does anybody have a theory on things said in this battle such as 'why did HE choose you'
i was just wondering what people thought
i was just wondering what people thought
BlackWingedPunk said:I never knew that Sora battles Roxas or do you mean Riku against Roxas?
ok in com i was under the impresion that org 13 gave sora the keyblade but kh2 kinda went agenst thatskilled keyblada said:good question actually, why did HE pick u. perhaps he was refering to mickey or whoever else amkes keyblades. not that nayone does.
supercallo said:ok... im lost. i DID beat the game but evidently i didn't pay enough attention to witness the sora v. roxas part.....refresh my memeory PLZ
keyblader1234567 said:sora sees roxas no one else does they soon teleport to the station of serenity where they fight a long battle eventually sora loses his keyblade and roxas points the keyblade at his head. sora summons his lost keyblade beats up roxas. roxas leaves saying you make a good other. THE FIGHT NEVER ACTUALLY HAPPENED
Savior of Dawn said:*Sigh* Fools.
The organization was using Sora and the Keyblade to destroy heartless and release hearts for them to use, yes? Well, Roxas could've done the same thing, so Roxas is wondering why Xemnas and the organization chose to use Sora, instead of him.