It's okay for you to be consistently rude as long as you feel good about it afterwards, I see how it is now
EDIT: To address the
thread of the title: Organised religion is not a problem. Organised anything is inherently not a problem (unless it's fascism or something). What
is a problem is when people manipulate and co opt groups for an extreme cause. I think many people who identify with one of the major religions has been feeling the brunt of this within the last 20 or so years - some more than others - and its frustrating time and time again to hear that the people propagating terrible decisions and acts - from OP's example on abortion to terrorist attacks - are always of the same description i.e they aren't anywhere close to being practising members of the faiths that they so publicly claim they're a part of.
The hypocrisy alone is one thing, but the damage done to normal people who just want to live their lives is horrendous. I'm talking about the victims of these acts of course, but misaimed retribution is also often a thing. I don't really hide this fact but I am a Muslim, I'm proud of it too, and I think I know what I'm talking about when I say It's pretty obvious that there's an acceptable target for being a bigot towards these days. Religion is a nice catch-all for it, what's even worse is that often this line of thinking is applauded as being progressive. I disagree.
The real issue with American politics as that's the example OP gave is that the root cause of everything comes back to money. You think these decisions are done based on ideological purity? Of course not. Look a little deeper and you'll no doubt find someone somewhere is benefitting financially from this - which people are not likely to look for right now because this is a
terrible decision and rightly, people are looking to oppose it by as many means as they can think of. I can't think of the last time anything in either the USA or the UK was done for idealogical purity. I suppose Brexit is one but everyone knows Johnson didn't believe in it at all. Not sure if it counts, and anyway, again, certain people stood to have a lot of financial gain from it.
I guess the takeaway is do not be so quick to begin propagating divisions when the people at the top are all in it together anyway, and financially benefitting off of us to boot.