Yea kind of
I was very evil to him. ( in a pm later on) hehe
Well even though your not on i will post it now.
Hope you get it before you leave! ^-^
Chapter 8~ Leave Me Alone Yukito!
That conversation took an unusual twist. Which lead to me yelling the following. Which lead to the next part of the extremely weird conversation. Well, argument or umm fight? Well you’ll see.
“Powers?! What powers?!” I yelled
“The ones you have to use to stop the warlock. A.k.a. your dad.” Yukito said
“Ok you need a major reality check!” I started yelling louder, “My father is not a warlock, My mother is not a witch and I am not a witch either!”
“Ok, A; I never called you a witch so you just made that up in your head. B; Yes your father is, yes your mother was and yes you are too. C; Whatever you have to tell yourself to sleep at night.” Yukito replied. I could tell he was starting to get annoyed with me.
I was getting really sick of him too. So after that I ran as fast as I could. All the way back to the front entrance to the park. Yukito followed of course, and was yelling for me to stop all the way to the front gate. I ignored him of course. I just kept running. Except when I turned to see if he was still there. Then I turned looked at him and yelled, “You’re insane!”
Sadly, it turns out that Yukito was a faster runner than me, and the only reason he hadn’t caught me yet was because I had a head start. Which I lost when I stopped for a second. After realizing this I tried to run even faster. I started moving all around, and throwing objects in the way. This worked for about five minutes. After that he caught me.
“You know as long as I’m faster than you, you won’t be able to run away from me.” Yukito yelled and grabbed my arm so I couldn’t run away again.
“Take your hands off me!” I yelled
“Ok, there’s no need to make a scene.” Yukito said back
“We’re in an abandoned par-” I said before realizing that I had actually run out of the park, and into the city. I paused for a second and said, “Take your hands off me or you won’t get a scene. You’ll get a Broadway musical.”
Yukito let me go, and told me to follow him. Reluctantly, I did. So we walked over to this little alleyway. Once we got there, Yukito whispered something to me.
“If you would like him to find you then go ahead and make a scene. If you want to find out what happened to your mother follow me.”
I stood there for a few seconds just staring at the ground.
Then suddenly we weren’t alone in that alleyway.