Chapter 37: Demons, Angels, and Players. part 2.
Sora was the last person to wake up. He slowly made his out of his room, while going down stairs he could hear people in the living room. The boy looked at his brother, sister, and his mother.
"Sora you're finally awake!" Terra said cheerfully, hugging her son.
In a mad dash Sora was quickly overcome with a crowd of his friends and loved ones.
He was greeted with hugs and a kiss by the girls. Namine, and Master Aqua gave him the hugs. Kairi was the one who gave him the kiss, and it wasn't a peck on the cheek, no this was mouth to mouth.
"Ew gross, Sora's gonna have cooties!" Xion gasped.
"What are you five? Anyway, glad your up Sora." Riku asked while he pated his best friend on the back.
"Hey kid, feeling better? I was a little worried what happened, thought that potion would make you sleep forever." Lea asked.
"Wait, what? Guys what's going on!?" Sora asked.
"For crying out loud, why are you people so noisy!?" Yelled someone from upstairs.
They all looked up to find a few new house guests. One was a orange haired boy, scowling at them all for waking him, he wore one of Sora's shirts and pants.
"Neku, don't be so rude…. like ohmygosh, he's awake!" Said a girl who was behind him, she had red hair like Kairi, but her eyes were brown, and she was holding a stuffed cat.
"Yo, what time is it man?" Yelled a larger blonde boy wearing a skull cap on his head and some street clothes.
"I told you to go to bed earlier Beat…Oh hello Foster Brother, we are all glad your all better." Said a short cheerful blonde child wearing an orange jumper.
Sora recognized one of them, but none of the other people. He registered "foster brother." yet still had no idea what was going on. He turned to his mother.
"Who are these people, why is one of them in my pajamas and what the heck is going on?" Sora asked.
"You mean you don't remember what happened?" Namine asked.
"Remember what?" Sora asked.
"You've been asleep for three days…Thanks to Lea's Howl potion." Riku stated.
The Keyblade hero didn't say a word, he just stood there dumbstruck, trying to understand what was happening.
"I've been asleep for three days?" He asked.
"Yeah, my bad dude. Last time I buy something like that from a wizard with a floating castle." Lea said shacking his head.
"Well it did do the trick, Sora's not gonna blow up on us, fighting. Which Bro, was pretty scary." Roxas said.
"So like he's not gonna turn into that red monster again?" The cat holding girl asked.
"Turn…into.. that red monster! Okay time out! What happened? Wait, first you new guys tell me your names. Then tell me what happened." Sora said trying to get his thoughts together
The four new family members found that Sora was speaking to them. The older girl pushed the orange haired boy to make the first move.
"I'm Neku, Neku Sakuraba. She's Shiki Misaki. The Big guy is "Beat, and the small one is Rhyme. We, I guess are a part of your family, thanks to your mom…So hi." The once antisocial teen stated.
"We're glad your okay, and it's totally nice to meet you..again." Shiki said.
"Yo, for a guy wearing clown shoes, you know how to give a beatdown!" Beat said impressed.
"I'm sorry you don't remember us, but we are thankful." Rhyme piped up.
"Well thanks. It's nice meeting you all, again." Sora said awkwardly.
Namine pulled out her drawing book.
"I think this will clear the air for you Sora." Namine said.
Sora watched her flip the pages as her memory powers started to work on him. He felt was was watching a movie, and his mind took him back three days ago.
Three days ago….
Sora, Riku, Roxas, Xion and Aqua, where walking toward Kairi's place. The two younger Branford's were grading their older brother, like knights protecting a king. Riku however was getting a little annoyed with their pacing back and forth.
"Can you guys please stop that?" He asked.
"Stop what?" Xion asked.
"Stop pacing around Sora, it's driving me crazy! Also I'm sure Sora's not liking it ether." He barked.
"Well we got to make sure Sora doesn't get hurt. Master Yen-Sid said he can't fight." Roxas protested.
"Just let them be Riku, they mean well." Aqua said trying to cool him down.
"They do have a point, Sora is…unstable. Xehanort or anyone of our enemies could ambush him, and……." Aqua stopped herself from thinking these thoughts as they reached Kairi's house. Yet what they saw was kinda odd.
"Welp I'm off duty for a while, oh well I've saved the worlds twice, I could use a break. I just feel bad about leaving Mom, and Lea with Chirhiro who's got a fever. Also how am I gonna get Ven out? I can't just do what I did with Roxas, and Xion, cause L says that would kill me."Sora thought.
Coming out to the windows, was blue paint flying into the air. Stick figures ran out the doors, and some badly drawn animals ran right past them all. They could see main door being flung wide open, finding one comically surprised Kairi, Namine, An orange haired girl wearing a brown short skirt and pink top. She had been holding Namine's notebook. Next to her was a white haired boy, wearing their school uniform, and one very angry Lightning.
",,Well now we know that Namine's notebook only for Namine." The orange haired girl said half giggling.
"I didn't even know I drew half of that stuff." Namine said a little shocked.
Lightning on the other hand, was not trying to rip them apart.
"You three..School..NOW!" She barked.
Namine, Kairi, and the new boy quickly ran out the door to meet Sora and the others. Lightning gave a glare to Roxas and Xion, who hid behind Sora. Their older brother felt a terrible chill down his spine. She then grabbed the orange by her hair
"As for you Vanille, your cleaning the house from top to bottom, cause this is your mess." Lightning said.
"Aw come on Lightning, that's not fair!" Vanille cried.
"Deal with it!" She ordered.
The pink haired lady of war, pushed the girl in the door, locked it, and stormed off in a very fowl mood. No one dared to say anything until they were half way to school.
"So, what happened Kairi, and who's your friend?" Sora asked.
Roxas and Xion quickly got to the newcomer and started padding him down like cops.
"Wait what are two doing?" The boy yelled alarmed..
Checking you for weapons, can't be too careful." Xion said.
"Xion, stop bugging my cuisine! Hope harmless!" Kairi said as she got them to stop bothering Hope.
"You're Lightning's kid?" Riku asked in disbelief.
"Yeah, that's right. Name's Hope." He muttered.
"You poor kid, I pity you." Riku said.
"Okay…" Hope said a little annoyed.
" Well It's nice to meet you." Aqua said shaking his hand.
"Yeah, you seem cool man." Sora said, ready to make a new friend.
"You guys too, and your that guy Kairi likes a lot." Hope said shaking her hand and Sora's.
"Guilty as charged." Sora admitted while giving a kiss to Kairi who was smiling.
Namine was slyly pushed by her sister near Roxas.
"Um, Roxas?" whispered Namine.
"Yeah?" He asked.
"…Um, could I talk to you at lunch, alone." She whispered.
Roxas's face went bright pink. Sora and Xion saw what was going on.
"Okay, sure." Roxas said.
"Yes." Kairi thought.
They all soon made it to class. Reluctantly Roxas, and Xion left their brother to class. Hope and Namine left to get Hope's classes. Sora, Kairi, Aqua and Riku went to Mr.Elric's class, but before he they could open the door, Sora was sucker punched.
Riku, and Kairi grabbed a hold of their friend who nose was bleeding.
"Hey why did you….YOU!" Aqua screamed.
They all looked at Sora's evil look like, Van who was wearing a school uniform and standing by the door..
"Sup, whimps?" He asked.
Sora and Riku were both thinking the same thing.
Before any epic battle could take place, Mr. Elric punched the yellow eyed boy in the side. He fell down in a bit of shock, as The former Full Metal Alchemist twisted the Dark Keyblade wielder's arm.
"I saw what you did there punk! Get your ass in class before I make it grass!" Ed warned as painfully twisted his arm again.
"Gah, alright!" He yelled.
The short man let go, and the boy went off to class. His eyes turned to the others.
"Red and Blue, you two take spiky to the nurse." Ed muttered.
"Yes, sir." They both said as they dashed with Sora.
The blonde haired man looked at Riku who gulped.
"Get to class." He ordered.
Riku quickly took his seat. Seeing Van winking at him. He gave him a scowl.
"Someone out their better have it worse then me right now." Riku thought.
Lea was right now really in a bad mood. He was sitting in a jail cell, handcuffed, with anti fire bars around him, and was staring at a smirking Lightning Farron who was twirling the keys.
"This is bull! I didn't do anything wrong!" He roared.
" Think of this as payback for getting on my nerves." Lightning said satiated.
"Okay, normally I would want to fight you, but right now this isn't the time. I've got a sick kid on my hands and I got to go. Terra's counting on me." Lea yelled.
"Nice lie, but I'm not buying it." Lightning stated.
"It's not a lie! Hey someone, anyone. Get me out of here! I haven't been read my rights! I HAVEN'T BEEN READ MY RIGHTS!" Lea screamed, hoping to make a fuss.
"You have the right to shut the hell up!" Lightning muttered while shooting off a bit of thunder in his cell.
"YOU BIIIITTTCCCHHH" Lea screamed shocked.
Lightning was about to fire again when her gun had been grabbed by someone. She looked to find a tall dark man with a big afro. He wore a green coat with the DIPD badge.
"Hey now, I think it's time you let him off the hook." The man said.
"Sazh." The pink haired woman muttered.
She looked around find her brother in law.
"Sis, you can't just lock Axel-I mean Lea up like that." Snow said.
"Tch." Lightning muttered.
Snow unlocked Lea's cell and handcuffs.
"Thanks, oh and one more thing." Lea said.
" I AM A MAN!" He yelled while punching Lighting in the face.
"Payback Pinkie!" Lea sheered. He stuck his tongue out, while vanishing.
Lightning was about to follow him, when a hand helped picked her up.
"Just let it go lady, no use getting worked over nothing." Sazh said.
"Nothing, that idiot punched me in the face!" She screamed.
"We saw, but he's gone now. Just let it go for now, and get him back later. Okay?" Sazh asked.
Lightning understood what he was saying. Granted she didn't like it, but the woman would deal. Since she had came to the islands the afro man had been helpful to her.
"Another word of wisdom from Old Man Sazh." Snow said chuckling.
"Hey who you calling old man boy? I'm not old, I mean yeah I got a few years under my belt more then you, but I aint some old timer! Ya understand!" Sazh yelled.
Snow ignored his partner's rant, get the intercom that was going off.
"Talk to me." Snow ordered.
"Chef we got ourselves a huge problem!" Yelled someone.
"Easy new guy, what's up?" Snow asked.
"There's some psychopath running around blasting half the town, he's been chasing after some kids near Kama Street and- )H CRAP HE'S CHANGED INTO SOME KINDA TIGER THING AAHHHH!" Yelled the new guy. A blast of music filled the intercom, until a new voice came on.
"Your islands are garbage! I'll add it to the heap!." The voice.
Snow could hear the other intercom being crushed.
" New guy, new guy! Damn it not again" Snow said. He got on a another channel.
"All units, we are at code Heartless. All units are to cut off Kama street, for civilian protection. I repeat we are at code Heartless. All units are to cut off Kama street, for civilian protection." Snow ordered.
He got off the com looked at the two people.
"Sazh, Sis, gear up. we lost another man to this music bastard." Snow ordered.
"You sound almost serous Snow. " Lightning said.
"I AM serous Light, this guy's not getting away from me this time. Now gear up!" Snow ordered, as he ran out of the station.
The others followed him, into the garage. He hopped on his motorbike, starting the engine. The afro man, and pink haired woman got into a police car and rode off. The island became a fast blur as they drove to the street they needed to be, which was right now looking like a mini war zone.
Trees were on fire, cars were smashed, and people were running and screaming. What they were running from was large tall, gray and black tiger like humanoid.It was grabbing on to an orange haired boy wearing headphones, a purple sleeveless shirt with a large hood covering part of his face, white pants, and purple shoes.
"Now I'll ask you again little zero…Where is the Composer?" He said while putting the squeeze on the boy. The once emo teen looked at the grim heaper dead in the eye.
"Bite me." Neku said gasping for air.
The Noise Hybrid was about to kill the boy when he was shot with an ice ball.
He looked to find a green haired woman, dressed in red, and really not in a good mood.
"Put him down NOW!" She ordered.
He was about to rip her with his large claws, when he was shot in the back, by Sazh. Lightning jumped in the air, slashed at large demon, forcing him to drop the boy and grabbed Terra and the boy dashing the two to a safe zone. Snow on the other hand punched the tiger noise human hybrid in the face.
"I'm DIPD and your under arrest for murder, and destroying public property!" Snow yelled as he pulled out his handcuffs.
The beast kicked Snow up into the air, it then changed into a sliver haired man. His eyes bright yellow glared arrogance . He donned his trademark black cap, matching the rest of his black outfit. Which screamed punk rock.
"You're gonna arrest me? Ha, your out of your vector!" He said.
"Well your out of your mind! Lightning yelled, as she jumped on him.
The man smirked. Music blasted from where he was standing. pushing everyone away from him, vanishing into thin air. Lightning scanned the area for where we could pop up. Remembering her self taught training in case she needed to fight Lea. She looked at Sazh.
"Get down!" She ordered.
He ducked down as she casted Ruin which blasted the ex-reaper into wall. Sazh got himself up, pulled out his guns and started firing at the maniac . Sho grabbed his own gun and started to open fire as well. Sazh dodged the enemy bullets save for one that shot into his afro. Sazh on the other shot the wild man his side. In reaction to his new pain Sho kicked Sazh right in the face. He vanished into thin air again. He reappeared right in front of Snow. The head of the DIPD was about to punch this punk's light's out when he he was blasted to the floor by a circle of energy shots coming out of his body.
"So zetta slow, just like the other cops I crushed!" He said mocking Snow.
Lightning picked her brother in law up, and was back on the attack, but he teleported again.This time he was after that woman in red.
He gave the cops the slip and was about to reform into this world he thought got the jump on her. Yet when reformed,he saw her point a gunbalde right at his face.
"Don't think just cause I'm woman that you can mess with me. Also DON'T EVER HURT A CHILD IN FRONT OF ME!" She yelled.
"Zitta sons a-" The math Reaper was shot many times before before he could finish one of his catch parses.
This Sho Minamimoto was not, going to take laying down. His own personal music shot out of his body, and like a wave pushed the Esper woman away from him. She quickly grabbed ahold of the young boy. He could have killed them both, still he could hear the cops getting closer. He didn't like to admit it, but if all four of them got at him, he might lose. He quickly formed another plan.
"I'll just have to find that cat zero or those two skull zeroes! The Old man said they would be around here." He thought.
Lightning was the first to find him. She was about to attack when he vanished into thin air with an arrogant smirk on his face that irked her more then Lea, but not without leaving them all something.
"IT'S A LEVEL NINE FLARE!" He screamed while shooting out a large ball of light, which seemed to be growing bigger and bigger.
Lightning's eyes widened when she realized what it was, A BOMB! She grabbed a hold of Terra and Neku. Pulled out a purple crystal, and shot it causing it to explode. The blast from her crystal and the blast of the flare went off at the same time, yet the crystal's blast was padding the blow from the flare. Lightning grabbed the two civilians and headed for cover. It only blew part of the of the street. After the blast went The Radiant Garden officer checked on the Esper Woman.
"You alright?" Lightning asked.
She nodded.
"I just need a potion for this boy." Terra said more worried about him then herself.
Lightning checked her back pocket and found a High Potion. She gave it to Terra, who got Neku to drink. He was stable but still hurt pretty badly.
" Shiki….Rhyme…..Beat,Run!" He gasped trying to get out of Terra's arms.
"Hey take it easy, your still in bad shape!" Terra said trying to keep a hold of the teenager.
"That….asshole is….going to kill…my friends! Got to…" He muttered while trying to move.
"Don't worry, we will find them, but you need to rest okay? Trust me." Terra promised.
The boy looked at her. Then remembered the words an old friend said to him.
"Trust your partner." He thought.
"Okay, thank you." He whispered.
"Now, what's your name, and what do they look like?" Terra asked.
He whispered what his friends looked like in her ear, and blacked out.
"Well?" Lightning asked.
Terra hummed making a hand sign and in a puff of smoke another her appeared. She looked at the copy much to Lightning's mild surprise, and gave the injured boy to the boy.
"Take him home, and heal him please?" The first Terra asked.
"Alright." The copy said. She changed into a glowing pink humanoid being and flew back home.
Snow and Sazh got there just in time to see that.
"Um, Ter…yeah long have you been doing that?" Sazh asked.
"We can worry about that later, right now that guy is still around after other people! Follow me!" Terra ordered.
The green haired woman flew looking for her injured charge's friends.
"Now, how long as she been able to do THAT?" Sazh asked
"I wouldn't ask questions that this point Sazh, just roll with it." Snow muttered.
Lightning grabbed a hold of them, and followed the glowing woman. Unknown to them they were being watched.
Braig was on top of a building talking on a cellphone.
"Yeah the new guy's kinda a power house Master! Yeah, I made sure Little Vany got in without much a hassle. Okay I'll do what I can with Sora. Later master." Braig muttered turning off his cellphone.
Speaking of Sora….
The boy was holding his nose with a pack of ice on his nose.
"How do you feel?" Aqua asked.
"Like my face hurts." Sora groaned.
"Maybe this will help." Kairi said sweetly.
She kissed him on the cheek that wasn't covered with an icepack.
"Thanks." Sora said blushing.
"Don't worry, Riku and I are gonna get back at him." She promised him.
"I wouldn't do that Kairi. I've fought Van before and he is not easy." Aqua warned.
"I know Master Aqua, but someone's got to teach him some manners." Kairi protested.
"Oh sorry guys I need to go to the bathroom, Master Aqua could you watch Sora?" She asked while getting up.
"Oh course." Aqua said.
"Be right back." She muttered.
Sora groaned, not that he didn't like Aqua's company but he didn't enjoy needing to be watched.
Another guy who was right next to Sora looked at Aqua with a sly grin.
"So why does she keep calling you master? She like your bitch or something?"" The guy said sneering.
"NO!" Sora and Aqua yelled.
Kairi walked down the hall to the restroom, she started to get a bad headache. She pushed it out of her head and went in. Standing in front of the mirror, she washing her hands when she started to hear whispering in her ears.
"Hello?" Kairi called out, turning around only to see no one. She checked the stalls and found herself alone.
"I hearing things, or it's one of Roxas and Xion pranks." She thought.
She went back to the mirror, she started to fix her hair. The voices however got louder, and disturbing n her ear. Her heart started to ache, her head started to pound, and even her Keyblade came into her hand.
"What's going on?" Kairi thought.
"You're a worthless piece of trash!" An eery voice said in her ear.
"Who said that!" Kairi yelled turning around, looking for someone or something to attack.
She felt like she was punched in the face.
"Listen to your Master boy!" The voice hissed.
"I'm not a boy!" Kairi protested.
She dropped her keyblade, feeling a burning sensation run across her back like lightning. She went to back to pick up her her Keyblade, but dropped to the ground as the pain grew much more intense as she felt a second lash hit her back. She let out a small wimpier, having no idea what was going on.
"Master please, no more. Please stop." Another voice in Kairi's ear begged.
"Did I say you could talk, you murderous brat!" Snarled the man's voice.
Again, Kairi was struck in in the back by this unseen whip. The force from it however knocked the breath out of her. Tears started to come out of her eyes. She looked at her right hand which now had some kind of red mark on her. She tired not to scream, but the mark burned.
"What's going on!" She screamed.
The Princess of Heart slowly got herself up. She started to walk away when the girl's ribs were kicked in. Kairi was about to pull on the door to get out but her hands felt like a weight was crushing them.
"You're not going to break me!" Kairi thought.
"Oh I Will! Oh I will!" The man said back.
"Wait I didn't say anything!" The young child's voice said.
"Oh crap!" Kairi thought.
Aqua and Sora were leaving the nurse's office to get to class.
"Kairi doesn't take this long." Sora said now with a bandage on his nose.
"I'll check on her, You get to class Sora." She ordered.
"Alright." Sora said.
The boy went to class, which was math. However he couldn't help but felt something was off, and he was right Aqua however went into the bathroom. She opened the door to find Kairi who was on the floor, gasping for air, trying to hold back tears.
"Aqua….Help me! It hurts so much!" She whispered.
The Keyblade Master could tell something was really off. She could see some horrid looking aura around her student, it was the same one she saw with Xehanort in Terra's body or with L.
Aqua quickly scooped up the poor child. Holding her.
"Kairi what happened to you?" She asked.
" I don't know, first I'm hearing voices then I'm hurting all over." Kairi said.
"Voices?" She asked.
"I'm not crazy, but it felt like someone was talking to me,and someone else. This man was hurting this boy and me….I understand why." Kairi explained.
Aqua thought about this for a minute, she then remembered something she studied back home.
"Kairi tell me, did your heart feel like it was with that boy? Or did you feel feelings that weren't your own?" She asked.
"………..I felt fear, hopelessness, guilt, and shame. " Kairi stated.
"We can talk about this later, right now we need to get you out of that state of mind okay?" Her master asked getting them into the hall.
"Just don't tell Sora or Riku okay? Sora has so much on his plate already." She requested
She nodded getting him into math, only to find someone they weren't expecting. Molly Mushroom was writing math problems on a chalk broad. She turned around to find the two girls.
"Oh hey Kai, Aqua. You're fifteen minutes late but that's cool, take your seats." The Mushroom Heartless waved.
Aqua and Kairi had no idea what to think. They slowly took their seats next Sora, Riku, and Wakka.
"What's Molly doing here?" Kairi whispered.
" Mustang gave her the job, cause the last guy tried to kill me and Aqua?" Sora whispered.
"What took you two so long? Oh by the way I got notes from Elric's class for yeah." Riku whispered.
"I'll tell you later, and thanks Riku." She muttered.
" I've never been late to anything before…" Aqua said uneasily.
"I'm sorry." Kairi whispered.
The four of them were hit on the head with a fan.
"Sorry!" They yelled.
Van who was driving Wakka crazy was snickering in the back. Molly's eye's glared at him like daggers.
"Oh so you think it's funny huh? TEACHER'S AID" She yelled.
Out of nowhere Ansem grabbed the dark Keyblade weidler.
"Hey let go of me!" He protested.
"Now class, I'm going to give a pop quiz. Anyone who gets an A gets to watch my handsome, awesome Teacher's Aid beat this brat." The Heartless said cheerfully making Ansem blush.
"She's crazy Ya?" Wakka asked.
"I'm not complaining." Tidus whispered with a small grin on his face.
An hour passed as lunch came. The Students were all about ready to hang with their friends and eat. Two students however might confess their feeling for one another. Roxas Branford was about ready to keep his promise but his hands were shacking. Sora,and Xion where sitting with him while Kairi went to get Namine out of her favorite class: art. Riku and Aqua were still in line getting their food. Sora couldn't help but look at Van who was glaring at him. Xion gave him a raspberry.
"You'll do fine Roxas." Sora muttered putting his hand on his little brother's shoulder.
"Go get her Roxas Xion yelled as she pushed him.
Namine finally came out. She looked at Roxas who was shacking like a leaf.
"Where's Axel when you need him?" He thought.
He looked at the sweet blonde girl. He stood there like and idiot. Riku couldn't bare to make fun, cause he'd be no better. Sora, Xion, Kairi, Aqua, and even Hope who was just now sitting with them hopped for the best with Roxas and Namine. T
"Roxas?" Namine asked.
"Namine I'm Sorry. I'm sorry I haven't kept our promise. Please don't be mad! I want to make it up to you by being with you now!" Roxas stated finally getting it off his chest.
Namine blushed and then hugged him.
"Oh Roxas…thank you so much. I've been waiting for you to say that. i mean I would have but I got nervous." Namine said
"Yeah and things have been kinda crazy….So do you want to….go out?" Roxas asked.
Namine was now the one to be shacking. She then did what no one thought she would do. She grabbed him and kissed him on the lips. They broke needing air.
"……..Sorry that was too much wasn't it?" Namine asked.
"Not at all." Roxas said.
Suddenly everyone saw a sliver haired wild man in black came crashing in chasing after a large blonde boy wearing a skull cap and street clothes on a skateboard holding a small blonde girl who wore similar clothes as him, and a red headed girl with a brown hat, red top, green skirt and boots. She was holding on to a stuffed cat. Sora and Aqua remembered who this guy was, and so did he. He pulled out a gun and fired at Sora. Out of reflex Sora summoned his Keyblade.
That however was a horrible mistake……for Sora was now bursting with demon energy. Van was grinning from ear to ear. The Fox was unleashed!
End of chapter.