Hello everybody, and welcome to another edition of KHI Interviews, this is a very special edition. I'm going to be today's substitute, CD-Man2021, and we're going to be-
*Noel inserts 'booing' sound effect and laughs*
Well thank you, thank you. You're too kind.
Okay, *laughs and inserts 'cheering' sound effect* There you go.
We're going to be joined by Noblesse Oblige, also known as Noel. Say hello Noel.
Hello, hiya.
How we doin' today Noel?
Good, it's Sunday. I stayed up for my friend's birthday to give her a phone call.
Well that's nice of you.
How about you?
Well let's go ahead and dive right in. I'm going to just read the questions that we've got lined up and then we'll go off from there.
Sounds good.
First up we've got Sugar Lips' (KitKat's) questions right now. Will your characters always have a background as a baker?
Um, it depends really. I am terrible when it comes to characters, like building them in general, I always have a brain-fart or a brain meltdown. I always go for the cliché things, the big hero, the antihero, the lovable idiot, so it's hard for me to think of things when I'm trying to make a new character.
That one actually leads to a question I have. All of the characters you've had so far- you've only been part of three Roleplays I think, is that right?
Probably yeah.
All of them have been basically the same character, I'm guessing based off of Noel
Do you plan to ever go away from that formula, or do you think you're going to stick to that?
Actually, I have tried going away from that formula. In Roxie's RP that she made, I tried going for an antihero. He was a little bit more blunt and more of a jerk in terms of personality. So you're not going to be expecting like someone who's gonna be all nice, gentleman like. It's gonna be like, I'm not gonna be like- it's hard to explain it really. Just that- I have so many pauses right now. *laughs*
So you're basically going to move away from what you're used to, going out of your comfort zone.
Yeah, hopefully, once the RP gets started I'll try to go away from being nicey-nice.
That's good, kind of going away from what you know. Expanding, that's good. KitKat also asks "Will you ever use a female character?"
Maybe, if it's needed. I've tried going to the antihero thing like I said earlier. Atticus, my character, he's more of a Reaper, which is an antagonist I guessed. Guessed? But yeah, I might be using a female character if it's needed in the RP.
How would you feel about using a female character? Like would you do anything different than your male characters, or would you treat them exactly the same?
I wouldn't try to keep them the same, 'cause every guy in the world probably has a female side to them. I know you do.
Oh yeah, totally.
But yeah, I'm assuming I'll just unleash the female side of me, hopefully.
Set fire to the rain. She also asks- well I think we should save that question for last actually.
*laughs* Yeah.
Then we'll go onto Max. How did you come across KHI?
I think it was when I was wanting to learn more about Birth By Sleep for the PsP. That was probably back in like, 7th grade. I was looking up on some Google videos, remember, I wasn't that smart with the Google and stuff.
So I was just looking up that news and stuff, and i figured by the time Birth By Sleep came out would be 10th grade, which was last year for me. Was it 10th grade? 9th grade. 8th grade.
About a year or two ago I believe? I don't... Despite being part of a Kingdom Hearts forum, I'm not really into Kingdom Hearts. That's probably not a good sign.
Maxwell also asks "What got you interested in Roleplaying?"
Mmm, I joined a couple other forums and I've always seen the RP section, so I thought I'd give it a shot. Nothing special there.
Okay. Well would you say that Roleplaying has acted as a catalyst for your writing? Because you are very into Esprit Frame. Would you say that RPing has helped you in that regard?
It definitely has. Since I've started writing this year I've been learning how to put more feeling into my thought, my writing, everything. I've been actually being having a perfect A in my English class right now, and I'm thinking of going to a dual enrollment coarse, which is basically taking a college class in your high school, which hopefully I'll be able to be accepted in once the new year comes along.
So it's not only helped you in your personal life, but your academic life as well.
Yeah, and it's made me think a lot more too.
That's pretty good. Let's go back to KitKat's last question: "How does one become a follower of all things croissants?"
Let's not get started on that.
I'd say it's basically because back in 9th grade I was like a camp counselor for um, basically a summer camp. So when I was being the head honcho/leader for the squadron of my little people/guys, I was just talking normally and then in the morning we had croissants, which I didn't call them that but I called them crescents. So every time I said "Oh hey guys, we have crescents for breakfast today," they'd be like "They're croissants Noel." And I just basically argued with them saying they're crescents.
Basically exactly what happens here on KHI.
*Laughs* Basically yeah.
So that's how the whole crescant/croissant thing started, it stated way before KHI.
That's pretty cool actually, it's got it's own little lore going on.
Yeah, I might make another little short story about crescents and their ultimate savory flavor.
Wasn't someone, I don't remember who, someone in a thread, they said that- something about an army? Something, was that you?
An army?
I don't remember, I think it was something like that.
I think we kind of touched on that, but I was probably saying that whatever you guys were going to correct me on croissants and crescents, and I'm only going to stick with croi-scents... *laighs* I kind of fused that right there.
So it's kind of a way of life for you.
Yeah, like I usually make up my own words and it usually takes my speech and puts it in a new way. Like earlier for school, everyone kept saying I say valume wrong, like volume for music and stuff, so I just kept on with it saying it's valume.
You know what I actually have that too, I always say valume instead of volume, so I'm with you on that.
Um, something I've noticed too is you use- instead of 'of', you use this u-v-e instead.
Yeah it's just basically a special way to write. Like, it's like an accent in your writing. I think it'd be easier to write 'uve instead of 'of' even though it's two more keystrokes. It kind of puts a little flair, knowing that you wrote it instead of some imposter.
Right, it's your own kind of signature.
Yeah, basically.
Let's talk a bit about Esprit Frame, because I know you're very deep into that. Um, the characters are, I think, one of the most improtant things about it. Now, Noel is the main character and the female charcter- oh I fell bad I can't remember her name right now...
*Simultaneously* Katie/Katie!
Thank you, yes, I totally- I was testing you.
Is she based on anyone you know, or is she just all imagination?
She's actually based on someone I know. She um, it's basically a long story about that. I'm not going to say her name, but I'll just name her Katie, cause that's not really her name.
I met her in 8th grade and we just hit it off. Then we fell in love for a bit. I know having a young romance isn't really someone you would look up to, but- Definitely she change how I thought, wrote, listened to music, and after that I thought Noel would like someone like her, and that'd be Katie.
That's interesting. It's kind of drawing inspiration from what's around you.
Where did you get the idea for mechs? 'Cause I can tell this is becoming a kind of nature versus technology kind of thing. Where do you get the idea for these giant robots?
Well I'd probably say it's like, even though they're not really human beings, they probably have their own spirit. That's why I created their Esprit bodies. So I think it's probably putting a huge 'in your face' on symbolism 'cause one of my teachers said "Symbolism is basically an abstract idea put onto an inanimate object." So I just thought "Why not make the symbolism about the mech?"
Right, right. Basically you're putting your human face on inanimate objects, personifying them basically.
Yeah, it's basically your own giant signature. Once you come to love something that's not really alive, it becomes a lot- sentimental for you.
Right. About the Esprit's themselves, are we going to see their mech counterparts in a future chapter? Maybe some sneak peeks you wanna mention?
I'm gonna tell you this now. If you remember from the earlier chapters or bits, I had someone give Noel a phone call. And it said "Hmph. Lapdog." Well, let's just say someone who died is still alive.
Oh snap.
That's a little vague, but I'm not saying someone who was alive is dead, someone who thought something was alive is dead... Is now alive. If that makes sense.
Oh man, I got goosebumps. What about Vikas? Is that how you pronounce Katie's father's name, Vikas?
Yeah Vikas, yeah.
Are we going to see more about his relationship with his daughter down the line?
Yeah, he's going to put a very special role in Katie's, uh basically life once everything kicks off and the whole following action is going to be a little bit of a drama with a little sadness.
I see.
I've had this idea about Vikas and Katie for a while now and I have a good idea what I'm going to use it for.
That sounds like it'll be interesting. Is there anything else you want to mention about Esprit Frame before we move on to a different subject?
Once I finish it I'm probably going to rewrite it, 'cause if you notice, my writing has definitely evolved like a Pokemon during each bit, so I'm gonna probably go back, add a little things, take away things, and make it all around a square so nothing's uneven or unbalanced.
Right, okay. Once you finish with all that, do you plan on writing anything else in the future? Something completely different maybe?
Yeah, it's probably going to be a big set of short stories called Hopeless Romantics, 'cause I definitely am a hopeless romantic.
We've seen some evidence to that, yeah.
*Laughs* So yeah, I usually, when I think about things, I'm usually being romantic and mushy gushy. *Laughs* See, I'm definitely a female at heart, a little bit.
Yeah, well um-
But yeah.
What about... We're gonna take some questions from other interviews from the past. Let's have a look really quickly...
I wish I had that Jeopardy thing.
What about: When do you think we'll see the next chapter of your story? Can you give us a deadline for you to work towards?
It's usually a week for a release, but I've been busy with school so it might be a little delayed. But I'm a giant hypocrite, so who knows it's probably going to be done by tomorrow.
Oh yeah no worries I am too, just in the other direction. Is there any Roleplayers that you admire or look up to?
Yeah, probably almost everyone I've talked to. You, who probably was my first friend on here. Then the Waferbar.
Yeah, a lot of shout-outs. Basically everyone in the Person RP, 'cause everyone had like a different type of writing style, and it definitely reminds me of how different everyone's mindset is.
So basically it's actually kind of good for you because you get to see how everyone writes and take away from what they do and add it in to your own style.
Okay well um, I think I'm all out of questions. I don't know if there's anything yo want to add, maybe some shout-outs or anything else?
Probably that, um... Aw, I just had it on the top of my head. *Laughs*
As the readers and listeners can tell, we totally planned this out perfectly.
Yeah, and by the way, no transcripts. Unless your feeling to do it.
Uh, eh, maybe. We'll have hidden do it-
*Noel inserts 'booing' sound effect and laughs* There you go.
Well, we could give it to Hidden before we put it up and have him do it if he's not busy.
Nah it's fine.
Shout-out to Hidden by the way.
He definitely revived the whole RP interview thing.
Yeah, good job on him.
And I think that he said he's probably going to be doing- letting everybody who already has been interviewed get that little special audio interview.
Yeah, down the line eventually. That will be pretty good, I think a lot of people deserve to have some audio recognition going on.
So we don't sound like total shut-ins in a closet with a laptop or computer.
Yeah so we actually have a voice to attach to them instead of just plain text.
Yeah. You know I always thought your voice would be a little bit more like a Johnny Yong Bosch, if you know who that is.
Yeah, my friends tell me I sound like Barry White actually.
*Laughs* Really?
*CD-Man does a deep voiced impression*
What do I sound like?
You- I don't know. Your voice is kind of weird. I think we're getting really off subject though. This has nothing to do with anything else. *laughs*
Aw shush. Alright guys, I think that's probably it. Not a 30 minute interview like you had, but I'm not that special.
We got halfway, we're pressing... 16:40 right about now. That's not bad at all.
Well thanks for listening everybody, and tune in next time. Hidden will probably take over, maybe Noel will. Yeah, goodbye everyone.
Bye. *Noel cues cheering sound effect* Later.