing himself. "That's better ..now then" went Naruto as he cracked his knuckles mad that Lee an Neji had left him tied to a tree.

"Say Lee?" said Neji drinking his coke while sit in a comfy chair.

"Yeah Neji?" asked Lee munching on his popcorn.

"Do you think we forgot something?" asked Neji.

"No... at least I don't think so" said Lee. "I wonder if the TV takes requests?" said Neji.

The TV went blank, both looked at each other.

"NO!" yelled Lee wanting to watch Sakura on the big screen TV.

"Maybe we have to ask the TV what we want to watch?" said Neji. "I want to see SAKURA!" yelled Lee.

Both waited. Naruto curious too waited, forgetting about being mad at both Neji or Lee.
"Maybe we didn't do it right?" said Neji.

Lee kneeling on the ground raising his hands began bowing while saying "ALMIGHTY TV PLEASE SHOW ME SAKURA". Neji couldn't believe it.

Lee was worshiping a TV.


"LEE" yelled Neji making Lee stop. "Yeah Neji?" said Lee. "It's not working" said Neji.

Naruto having enough of these TV's appearing shot out rasengan destroying the huge TV.

Luckily nothing happen or so Naruto had thought.

Kunai appeared out of nowhere trying to hit Naruto.

"NARUTO why did you destroy the ALMIGHTY TV?" yelled Lee dodging the kunai.

"You left me tied up, making me lose time to find Sakura, and Ino!" said Naruto running while making a bunch of clones of himself hoping the kunai will hit the fake Naruto's.

Neji couldn't believe Lee had worship a huge TV.

"Lee" went Neji. "Yeah Neji?" said Lee. "Don't ever do that again" said Neji. "What?" said Lee. "DON"T EVER WORSHIP A TV!" yell Neji. "Awe why not?" said Lee.

Naruto having escaped hoped to find Sakura before the day was over, so making clones Naruto waited.


Knowing the girls were going to show up soon, hoped Naruto wouldn't go looking for them.

"Naruto, if you know what's good for you.." said Sakura. "Then you better not show up or I'm going to punch you all the way to the moon" Sakura said gazing above making sure Naruto wasn't here.

Ino having thought about showing up decided she didn't want to help out with whatever Sakura had wanted her for. "Knowing Sakura it probably has to do with Sasuke" said Ino shaking her head having stayed home.

"If she thinks I will help her that has anything to do with Sasuke... Bill board brow you got another thing coming!" said Ino having been called down to help with dinner.

Hinata having been waiting for Tenten, knew Sakura wanted them for something important but wasn't sure what. "I hope Naruto at the party tomorrow" said Hinata blushing.

"Hey Hinata!" said Tenten. "Oh Tenten are we going to go meet Sakura now?" asked Hinata. "Yeah let's go" said Tenten.


Secretly having found Hinata with his clones, hid behind a trash can peering around it, waiting for her to leave to find Sakura. Seeing Tenten show up both girls nodded then started to leave to find Sakura.

"yes now I can find out what Sakura mission is!" said Naruto following them.


Having been thinking more and more about Sakura and what she wanted began to drive her crazy. "UH.. I guess I"ll go after all, but I bet it has to do with Sasuke!" said Ino leaving to meet Sakura.


So what do you guys think? Think Naruto will be found out what Sakura mission is? Or will another disaster hit?

Well I'll make another chapter soon, so hope ya enjoy this second chapter of Sakura Secret Mission.
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Lanydx reborn

The Superior Lanydx
Jun 14, 2009
Re: Sakura Secret Mission (A Naruto FanFic)

Man you work fast. Lee thinking a TV was God was great.


Son of a Mage!
Sep 25, 2010
Re: Sakura Secret Mission (A Naruto FanFic)

Thanks :) wasn't expecting anyone to actually comment on my fanfic, was so excited I decided to make the next chapter.

Also I don't entirely write that fast for it takes awhile for me to come up with an idea. I just work on one chapter at a time. But hearing that it's good makes it easier for me to write more chapters.

So thank you guys for telling me that it's good ;)

Lanydx reborn

The Superior Lanydx
Jun 14, 2009
Re: Sakura Secret Mission (A Naruto FanFic)

Hey no problem I know what it's like not having people telling you about your work.


Son of a Mage!
Sep 25, 2010
Re: Sakura Secret Mission (A Naruto FanFic)

Yup, kind of drives me crazy though if no one says anything. But having people say something helps a lot. And I will definitely will be making more chapters.

As long as someone post a comment on here telling me what they think, then I will post more chapters.

Lanydx reborn

The Superior Lanydx
Jun 14, 2009
Re: Sakura Secret Mission (A Naruto FanFic)

I know your pain. I'll post on your's if you post on mine.


Son of a Mage!
Sep 25, 2010
Re: Sakura Secret Mission (A Naruto FanFic)

Cool will do :) maybe with us posting on each others, more people will post too and look at are fanfic's too.
Oct 4, 2010
New York
Re: Sakura Secret Mission (A Naruto FanFic)

Yes it was really good! :]

I hope people willl read mines too like they do yours


Son of a Mage!
Sep 25, 2010
Re: Sakura Secret Mission (A Naruto FanFic)

Thanks XD happy to know you guys like my fan fic so far. Might leave you guys in suspense though :) more chapters will be up soon.
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Son of a Mage!
Sep 25, 2010
Re: Sakura Secret Mission (A Naruto FanFic)

Here is the next chapter, so enjoy :)

Chapter 3


Having no such luck as Hinata and Tenten stopped for hot chocolate. "Must not be part of Sakura secret mission or something" said Naruto as he continue to watch Tenten go in leaving Hinata waiting.

(Maybe I can find out if they have seen Sakura at all or Ino... or if they were going to go meet them today?) thought Naruto heading over to Hinata seeing her look over spotting him.


Having spotted Naruto, Hinara felt faint as Naruto was approaching all she could think was (Naruto! Naruto coming over here! To talk to me! What do I do??) as she stood there.

"Hey there Hinata" said Naruto. "Oh.. uh hi Naruto-kun" said Hinata.

"So I was wondering have you seen either Sakura or Ino?" said Naruto.

(Why is he looking for Sakura or Ino?) thought Hinata. "Sorry.. N-Naruto, we were suppose to meet them but decided to get hot chocolate instead, and find something else to do" said Hinata.

"Oh okay, thanks Hinata" said Naruto as Tenten walked out spotting them.

"Hey Naruto" said Tenten handing Hinata her hot cocoa.

"Say Tenten have you seen Sakura at all or where she is?" said Naruto.

Tenten was staring at Hinata as she looked like she could faint for her cheeks were red.

"Hinata you okay?" asked Tenten. But Hinata was having a theater moment.

Hinata mind theater
"Oh Hinata how could I see anything in Sakura or Ino.. all this time I have been blinded until I have seen you" said Naruto dramatically.

"Naruto your so.." said Hinata just as her mind theater had ended making her speak out loud instead of in her head.

"You okay Hinata? you look like you have a fever" said Naruto.

As Hinata blushed madly holding her mouth in one hand while she held her cocoa in the other.

"Well thanks for the help Tenten" said Naruto leaving.

Hinata confused asked "What did you say to Naruto?".

"Well you were kind of out of it for fifteen minutes or so, but here have a flash back" said Tenten.

Flash back

"Nope sorry Naruto, haven't seen her at all.. go ask Sasuke I'm sure he knows where she is" said Tenten.

"No way ...Am I asking Sasuke!" said Naruto arms folded stubbornly.

"Fine then your loss, anyways Hinata and I got some places to go, so..." said Tenten trailing off noticing Hinata was staring off into space.

"Hinata? ...HINATA YOU There?" yelled Tenten seeing Hinata couldn't hear her as she stood there.

"Naruto.. your so.." as Hinata snapped out of it.

End of flash back.

"That's so embarrassing" said Hinata hiding her face with her hands noticing the hot cocoa was gone.

"Where's my hot chocolate?" asked Hinata peeking at Tenten.

"You finished it earlier while you were spacing out" said Tenten.

"Oh" said Hinata.

"So when you were spacing out what were you going to say about Naruto?" asked Tenten as they were walking around Konoha.

"I was going to say he's-" said Hinata stopping herself realizing she was going to reveal she likes Naruto-kun.

"Hinata you like Naruto don't you?" said Tenten seeing her brighten really red.

Hinata began shaking her head trying to tell Tenten "NO" but all she could get out was "oh.. um.. I ..n..".

Tenten continued to stare at Hinata waiting for her to say something.

Having been taking to long to answer Tenten, another TV appears only it was smaller, and was going to reveal how Hinata truly felt for Naruto for she was taking to long to answer.

Both baffled by the TV appearance, Tenten picked it up having no idea that it was going to show Hinata her secret.

"Why is there a TV here?" said Tenten holding it, and trying to find a switch to turn it on.

"I'm not sure..." said Hinata as it automatically started to play showing her following Naruto, and watching him train by himself.

"NO DON'T LOOK!!" yelled Hinata ripping it out of Tenten hands.

Throwing the TV on the ground she expected it to break into pieces... only it didn't.

"WHY WON'T THIS TV BREAK!!" she yelled stomping on the little TV only it got louder so you could hear her speaking about how great Naruto is.

"BREAK YOU BAKA TV!" yelled Hinata at the TV as she threw it as hard as she could to break it. As the TV hit the tree it broke.

Sighing in relief Hinata thought (Finally the TV stopped working) only for her to think to soon as another TV exactly like the one she had appeared.

Hinata quickly grabbed hold of it but stopped realizing Tenten hasn't said anything. "Tenten.. you.. uh.. didn't see or hear ..anything did you?" asked Hinata.

But before Tenten could answer the TV began to play, Hinata frantically tried to find a switch to turn it off, but couldn't find one so went back to destorying the TV.

"DIE YOU DUMB TV!!" yelled Hinata doing everything she could to shut it up.

Tenten started to laugh at the sight of Hinata but what really got her to laugh was hear Lee show up saying "ALMIGHTY TV YOU HAVE COME BACK TO ME!!" as he hurried excitedly over with Neji following behind him.


"NO I MUSTN'T STOP! THE ALMIGHTY TV HAS COME BACK TO SHOW ME SAKURA!" yelled Lee kneeling on the ground once more bowing to the TV.

"Your as bad as Naruto... Lee" said Neji sighing giving up on stopping Lee.

Neji watching Tenten laughing as Lee continued bowing to a TV again, while Hinata continued her rampage of breaking TV's.

Lee seeing Hinata grab hold of the little TV he had been worshipping too, chased after Hinata screaming "NO DON'T DESTROY THE MINI ALMIGHTY TV".

Neji sighed saying "your all a bunch of baka's".

Neji remembering him and Lee just cleaned up that one huge TV mess now he was stuck with another and a bunch of fools to help clean up this mess.

(All thanks to Naruto) thought Neji waiting for them all to stop.

Hinata bringing rocks to destroy the TV's but with no prevail for Lee kept grabbing the little mini TV's that kept appearing and worshipping to them, making Tenten laugh harder.

"YOUR ALL FOOLS" yell Neji unable to stand it any longer having been waiting an hour already.

Shikamaru and Choji having watched all this happen after Naruto left, couldn't help but feel bad for Neji misery.

"Choji" said Shikamaru. "Yeah?" asked Choji holding a new bag of potato chips. "Lets get out of here before they spot us" said Shikamaru.

Both began to run not wanting to be caught up in that mess.


Having finally spotted Ino, yelled "INO!!" as he hurried over stopping her in her tracks.

"Hey.. Naruto" said Ino.

"Were you going to meet up with Sakura?" asked Naruto.

"Yeah I was but I think I'm going to find Shikamaru and Choji" said Ino.

"Before you go.. is Sakura really on a mission?" asked Naruto.

Ino became silent trying to decide if she should tell Naruto yes or no.

"WELL!" asked Naruto impatiently.

"I don't know, I was just going to meet up with her" said Ino.

"HOW CAN YOU NOT KNOW!" yelled Naruto.


"NO, I HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR HER ALL DAY!! AND THESE TV's KEEP APPREARING AND-" yelled Naruto as Ino hit him on the head.

"OW! WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR?" yelled Naruto clutching his head.

"NARUTO YOU KEEP YELLING LIKE I'M NOT STANDING RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU!!" yelled Ino as Naruto clutched his ears and head.

Naruto now having a headache sighed in frustration.

"All I know is it probably has something to do with Sasuke, but if you really have to go see Sakura she's at the training grounds" answer Ino.

"Thanks Ino" said Naruto crossly but seeing Ino eyes blazing, knuckles cracking staring at him, he probably should hurry up and leave before he gets more then a headache from Ino.

Naruto left heading for the training grounds.

While Ino left to find Choji and Shikamaru to hang out with for the rest of the day.


Well bet you guys didn't see that coming :) lol

Maybe Naruto will finally have some luck finding out what Sakura up to in the next chapter. More chapters soon to come!

Hope you enjoy the third chapter of Sakura Secret Mission.
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