yea i think most people are goin to do the recommended way why does no one like terra? i didnt like aqua at first cause she had no connection to sora so i was like *ugh* but i want to play as her now but terra does no remember the ending to khfm+ where his eyes turn yellow which i think is his fatal mode or him going to darkness so im excited but hope aquas modes are good to i jus like using magic.
I like terra....but Ven's new move Wing Blade is absolutely the sickest move I have seen in the Kingdom Hearts series (so far)....I am all for the dark....Terra is really cool....but Ven and Aqua's moves are just more interesting then most of his.
so thats what it was call when ven took out like 6 blades and slashed the heck out his enemy it the new trailer?
this is exactly how i feltHeh funny how it worked out to be just how I wanted to play them. I always wanted to play from least favorite to favorite, thus, Terra - Ven - Aqua.