I'm of the same opinion as Asir, as far as the Game of the Year is concerned:
I was able to completely immerse myself in the world of Dark Souls, to a degree that few to no other games have allowed me to. The environments, combat, enemies, lore, characters, and voice acting were all superb.
Dark Souls presents itself in a way that is very contrary to the usual gaming fare: Despite your grand destiny, you are treated no differently than anyone else. The world doesn't unfold before you like a red carpet; instead, you must pry the world open, and earn the knowledge that leads to a better ending. There is a story, though--believe me.
Yeah, this is my choice as well for the same reasons.
I haven't played Skyrim, but I know what the core game design is like. Based on that alone, even if I had played it, I don't think I would've chosen it as my personal contender for GOTY.