I'm starting a new game on my RE:COM and i was wondering how i should spread my stats for building powerful decks, but having a lot of health at the same time with all the sleights
anybody got some ideas?
anybody got some ideas?
Just take all the health levels with CP added every three levels. After you have max health. Grab all the sleights. Then you can level up the CP. So:
CP...until you reach max health.
Lol i did the opposite. Mine was (ability when aviliable) Cp, cp, hp and repeat. Health really isnt tht important if you have the right cards in your deck (like cures etc).
I just level up my hp and cp, don't even worry about sleghts.
I like the added difficulty of not using sleights.Do you mean don't worry about sleights all together??
If so,
Wtf are you talking about? Sleights are essential. Not to mention they complete the game and make it more fun imo
my deck is mostly attack cards lvl 6-9,i dont even use sleights lol i just lvled hp n cp threw in as much 7-9 cards as possible and whooped everyone rofl