Nomura said that Kingdom Hearts was going to be a solo game, but its assumed that Pete was colleting heartless for MaleficentThen why isn't Pete mentioned in KH1 (This is assuming that Nomura had all of these games planned out.)?
So, when Pete got banished, is it possible time sped up around him to Days (seeing as it only seems seconds when he escapes)? Since it's after KH1 that Malificent helped Pete escape.
"I'm going to let you cool off for a while" =/= "I'm going to trap you in another dimension for 10 years"
Gosh, the Disney Town plot-line was CLEARLY made up at the last minute -_-
Clear Disney Town, Get the Disney Town Command Board, Than play the command board, any command board world. I personally pick LoD, and a random encounter of Captain Justice or Captain Dark will get you Pete's D-link, but you must complete the game, you dont need to win, or anything. You still get the D-link.i have a question, how do i get the pete d-link D;
Not necessarily. Considering Mickey was off on his own adventures the writers needed a way for Pete to get banished; they could have Mickey do it, but it would more then likely destroy the time line of events. Basically it wasn't last minute, they just wrote themselves into a corner .-. yes there's a difference.
Clear Disney Town, Get the Disney Town Command Board, Than play the command board, any command board world. I personally pick LoD, and a random encounter of Captain Justice or Captain Dark will get you Pete's D-link, but you must complete the game, you dont need to win, or anything. You still get the D-link.
i'm assuming you have to play outside of the arena then? cause i've encountered captain dark/justice on the command board a couple times and didn't get the link
Even if she didn't free him in BBS time, it wouldn't have been possible for Maleficent to free Pete after KH 1. She died, remember? Sora sliced her in half. Pete was shocked that she was dead, remember? Yeah, now you do.