By Lunarmaster54 and Abhorsen
A Naruto Continuation fic
Chapter One
Thirty years ago the fourth great ninja war raged between the allied shinobi forces and an organization known as the Akatsuki. The group was defeated after a long, bloody struggle but not without many casualties. Despite the high death toll and the disappearance of the tailed beasts (the exception being the eight tailed giant ox and the nine tailed fox) life went on and the villages mourned their losses and rebuilt their individual armies, determined not to seem ‘weak’. Five years after the conflict Naruto took his place as the sixth hokage. Sasuke began to re-populate his clan but never bothered to marry, instead becoming captain of the konoha Anbu.
Forty years later a new day shines down on the newest set of graduating academy students.
A twelve year old yawned as he stopped his clock, rubbing his sleepy green eyes as he shuffled out of bed, scratching himself and stumbling out of his room towards his shower. Typical routine for one Satoshi Kurokami. Halfway through his morning shower the brown haired boy’s eyes widened and not from the shampoo entering his eyes
“I’M LATE!!!!!!!”
He burst out of the shower, covered in suds, and dashed towards his room, slipping and sliding through the door and staring at his clock in horror.
Today was the day when the genin teams were decided. Yet he was ten minutes late. Swearing and hurriedly drying off, getting dressed (in his black shirt and white shorts combo) and tying his headband to his forehead the preteen raced from the room and out of his house. He had to get to the academy!
Hana had set her alarm for eight a.m., she planned to arrive early for the last day of class. She was for one thrilled to finally be moving on in her career as a ninja. She also really wanted to know what her assigned team was going to be and who her sensei was. She hoped it was someone nice, but firm.
The girl swung her feet off the bed and onto the floor. She needed to shower and eat something. She could hear people already moving around outside her window. She smiled, this day would be great! she thought to herself. She hurried off to take her shower washing thoroughly and rinsing hurridly. She decided to pack her battle gear incase her new sensei wanted to go on a mission immediately. After her shower and packing she grabbed a banana and some peach-papaya juice, her favorite. Before long she was out the door and running down the street passing houses and stores on her way to the academy.
Once at the academy she took her usual seat at the mid front of the class. She was directly under the skylight. She had the best lighting on her papers and she felt a bit free sitting under the beautiful sun. It may have been the one and only thing that got her through the long classes and boring lectures. She didnt slack off, that wasnt it. She just loved looking at the world around her and imagining herself in it. It was sappy she knew, but it was who she was. Yamato sensei walked in and greeted her as he sat his stuff down and began writing on the board. He was a good teacher and he reveled in his adventures and missions with their Hokage Naruto Uzumaki. Yamato had once explained that Naruto and Granpa Bee had teamed up to help Naruto control and tame his Bijuu. Her thoughts were interrupted when a shadow covered the skylight. She narrowed her eyes and recognized the figure, the only student who wasn’t in attendance, probably trying to sneak in, unnoticed.
“What a boob” she sighed
Amaya Uchiha was bored. They had told every graduate to be at the academy at ten o clock sharp and yet it was ten minutes past and so far all Yamato sensei had been doing was lecturing them about what being a genin meant while writing things on the black board. They were not getting the team assignments they were so desperate for and if this went on for much longer the girl was going to fall asleep. Well, she wanted to fall asleep. But Uchihas didn’t sleep in class. They were proper and dignified and on top of everything. Grandpa Sasuke had done his best to drill that into her head so hard that she was prime and proper and stiff even during her sleep. Well. Not really. But she sure felt like that might be the case.
"From this day forward you are no longer mere students of ninjutsu, but full fledged shinobi." Yamato was saying "But among the ranks of the Shinobi you are mere novices, the lowest of the low. Your greatest challenges all lie ahead."
Amaya snorted. She was an Uchiha. They may not have had the prestige that they had once had back during the golden days (as grandpa had said) but she would never EVER be ‘the lowest of the low’. What an insult! Even if she was no more than a civilian Amaya would have more importance in her right pinkie than half of these no named genin. Most of which were going to fail and be sent back to the academy anyway. A sound coming from the roof drew her attention, speaking of no named genin who were going to fail and be sent back to academy...
....Satoshi peeped down at the classroom, his goal was to slip in completely unnoticed. After all, he was a ninja and if he couldn’t sneak into a classroom then he was a failure. Plain and simple. Silently he slid open the window and peered down again, Yamato was writing something on the board. Perfect! Pulling out some wire and tying it to the window sill Satoshi hung upside down and eased himself down the hole and towards his seat. The window closed as he slid down, slient. Almost like a spider on a web. The boy grinned in triumph as he neared his destination, the teacher none the wiser! The grin slipped off of his face when the teacher spun around and hurled a kunai at the wire, slicing it in half and causing the busted Satoshi to fall onto the ground hard, amidst the laughter of the other students.
“He’s ex Anbu dumbass” a girl, Amaya from the sounds of it, commented “how did you expect to sneak by him?”
Satoshi coughed and rubbed his head in embarrassment as Yamato sensei glared at him
“Glad to see your finally here Satoshi” he said icily as the class quieted down “I was just about to assign you all to three man squads”
Satoshi nodded as he got into his seat and noticed that Hana was doing the same. She’d kicked her chair out of the way and moved just so he could fall and hit the floor! Or maybe it was because he was going to fall on top of! No she just wanted to see him fall onto the floor. That’s it.
Yamato began naming who was on what team and Satoshi leaned forward, excited. Three squads went by until finally...
“Squad Four. Satoshi Kurokami. Amaya Uchiha. and Hana Astral” Yamato announced. Satoshi smiled. He could live with this...
...Amaya couldn’t live with this. There must be some sort of mistake. There was no way she was on the same team as that..that...low average boob! He wasn’t dead last or anything like that but Satoshi was painfully plain. Nothing special. At least that Hana girl got reasonably high grades. Not as high as her of course. Amaya had gotten the best grades out of the academy (grandpa would have nothing less of his favorite grand daughter. Not that he’d admit that part) and she deserved to be put with the best! Not spiderboy over there. Oh well. Amaya propped her head up with her hand and wondered. Who would their sensei be?
“This is great! I can finally follow in sensei’s footsteps. What first...? hmm... maybe... no no.. what will be their test to prove their worth? Pushups? No, far too easy! Sensei would have never started with such an easy task. I know! I will decide when the time comes!” said a man with fire in his eyes as he stepped into the room. The sensei of team one. His students to be looked a tad nervous as they looked into his eyes, Hana thought as she watched the four leave the room. She thought she recognized him, his name was on the tip of her tongue, but for whatever reason it just wouldn’t come to her. She had been too busy thinking about her two new squad members when this man’s name was called. She was still thinking as a man with a big grey coat stepped into the room. The sensei of team two. Shino Aburame. Hana smiled, recognizing this one on sight.
“....I will do my best to not fail whoever I am assigned” he stated team two gathered in front of him and where lead out.
“Whoa, tough crowd” Hana smiled as Konohamaru stepped into the room. He always was one of her favorite adults. He was fun to be around, sarcastic. She knew he would be a good sensei but he wasn‘t serious enough for her taste.
“These guys remind me of myself as a kid” he was saying to Yamato sensei “That girl needs to put some more clothes on.. this isnt kunoichi’s gone wild” he eyed the room again “Look at that guy.. whats with the glasses. He is inside.. he doesn’t need those. Please oh please dont make him be my student! you better not screw with me. I am a village treasure!” he glared, only half jokingly, at Yamato who smirked
“Squad three? Come over to your new sensei” he said. Konohamaru’s eyes widened as not only ‘that kid with the unnecessary glasses’ walked over but also the girl who ‘needed to put more clothes on’ and to top it all off a larger boy (clearly from the Akimichi clan) rounded out the squad. Konohamaru’s right eye twitched as he surveyed his new students.
“Teach them well, ‘village treasure’” Yamato grinned. Shaking his head and grumbling Konohamaru lead his students out of the room. Hana chuckled.
“I never thought I would be a sensei, not that I cant I just never saw it coming. All those years that I trained, the beatings I endured. The war.. it was so much. I hope these children never have to endure that, see those things.. It wasn’t fair..” thought a woman with the long bluish-purple hair as she entered the classroom. Hinata Hyuga smiled at Yamato as he called over team four. She eyed them all as they looked up at her, the four were silently sizing each other up.
Amaya Uchiha, who’d have thought she’d have Sasuke’s grandaughter on her squad? Hinata wasn’t exactly fond of Naruto’s best friend and from what she knew of Amaya the girl was just as arrogant as Sasuke had been at that age. But she was vocal about said arrogance. Sasuke was silent and stayed away from other people, preferring to do things on his own and looked down upon people. Even now, decades later, he was still the same way. Although much better about it. Amaya wasn’t silent at all. She was arrogant and she let you know it. Hinata knew she’d be quite a handful..
Her gaze traveled over to Satoshi Kurokami. He reminded her of Naruto but his grades were better than Naruto’s had been. He was easy going and a little forgetful. There wasn’t anything that particularly stood out about him other than the fact that he dreamed of becoming a kenjutzu specialist, to that end he carried around a bokken with him at all times (Hinata heard he actually tried sleeping with it a few times) and the only reason it wasn’t on his now was because it seemed he had just woken up not ten minutes ago...
Hinata looked over at the final member of her new squad. Hana Astral. Her grades were fantastic but it seemed like she wasn’t sure what sort of ninja that she wanted to become. Which was fine, it was a rare that a student knew exactly what kind of path they wanted to take fresh out of the academy. Her file stated that she had potential, that whoever her sensei was going to be should keep an close eye on her to see just how she turned out.
“So” she said as they walked out of the classroom “How about some lunch?”
End of chapter one.
A Naruto Continuation fic
Chapter One
Thirty years ago the fourth great ninja war raged between the allied shinobi forces and an organization known as the Akatsuki. The group was defeated after a long, bloody struggle but not without many casualties. Despite the high death toll and the disappearance of the tailed beasts (the exception being the eight tailed giant ox and the nine tailed fox) life went on and the villages mourned their losses and rebuilt their individual armies, determined not to seem ‘weak’. Five years after the conflict Naruto took his place as the sixth hokage. Sasuke began to re-populate his clan but never bothered to marry, instead becoming captain of the konoha Anbu.
Forty years later a new day shines down on the newest set of graduating academy students.
A twelve year old yawned as he stopped his clock, rubbing his sleepy green eyes as he shuffled out of bed, scratching himself and stumbling out of his room towards his shower. Typical routine for one Satoshi Kurokami. Halfway through his morning shower the brown haired boy’s eyes widened and not from the shampoo entering his eyes
“I’M LATE!!!!!!!”
He burst out of the shower, covered in suds, and dashed towards his room, slipping and sliding through the door and staring at his clock in horror.
Today was the day when the genin teams were decided. Yet he was ten minutes late. Swearing and hurriedly drying off, getting dressed (in his black shirt and white shorts combo) and tying his headband to his forehead the preteen raced from the room and out of his house. He had to get to the academy!
Hana had set her alarm for eight a.m., she planned to arrive early for the last day of class. She was for one thrilled to finally be moving on in her career as a ninja. She also really wanted to know what her assigned team was going to be and who her sensei was. She hoped it was someone nice, but firm.
The girl swung her feet off the bed and onto the floor. She needed to shower and eat something. She could hear people already moving around outside her window. She smiled, this day would be great! she thought to herself. She hurried off to take her shower washing thoroughly and rinsing hurridly. She decided to pack her battle gear incase her new sensei wanted to go on a mission immediately. After her shower and packing she grabbed a banana and some peach-papaya juice, her favorite. Before long she was out the door and running down the street passing houses and stores on her way to the academy.
Once at the academy she took her usual seat at the mid front of the class. She was directly under the skylight. She had the best lighting on her papers and she felt a bit free sitting under the beautiful sun. It may have been the one and only thing that got her through the long classes and boring lectures. She didnt slack off, that wasnt it. She just loved looking at the world around her and imagining herself in it. It was sappy she knew, but it was who she was. Yamato sensei walked in and greeted her as he sat his stuff down and began writing on the board. He was a good teacher and he reveled in his adventures and missions with their Hokage Naruto Uzumaki. Yamato had once explained that Naruto and Granpa Bee had teamed up to help Naruto control and tame his Bijuu. Her thoughts were interrupted when a shadow covered the skylight. She narrowed her eyes and recognized the figure, the only student who wasn’t in attendance, probably trying to sneak in, unnoticed.
“What a boob” she sighed
Amaya Uchiha was bored. They had told every graduate to be at the academy at ten o clock sharp and yet it was ten minutes past and so far all Yamato sensei had been doing was lecturing them about what being a genin meant while writing things on the black board. They were not getting the team assignments they were so desperate for and if this went on for much longer the girl was going to fall asleep. Well, she wanted to fall asleep. But Uchihas didn’t sleep in class. They were proper and dignified and on top of everything. Grandpa Sasuke had done his best to drill that into her head so hard that she was prime and proper and stiff even during her sleep. Well. Not really. But she sure felt like that might be the case.
"From this day forward you are no longer mere students of ninjutsu, but full fledged shinobi." Yamato was saying "But among the ranks of the Shinobi you are mere novices, the lowest of the low. Your greatest challenges all lie ahead."
Amaya snorted. She was an Uchiha. They may not have had the prestige that they had once had back during the golden days (as grandpa had said) but she would never EVER be ‘the lowest of the low’. What an insult! Even if she was no more than a civilian Amaya would have more importance in her right pinkie than half of these no named genin. Most of which were going to fail and be sent back to the academy anyway. A sound coming from the roof drew her attention, speaking of no named genin who were going to fail and be sent back to academy...
....Satoshi peeped down at the classroom, his goal was to slip in completely unnoticed. After all, he was a ninja and if he couldn’t sneak into a classroom then he was a failure. Plain and simple. Silently he slid open the window and peered down again, Yamato was writing something on the board. Perfect! Pulling out some wire and tying it to the window sill Satoshi hung upside down and eased himself down the hole and towards his seat. The window closed as he slid down, slient. Almost like a spider on a web. The boy grinned in triumph as he neared his destination, the teacher none the wiser! The grin slipped off of his face when the teacher spun around and hurled a kunai at the wire, slicing it in half and causing the busted Satoshi to fall onto the ground hard, amidst the laughter of the other students.
“He’s ex Anbu dumbass” a girl, Amaya from the sounds of it, commented “how did you expect to sneak by him?”
Satoshi coughed and rubbed his head in embarrassment as Yamato sensei glared at him
“Glad to see your finally here Satoshi” he said icily as the class quieted down “I was just about to assign you all to three man squads”
Satoshi nodded as he got into his seat and noticed that Hana was doing the same. She’d kicked her chair out of the way and moved just so he could fall and hit the floor! Or maybe it was because he was going to fall on top of! No she just wanted to see him fall onto the floor. That’s it.
Yamato began naming who was on what team and Satoshi leaned forward, excited. Three squads went by until finally...
“Squad Four. Satoshi Kurokami. Amaya Uchiha. and Hana Astral” Yamato announced. Satoshi smiled. He could live with this...
...Amaya couldn’t live with this. There must be some sort of mistake. There was no way she was on the same team as that..that...low average boob! He wasn’t dead last or anything like that but Satoshi was painfully plain. Nothing special. At least that Hana girl got reasonably high grades. Not as high as her of course. Amaya had gotten the best grades out of the academy (grandpa would have nothing less of his favorite grand daughter. Not that he’d admit that part) and she deserved to be put with the best! Not spiderboy over there. Oh well. Amaya propped her head up with her hand and wondered. Who would their sensei be?
“This is great! I can finally follow in sensei’s footsteps. What first...? hmm... maybe... no no.. what will be their test to prove their worth? Pushups? No, far too easy! Sensei would have never started with such an easy task. I know! I will decide when the time comes!” said a man with fire in his eyes as he stepped into the room. The sensei of team one. His students to be looked a tad nervous as they looked into his eyes, Hana thought as she watched the four leave the room. She thought she recognized him, his name was on the tip of her tongue, but for whatever reason it just wouldn’t come to her. She had been too busy thinking about her two new squad members when this man’s name was called. She was still thinking as a man with a big grey coat stepped into the room. The sensei of team two. Shino Aburame. Hana smiled, recognizing this one on sight.
“....I will do my best to not fail whoever I am assigned” he stated team two gathered in front of him and where lead out.
“Whoa, tough crowd” Hana smiled as Konohamaru stepped into the room. He always was one of her favorite adults. He was fun to be around, sarcastic. She knew he would be a good sensei but he wasn‘t serious enough for her taste.
“These guys remind me of myself as a kid” he was saying to Yamato sensei “That girl needs to put some more clothes on.. this isnt kunoichi’s gone wild” he eyed the room again “Look at that guy.. whats with the glasses. He is inside.. he doesn’t need those. Please oh please dont make him be my student! you better not screw with me. I am a village treasure!” he glared, only half jokingly, at Yamato who smirked
“Squad three? Come over to your new sensei” he said. Konohamaru’s eyes widened as not only ‘that kid with the unnecessary glasses’ walked over but also the girl who ‘needed to put more clothes on’ and to top it all off a larger boy (clearly from the Akimichi clan) rounded out the squad. Konohamaru’s right eye twitched as he surveyed his new students.
“Teach them well, ‘village treasure’” Yamato grinned. Shaking his head and grumbling Konohamaru lead his students out of the room. Hana chuckled.
“I never thought I would be a sensei, not that I cant I just never saw it coming. All those years that I trained, the beatings I endured. The war.. it was so much. I hope these children never have to endure that, see those things.. It wasn’t fair..” thought a woman with the long bluish-purple hair as she entered the classroom. Hinata Hyuga smiled at Yamato as he called over team four. She eyed them all as they looked up at her, the four were silently sizing each other up.
Amaya Uchiha, who’d have thought she’d have Sasuke’s grandaughter on her squad? Hinata wasn’t exactly fond of Naruto’s best friend and from what she knew of Amaya the girl was just as arrogant as Sasuke had been at that age. But she was vocal about said arrogance. Sasuke was silent and stayed away from other people, preferring to do things on his own and looked down upon people. Even now, decades later, he was still the same way. Although much better about it. Amaya wasn’t silent at all. She was arrogant and she let you know it. Hinata knew she’d be quite a handful..
Her gaze traveled over to Satoshi Kurokami. He reminded her of Naruto but his grades were better than Naruto’s had been. He was easy going and a little forgetful. There wasn’t anything that particularly stood out about him other than the fact that he dreamed of becoming a kenjutzu specialist, to that end he carried around a bokken with him at all times (Hinata heard he actually tried sleeping with it a few times) and the only reason it wasn’t on his now was because it seemed he had just woken up not ten minutes ago...
Hinata looked over at the final member of her new squad. Hana Astral. Her grades were fantastic but it seemed like she wasn’t sure what sort of ninja that she wanted to become. Which was fine, it was a rare that a student knew exactly what kind of path they wanted to take fresh out of the academy. Her file stated that she had potential, that whoever her sensei was going to be should keep an close eye on her to see just how she turned out.
“So” she said as they walked out of the classroom “How about some lunch?”
End of chapter one.
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