So, here's what I'm doing. You each get mini-chapters based on your character's morning after; they interwine, it's only temporary, and I thought it'd it be fun. Here's Kurix, and Xando. :3
Afternoon Delight
"So." Xemnas took in his comrades. "I'm severely disappointed in each of you. Never, in all my years, have I seen--"
"Would you mind?" Chimed in Xanele.
"Y...M...C...D..." Xannos added, only somewhat tuneful.
The dining table began to erupt in a tirade of yawns and sighs. Only Xoje, who hadn't moved since 3:45 AM, raised his hand with the obvious spoken.
"Where's Caveman?"
Kurix lay, motionless, Everclear, drool, and general vandalism abound. He gave a yawn, sitting up. There was breathing to his right.
"Unbelievable..." Xando would grumble.
"Wha..." The former turned a stark shade of white.
Xando ignored him. "You and your intoxicants..."
"Did I defeat you?" He'd manage a slight grin. "...It was hard at first, but.." Some silence. "Once you'd passed out--"
"It was a long, drawn out affair. We all thought you would come out on top, what with your advantage in size. I, however, took all I could, and it was a pain in the backsi--"
"I swear to sanity, if you finish that sentence, I'll show you what the inside of a spleen looks like." He wrestled Xando from the covers, to the ground, to the doorway, his legs spread and straddling. "Get out!"
Xando's head was in an awkward position; between Kurix's parted knees. "I would, if you'd only leave my thigh!"
Having awakened with a fraction of braincells, Cylox couldn't help but glance towards the commotion, mouth agape, on his way to mid-afternoon breakfast,"....It's true!"
Xando looked up from beneath. "...What's true?"
A silence had never been so awkward.