^^^...agreed...but they also cut parts out of our game that were in the japanese version....
yea i know that it started in japan if it started in the us we would hae gotten it first right? but i also know that kh1 sales were better here than in japan i just read that in a article look what they get a card battle game with real cards the trinty series that special guide ultimania and they got a whole new game with every thing we got plus new wepons and a organization member the comic books toys and most of those things won't even come out heredEaTh_bY_pWnInG said:You do know that Kingdom Hearts was made in Japan, right? Not the US? Also, what do you mean, "we hardly get anything"? First off, we're getting the same game that they got. Also, our version might even include extra material, just like how our copy of KH1 included Sephiroth, Ice Titan, Kurt Zisa, and Phantom, and their copy didn't.
So our copy is coming out a few months later than theirs. It doesn't mean that we're getting anything less than they are.
They did not get an org member or new weapons in their version of the game. They did get it in the later released special edition of the game, which came out a couple years after their original copy of it, but that's not the same. Either way, the version that was released here was the same as the one there, except ours included extra bosses.Neo Nobody said:yea i know that it started in japan if it started in the us we would hae gotten it first right? but i also know that kh1 sales were better here than in japan i just read that in a article look what they get a cart battle game with real cards the trinty series that special guide ultimania and they got a whole new game with every thing we got plus new wepons and a organization member
Neo Nobody said:nomura said that us is where kingdom hearts started
ok, now give me a relevant reply.Neo Nobody said:i was talking about final mix when refering to the organization member before you fight ansem oh and the weapons to that was in final mix as well
dEaTh_bY_pWnInG said:Oh, and IHeartRiku, you're wrong. Nothing got "cut out" of our version, ok? You may assume that, considering that american gamers often lean toward the idea that Japan holds everything greedily away from the US, but the honest truth is, nothing got cut out of either the U.S. or JP version of the game. Some extra stuff got ADDED to our version at the last minute, but nothing was cut out.
TwilightSoulKey said:ITS NOT that they ARe going to make a movie, nomura said that if the thought ever came up, he would consider it, he said so in an interview![]()
Wrath of Roxas said:Okaaaay.....I love KH and all but making it into a franchise and starting a tv series would ruin everything thats special about kh.