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Riku may not be connected to Terra

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Bronze Member
Sep 10, 2009
We can't, however, we can't use these similarities to draw a connection either as they suggest nothing other than the two of them are alike.

I'm not really using them as proof for connections, although I'm trying to comprehend why Jumpcolour thinks they're not connected just because they have not really interected from what we know of. Although, you are right, using similarities isn't a really good way to draw a connection.


Lick It Good
Mar 23, 2009
Breaking Stuff
I agree with you. The fact they don't interact does in no way void a connection nor does interaction create one.


The Scotsman
Jun 1, 2008
You don't have much to stand on. Some assume Terra is connected to Riku because he chose Riku to wield the KK, however, in my opinion that does not qualify as a connection. So, as far as I'm concerned it's a race between Terra and Aqua. Who Aqua would be related to I know not, just that it probably isn't Kairi.

Haha just a thought, what if Terra decided Riku was to have the KK then at the last possible second, he realized Riku was gonna be an evil Asshole for the first game, was like wait i like Sora better... wow Terra your a girl now cuz u cant make up ur mind! Randomness lol:35::36::31:


New member
Nov 29, 2009
Riku may be connected to Terra because (thus far) Terra is following the same routes as Riku did in KH1...

And to the poster above, Sora was never meant to have the KK in the first place. The LS' words hold a meaning and it said to Sora,
"No. It isn't you that I have chosen. Why isn't it him?"

But because Sora "touched the light" within Riku he temporarily took the KK from Riku. Sora wasn't meant to truly have the keyblade till Hollow Bastion when he stole it right back from Riku because he had the stronger heart at that moment(not because Riku was corrupted by darkness because Nomura explained it doesn't matter if you take the dark path or the light path. As long as your heart is strong).

And we know Riku was suppose to be the original KK master because he saw the 'keyhole' to Destiny Islands when he was younger. Something Sora never saw.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
The only one from both trios who have seemingly direct connection are Sora and Ven. Aqua and Kairi are in no way, shape or form related directly. Most likely Aqua is a PoH, and gets replaced by Alice since she's most likely not even born in BbS. Terra having connections to Riku is the most silliest thing ever. They both use darkness? Woopdedoo, there were keyblade weidlers from the Realm of Darkness, so that means Riku is directly connected to hundreds of thousands of others?

The only ones with a seemingly direct connection are Riku and Vanitas, Sora and Ven, Master Xehanort and Xehanort.

Why does everyone assume Alice isn't born? She's 7/8 in the books, but in the Disney film she's 12. She'd be born. Alice is the best PoH, anyways. >_>

Also. Aqua and Kairi ARE somewhat connected. The fact that they both know how to make those charms with Thassalla shells (or whatever they were called), probably means Aqua may have taught Kairi, as it seems they meet in BBS. So they could be connected in that they are the spiritual guides for their respective groups. Aqua's hope kept Ven/Terra going (probably), and I know Kairi's a big driving force in Riku's and Sora's quest.

Haha just a thought, what if Terra decided Riku was to have the KK then at the last possible second, he realized Riku was gonna be an evil Asshole for the first game, was like wait i like Sora better... wow Terra your a girl now cuz u cant make up ur mind! Randomness lol:35::36::31:

Also, geez. Don't spam. Well. Don't make a legitimate post, and then reduce it to spam.


Waiting on FF XV and KH3 :D
Oct 5, 2009
Los Angeles
At this point connection extends far beyond just looks.

The name meanings in connection to Terra, Aqua, and Ven are similar to the name meanings of Sora, Kairi, and Riku. Nomura even said there was a reason behind the names. Another connection is how Riku was the oldest of his group and acted like the leader, while that same concept is applied to Terra, who is clearly the oldest and perhaps the ring leader in the group of the three Keyblade wielders.

Terra's heart has an affinity to darkness as did Riku's. Their alignment and affiliation with it are very similar. Riku gone to capture the POH in Kingdom Hearts like how Terra does the same in BBS. Xehanort tells Riku that since he feared not opening his heart to darkness, his heart can become much stronger if he embraced it. In BBS Master Xehanort tells him to open his heart to darkness as well.

Terra and Riku have very similar constitutions. And it is also suggested that Terra chose Riku as the wielder of the Kingdom Key. That's a lot of connections if you ask me...

I would like to cut you down a bit.

1.Terra has never acted like the leader of the group even once. If he has show me proof a screenshot at least.

2.Everyone heart has an affinity to darkness there is not one instance where you actually see Terra use the power of darkness.

3.Terra ever colloected the POH's ever.

and a little side note. Since when has Riku ever acted like the leader.


Cod 6 online profile (lizymans)
Jul 22, 2008
Alright, we all know that 2 of TAV is related to 2 of SRK, and since Ven looks like Roxas,
we can probly assume that he is related to Sora:31:

Then in the scan, it shows Kairi with Aqua, so they might be related:lol:

The only time we see Terra and Riku close together, is when Terrawas on DI, watching Riku beat up Sora:angry:

So what do you guys think?:confused:

Ven looks like Roxas,
we can probly assume that he is related to Sora

You never know. That might be what Nomura wants us to think.


an old man plaguing the site like a phantom
Apr 22, 2007
Didn't Nomura already confirm a connection between Ven and Sora though? I doubt he's trying to lead us astray.

And also, if anything Terra being connected to Riku is much more likely and probable than Aqua being related to Kairi because they met like, what, once?
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Lick It Good
Mar 23, 2009
Breaking Stuff
Didn't Nomura already confirm a connection between Ven and Sora though? I doubt he's trying to lead us astray.

And also, if anything Terra being connected to Riku is much more likely and probable than Aqua being related to kairi because they met like, what, once?

I admit Terra and Riku being connected would be more logical than a Kairi and Aqua connection, but thus far all people are using as proof are similarities between the two. I just hope that whoever else is connected is so in a way that is surprising.


an old man plaguing the site like a phantom
Apr 22, 2007

I knew I did something wrong. I should never speak at 3 in the morning.

I admit Terra and Riku being connected would be more logical than a Kairi and Aqua connection, but thus far all people are using as proof are similarities between the two. I just hope that whoever else is connected is so in a way that is surprising.

The only thing I think people are using to connect Aqua and Kairi are:
-The fact they look a bit alike, but that's probably because Nomura likes to recycle character designs
-They both use(d) Keyblades, although Kairi was never a real wielder and had to borrow one
-The fact they're both the girls in their respective trio's
-They both made charms for their friend(s), although Kairi only gave one to Sora, while Aqua gave one to both Terra and Ven.
-They are conveniently both in the same scene at the same time

That's not really much to try and connect on, as to where with Terra and Riku:
-They are both in fact wielders
-They look like they both went down the same path, but Terra may not have tried redeeming himself
-Lingering Sentiment hints that Terra passed on his/a Keyblade to Riku and not Sora
-They're names both have similar meanings
-They're both the most experienced of their trio
-Terra watches Riku (and I guess I HAVE to include Sora, as well) on the beach like a pedo
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