- Are there additional elements?
Nomura: There won’t be multiplayer functions this time, but there will be a player passerby communication function implemented. The passerby communication function is full of many elements; if you pass by another player, you won’t just be passing them by, it’s designed to become more interesting then just that. Even if you pass by another play one time, several fun things happen. Like with The World Ends With You, even with a different game inserted, there is an effect by passing by another player, as well as passing by with players not nearby. The original Coded had avatars you could obtain and use in Kingdom Hearts Mobile, but in Re:Coded the avatars are introduced as a part of the passerby communication function. Since there are many avatars distributed so far, including the main characters of Birth by Sleep as well as Lightning from Final Fantasy XIII and others.
Well, that dashes my hopes..
Re:Coded Dummy Jacket and new Avatars Feature HEARTSTATION.ORG
REcoded apparently has a level builder that lets you build new maps and share them with people
Re:Coded Dummy Jacket and new Avatars Feature HEARTSTATION.ORG
REcoded apparently has a level builder that lets you build new maps and share them with people
I wouldn't consider this multiplayer since you're not playing with other people, just sharing your levels with each other.