The difficulty has been put up more than RE4 I can say that but the controls are mainly the same. The changing weapons on the fly is annoying as hell especially when your crowded. And the very limited Ammo is a drag.
Yea and the inventory is less annoying with the d-pad shortcuts, but the difficulty is still higher than RE4 by a good bit. The computer A.I. has its annoying moments with hogging the ammo and requesting it midfight.
During the fights asking for ammo is a pain and a liability.Just ask for the ammo and dont give it to her.
whatI couldn't figure out how to turn, it was ridiculous.
Can't remember where I got the VA info, sorry. It's out there somewhere - just give google a good beating until it splurts the info out.
I believe the masked person to be Jill now. Judging by what Wesker said to Chris at the end and the fact that Ada and Chris have never met (I think) it has to be.
Is it me or did this game just get tribal?
Hey, I'm standing here bent over. Hurry it up.So I was told there would be ass fucking in this thread...