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Fanfiction ► Organization XV: Days In The Life

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Jun 1, 2008
The One With The Reference

Someone, a female, gripped the palm, inched for the torso, hesitating, only to jolt Xoje awake. Breath light, he would sigh as he sat. Her voice, again. "Uh oh." She thought aloud. "Somebody drank the inoxicant. I told them to wait for you, but they drank it anyway." Pause; Xoje eyeing shattered glass, empty cans, remnants of his 27th vodka. "There is still some left, though, if you hurry back."

He didn't move. Her tone lowered.

"Do you think I'm trying to trick you with reverse psychology? Seriously now..."

At this, Xoje got to his feet, attention directed to a pile of ashes. Previously, the door.

"That thing you burned up isn't important to me. It's the organism catalytic enclosure unit. It made entrance for comrades. Nice job breaking it, drunkard."

As inviting as it looked, he'd decide to turn the other way, in search of alcohol.

"You're not even going the right way. Where do you think you're going? Because I don't think you're going where you think you're going."

He opened a portal, stepped through, and emerged. Nothing. Just another, seemingly deserted, room.

"I see you."

Three shots, none of the alcoholic variety. Once again; that voice.

"I am pleased that you made it through the doorway where I pretended I was going to scold you. I am very, very happy for your success. I am throwing a party in honor of your tremendous success. Please place the glass on the ground, then lie on your stomach with your arms at your sides. A party associate will arrive shortly to collect you for your party."

Flustering, Xoje began to lunge at air. He heard some slight 'clang', and gazed downward. A can, specifically, the leftover, would spill, and gradually release its flat contents.

Pause, moreso than beforehand. "Time out for a second ...that wasn't supposed to happen. Did you see that thing that spilled out of there? What is that? It's not the intoxicant- I've never seen it before." She'd sigh. "Never mind- it's a mystery I'll solve later... by myself...because you'll be drunk."

Regardless, he leant to it.

"My guess is that touching it will just make your life even worse somehow. I don't want to tell you your business, but if it were me I'd leave that thing alone."

Sensing fluid, the can was brought to a lip...

"Maybe you should marry that thing since you love it so much." Said the voice, in violent tantrum. "Do you want to marry it? WELL I WON'T LET YOU! How does that feel?"

It slithered in...

"You know I only kept you sober this long because I was curious about your behavior, but you managed to destroy that part of me."

He spat. Empty. Tasteless. No intoxication, no vodka; no sweet, ever delightful, ever remarkable, ever inticing Everclear.

Simple water.


An eruption, which trailed from floor, to ceiling.

Throughout headquarter's entirety.

"The beer is a lie!"


I've posted once since 2010
Jan 30, 2008
Yay! I recognized a line in this chapter! Well, at least I think I did...
Anyways, thanks for updating ^^ This chapter was awesome, like all the other ones :D


Prepared To Die
Sep 17, 2007
And then you lie down, dead.

See? It is a lie.


Banshee Queen
Jun 10, 2008
So hilarious. :D
"You want to marry it?"

Yes, excellent job once again.


Jun 1, 2008
Big Necro
"Lord, What Have I Done?"



"I could freeze that."

Xoje gave Cylox a scarce, peculiar, look; shifting, blinking, saying little. The latter, though exhausted, would snap for activity, only to lose focus, slip, and collapse. Silent. Awkwardly, so. Cylox took it upon himself to break said silence. He had the words, albeit, muffled, and "sang" them aloud.

"It's fun to stay at the--"

Brixan, once immobile, sat up. "Y, M, C--"


"...Right," spoke Xoje, as he stood, "you enjoy your...'karoke'." A yawn. "I'm going back to sleep." Soon after, Xanele burst in. She was giggling, almost frightened, as she'd clamber 'neath the breakfast table, which, itself, was vast, adorned with numerous, starch, chairs, not too dissimilar to thrones, yet, smaller; less formal. She found her own, clung to a leg. Cinollex followed, significantly less excitable. A heel slid from right, to left. An arm flailed, a fist clenched, a jaw tightened. Doors would re-part, jolting open. For, directly beside her, stood the (homicidal, by appearance) Second in Command.

"Xanele?" Again, Xoje. "What did you--?"

Xanele scarcely flinched. Instead, she leapt, as she'd wave her arms back and forth, back and forth, until they were nigh-on invisible. "Sleep well, Kuri-kun?!"

"I'll break you. " He said, teeth, notably bared, ground together. "I'll break your arms." Already a fair distance away. "I'll break your legs." Inches. "I'll break your spine." Lean, downward. So much so that Xanele could grin at the sight of him, face to face, eye to eye, forehead to forehead. "I'll crush your pel--"

"You looked so KAWAIII together~" Replied Xanele, cooly.


"Kurix, he--"


"Kurix." Having tread, Cinollex gave a slight gesture. To her right, a step. Another. Suddenly, a tall, lean, light-haired youth, stood proud, dignified, and with unlimited decorum, made himself apparent. Kurix rose, casting anti-Xanele aside (much to her dismay), silent, at Cino's continuation. "Charxai wants you." At this, the former rotated, fully, facing them.

"...W-who wants what now?"

"Didn't want Kurix's attention, specifically." Charxai would execute a shrug. "Just curious as to what all the commotion was about."


"Yes?" Said the former; glance.

"Kuri-kun is upset because he got completely wasted and sang at a karaoke and fought Xando and danced and sung at a karaoke and woke up with Xando in his bed and sung at a karaok--"

"I'm upset." Locked jaw. "Because the obnoxious ratbag put Xando in my room, on my bed, above my esophagus." Before thinking, Kurix's arms waved in a similar fashion to Xanele's had done. "N-not that I'm against...hom...erm, I..I m-mean, I don't condone--well, I do, but--she--I--they--he--"


"...Y-yes, Cino?"

"Charxai's gone."


"A...bar?" Xiora eyed the adjacent pancakes, as well as Xenjin's hand, which'd move precariously toward them. "...I don't drink." There was a collective murmur of both discontent and confirmation.

"Agreed." Lexon spoke, through a mouthful of bran. "Not really, my...thing, alcohol."

Xannos, meanwhile, was also motioning toward the syrup-encased delight. "Not like we do it in excess. Right, Cylox?"

"I ate a big red candle."

Noraxeen, in turn, gulped her cereal. "Can't we do something nice, and child-friendly? Like kayaking! Or...or the carnival...movies..." Less and less enthusiasm with each syllable. "...Mo...vies?" Once the conversation was well and truly dead, Xemnas, as though on cue, stepped in. Kurix, who'd been prodding morosely at his dish, spoke, before anyone, not even the Superior, could.

"Let me get this straight. So, new members arrived, right?"

Xemnas took the appropriate seat. "Right."

"In the space of one evening?"


"And I wasn't informe--?"

He took several seconds to compose a retort. "You were intoxicated, Kurix."

"Intoxicated? As in, drunk?"


Kurix, upon sitting up, scoffed. "Superior. Spare me, I had a couple."

"A 'couple' of what, may I ask?"



"Why don't you just admit - " Kurix put some weight on an elbow. "- there's a gaping plothole, and be done with it? I mean, half of us aren't even alive." Silence. Never had the air been so stagnant, so empty, that Xanele, of all people, would disrupt it.

"Ohoh, Sir! Question!"

"Yes, Xanele?"

Her signature leap. "Can we get intoximakated again?!"

He'd twitch. He'd judder. He'd stand, palms flat, radiating sarcasm. "Ohoh, Sir?"


"May I feast upon Xanele's virginity, thereafter?"


Prepared To Die
Sep 17, 2007
This is why I fukken love you, Cino.

This is, IMO, your best yet. I love how you've paradied and commented on not only things within the roleplay itself (lol plotholes) but also things outside of it. I think I know where all the kawaii stuff was coming from, but I'm unsure as to where the taking of Xanele's virginity originated from...

I'm surprised you didn't sneak in a Salix reference, though.
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galactic cancer
May 17, 2007
The Land of Sand and Prisms
I saw a Seinfeld joke AND an Anchorman joke. Yeeessss.

And I like how Kurix said "feast" of all things in reference to Xanele's virginity.

And assumed it existed.


When your Mask falls, what will you see.
Mar 19, 2009
OMG... I loled so hard dat I fell off my chair XD....My brother was looking at me like I was possessed XD....lolz Dat was awesome XP..I luv u Cino-chan XD
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