umm......u guys should start a riku fan club....
overdrive said:umm......u guys should start a riku fan club....
louis said:I think he will fight with sora this time
You bring up a good point. That fact is we don't know any details about Riku in KH2 because no info has been released about him. The last time we saw him was in COM. We don't know if he looks different because he's aged, or if he acts differently. We can only assume that he still acts like the Riku we all know, but still there's alwasys that chance that he's changed for some reason.Ok so we talk about BHK Kairi Sora Mickey etc. But what about Riku in Kh 2 i wonder how does he looks like sora have a new outfit like would riku too. And would he be taller. What do you guys think how does he look like in KH-2? and hews personality is it going to change?
How do you think Riku would look like phisically??
Will hes personality change??
majordanger said:You bring up a good point. That fact is we don't know any details about Riku in KH2 because no info has been released about him. The last time we saw him was in COM. We don't know if he looks different because he's aged, or if he acts differently. We can only assume that he still acts like the Riku we all know, but still there's alwasys that chance that he's changed for some reason.
DivineRoseKeeper said:well as i said in a different riku thread (Omfg there r two riku threads >.< poor guys when sora gets like 200 lmao) he will prolly pop up here and there giving words of wisdom or puzzle or riddle like things to help sora, until he reveals himself or something to that affect.
Riku-Keyblade said:I know which Org. Member Riku is. On that group artwork he is the member on the left. MochaCat244 has proof to prove this fact. As for me i think he is the Org. Member seen in the DD world. He is going to wear the Org. Cloak the whole game im sure of it.
biglipsxi said:iyts the 1 that has mickey bhk kairy diz and 2 unkowns i dnt believe it i remeber she said thats riku cuz of the unknowns shoe i dnt belive it but it seems on the artwork those r only the mae charecters i think 1 of the unknowns is the enigmatic man and the other 1 could possibly be riku
Sora does but that's only on certain occasions when he has to mirge with Donald or Goofy.Dark-Sora 50 said:He's gonna have an Org cloak on no matter how long. At least thats what I reckon. Do these people EVER change their clothes?>!