ON the cover of KHFinal Mix does anyone know why riku has an angel wing?
It has meaning because, Riku uses Darkness mostly for a good cause, Darkness = Color of wings, Good cause = Type of Wings (Angel).
i know he uses it for good, but i lost you after that "color of wings" sorry can u explain to meh i dont get it.. sorry >~O
He's leaning on a broken statue. Like the ones you find on gargoyles or Angels in a graveyard.
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Nomura has lost his creativity. He pretty much cameos and Easter Eggs the shit out of his other characters, games, weapons, attacks, etc.
This is just yet another reference to a Sephiroth based character.
Riku was a good person. A person who fought for the side of good only to be twisted and corrupted by darkness.
It's meant to look like he has the wing even if it is clever editing. So in this situation we treat the wing as a part of him. Because that's how it is meant to look.Hate to burst your bubble guys, but he's leaning against a statue.
He's leaning on a broken statue. Like the ones you find on gargoyles or Angels in a graveyard.
*cough*Repost*cough*It's just symbolism, guys.
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Nomura has lost his creativity. He pretty much cameos and Easter Eggs the shit out of his other characters, games, weapons, attacks, etc.
This is just yet another reference to a Sephiroth based character.
Riku was a good person. A person who fought for the side of good only to be twisted and corrupted by darkness.