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Roxas is more pure and lighter than Sora

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Aucune Raison

Apr 18, 2006
600 A.D.
cloud and ninja said:
so much qoutes i cant read em all and remember what your talking about.do you really have to qoute everyone.and roxas is soras nobody which technacly means its not possible that roxas is more pure and lighter
Sorry about that, and you do bring up a good point. Roxas is the nobody, he is basically just half of Sora, there is no way he could be more pure. 'Nuff said.


Jun 15, 2004
I don't really see how I'm bashing Sora or being a Roxas fanboy. I'm just saying that Roxas's personality from what I played was a little more peaceful than Sora's. The way he acted around some people was the same as a normal innocent person. Sora had a tendency of sometimes acting like a little Dante even around his friends( the cocky arrogant remarks).

Besides, Roxas gets sad and humble more often than Sora. Plus here shows more of his innocence. Example: when Roxas thought Hayner was mad at him, he got all sad and kind of didn't want to do the Struggle Event if he was on bad terms with his friend. In KH1, when Riku was mad at Sora, Sora wasn't sad at all. Instead, he didn't hesitate to pull out his blade and prepare to fight him in Monstro. More proof that Sora is more merciless and less pure and innocent than Roxas.

Roxas had his moments, but Sora had more. Plus he has the bigger kill count( he even hinted at possibly killing the queen of hearts as a solution in CoM).

cloud and ninja

New member
Apr 23, 2006
lala land skipping school
King Sora_Strife said:
I don't really see how I'm bashing Sora or being a Roxas fanboy. I'm just saying that Roxas's personality from what I played was a little more peaceful than Sora's. The way he acted around some people was the same as a normal innocent person. Sora had a tendency of sometimes acting like a little Dante even around his friends( the cocky arrogant remarks).

Besides, Roxas gets sad and humble more often than Sora. Plus here shows more of his innocence. Example: when Roxas thought Hayner was mad at him, he got all sad and kind of didn't want to do the Struggle Event if he was on bad terms with his friend. In KH1, when Riku was mad at Sora, Sora wasn't sad at all. Instead, he didn't hesitate to pull out his blade and prepare to fight him in Monstro. More proof that Sora is more merciless and less pure and innocent than Roxas.

Roxas had his moments, but Sora had more. Plus he has the bigger kill count( he even hinted at possibly killing the queen of hearts as a solution in CoM).
thats because when ppl are mad at sora he doesnt go and kiss their ass.he tries to settle it.plus in kh1 he didnt want to but riku chalenged sora for ald times sake.and then he was forced to fight.and it wasnt that roxas didnt want to do struggle i kinda forgot about it.and he didnt hesitate to take blade with seifer.


Jun 15, 2004
Seifer was a jerk and it was clear that he wasn't Roxas's friend. Once again, when Roxas fought someone he went for a win and not a kill. Hayner was his friend, but Roxas didn't want to fight his buddy if they were on bad terms.

Riku was Sora's best friend and Sora didn't hesitate to pull out his weapon. In the Riku/Sora rivalry in KH1, Sora was the first to draw a weapon. Riku taunted, but Sora was ready to do what he does best.


Armchair Administrator
Jun 9, 2005
This is getting ridiculous. Roxas couldn't kill Hayner or Seifer, seeing as he was fighting with a FOAM BAT in some stupid town competition <_<

Roxas didn't ahve a choice but to go into Organization XIII? WHy couldn't he stay in Twilight Town? There didn't seem to be an issue with him living there, but Xemnas recruited him and he stayed with Xemnas for an entire year doing whatever he wanted to

Same situation goes for Sora. He was stranded on another planet, no where to go, yet did he go to the dark? Did he join Meleficent? Did he join up with 'Ansem'? No, he didn't, because Sora is pure and light

If Sora is so evil and merciless to all who are or were once bad, then why did he convince Aladin to let Iago proove he was good? Iago was clearly bad in the previous game, so why didn't Sora fire up the BBQ and have him for dinner? Because Sora beleives in second chances, which is why he always forgave Riku

Sore pulled his weapon on Riku in Monswtro because he was going to kill Pinnochio. So as I said before, he did what was necessary to defend those who are innocent. It's Sora's job to protect the weak, protect the innocent, even if it means smacking some sense into Riku

Sora knew that Namine had been the one messing with his Memories all through COM, and he knew that she never knew him and that everyhting he had heard about her was a lie, yet *hgasp, what did he do? He asked her to stop crying, he said that he couldn't stand to see her cry when he knew it was because of something he did. Sora was compassionate to Namine even if what she did to him was wrong, and he was willing to let her help him, and became her friend

Sora cried when he found Riku. He cheered Riku up when he thought he was too dark to be with him and Kairi again. Oh yeah, Sora is such a bad friend, when the past 2 years of his life were dedicated to finding them and ensuring they were safe

When Roxas has problems with his friends, all he did was mope around in self-pity. He never looked to solve the problem, or talk to his friends, all he did was doubt himself and hope the problem went away.

cloud and ninja

New member
Apr 23, 2006
lala land skipping school
TheMuffinMan said:
This is getting ridiculous. Roxas couldn't kill Hayner or Seifer, seeing as he was fighting with a FOAM BAT in some stupid town competition <_<

Roxas didn't ahve a choice but to go into Organization XIII? WHy couldn't he stay in Twilight Town? There didn't seem to be an issue with him living there, but Xemnas recruited him and he stayed with Xemnas for an entire year doing whatever he wanted to

Same situation goes for Sora. He was stranded on another planet, no where to go, yet did he go to the dark? Did he join Meleficent? Did he join up with 'Ansem'? No, he didn't, because Sora is pure and light

If Sora is so evil and merciless to all who are or were once bad, then why did he convince Aladin to let Iago proove he was good? Iago was clearly bad in the previous game, so why didn't Sora fire up the BBQ and have him for dinner? Because Sora beleives in second chances, which is why he always forgave Riku

Sore pulled his weapon on Riku in Monswtro because he was going to kill Pinnochio. So as I said before, he did what was necessary to defend those who are innocent. It's Sora's job to protect the weak, protect the innocent, even if it means smacking some sense into Riku

Sora knew that Namine had been the one messing with his Memories all through COM, and he knew that she never knew him and that everyhting he had heard about her was a lie, yet *hgasp, what did he do? He asked her to stop crying, he said that he couldn't stand to see her cry when he knew it was because of something he did. Sora was compassionate to Namine even if what she did to him was wrong, and he was willing to let her help him, and became her friend

Sora cried when he found Riku. He cheered Riku up when he thought he was too dark to be with him and Kairi again. Oh yeah, Sora is such a bad friend, when the past 2 years of his life were dedicated to finding them and ensuring they were safe

When Roxas has problems with his friends, all he did was mope around in self-pity. He never looked to solve the problem, or talk to his friends, all he did was doubt himself and hope the problem went away.

yea exactly.plus the only reason sora got to have some more bad times was because WE PLAYED FOR HIM 85% OF THE GAME!!we played as roxass for 3and a half hours.we didnt get to see him do anything.he probably slapped that one girl in his freind group a few times.who knows what he did.


Jun 15, 2004
^It was Goofy who trusted Iago fully. Sora was the one who didn't trust him completely. Goofy was the one that convinced Sora and Donald to give Iago a second chance. If Goofy wasn't around, Sora would've walked away from Iago or told him to get lost.

And I didn't say Sora was a completely bad friend. Just showing the differences in the way he handles things and the way Roxas handles things. Sora handles things in a more darker way than Roxas. If they swapped places with that whole Hayner situation, Sora would've beaten the s*** out of Hayner until Hayner said there was no problem.

And where are you guys getting this idea that Roxas is the dark evil dude. Give me an example on how Roxas is so evil.


Armchair Administrator
Jun 9, 2005
Avoiding the problem and moping around thinking about how much of a loser you are is more pure and lighter than trying to solve the problem?

Sora and Riku have a competitive relationship. Thier friendship thrives on the need to push each other to thier limits, Riku stated so himself. When Sora and Riku have a problem, they challenge each other, it's what they do. Sora doesn't just beat the crap out of Riku, don't be an ass

Roxas and Hayner's friendship is different. Thier friendship is based on promises and trust. If you break a promise, or betray the others trust, then it's over. You ignore each other until you're forced to face each other, and then you kiss and make up <_<


Jun 15, 2004
TheMuffinMan said:
Avoiding the problem and moping around thinking about how much of a loser you are is more pure and lighter than trying to solve the problem?

No. It just shows how much Roxas really hates conflict. It affects him to the point it hurts his feelings. Once again shows his purity and innocence. His reaction is a little more human and pure than Sora's merciless beat the crap out of the person solution.


The way i see it you guys are at a stale mate.
You both wont stop defending your opinion.

in my opinion Roxas seems more lazy then pure >.>


Armchair Administrator
Jun 9, 2005
Oh yeah, Roxas really hates conflict, expecially when he attacked Riku twice, slaughtered Heartless just as Sora did, once again DESTROYED A COMPUTER SYSTEM OUT OF RAGE, 'killed' his best friend Axel, and attempted to decapitate DiZ

Sora doesn't have a 'beat the crap out of them' method, he has a 'defend the innocent from the darkness' method. Riku and Sora don't only compete via sword battles, or did you forget that thier 'usual' form of competition was a race across thier play-island?


Jun 15, 2004
TheMuffinMan said:
Oh yeah, Roxas really hates conflict, expecially when he attacked Riku twice, slaughtered Heartless just as Sora did, once again DESTROYED A COMPUTER SYSTEM OUT OF RAGE, 'killed' his best friend Axel, and attempted to decapitate DiZ

Sora doesn't have a 'beat the crap out of them' method, he has a 'defend the innocent from the darkness' method. Riku and Sora don't only compete via sword battles, or did you forget that thier 'usual' form of competition was a race across thier play-island?

Roxas didn't kill Axel. He knew it otherwise he wouldn't have replied 'Yeah, I'll be waiting'. Yes, he killed heartless. Big deal. Everybody kills heartless. But when it comes to life forms that can actually think and talk, Roxas goes for a win most of the time and not straight up kill.

Riku was the one tracking down Roxas. Once again, Roxas was provoked into a fight, so he had to fight. And look, in the first fight, he only defeated Riku and not kill him. If Roxas was anything like Sora, Riku would've been as dead as Darth Maul.

So what if Roxas destroyed a computer out of rage. Instead of computers, Sora destroys flesh out of rage.

And Sora does have a 'beat the crap out of them' method. That's how handles a lot of things. Instead of trying to talk to Riku in Monstro and figure out more about what he was doing, Sora's solution was to pull out his keyblade and bash the living hell out of Riku. I know, you're going to say 'if that's the case, how come Roxas immediately attacked Axel without talking'.

Well, here it is. Unlike Riku, Axel pulled his weapon out first and provoked Roxas to fight. In every case for Roxas, his opponents are always the first to draw their weapons and provoke Roxas into a fight. Roxas has no choice but to fight them and in all the fights, he never kills his opponent. He defeats them instead.

In the Riku situation, Riku only taunted Sora. He had not shown any sign of wanting to attack Sora. He even offered Sora to join him. Since Riku showed no sign of attacking, Sora could've easily handled the situation by first talking and try convincing. But instead, he pulled out his weapon without question. His answer to the situation was to kick a**. Sora was the first to draw his weapon, which was not a toy but a real deadly weapon and Sora knew it.

Another instance of Sora's dark ways. In CoM during the Wonderland level, Sora's main idea to deal with the queen of hearts was to basically kill her. Alice came up with another idea. A lighter idea. These were taken from Sora's mind, which shows exactly what he thinks is the true way in handling things. Kill.

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You sure love your analogies.

Do you think Riku would even tell Sora what was going on even if Sora did ask? No. He didnt tell Sora about his new self in KH2 until Sora found out for himselfl sora knows riku and he knows that he wouldnt tell him anyways. Pinochio was in danger and Sora was protecting him. Do you think sora would have killed Riku? No!.

And Sora's acts in CoM could have easily been Naminé's doing as said by Axel.
Axel said:
But be forewarned... When your sleeping memories awaken, you may no longer be you.
By sleeping memories we all know he meant Nami's fake ones, or maybe he was referring to the hatred in Roxas?


New member
Feb 18, 2006
Twilight Town, in the Haunted Mansion
Sora doesn't kill anything. The hearts are released from darkness( other words purified of darkness. Sora does know this. That is why he attacks the heartless without worry. Remember Sora wasn't dumb until KH2, even then) and if the body, the heart comes from, isn't a Nobody it goes back to it. Completing the human that once was. You can actually find proof of this in KH at Traverse Town.
As for the Nobodies. They were bad. Just because they don't have hearts doesn't mean they can't be bad. Their cause was bad. The fact they were going around turning people into heartless is bad.
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Sora wasn't even going after them. Yen Sid and the others just wanted Sora to be on his guard and to know what he was going to be dealing with in case he ran into Nobodies. Nobodies are not always nice like Namine you know:
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Since he was no longer in the Organizations best interests. Besides, after a Nobody is beaten up. It fades back into Darkness. There it waits for it's heart.
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So, yeah, it was completely right Sora did all that stuff.
Besides, what else is Sora suposed to do. Let the Nobodies and heartless keep destroying worlds and creating chaotic ruin. Yeah...
Finally, I will speak of Roxas.
You can not count when Roxas was in Twilight Town 'cause at the time he didn't know he was a Nobody. He tought he was whole. So he lived out everyday life as a kid. Of course, when he retained his memories, he grew hateful, bad tempered, fit- throwing, ect. A lot like how he used to be judging by the way he acted toward Riku. What about Riku? Roxas sure was quick to try and murder him off. Roxas sure wouldn't have hesitated to kill DiZ. Actually he didn't. Roxas would have killed him if circumstances hadn't been as they were. Roxas would not have cared either. This is a bit of their conversation:
DiZ: Well, if it isn't the Keyblade bearer.
Roxas:Who are you talking to. Me or Sora.
DiZ: To half of Sora, of course. You reside in Darkness. What I need is someone who move about in the realm of light and destroy Organization 13.
Roxas: Why? Who are you?
DiZ: I am a servent of the world...(he laughes) and if I am servent that would make you, a tool at best.
Roxas: Was that supposed to be a joke. Because I'm not laughing.(attacks DiZ)
DiZ: My apologies. This is only a data- based projection.
Roxas:(screams and starts atcking it nonstop)
DiZ, when Roxas is done: Come, over here.
Roxas: I hate you soo much.
DiZ: You should share some of that hatred with Sora. He's far too nice for his own good.
Roxas: No! My heart belongs to me!(attacks DiZ again and DiZ dissapears)
Sora isn't dirty minded. I don't know where that came from and sure he is a bit disresectful, but what boy his age isn't. Sora is just being a guy. A pretty decent one I might add and he is sort of acting like a lighter Riku. Which is kind of weird. all I'm saying is that Roxas isn't lighter than Sora. He has his moments, but truely Sora is the light, pure one here.


Armchair Administrator
Jun 9, 2005
Once again, you have no proof at all that Roxas didn't know he killed Axel. Roxas comment was based off of Axel's comment 'See you on the other side'. So once Axel faded away, Roxas stated 'Meet you there', and then continued walking after he just 'killed' his best friend.

Ooooo, 'everybody kills heartless, big deal!'. WOW, that's not what you were saying 2 pages ago when you were talking aobut how Sora loves murdering heartless ruthlessly without feeling. Seems like someone is a little hypocritical on thier points, neh?

Riku was tracking Roxas down to capture him, not kill him, yet Roxas went all out on him as if he were trying to kill him. Because thats what Organization Roxas does (The true Roxas, not the misinformed brain-washed Twilight Town Roxas).

The Organization, however, was tracking down Sora to completely destroy him, and the millions of innocents inhabiting the various planets in the universe. So where Roxas attempted to kill someone who wants to capture him, Sora was forced into defending himself and the innocents around him by defeating the Organzization

It was Sora's destiny to defeat the ORganization, they were trying to take over the entire universe and become all-powerful. If Sora hadn't defeated them, then the universe would be enslaved and there would be no light any more. Sora didn't go on a vicious rampage, like you seem to think he did, he did what he had to do to fulfil his destiny and protect the realm of light

Sora never does anything out of rage. Sora never even has rage. I keep bringing up DiZ and the Computer because you keep saying that Roxas is a mild-mannered kid who never does anythinhg beyond innocent, when in reality he goes into fits of rage and feels the need to destroy things and people

Do you honestly think that Sora meant to go up and decapitate Riku in Monstro? Of course not, he needed to stop Riku from taking Pinnochio's heart, and if defeating Riku could prevent that, then that's what Sora needed to do in order to protect the innocent. Had Riku not run away, Sora probably would have had the chance to talk to Riku and ask him what's up, at a more appropriete time when an innocent's LIFE wasn't being drained away

You are so hypocritical. We've been stating this whole time that when Sora fights an Organization Member or Meleficent's flunkies, he was always provoked and force into battle by the opponent attacking him. So Sora is a vicious killer who attacks without warning and cares nothing for his opponent, yet Roxas in the same situation he's all dandy and a happy person?

We've seen 5 fights with Organization Roxas. The true Roxas.

-With the Riku battle, Roxas told him to shut up and charged at him, which whatever you say, was an attempted killing blow. You don't charge atyour oppnent if you want to give them a bruise, you charge at them if you want to kill them.

-The Axel battle, where Roxas 'killed' him.

-The Ansem Battle, where Roxas attempted to slice him in half. Even when it turned out to be a hologram, Roxas continued to attempt to kill what he hated, by viciously attacking the very image of DiZ over and over again.

-And finally, the Sora battle, where Roxas pointed his blade at Sora, once again, a sign of a killing blow, and in the moment where he neft his gaurd open, was defeated

So the true Roxas is such a nice guy who never goes for the kill? Wow, what do you know, in all 4 battles that we've seen the true Roxas, he attempted to kill his opponent.

Once again, Riku was draining the life from Pinnochio. Sora needed to do what he had to do in order to protect Pinnichio from Riku. If he needed to knock some sense into Riku, then that's what he needed to do in order to stop Riku from KILLING SOMEONE. You are an idiot if you think that Sora was going to kill Riku and shrug it off. Sora was going to defeat Riku and get him to stop being evil

As stated by R-K, Sora was influenced by Namine all through COM. And even though he knew this by the end, *gasp* he didn't kill her! Wow, Sora is such an evil guy that even after having his entire reality messed with, and nearly killed in multiple situations, he still forgave Namine and they became friends.
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Aucune Raison

Apr 18, 2006
600 A.D.
ultimantsora775 said:
I agree with you that he like kh1 sora
Why? What possible reason do you have.

You must consider that the Roxas we all played with for five hours was not the true Roxas. The true Roxas fought and attempted to kill Riku, and Sora, and innocent people as well. The Roxas in Twilight Town was BRAINWASHED, he did not know he was a nobody who wasn't meant to exist. As soon as Namine' told him the truth, he slowly started to get pissed at everyone. Ansem/Riku, DiZ, Axel... c'mon do the math. You constantly hypocricize your view points and contradict yourself. Your reasons are either bull, stretched, or extremely vague. We have showed you the faults in your statements, yet you continue on even though you have been beaten.
Roxas is the darker side of Sora.
Sora is Sora. He fights for the light, unlike Roxas, who got mad at everyone.

cloud and ninja

New member
Apr 23, 2006
lala land skipping school
soras better then roxas,get it? diz even said that roxas should share some of his hatred with sora and thats hes to nice for his own good.that means with all the hatred if he did show was roxas's side of sora since after that they shared hearts.

he even attacked diz and attempted to kill axel.
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