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Re:coded Release Contest! (1000 NDSi Points Up for Grabs!)



New member
Nov 4, 2009
~Kansas City~
Re: coded Release Contest! (win 1000 NDSi Points)

-According to you, what is the best thing about being a part of the Kingdom Hearts fanbase?

The best thing about being part of the KH fanbase right now is knowing before everything blew up (in a good way) and became super huge everywhere, I was a loyal kingdom hearts fan. I have bought all of the kingdom hearts games to come to the US (with the exception of re:coded but im getting it soon!). Im working on getting all of the manga. I have some posters of the games in my room. I have told all my friends at least a thousand times to buy the games. Heck, I even bought several consoles just so I could play the games! I still remember the day I bought my ps2 to play KH2. I had enough money to buy the ps2 but not the game so my mom bought the game but I had to get it as an Easter gift... unless I could pay her back. So I looked every where to find the money in dimes, quarters and pennies... when I finally had the money I gave it to my mom and played kh2 until the sun came up.... and then realized I couldn't save because I didn't own a memory card... good times. I even love the games so much whenever I am at a store I will go to the videogames section to check and see how the games are selling! Kingdom Hearts has become a part of me I will never let go and I will continue to adore the amazing franchise through thick (*cough* Days *cough*) and thin. Just seeing how far the story and gameplay has come is reward enough for me for being a kingdom hearts fan. (And of course playing the games! XD)


Re: coded Release Contest! (win 1000 NDSi Points)

How Has Kingdom Hearts changed your life in any way? How, Why
Most people I know dont remember things from when they were 4. But I do. I remember my sister and brother playing the first Kingdom Hearts game. I vividly remember Traverse Town. I remember my sister struggling to defeat the Guard Armor. I never got to play because I was too little to understand the complex equipping of things. As i grew older I was talking to my friend and I told him about Kingdom Hearts a game that I considerd my favorite game even though I never played it. He told me about how a new game came out. My heart leaped. I asked what it was called and he said he didnt remember. I told my sister about it and the next time we went to the store I showed it to her. Unfortunatly for us we thought it was just a remake of the orignal kingdom hearts. It wasnt until later that I found out it was Re: CoM. By the time I was 8 Kingdom Hearts 2 came out. I remember sitting there as my sister put the game in our Playstation. Then we heard the beauty of the song Sanctuary. We would create new files just to listen to it. I didnt play this game either until my sister finished it. But i never passed it. Then i turned 11. Me and my sister were in Hastings when i passed a row of preorder gams. I looked closer and I realised that it was the preorder box for 358/2 Days. I immediatly started to have a spaz attack. When i had eneough money saved up i went to gamestop and preorderd it. Days was the first kingdom hearts game I finished. Shortly after I passed Kingdom Hearts 2. Not satisfied, I wanted to buy Kingdom Hearts (because we rented it when i was 4). Finally I got my sis to take me to buy it. By the ways since it came out a long time ago I had to buy it preowned. I wouldnt leave the store until I had the original game box with my game. I finally passed that with the frustration of having it on the hardest level just to get the secret movie. After i got my hands on all the games out there(except Chain of Memories and Re: Chain of Memories) i was left without anything to play. Except Days cuz i played it every morning on the bus on my way to school. Thats when i discovered KHInsider. I hungry to know when birth by sleep would come out. I would constantly check the site for new news. When the date came out and the preorder option came out i did not hesitate to do so. Same thing with Re: Coded. Alas i still do not own CoM or Re: CoM. Kingdom hearts has led me to find one of my best friend'! Somewhere after I got Kingdom Hearts Days I met a girl. It was still the begining of my 7th grade year. She went to my elementary school but I never really got to know her. One day in FACS she noticed my Kingdom Hearts Shirt. She recognized Sora. I thougth she liked Kingdom Hearts too but it turned out the game was her sisters and her sister got it at a garge sale. After a few minutes of talking i was able to identify the game as Kingdom Hearts CoM. We became freinds by me telling her about it and she telling me about the game Harvest Moon. Me and her are best friends now. Now my brother totally forgot about Kingdom Hearts. My sister is over her obsession with it and refuses to even play it anymore. Im left to be the only obsessed one in the family. What I got out of the game was 100's of hours of fun and entertainment and a best friend.

Thank You Kingodom Hearts for helping me find My Best Friend.(I am still trying to get her to play all of the games.)


New member
Sep 27, 2010
Re: coded Release Contest! (win 1000 NDSi Points)

Best KH experience? The original Kingdom Hearts. Here's why...
I still remember that Christmas eve. It was 7 years ago. I and my family had opened all but one present (in Norway we open presents Dec 24th). The present was big and wrapped in fine paper, ready to be assaulted by any greedy kid. And assault it I did. In it lay a PS2 (which was smaller than I had imagined) and Kingdom Hearts (incidentally the best game ever). I had no time to lose, and so I hastily hooked up the console and inserted the game. It sent chills down my spine; I had not one complaint. The setting, the characters, the plot, the music, the gameplay... Marvellous. I *loved* that awesome mix between Final Fantasy and Disney. After all, I had been an avid fan of Donald Duck and co all my life. And when I beat Darkside, I was hooked. The Heartless seemed so evil, yet so cool--sheer design brilliance.
Of course, now all that was needed was a Memory Card. Without it, I never made it past Deep Jungle...
My life would never be the same again. I had become... a Kingdom Hearts fan.


New member
Jun 30, 2009
The world that never was
Re: coded Release Contest! (win 1000 NDSi Points)

How has KH changed my life-
Imagine a little first grader, walking through the neighborhood target with a $30 gift card from his birthday. He strolls through the videogame section, featuring the most popular titles from PS2, GameCube, and Game Boy Advance. Then he sees it. Kingdom Hearts. The second column from the top. His friend pulls on his arm to get him to go, but he stares at the game cover, shining in the artificial light of Target Stores. He sees the protagonist, a spiky-haired hero who held a key. Why a key? He thought, a chainsaw would be much more effective. He saw the heart-shaped moon for the first time. He saw the supporting characters, staring at it, hoping for what seemed like a better existence.
"I want it," he says. (Really only drawn in by the shiny cover and the fact that there were disney characters in it)
And so began his love afair with the Kingdom Hearts series. It took him almost two years to beat the first game, just in time for CoM. At the end, he cried. One reason was because he finally beat, what had to have been, the hardest game he had ever played, and the second reason was because he was changes emotionally. From that boring summer day on, he was changed. His heart seemingly brighter, with a happier outlook on life from Sora and his friends emotional journey to save the worlds. He felt happy, and for a (then) third grader, he felt like he had learned something that school would never teach him- hope.
CoM came out, and he beat it in a week.
He eagerly waited for the release of KH2, and after YEARS of waiting, it arrived at Gamestop.
He beat it. Loved it. And Got to level 99 on Proud.
Days and BBS passed by, great games (BBS was pretty incredible, he even beat Lingering Sentiment Vanitas, but could not for the life of him beat MF)
Re: Coded was released, and he beat it yesterday.
He has grown up with Kingdom Hearts, and as each title got more mature, so did he. It will always be his favorite game for the lessons he had learned, and the fun he has had. He owes his outlook on life to the whimsical characters, and relentlessly optimistic hero. Their stories let him learn what it was like to be a friend, and he thanks them for it.

That first grader, sucked in by the story and wonderful worlds, is now in 9th grade. He is now a great friend, and a source of advice to his friends. always looking for the light in the situation. And always willing to help.

That 9th Grader, is me.

Final Destiny

New member
Sep 2, 2008
Re: coded Release Contest! (win 1000 NDSi Points)

Which Kingdom Hearts character do you identify most with and why?

I may be a combination of many Kingdom Hearts characters, well…um, let’s see:
I like to draw like Namine (well, probably not draw like her), I like music and am really lazy like Demyx (can’t play an instrument to save my geeky little life), I can sometimes be a total goofy little dummy like Sora and sometimes I can be a complete bitch like Larxene.

I’m probably as cute as Kairi, Ollette, Namine, Xion, Aqua, a puppy AND a kitten put together. That’s head exploding cuteness right there!
I can also be as sweet as those girls too, but hopefully not going insane and turning into a guy.

I’m defiantly not a total little emo dork like Riku (no offence to Riku fans) and I’m small and can probably kick some major ass like Mickey. Heck, I can even talk up a storm and be annoying like Yuffie to the point of putting a drill to your temple, just for some relief (….wish I was a ninja, the Organization wouldn’t have stood a chance against me…..I can freakin’ break necks with my mind!!!)

So yeah, I’m pretty much a whole bunch of Kingdom Hearts characters together within my own personality……wait…..something is odd here…..OMG! I’m just like Sora with all those people inside him! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
*brain explodes with epic KH happiness*[/FONT]


Bronze Member
Aug 23, 2008
Re: coded Release Contest! (win 1000 NDSi Points)

O_O gasp there is no way some one can be that cute in rl O_O -imagins some girl with cat ears- XD


Re: coded Release Contest! (1000 NDSi Points Up for Grabs!)

Which Kingdom Hearts character do you identify most with and why?

The character I identify most with would have to be Demyx.

I have an ear for music and creativity; I am learning from my brother how to play the quitar and already know how to play drums. My siblings often refer to me as Demyx because of our similar personalities. Just like Demyx, I would prefer to sit back and let my brothers do stuff for me. I'm usually on their side when they have a dispute with our parents and am always caught in the middle. And, I'll admit it, I am lazy at the best of times. Like if there is something in my shoe and is poking me, I'll go the entire day without removing it.

Out of almost everyone I know, I am the most emotional; crying at things that others would simply laugh at.

Lastly, the water attribute. I'm a Scorpio, and I think that I'm safer in water than I am in the air or on land. Seriously, when I'm swimming; it's natural to me. Whenever we pick elements, I automatically side with water; it's what I am. Whenever I think of water, a deep purple or blue comes to my mind, and I automatically feel better.


` dragon dance
Jul 8, 2009
netflix probably
Re: coded Release Contest! (1000 NDSi Points Up for Grabs!)

Okay, everyone, thank you for entering the competition! The winner will be announced soon so please check the front page for the announcement!