You see when Sora fell into darkness his pure side of his heart was lost and also Kairi's creating BHK and Narmine, so him and co need to get to their dark sides and merge back together before they fall into darkness.
And also when the king and Riku were closed behind the door what if Riku's good side and King Mickey's bad side were still in their wagin a war. BHK is fighting the mindless in his demension while Sora fights the HEARTLESS in his. The darkside of people's hearts may seem nice at first, but evantually they fall into darkness.
So the darkside Riku is fighting Sora.
Look at all scans they look simalar just with different costumes.BHk and co are just Sora,Selphie,Tidus, and Wakka's nobodies just like Ansem's nobody Diz.
So thats why Kairi and Namine look simalar and have the same scent, so what do you think?
And also when the king and Riku were closed behind the door what if Riku's good side and King Mickey's bad side were still in their wagin a war. BHK is fighting the mindless in his demension while Sora fights the HEARTLESS in his. The darkside of people's hearts may seem nice at first, but evantually they fall into darkness.
So the darkside Riku is fighting Sora.
Look at all scans they look simalar just with different costumes.BHk and co are just Sora,Selphie,Tidus, and Wakka's nobodies just like Ansem's nobody Diz.
So thats why Kairi and Namine look simalar and have the same scent, so what do you think?