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Fanfiction ► Reimagination of Kingdom Hearts

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an old man plaguing the site like a phantom
Apr 22, 2007
So basically I took it upon myself to rewrite KH1 into a story of my own version, and now that I've gotten most of it done, I've figured it couldn't hurt to share it a bit. So anyway, my version of Kingdom Hearts (One).

WARNING: Some Kairi fans may be upset of the fact that I decided to change Kairi's character because her character in the game sucked. kthxbai.


Chapter One: Dreaming

Voice of Sora: I’ve been having these weird thoughts lately, like is any of this for real or not?

Sora felt strange, like he was dreaming. He could feel something rushing past him, like he was falling… but where? He started to feel like he was cold and wet, and soon opened his eyes and rose up, realizing he was, in fact, underwater. His feet touched the surface of something, and when he tried to walk forward, a blinding light appeared and many white doves flew out from the ground and into the sky, leaving Sora stuck on a platform of Snow White and her Seven Dwarves. He stares up into the dark sky, realizing he isn’t underwater, but stuck somewhere in the darkness.

Mysterious Voice: So much to do, so little time... Take your time. Don’t be afraid. The door is still shut. Now, step forward. Can you do it?

Sora steps forward, listening to the strange voice, pondering why it sounds like a… a mouse. Then, trapezoid-like stones with a sword, a shield, and a staff appeared.

Mysterious Voice: If you give it form... It will give you strength. Choose well.

Sora jumped onto the stone with the shield and picked it up, holding it in both his hands. He stared at it for a few seconds, noticing that on the front was a big mouse emblem, along with what was on all the other weapons.

Mysterious Voice: The power of the guardian. Kindness to aid friends. A shield to repel all. Is this the power you seek?

Sora nodded, waiting for the voice‘s next reply.

Mysterious Voice: Your path is set.

The shield disappeared from Sora’s arm, and he jumped off of the stone.

Mysterious Voice: Now, what will you give up in exchange?

Sora chose the sword.

Mysterious Voice: The power of the warrior. Invincible courage. A sword of terrible destruction. You give up this power?

Sora: Yeah.

Mysterious Voice: You’ve chosen the power of the guardian. You’ve given up the power of the warrior. Is this the form you choose?

Sora: Uh-huh.

The trapezoid stones disappeared. The floor began to shatter and Sora slipped and began to fall once more into darkness. Although this time, he lands on the circular floor with a portrait of Cinderella. A shield appeared in Sora’s right hand.

Mysterious Voice: You gained the power to fight.

Sora tried out the attack with the shield.

Mysterious Voice: All right! You’ve got it. Use this power to protect yourself and others.

Suddenly, strange black creatures began to appear from the ground. they had beady, yellow eyes and two antennas that seemed to wiggle around in every direction.

Mysterious Voice: There will be times you have to fight. Keep your light burning strong.

Sora grabbed his shield, and then headed straight for the Shadowy creatures. He crashed his shield straight into them, turning them into nothing but dust. Soon, he defeated all of them-

Mysterious Voice: Behind you!

Sora turns around and quickly blocks the Shadow’s attack with his shield. He recovers quickly, and then throws the shield into the creature, destroying it, and it returned back into his right hand. A door then appears, and Sora walks over to it curiously, thinking it’ll take him further through this dream world.

Sora: I can’t open it...

Sora sees a treasure chest appear and walks over to it. He examines it, and as he does it springs open. Then a large crate appeared, and so Sora smashes it with his weapon. Then a barrel appeared and Sora smashed that as well. The door then opened and lights began to flood out as Sora advanced through it. Sora ends up on Destiny Islands’ play island, where Selphie, Tidus and Wakka were waiting.

Mysterious Voice: Hold on. The door won’t open just yet. First, tell me more about yourself.

Sora looks up into the sky, a bit confused, and decides to talk to his friends. First, he approached Tidus.

Tidus: What are you afraid of, Sora?

Sora: Uhhh… Getting old.

Tidus: Gettin’ old? Is that really so scary?

Sora: You know you can't do the same things that we did when we were young if we're old.

Tidus: (shrug) Ya, I guess so.

Sora decides he has nothing more to say to Tidus and this time approaches Wakka.

Wakka: What do you want outta life?

Sora: I wanna see rare sights.

Wakka: To see rare sights, huh?

Sora: Yeah, one day, we're gonna get there.

Wakka: "We"?

Sora: Me, Riku, and Kairi; we're all gonna see other worlds some day.

Wakka: If ya do, don't forget to write back, ya?

Sora finishes his Wakka and then finally decides to approach Selphie.

Selphie: What’s most important to you?

Sora: My friends, of course!

Mysterious Voice: You’re afraid of getting old. You want to see rare sights. You value your friends. Your adventure begins at dawn. As long as the sun is shining, your journey should be a pleasant one.

Sora: Okay.

Mysterious Voice: The day you will open the door is both far off and very near.

Sora then was back in the same place as before, but on another platform with a portrait of Aurora. Sora approached the light and group of Shadows appeared once again.

Sora: Again?!

Sora drew his shield and fought off the Shadows, destroying each one with a fierce jab. Then, a path appeared before Sora to another platform further up. Sora ran up the path, and as he did, they began to disappear so as to he couldn’t go back. Once Sora finished the path and arrived on the new platform…

Mysterious Voice: The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.

Then, Sora’s shadow began to rise right in front of him, creating a huge monster with a hole shaped like a Heart in his stomach and Medusa-like hair.

Mysterious Voice: But don’t be afraid.

Sora tried to run away, but almost fell off the platform when he got to close to the edge. He realized that he was trapped with this thing.

Sora: Easy for you to say.

Sora then charged at the monster, trying to attack it, but miserably failing. The monster then slammed his hand straight where Sora was standing, and Sora barely managed to roll out of the way. He then began to attack the hand as it slowly slid deeper into the platform, creating a dark portal around it as more Shadows from before appeared. Sora jabbed his shield into one of their faces, and then kicked at the other. They both disappeared, and soon the monster withdrew his hand.

Sora: …How… am I supposed to beat this thing?

The monster began to release dark energy shots around the area after Sora, each he barely managed to escape. Then, Sora saw an opening and jumped onto the hand, ran up the arm, and then slammed his shield into the creatures’ face once he reach the shoulders. The monster then began to fall down, and soon Sora began to get engulfed in darkness.

Mysterious Voice: And never forget… You hold the mightiest weapon of all. So don’t forget: You are the one who will open the door.

Sora tried fighting off the darkness, but soon he was engulfed in it and felt helpless.

(Voice of Riku): Sora… Sora…

(Voice of an old woman): Move it Riku, I’ll wake the damn boy myself! Wake up you lazy bum!

Sora then opened his eyes and found himself drooling on his desk with the whole class looking at him.

Sora: Huh?

Old Woman: How dare you “huh?” me in my own class, boy! You were sleeping in here! What, you think this is your home or something.

Sora: But Miss-!

Old Woman: Don’t “But Miss-!” me! You’re not even wearing pants!

Sora: What?!

Sora picked up his head from the desk and looked at Riku who sat next to him, and Riku hinted for him to look down with his eyes. Once Sora did, he realized that his teacher was in fact right: He had no underwear on.

Sora: Aaaaahhhhhhh!

Then, the whole room began to melt away, and Sora began to fall further into darkness.


an old man plaguing the site like a phantom
Apr 22, 2007
Okay, since I haven't gotten the chance yet, I'll go ahead and update the thread with Chapter Two so that way I can get more of the story going now.


Chapter Two: Destiny Islands (Day 1)

Sora suddenly stopped falling, and he could hear the faintest sound. Someone… calling him.

(Voice of Kairi): Sora, you lazy bum.

Sora: Whoa!

Sora quickly rose up, and looked around to find he was sleeping on the play island him and his friends shared. He was really confused, and then looked to his right to see Kairi standing there, giggling at him. Sora smiled back and began to get up.

Sora: Gimme a break, Kairi.

Kairi: Your mom said you weren’t home. She was kind of worried. But I knew that I’d find you snoozing down here.

Sora: No! This huge black THING swallowed me up! I couldn’t breathe, and then Ms. Dobb‘s showed up and—Ow!

Sora’s head began to hurt, and Kairi gives him this loom that spells out “Sora, did you drink too much Paopu again?”

Kairi: Are you still dreaming?

Sora: It wasn’t a dream! Or was it? I don’t know. What was that place? So

Kairi: Yeah, sure.

There was an awkward silence for a few moments, and then Sora figured he should break it with a new conversation that didn’t make him seem like the Play Island drunk again. He’d had experience with that and Tidus, Wakka and Riku would never let it go. They always brought it up at the most inconvenient times, too. Kairi turned away from Sora and began looking to the sea, as if longing for… for something.

Sora: Say, Kairi, what was your hometown like? You know, where you grew up.

Kairi: I don’t remember much, but what I do remember is being somewhere.....a place. It was filled with books. My grandma was there, and she would tell me stories....but I can't remember any of them, or anything else.

Sora: Nothing at all?

Kairi: Nothing.

Another awkward pause passed.

Sora: You ever want to go back?

Kairi: Well, I’m happy here, but I wouldn't mind ever heading back, just to visit.

Sora: Really...

Kairi: Yeah, maybe I could remember everything that I can't.

Kairi turns back to Sora, and smiles.

Kairi: And to see my Grandma again…

Sora: Yeah. I‘d like to see that place, too. Along with any other worlds out there! I want to
see ‘em all!

Kairi: So what’re we waiting for?

Riku: Hey, aren’t you guys forgetting about me?

Riku then appeared from behind Sora with a giant log under his left arm. He began to walk towards Sora and Kairi, with this wide, smug smile spread on his lips.

Riku: So, I guess I’m the only one working on the raft.

Riku tossed the log at Sora which he tried to catch, but Sora ended up falling while he tried catching it, and then it landed right on top of him. Riku walked over to Kairi, pretending that he never even threw the log at Sora.

Riku: And you’re just as lazy as he is!

Kairi giggled and then put both her hands together and rose them up right where her heart was.

Kairi: So you noticed?

Sora made his way from under the log and then began gasping for air, so Riku went over to him and gave him this hopeless look.

Riku: You’re hopeless without us, Sora. Here give me the log.

Riku put his hand out for Sora to put the log in, but Sora grabbed it with both arms, struggling a bit, but could manage.

Sora: Na… it’s… cool I… got it.

Riku: Suit yourself.

Riku turned away from Sora when Kairi began to talk.

Kairi: Hey, I know! How ‘bout this - a race to see who has to build the rafts!

Sora: Huh?

Kairi: Whoever loses has to build the rafts all by themselves - no exceptions!

Riku: You have to be kidding.

Kairi: Ready? Go!

Riku and Sora, who had both been sitting on the ground, now rise up from the sand and began to run, and Kairi follows right behind them. Later on the island…

Kairi: So, can you gather the rest of the supplies?

Kairi looks at Sora, who seems to be lost in thought.

Kairi: Sora, are you listening to me?

Sora: Yeah, I heard you.

Kairi: Okay, here’s what you need to go find: Two Logs. One Cloth. One Rope.
Bring everything back here. If you need help, just ask. I’m counting on you!

Sora then goes to find the equipment for Kairi. As he heads to the tree house, he meets Wakka on the way.

Wakka: Yo, Sora. How you hangin'?

Sora turns around and sees Wakka.

Sora: Oh, hey Wakka.

Wakka: Selphie was been harrassin' us about you, Riku, and Kairi. She says somethin' is up. Are ya really buildin' a raft to go off the islands?

Sora: Yeah, who told?

Wakka: Ya mean ya don't remember?

Sora: Hmm?

Wakka: Earlier man, 'member? Me, you, Selphie, and Tidus were talkin'.

Sora: So then it....wasn't a dream?

Wakka: You okay? Ya acting a little weird.

Sora: …It’s nothing I guess.

Wakka: Okay then, but how 'bout we go then, just real quick?

Sora: I dunno, I gotta go get some stuff for Kai-

Wakka: Come on, unless you're scared I’ll whip ya.

Sora smiles and then pulls out his Wooden Sword from where it was held on his belt as Wakka brings out his Blitz Ball. Sora gripped his sword with his right hand and shot Wakka a determined look.

Sora: Okay, you're on.

Sora and Wakka battle. Wakka throws his ball at Sora, but Sora hit’s the ball back towards Wakka, knocking him straight in the face and leaving him confused momentarily. Then, Sora goes in and smacks his Wooden Sword straight into Wakka’s left side of his ribcage, and then jumped backwards as he noticed he was regaining control of himself. Then, Wakka burst into the air and threw his ball so fast it barely missed Sora and zoomed across the water before returning back like a boomerang. Before the ball could reach Wakka, Sora did the finishing blow by plunging his sword right into Wakka’s stomach, knocking him backward into the ground, caught off guard.

Sora: Oh yeah!

Wakka then got up and shook it off, and then laughed a bit.

Wakka: You sure have gotten stronger, ya?

Sora: Yep, I guess I have.

Later, Sora talks to Selphie and Tidus for some one on one while finding the equipment that Kairi needs. After finding all of them, Sora talks to Kairi.

Kairi: Thanks, Sora! I found something today, too. Here, it’s yours.

Kairi gave Sora, a Hi-Potion.

Kairi: Tired? Want to call it a day?

Sora: Yeah, let’s go home.

Kairi: Okay. It is getting late. We’ll finish up tomorrow. Let’s go find Riku.

Later in the sunset...

Sora: So, Kairi’s home is out there somewhere, right?

Riku: Could be. We’ll never know by staying here.

Sora: But how far could a raft take us?

Riku: Who knows? No matter what it takes, I’ll make sure we get to the other worlds. If we have to, we’ll think of something else.

Kairi: So, suppose you get to another world. What would you do there?

Riku: Well, I haven’t really thought about it. It’s just... I’ve always wondered why we’re here on this island. If there are any other worlds out there, why did we end up on this one? And suppose there are other worlds... Then ours is just a little piece of something much greater. So we could have just as easily ended up somewhere else, right?

Sora lied down on the branch where he, Kairi and Riku are talking acting as if he was that exhausted.

Sora: I don’t know.

Riku: Exactly. That’s why we need to go out there and find out. Just sitting here won’t change a thing. It’s the same old stuff. So let’s go. Let's find a new world, together. We're all find it, because we're all best friends. Nothing could come between that. Not something like this. Nothing.

Sora and Kairi both stare at Riku like as if he were some world leader preaching on about something important.

Kairi: You’ve been thinking a lot lately, haven’t you?

Riku: Thanks to you. If you hadn’t come here, I probably would’ve never thought of any of this. Kairi, thanks.

Kairi giggles, and then turns back to look at Riku.

Kairi: You’re welcome.

Sora walked into the door of his apartment after climbing up the stairs, and then looked around, and smelled something cooking.

Sora: Mom, I’m home!

Sora's Mom then came out from the kitchen, and walked over to Sora.

Sora's Mom: Oh hey sweetie, how was your day at the island?

Sora: Alright...

Sora's Mom: Really? Do you like the how sand feels when you sleep then, or something?

Sora: Huh-?

Sora's Mom then slammed down her rolling pin that she had in her hand, and turned to Sora and was crying.

Sora: Mom, what's wrong-?!

Sora's Mom: Do you enjoy worrying your mother?! I went into your room this morning, and saw nothing. I began to panic, when Riku's mother came by to calm me down, and then Kairi comes and tells me you were “snoozing“ down there! What the hell does “snoozing” mean?! Is that you kid’s lingo for drugs! And there I was, crying like an idiot, embarrassed. Were you planning on telling me?!

Sora turned away, but ashamed and confused. He didn’t even remember leaving the house, let alone using a boat to get to the play island. Something just didn’t feel right about this at all.

Sora: Mom, I’m sorry. I won’t do it again. I don’t even remember going.

Sora's Mom: Sora, you're only 13! You're not old enough to take care of yourself. You're still just a boy. You can’t be doing things like this.

Sora: Mom, I’m thirteen! I should be able to go out with my friends every once and awhile and be able to do things like Riku!

Sora's Mom: Riku's older than you, and plus, his mother gives him a bit too much freedom if you ask me!

Sora: Mom, if dad we're still here-!

Sora's mom: Well, he's not, he's dead!

There was an awkward silence for awhile, and then Sora ran outside crying.

Sora's Mom: Sora!

Sora went across the island to a big house with stairs leading to the door. He walked up them, and then knocked on the room near the stairs. Sora tried wiping away the tears, and to stop gasping for air after every two seconds.

Riku: Sora, hey.

Sora: Can I stay here for awhile?

Riku: What's wrong?

Sora: I-I just need to stay here for awhile, please.

Riku: Okay, come on.

Riku let Sora in the house, and Riku then closed the door. After he did, a strange being appeared in front of the house in a brown coat, and then disappeared as the wind passed by.

Meanwhile in the King’s castle, the next day, Donald Duck marching along happily and passing the brooms while they do chores in the halls. He then reaches a gigantic door, and clears his throat as if he were expected, which makes the door reveal a small passage way rather than opening all the way, and went through and into the throne room. In there...

Donald: Good morning, Your Majesty. It’s nice to see you this morn—What!

Donald jumped into the air from the fact that the King wasn’t in his throne, nor was the Queen. But then, Pluto came out of the hiding spot and held a letter with his mouth. Donald grabbed the letter from his mouth and read it. Realizing there may be trouble, he rushes to search for Goofy. Outside the castle, Goofy is sleeping and Donald Duck approaches him.

Donald: Wake up, Goofy, wake up! This is serious!!

Goofy is still sleeping as he continues to snore obnoxiously, and Donald Duck cast a thunder spell on Goofy. Goofy is hit by the spell and jumps a few feet in the air while yelping.

Goofy: Aaawaaaaaah!

Goofy then lands back on the ground, and begins to rub his head as if he’s confused about what just happened, and looks around to see Donald standing in front of him.

Goofy: Oh, hi there, Donald. G’morning.

Donald: We’ve got a problem, Goofy! But don’t tell anyone...

Goofy: Queen Minnie?

Donald: Not even the queen.

Goofy seems to notice something behind Donald, but Donald doesn’t realize this and says nothing.

Goofy: Daisy?

Donald: No, it’s top secret!

Goofy: G’morning, ladies.

Donald Duck: What?

Donald turned around cautiously to see Queen Minnie standing behind him with Daisy beside her. The Queen was giving him this sweet look as if she were curious as to what Donald’s message to Goofy was, and Daisy gave him her look that meant “You better tell us before I roast you!” Donald laughed nervously, while thinking to get back at Goofy later on.


an old man plaguing the site like a phantom
Apr 22, 2007
Chapter Three: Destiny Islands (Day 2)

The next day, back in Destiny Islands, Riku and Sora were sitting on the beach by the river as the waves passed and hit the surface lightly. Sora sat with his legs bent in front of him leaning his head on top of them and hiding it with his arms around it. Riku sat causally and glanced over to Sora with a worried look on his face, and figured he should try to get Sora to talk about it.

Riku:...So, are you and your mom alright now?

Sora: I dunno. I think she's still upset. But I have to go back today. Your mom was gonna talk to her for me, right?

Riku: Yeah, hopefully.

Sora put down his legs and looked out into the ocean, thinking about how peaceful and silent it was just being here on the islands. After a few minutes of silence, Sora glanced over at Riku and decided to spark the conversation back up.

Sora: Hey, ummm....Riku?

Riku turned around to face Sora, realizing that he had been spaced out for a few moments.

Riku: Yeah?

Sora: Thanks, for helping me out, ya know?

Riku returned to his smug smile that he always wore, and reverted back to his confident self now that they were done with a serious issue.

Riku: Yeah, just don't let it go to your head.

Sora smiled, too, and wandered in his head what it would be like to be Riku. In a way, he was sort of jealous of Riku. Riku was older, smarter, stronger - basically everything Sora could do he could do better and more. Then, Kairi came, and after Sora came up with the name of the raft, Sora and Riku decided to race against each other.

Kairi: You guys at it again? All right, I’ll be the judge. The usual rules apply: Take any route you want... First one to tag that tree and make it back here wins.

Sora: If I win, I’m captain! And if you win...

Sora looks over at Riku, waiting for his response.

Riku: I get to share the paopu with Kairi.

Sora is freaked out by what Riku just said, and thinks he may have heard wrong or is going crazy.

Sora: Huh?

Riku: Deal? The winner gets to share a Paopu with Kairi.

Sora: Wha... Wait a minute...!

Kairi: Okay. On my count:

Then, after Kairi was done counting done the numbers to begin the race, Riku and Sora charged forward. Sora then began to feel weird, and started to feel clumsy. His vision grew blurry, and then he tripped on a piece of the wooden bridge as it fell, and he began to fall along with it.

(Voice of Riku): Sora?

(Voice of Kairi): Sora!

Then, a flash of light appeared, and Sora opened his eyes, and saw Riku and Kairi over him. He jumped up, and looked a little confused.

Sora: What happened?

Riku: You tripped, clumsy as usual.

Kairi: You okay?

Sora: Yeah, I’m fine.

Riku: We'll, I’d better get busy on some of those daunting tasks Kairi handed me.

Sora: Okay.

Then, Sora began to go with Riku to help him, when Kairi called him back.

Kairi: And where are you going? You still have things to do to, buddy!

Sora: .....Oh, yeah! (smiling) It must a slipped my mind.

Sora walked back over to Kairi and she explained what he needed to do.

Kairi: Today we collect provisions for out trip! Let’s see, Sora, you’re looking for... One Seagull Egg. Three Mushrooms. Two Coconuts. Three Fish. And fill this up with Drinking Water. But not from the ocean!

Kairi handed Sora an Empty Bottle.

Kairi: Bring everything back here. If you need help, just ask.

While getting the provisions for Kairi, Sora entered the Secret Place and upon collecting the Mushroom, he saw a carving of Kairi and Sora and thought back to the past when they were young and were carving something on the stone. Drawings of themselves, a Young Sora and a Young Kairi. Sora then felt like it was replaying right in front of him again.

Young Sora: Aww, yours looks so good!

Young Kairi: Yours isn’t really… that bad.

Young Sora: Hold on, let me try it again!

The Young Sora began to search for the rock he had used to throw the picture moments ago, but could not find it.

Young Kairi: Sora?

The Young Sora looked over at Kairi, who seemed confused.

Young Sora: What is it Kairi? Kairi-?

Then, Sora was brought back to the present, and couldn’t remember what came after that. Sora looked again at the picture, and grabbed a rock from off the ground and began to draw something. When he was finished, he got back up and looked at the drawing happily. Then, Sora heard a noise from behind him and quickly turned around, startled.

Sora: Wh-Who’s there?

Hooded Man: I’ve come to see the door to this world.

Sora: Huh?

Hooded Man: This world has been connected.

Sora: Wh-What are you talking about?

Hooded Man: Tied to the darkness...soon to be completely eclipsed. Not even the key can stop it now.

Sora: Well, whoever you are, stop freaking me out like this. Wait a second, w-where did you come from?

Hooded Man: You do not yet know what lies beyond the door, what the other worlds hold. Darkness… True darkness.

Sora: So, you’re from another world!

Hooded Man: There is so very much to learn. You understand so little, perhaps even nothing.

The hooded man began to chuckle at this thought, which began to make Sora angry.

Sora: Oh, yeah? Well, you’ll see. I’m gonna get out and learn what’s out there! Just watch!

Hooded Man: A meaningless effort. One who knows nothing can understand nothing.

Sora: Oh yeah, I’ll show you!

Sora saw the door and then the hooded man disappeared. Sora looked back, but could no longer see the man. He finished up his duty for Kairi and went back to go talk to her. When he did, he saw her creating something from the seashells.

Sora: What’s that?

Kairi: This? I’m making a necklace of thalassa shells. In the old days, sailors always wore thalassa shells. They were supposed to ensure a safe voyage. I’ve already managed to make two of them. As soon as I finish this one, than I’ll be ready.

Sora: Ready for what?

Kairi: I can’t tell you! It’s a surprise for you and Riku!

Sora then told Kairi he finished finding the equipment needed for their trip and gave them to her.

Kairi: Thanks, Sora! Are you tired? Wanna call it a day?

Sora: Well, there is one thing I forgot.

Kairi: Okay, tomorrow’s the big day. We should rest up! I'll meet ya at the dock, okay?

Sora: Yeah...

Sora then watched as Kairi left, and so he headed to Riku’s play island.

Riku: Oh, Sora, it's you, huh?

Sora: Yeah.

Sora walked over to the branch Riku was sitting on and climbed on right next to him.

Riku: Are you ready for tomorrow? Today's the last day we're gonna see this sunset...

Sora: What are you talking about?

Riku: Oh...nothing. Say, you up for a round?

Riku jumped off the branch and stood up proudly on the sand, giving Sora that “Come and get me” look.

Sora: Yeah...I guess so...

Sora then drew his wooden sword, and fought against Riku. First, he tried hitting Riku with a regular stab-like move, but Riku just sidestepped out of the way, and then jumped behind Sora. Sora quickly spun around and as Riku drew his wooden sword and was about to smack Sora right in the head with it, Sora blocked it. Then, he pushed Riku off of him relieving the pressure from holding him back, and then they continued to go at it. Finally, when Riku made the wrong move, Sora smacked the wooden sword straight out of Riku’s hand and it flew across the wooden bridge that they used to get on Riku’s play island. Riku kneeled on the ground, sweating a bit, as was Sora, but he stayed standing up over Riku.

Riku: Wow, you've gotten a lot stronger since last time.

Sora: Yeah, maybe even stronger than you.

Riku got himself back up and then gave a little chuckle at Sora’s comment, and playfully shoved him.

Riku: I doubt that...

Sora laughs too, and as he is about to walk off Riku regains his attention.

Riku: Hey, Sora!

Sora: Huh?

Riku then tossed a star-shaped fruit into Sora’s hands, and he gazed at it carefully. It looked like a Paopu Fruit.

Riku: Take this.

Sora: Ummm…a Paopu Fruit?

Riku walked over towards Sora, as he began to explain the history of the Paopu Fruit and it’s legend.

Riku: If two people share the Paopu fruit, their destinies become intertwined. They’ll remain a part of each other’s life no matter what. Should you be trying this before our departure?

Sora: Wha-?

Then, Riku gets really close into Sora’s face.

Riku: (almost as if a whisper) If you’re not going to, maybe I will… (smirk)

Sora: (scared) Wait a-.

Riku: I'm....gonna go ahead and go for a walk....I think Kairi is waiting for you.

Riku pointed down toward the dock, and there was Kairi staring into the sunset. Sora turns back to where Riku was, but he already left.

Sora: Man… who does he think he is?!

Sora goes over to the dock, and Kairi turns to see him.

Kairi: Where’s Riku?

Sora: He said he had to go for a walk.

Kairi looked a little disappointed, and stared at the ground.

Kairi: Oh…

Sora: What’s the matter?

Kairi: Oh, nothing. It’s just… is it me, or over the last few days has Riku changed to you?

Sora: What do you mean?

Kairi: Well...you know, he just seems....like a little distant lately.

Sora: What?

Kairi: I'm not sure. Something about him just seems so....different. You know.....there was even a time when I thought about forgetting about him. I wanted it to be just you and me.

Sora: What?

Kairi: Yeah....but Riku...he's our friend. Friends don't do that to each other. It's wrong. So I gave it a lot of though, and after that, I decided that I would never do such a thing, or think about it. I couldn't. It seemed kinda selfish. Our friends are what keep us together. Without them, we're nothing.

Sora: What’s gotten into you? You’re the one that’s changed, Kairi.

Kairi: Maybe... You know, I was even a little afraid at first, but now I’m ready. No matter where I go or what I see, I know I can always come back here. Our world must be connected with the other, so we can always come back. Right?

Sora: Yeah, of course!

Kairi: That’s good… Sora, don’t ever change.

Sora: Huh?

Sora looked over at Kairi confused, and she quickly (as if on cue) changed the subject.

Kairi: I just can’t wait. Once we set sail, it’ll be great.

Sora: Yeah, the three of us....sailing through worlds. It's gonna be a big adventure, me, you, and Riku.

Over, at the Secret Place, Riku is looking around.

Riku: Hmph… Maybe I’m selfish, but...he's growing up. Maybe I’m just afraid. I kinda like being the big brother.

Riku then sees the drawing that Sora and Kairi made, and sees that Sora is passing an object shaped like the Paopu fruit to Kairi. Riku suddenly felt irritated, and he wasn’t sure why.

Riku: I remember when this cave used to only be me and Sora’s. I guess it’s changed now.

Riku then looks over at a door in the cave, and sees something strange. He sees a hole....shaped for a key. The one from before. It appeared to be locked.

Riku: Why is it here again?

Then, Riku's hand began to glow radiantly, and the Keyblade popped into it.

Riku: What the-?! What's going on?!

Hooded Man: You seek to get to other worlds, no?

Riku: Huh? Who's there?

Riku began to look around, and the familiar Hooded Man was back.

Hooded Man: That key can open this door. If it opens, you will be able to travel to other worlds.

Riku: This key....can open the door? What's in there?

Hooded Man: It's up to you.....

The man disappeared, and Riku stared at the Keyblade that was held in his hand. Perhaps he could get to other worlds if he used this “Key” and opened the door.

Riku: Then I'll open the door…

Riku aimed the Keyblade at the door, and soon it opened and blinded him with light. Then, after a few seconds, it was gone and the door was wide opened, and Riku could hear something coming.

Riku: Now what's going to happen?

Awesome Ansem

New member
May 10, 2007
I reeeeeeally want to read this, but it's pretty long. Can you post the plot points in a shortened version?


an old man plaguing the site like a phantom
Apr 22, 2007
I reeeeeeally want to read this, but it's pretty long. Can you post the plot points in a shortened version?

Plot points? And it's actually not as long as it looks. If I took it out of a script-like format, then it probably would be shorter. And also, I dunno if I really would want to make shortened versions because one of the main reasons I'm actually doing this to give it some detail and a bit long(er) than usual.

You could always read it in sections though. Like one section here, one section there.


New member
May 30, 2008
Wow; this is reeeeeeeeally interesting and good... ^___^

I love Riku's story so much better than Sora's in RE: CoM and so I hope to see more of Riku being the main character in this one, because he is a shade of gray character and he is the most like that probably of all of the characters within the KH franchise, you know? ^___^

Thank you so much for posting this story! ^___^


an old man plaguing the site like a phantom
Apr 22, 2007
Wow; this is reeeeeeeeally interesting and good... ^___^

I love Riku's story so much better than Sora's in RE: CoM and so I hope to see more of Riku being the main character in this one, because he is a shade of gray character and he is the most like that probably of all of the characters within the KH franchise, you know? ^___^

Thank you so much for posting this story! ^___^

I think I'm either going to include Riku's story into this, or possibly do another one that takes place at the same time as this one just from his point-of-view. Either way, there will be some more Riku in this than originally in the original.

As long as their is no yoai I'm fine with this.

It's funny because this actually started as a Yaoi story. But that was like two years ago and I've completely overhauled it to where there's no Yaoi in it (unless someone really tries to make yaoi from it, which may be possible actually).

Anyway, I'll probably have the next chapter up somewhere within the next few hours to possibly tomorrow. It depends on how I feel tonight or if I think I should take more time because I'm just editing a little more around the beginning.


an old man plaguing the site like a phantom
Apr 22, 2007
Okay, here's the next chapter kiddos. I had to add in some bits (like the Kairi and Ansem SoD scene) so that's what made it take a little longer than originally planned. Anyway, tell me what ya think about it.


Chapter Four: The Door Is Open

Meanwhile in the King’s castle with the Disney characters, the following message is from the king’s letter as follows:


Sorry to rush off without sayin’ goodbye, but there’s big trouble brewin’. Not
sure why, but the stars have been blinkin’ out, one by one. And that means
disaster can’t be far behind. I hate to leave you all but I’ve gotta go check
into it. There’s someone with a “key”—the key to our survival. So I need you
and Goofy to find him, and stick with him. Got it? We need that key or we’re
doomed! So go to Traverse Town and find Leon. He’ll point you in the right


Would ya apologize to Minnie for me? Thanks, pal.

-The King

Daisy: Oh, dear! What could this mean?

Minnie: It means we’ll just have to trust the king.

Goofy: Gawrsh, I sure hope he’s all right.

Donald: Your Highness. Don’t worry. We’ll find the king and this “key.”

Minnie: Thank you, both of you.

Donald: Daisy, can you take care of—

Daisy: Of course. You be careful, now, both of you.

Minnie: Oh, and to chronicle your travels, he will accompany you.

Donald Duck feels someone on the top of his head pop up, and it is Jiminy Cricket.

Jiminy: Over here! (stops jumping) Cricket’s the name. Jiminy Cricket, at your

Donald: GET OFF MY HEAD!!!!

Jiminy: Oh, sorry! (jumps off)

Minnie: We hope for your safe return. Please help the king.

Donald nodded and looked over to Daisy so he could say good bye when Goofy was standing next to her and gave him a salute like he wasn’t going. Donald grabbed him by the arm and then began to pull him.

Donald: You’re coming, too!

Once they reached the stairs to go to their transportation, Goofy began to talk with Jiminy.

Goofy: Gawrsh, Jiminy, your world disappeared, too?

Jiminy: It was terrible. We were scattered. And as far as I can see, I’m the only one who made it to this castle. I sure hope everyone else is alright.

Donald: Goofy?

Goofy: Oh, right... I gotcha. While we’re in the other worlds, we can’t let on where we’re from. We’ve gotta protect the world border, ah-yuck.

Donald the turned to him giving him this annoyed look and corrected him.

Donald: “Order.”

Goofy: We're oderin' somethin'?

Donald: Oh, never mind!

While proceeding to the next room, Max suddenly came out of nowhere and approached the three running towards them.

Max: Dad!

Goofy: Max, what're you doin' here?

Max: You're leaving, aren't you?

Goofy: Aw, Max, it'll be alright. Me and Donald gotta go and find King Mickey. You're a big boy now. Take care of everyone here, alright?

Max: Okay, I promise dad.

Max then hugged his father tightly, hoping that his father would return home safely.

Goofy: We’ll be back soon, I promise!

Then, they finally entered the Gummi Ship room and Max stood outside of it, and then walked away.

Goofy: (to Donald) I guess we’ll need new duds when we get to that world.

Donald then walked over to a pipe that extended from the bottom of the wall to the ceiling and then continued on along to a small room high above them.

Donald: Hello up there? Donald Duck to launch crew! Anytime you’re ready.

Chip hears Donald, and so him and Dale use the crane to pick up Goofy by his foot and Donald to his dismay, and then place them inside their Gummi Ship. Once in there, Goofy and Donald take their seats and prepare to leave at any second.

Donald: Blast off!!

As Donald says that and points forward to the gate they are supposed to go to, the bottom gate flies open and they fall down through their. once they are no longer in there world, they regain control of the ship and fly of to their destined world to fulfill the King’s desire.

Back on Destiny Islands, Sora was lying down on his bed thinking about the past day, and how everything would be after tonight.

Voice of Kairi: I just can’t wait. Once we set sail, it’ll be great.

Then, as Sora rolls over on his bed to gaze out the window, he hears thunder outside the house and rises up quickly. When he looks out the window, he sees that the sky is gray and that it looks like there is a storm coming straight for the islands.

Sora: A storm? Oh, no, the rafts!

Sora jumped out of his bed and put on his short sleeved jacket.

Sora: Ugh, mom would never let me go out…

Then, Sora looks back to his window and decides that he’s going to sneak out. He then climbs out from his window and begins to rush to his friends’ play island. Meanwhile, back in the house Sora’s mother begins calling Sora.

Sora’s Mom: Sora, dinner’s ready. Come on down.

Sora’s mother waits for about ten seconds, but hears no response. She leave from the kitchen and goes to knock on Sora’s door, repeating her same message. When he doesn’t reply, she calls out to him one last time.

Sora’s Mom: Sora? Sora!

Sora's Mom then opens the door, starting to worry, and sees her son nowhere in sight. Then she runs around the rest of the house; the bathrooms, the closets, everywhere trying to find Sora. When she can’t, she goes into the kitchen and sits on the ground, worried sick.

Sora's Mom: Sora! Oh, Sora. Where did you go this time?

Meanwhile Sora, who found a boat and managed to use it to reach the island, was growing closer and closer to it when he saw the strangest thing in the sky - a menacing dark ball of… something in the sky, throwing lightning everywhere and making a huge ruckus..

Sora: What’s that?

Sora grows close to the small dock when he sees something familiar where he leaves his boat.

Sora: Riku’s boat. And Kairi’s!

Once he got out of the raft, he begins staring around frantically, and then the Shadowy creatures from before returned.

Sora: Again?! But… I thought they were just a dream!

Sora manages to find his wooden sword lying around on the island, but when he tries fighting them off with it nothing happens. He then begins to panic and runs straight throw the shack, up the stairs, outside, and down the bridge to Riku’s small island.

Meanwhile, in the Secret Area, Kairi storms in and begins to run towards the door, which is closed but seems to be leaking out dark smoke-like stuff.

Kairi: Why… was I called here? Something doesn’t feel right.

Hooded Man: It is soon to be gone, forever - just like your friends and you shall be.

Kairi turns around to see the very same Hooded man who Sora and Riku encountered, and feels angry.

Kairi: You- you did this! I can sense it… something about you! It stinks. What did you do to our island!?

The Hooded man laughs and then stops, as Kairi begins to grow more annoyed.

Hooded Man: Foolish Princess, why blame everything on me? After all, it was your friend who brought ruin to this world.

Kairi: No-! My friends would never do something like that!

Hooded Man: Then you obviously do not know your friend Riku at all.

Kairi: …No! Shut up!

Kairi then ran towards the man, and he began to laugh maniacally.

Back to Sora on Riku’s island, he sees Riku just standing in the middle of the chaos, as if slightly pleased with himself.

Sora: Riku, what's going on? And where’s Kairi? I thought she would be with you!

Riku: The door has opened...

Sora: What?

Riku turned back to look at Sora, and smiled darkly at him.

Riku: The door has opened, Sora! Now we can go to the outside world!

Sora: What are you talking about? We’ve gotta find Kairi!

Riku: Kairi’s coming with us! Once we step through, we might not be able to come back. We may never see our parents again. There’s no turning back. But this may be our only chance. We can’t let fear stop us! I’m not afraid of the darkness!

Sora: Riku!

Just as Riku said that, the darkness began to surround Riku, and he placed his hand out for Riku to grab. Sora ran towards him to grab it, but then his feet were stopped by the darkness growing around him. Sora reached out further and further, but it was no use. Then, the darkness began to take him completely, when he barely touched Riku’s hand, and everything went white in a flash. After a few seconds it cleared up, and the darkness and Riku were gone. Sora looked down at his right hand where his wooden sword had been, and now there was a gigantic key in his hand. He waved it around a bit - realizing it was easily wieldable yet probably fairly strong. Just then, the creatures returned and Sora fought his way through the hordes of them. He then made his way to the Secret Area, and found Kairi standing alone inside, facing the door.

Sora: Kairi!

Kairi turned around to face Sora, and looked pale and tired. She stumbled while trying to take a step towards Sora, and began to mumble.

Kairi: Sora...

Suddenly, the door opened and black gust came out. Kairi got blown closer to Sora and when Sora tried to grab Kairi, she disappeared leaving nothing but a small light by his chest and then it flowing into him. Sora then leaves the cave, realizing that the island isn’t safe anymore and that now he’s on his own. As soon as he left the cave, the island was totally trashed and was in bad shape. it looked as if the darkness were eating it away, leaving nothing but now the part of land Sora was on and a deformed version of Riku’s island. Sora ran over to it, as the darkness began to take over the Secret Area and eat away further. Then, as Sora stepped onto the island, a familiar presence rose out of the ground and right in front of Sora. The tall dark giant from in his dream, with the same hole in his chest, the same Medusa hair style, and the same yellow eyes.

Sora: …What the hell is going on?!

Sora grabbed his key tightly in his hand, and then stared up at the monster angrily. He figured that this monster was causing all of this, and if he beat him like before it would all stop. And so he did the exact same thing he did before: he jumped onto the wrist, ran up the arm onto the shoulder, and began to beat his key harshly into the creatures head, making his hair widely dance around and groan angrily. Finally, the monster began to perish and soon Sora was engulfed in the darkness.

In another world, Riku woke up on the ground and rose up from it, and looked around him. He didn‘t know where he was, but he knew it was another world. The ground he was on was disconnected from all the other pieces that seemed to rise up further and further in the air, leading to a far away castle. And around them, there was a waterfall that continually dropped water down, but it didn‘t flood the place at all, just leave water where the rest of the land should have been connected..

Riku: W-where am I?! Is this....another world? Kairi! Sora?

Riku finally rose up all the way, and frantically looked around him, but saw on one else. Then the Keyblade reemerged back into his hands, and he stared down at it and brought it closer to his face.

Riku: Just what are you…?

A bit off, a figure began watching Riku...

Maleficent: Hmmm.....a Keyblader....he might be of some use to me....


New member
May 30, 2008
You're right about one thing. Kairi's character is much better in your version.


an old man plaguing the site like a phantom
Apr 22, 2007
You're right about one thing. Kairi's character is much better in your version.

Inorite? =D

Great Chapter. So Sora and Riku get a KeyBlade? Kiari is alot better.

Thank you. And Sora and Riku are currently both using the same Keyblade, kind of like how Roxas and Xion were using the same one in Days. Although things may not stay that way and someone may end up losing the ability to use the Keyblade for awhile. But yeah.

Anyway, next chapter should be up in the next few days, seeing as how it's the Traverse Town one and it's sort of long >.>


an old man plaguing the site like a phantom
Apr 22, 2007
So I split Traverse Town into two parts, so this Chapter may seem sort(er) than the other ones. I sort of rushed, though, so sorry if it seems not as good as the other ones. Anyway, enjoy.


Chapter Five: Welcome to Traverse Town

Meanwhile in Traverse Town Donald, Goofy and Pluto have made their way off of the ship and onto the world. They begin to look around the First District for Leon while Donald was bickering.

Donald: How did Pluto even get on the ship?

Goofy: You know, I don’t remember him ever getting on with us.

Donald then turned over to look at Pluto who was sitting and happily breathing heavily as always, and Donald just muttered something along the lines of “stowaway”. They continued on further through the district, when Goofy looked up at the sky and saw something very strange. A star was beginning to flicker, and soon it just stopped lighting altogether.

Goofy: Look, a star’s goin’ out!

Donald then looked up at the sky too, just barely catching the last flicker. Donald looked back at Goofy worried, and figured they should hurry up.

Donald: Come on. Let’s hurry.

Donald begins to move further and then stops. He begins to think as he taps his foot impatiently on the floor.

Donald: Where’s that key…?

Goofy: Hey, ya know, maybe we ought to go find Leon.

Then, Pluto begins to sniff the ground and follow the scent away from them, and Goofy looks over to see Pluto and begins to get an idea.

Goofy: Uh, Donald. Ya know, I betcha that...

Donald: Aw, what do you know, you big palooka?

Goofy: What do I know? Hmm... Come on, Pluto.

Goofy and Donald begin to walk off and Pluto continues into the alley. There, he finds Sora sitting against a wall unconscious and begins to lick his face.

Sora: (muttering) What a dream...

When Sora didn’t wake up, Pluto jumped onto his stomach which made Sora jump up and yelp.

Sora: This isn’t a dream!

Sora looked around the strange area which wasn’t at all familiar. When he looked down at the ground, there was Pluto sitting and wagging his tail happily.

Sora: Where am I? Oh, boy. (to Pluto) Do you know where we are?

Pluto lifted his ear up as if he heard someone, and then ran off.

Sora: Hey, wait! (sigh) Here we go again…

Sora looks down at the ground and then begins to walk out from the alley.

Else where, Donald and Goofy are talking to a Moogle. Donald grows impatient, but Goofy pulled the angry Donald away from the Moogle.

Back to Sora…

Sora: This is totally weird... I’m, in another world! Wait.... Where's Kairi? Where's Riku?

Sora frantically looked around himself, but sees absolutely no one. He decided to explore the town further, and on the way meets a strange woman in slightly revealing clothing. He decided to approach her to ask her where he is and get some answers.

Prostitute Woman: Hi little boy… First time to Traverse Town…? (walks over to Sora and grabs his cheek)
Let me show you around. I’m sure you’ll have a “good time“.

Sora backs away and begins flustering and shakes his head in a way that implies “NO WAY!!!!”

Sora: No thanks!

Prostitute Woman: Awww, don’t be shy.

The woman began coming closer to Sora, and he began to back up even further and tried to make her go away.

Sora: I’m not shy! I-!

Then, a Heartless appeared from nowhere and attacked the woman, sticking it’s hand deep in her chest and pulling out a heart. Then, her body disappeared and the heart flew away into the sky.

Sora: Her heart?! And her body… she’s disappearing!

Then, a huge amount of Shadows and Soldiers popped up next to the first Heartless already there.

Sora: Holy-!

Sora began to run realizing he was weaponless and defenseless, and went into the first place he found, which was the Accessory Shop. Sora quickly shut the doors and fell on the floor and began to pant.

Cid: Hey there, how can I... Aw, it’s only a kid. You don’t look like a customer.
And if you’re not a customer (goes towards Sora) you’re gonna have to leave.

Sora: I’m not a kid! The name is Sora…!

The door began to pound, as if something were behind it trying to pry the door open. Sora used all his might to hold them back, but it was only a matter of time before he could hold it back no more.

Cid: Okay, okay, simmer down.

Cid walked over to Sora and began to hear the noises from the heartless beating on the door. he sighed and simply looked at Sora as if he were used to this.

Cid: It’s the Heartless again, huh?

Sora: Heartless?

Cid nodded and then went over to the back of his counter, and pulled a strange camera-looking weapon out from underneath. He carried it with both hands and moved his head at Sora hinting for him to move out of the way as he positioned the camera-like object facing the door. Sora then ran out of the way and as the Heartless poured in. Cid then pressed a button on the object and it released a huge amount of light defeating all the Heartless that entered. Afterwards, Cid put the camera away and looked over to the stunned Sora and sort of chuckled.

Cid: There, all finished. So, you lost, Sara?

Sora: Hey! My name is Sora! S-O-R-A. No! Well, maybe. Where are we?

Cid: Huh?

Cid told Sora about how this world was really a place called Traverse Town, and about the origins of it, such as that those who lost their worlds to darkness and survived came here.

Sora: Traverse Town... So, gramps, is this really another world?

Cid: Don’t call me gramps! The name’s Cid! Anyway... Not sure what you’re talkin’ about, but this sure ain’t your island.

Sora: Hmm... Guess I’d better start looking for Riku and Kairi.

Cid: Well, good luck with whatever it is you’re doing. If you ever run into trouble, you come to me. I’ll look out for you.

Sora nods and decides to properly prepare himself to go back out. After he did, he decided to go further into the town and into the 2nd District. As he entered, he saw a Heartless attack a man and the same process that happened to the woman earlier happened to this man. Then, the Heartless began to multiply and looked over at Sora.

Sora: (wandering) It’s those creatures from before!

They then began to chase after Sora, and he ran. Unfortunately, they tackled him to the ground and were about to finish him off, when he found a shield that lied on the ground next to him that looked like it was from his dream. he grabbed it and smacked all the Heartless off of him and rose to his feet. Then, he continued to attack them, defeating each one, or so it seemed. As Sora began to relax, one slowly approached Sora and was ready to take his heart, when Sora sensed it and turned around.

Sora: Huh!?

Then, a Fire attack hit the Heartless and it was destroyed. Then, a man began to walk towards Sora: tall, long brown hair, muscular structure, tight leather pants, a plain white t-shirt with a leather short-sleeved jacket on top, and a scar across his nose. he held a weapon in his right hand that resembled a cross between a gun and a sword.

Leon: They’ll come at you out of nowhere.

The man then held at his left hand for Sora to grab so he could help him up, so Sora grabbed it and got back on his feet. he dusted himself off and realized the shield was now gone, but turned his attention back to the man.

Sora: Who are you?

Leon: The name is Leon.

Sora: I'm Sora....what exactly were those things?

Leon: Heartless, they prey on the hearts of people. It seems though they have a special interest in you.

Sora: Why would you say that?

Leon: Because, here they come again.

Sora: Huh?!

Sora turned around to see that more Heartless were appearing around him and Leon, and began to panic.

Leon: We need to go.

Leon grabbed Sora's arm, and they ran off into the Hotel, and the Heartless followed them in anyway. Sora then trips unexpectedly, and falls on the floor as a Heartless gets really close and is about to attack Sora. Leon realizes it too late and watches as the Heartless jumps to attack Sora.

Sora: Aaah!

Then, a light formed in Sora’s right hand and a the key appeared back in his hand again from before.

Sora: Huh? Again?!

Sora quickly attacks the Heartless that was about to steal his Heart, and then attacks all the other ones as well. Finally, he turned around to see an unenthusiastic Leon.

Leon: I see, so you're the Keyblade wielder then.

Sora: What? What are you talking about!?

Leon: Never mind. Now, let me see that Keyblade.

Sora: What? There’s no way you’re getting this!

Leon: All right, then have it your way.

Leon then took his stance to fight Sora, and then he began to attack. They fought for only about half a minute, and Sora managed somehow to stop Leon and defeat him. Sora, exhausted, begins to breath heavily and approach Leon to try and get another blow in seeing as how Leon is now kneeling on the ground and using his Gunblade to support himself.

Sora: Now...you’re...gonna...you’re gonna...

Sora collapsed and then becomes unconscious. Leon began to get back up, exhausted as well, when a blond haired girl with small revealing clothing entered and was extremely hyper. She wore a long, white scarf tied around her neck that ended around her knees, short green shorts, an orange turtle neck, sleeveless shirt that showed her belly button and a ribbon the held some of her hair up while some was let loose and down.

?????: Aw, you’re slipping, Squall!

Leon: I went easy on him. Looks like things are worse than we thought, Rikku. A lot worse.


an old man plaguing the site like a phantom
Apr 22, 2007
It's all good, but...why replace Yuffie? =(

I felt like there was honestly too much FFVII in KH, so I replaced Yuffie with Rikku, who originally was supposed to be in the first KH but replaced by Yuffie.

Still not sure if I'll replace Aerith or not, but probably not.


New member
Aug 31, 2008
I died at the Prostitute and all the revealing clothing remarks :) lol good story, I like how your keeping it close to the original plot and not 'snoozing' off to some radical plot, just giving a bit of an alternate feeling is what I like D: but I would really want to see a twisted timeline/plot in the story soon to really juice it up.


an old man plaguing the site like a phantom
Apr 22, 2007
I died at the Prostitute and all the revealing clothing remarks :) lol good story, I like how your keeping it close to the original plot and not 'snoozing' off to some radical plot, just giving a bit of an alternate feeling is what I like D: but I would really want to see a twisted timeline/plot in the story soon to really juice it up.

Well I've got sequels in mind after this one seeing as how there are sequels for KH1 that probably will actually change the storylines and twist things up, but this one pretty much stays true to the original except there are some worlds changes, some PoH changes, Kairi being better than she was in KH1, some more Riku, and a bunch of other stuff as well. But besides that it's pretty much the same story just retold.
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