Solareon well I think I know what you mean and my answer is 3 months has past
hope that’s what you mean
LOL ya that's what I meant, I thought it had been longer, I'll edit this post with my temp soon. Though ya might want to re-read some temps, some of them don't add up, hell one of them mentioned that there character was from the Spain outbreak, though this RP is set three mouths after the first game while the Spain outbreak wouldn't be for another 5 years and 11 mouths.
Name: Jack Davis
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Jack was born in Raccoon city and had lived there his whole life, that being the only place he knew, his family where from Italy and had came there sometime ago, they where somewhat of a big family. Jack had two younger brother and three sisters, so the house was never calm.
Since Jack was the oldest boy in the house he held the title of teaching his brothers everything they would come to know, though mostly it was his younger brother John since his other one was still to young. Jack learned martial arts thanks to there being a School right on there block, and he got pretty good at it, that was also one f his talents.
When Jack got older he joined the RPD, he joined it right on his eighteenth birthday, he had always had a strong sense of justice so it wasn’t that much of a surprise when he joined it. So day to day where spent doing his best to help the city, he was let into S.T.A.R.S. as a rookie but during the mouton murders he wasn’t aside to go along on the mission, when the events came to the ears of police though he would learn of he horror that happened, even though no one had believed the survives.
Though it would turn out that it was the truth and Raccoon city would be over run by the zombie outbreak, Jack was part of the exaction of the town and helped many get out, though he himself wasn’t able to save his family, most of his family died in the outbreak, only his younger brother John had survived, he was over a friends house when it happened so the two stuck with each other. It turns out his brother had been rescued by Chris Reified.
It's been three mouths since those events, Jack was on his way to meet his younger brother when he passed by some local town, he was running low on gas and it was late. So thinking he could get back on the road the next day Jack stopped in the town for the day, but I bet if he knew what would happen in that town he would of just kept driving.
From years of training and his short time as a rookie in the RPD jack can say he’s in pretty good shape, he’s 6 ft even and weighs around 169 pounds, Jack’s skin tone is a light tan from all the work in the sun, his hair is a chestnut brown and his eyes are a navy blue color. Also thanks to his time in the first out break Jack had been given a scar over his right eye, it had been a scary moment for him because he had thought he was infected, though it would turn out it hadn’t gone deep enough to infect him. Since it still hasn’t been to long for him Jack hasn’t really gotten any new cloths, he only has left over cloths from his old car from the city which he used to escape with. He mostly wears his RPD long-sleeved shirt, black jeans with rips in them and fingerer less gloves.
Jack had been more of a calm person since his youth, unlike his younger brother who was more head strong and never thought things threw Jack had been smarter, though there luck was pretty much the same, they always found them selves in a world of shit wherever they went, which also explains how he eneded up in this certain town.
Ever since the Raccon outbreak Jack hasen't been sleeping much and seems to be surffering some light PTD, he contiues to sleep with a gun under his pillow and when he does sleep dreams of the events that happend come back into his memory. When bright side to his life is that he has a very strong bond with his younger brother and also owes the past members of S.T.A.R.S. for saveing his younger brother.
Setting: He had been staying in a motel when he heard some strange noises coming from outside.
Weapons: Jack kept his police provided 9mn from the city though the fun only has five bullets in it and he only has four clips left, He also has a combat knife and a pocket knife/lock pick, besides his weapons though John is skilled in hand to hand combat.
I like pie ;D