╬ProperArtist╬;3758620 said:I think you mean Resident Evil 5?
Seeing as I'm sure that's what you meant, I already have it; woke up at 10 this morning and went to pick it up.
Me and Ojike are gonna go through the storymode together seeing as from what I hear the single player campaign is atrocious.
╬ProperArtist╬;3758729 said:Let's just say compared to playing with someone via coop she's an idiot.
She doesn't manually combine ammo, so you've got to spend time fixing both your inventories (which if in a heated situation can mean the difference between living and dying). Not only that but she generally just stands around while mobs of Majini are attacking, pretty much making her both a human pinata and useless when you're backs are too the wall.
Hints why I prefer playing with people online who can handle themselves with a pistol when that's all they have rather than complaining because they don't have a shotgun, what I essentially mean as people who can at least take care of themselves and watch my back if need be just like I watch there's.
Oooh, I don't know much about it, but talking about it makes me want to get it....
So who's that chick with Chris?
Dude, the flyer says "trade any two of the titles listed below and you'll get Resident Evil 5 for only $19.99."
Dude, the flyer says "trade any two of the titles listed below and you'll get Resident Evil 5 for only $19.99."