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Operation Beharrlich (A Collab RP)

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Apr 5, 2007
No one person is created equal, For everyone has something inside of them that differs from the man beside him, it's the thriving energy, the persistent beast within keeping you from surrendering to your foes. Pick up your arms brothers, pick up your knowledge and exterminate those that stand in your path.

Name: Kazu "Brol" Ruiz

Age: 25

Gender: Male


Field; Medic
Verbrand Building; Surgical and chemical enhancement

Weapons (If any, however class will sometimes determine what weapons are allowed):
Medic's pack;
-Prototype Soldier's pills
-Medic Kit
-Classic .23 cal Stun pistol

Ability: (you will not have this ability from the start it will be awakened)

Set 1; [risks; blurry vision, slightly paralyzation]
- Amino Acid ER431_940; Soldier pill enduced, must have Super Soldier Gene Proto-2. Gives person permanent speed and endurance boosts, usable to the soldier's will.
- DNA track 223093_33452-2983; Soldier pill enduced, must have Super Soldier Gene Proto-3. Gives person heightened ATP/energy with the consumption of any material

Set 2; [risks; Slight mental damage or Headaches, Muscular/Nervous system damage]
- Amino Acid ER2; Soldier pill not enduced. Gives person heightened visual and hearing boosts, usable to the soldier's will.
- DNA track 000234-342; Soldier pill not enduced. Gives the person heightened muscular and nervous boost, usable to the soldier's will.

Set 3; [risks; severe paralyzation, severe blood loss, blindness, death]
- Amino Acid ERX; Soldier Gene

Being a long time descendant to the War Hero, Brol Ruiz, Kazu now works diligently in the labs. Like most other workers there isn't much known about him, except his family line. He did do however a good majority of years in countless bio labs and hospitals. His police report was filed as three rather large, armored soldiers confronted Kazu at a hospital he reluctantly walked into. Witnesses say the soldiers had to bring in more soldiers to hold him down as they took him. A guy, now relocated for his protection gave a testimony saying Kazu was in the influence of soldier pills during the fight. Might be a good reason to think Kazu is working as a head to the "Super Soldier Gene Project."
Themes: (Music you feel best represents your character)

Endless Warrior Sora

Return of the Kid
May 9, 2005
Somewhere in between
Name: Cody Streik (pronounced co-dee stray-ick)
Age: 15
Gender: Male

Class: Mahcanic/ Demolition (low key Hacker but I swear I didnt try to copy Ubi!)
Weapons :

Exodus: This self made weapon is Cody's specialty, and he uses if for practically all things. Originally appearing as a white bo-staff with black and light blue streaks through it, it actually contains hidden properties and weapons inside that Cody can use to his disposal. There are many weapons within this weapon. the original form is a long white pole with black and lght blue patterns across it.


Cody is practically a boy genius, having a highly advanced mind, yet still retaining his teenage inmmaturity. He has a deep intrest in machinery and devices and is able to work with almost anything. He also has a somewhat photographic memory, learning hand to hand and weapon combat through it. Though inititially appearing weak and feeble he has the ability to form explosives from almost anything.

Awakened: Level 1

Anomaly: Cody's eyes begin glowing blue, as he is emotionally unstable because he is a teen, this ability will sometimes appear at random moments in his life but especially when certain emotions are running high. He cannot see with the naked eyes, yet he views data and machinery, side effects are very randomized as he can shut down internal systems, blow power throughout the city, sometimes even larger areas, make things function that long seemed unworkable or that he didnt even want to make function. He can sometimes erase data or even erase objects, and vice versa. Has enhanced speed, but stamina is decreased

Awakened: Level 2

Fragmented: Almost the same as Anomaly, except he has a bit more control over what he can physically do to data, though his mental mind wanders sometimes things can happen which he doesnt want to. His skin also begins to appear to be cracking, with a blue substance (possible data) underneath. He can now attack with data and objects and machinery. Has enhanced speed, strength, and agility

Awakened: Level 3

Savior's Servant: Cody sprouts some form of substance, possibly data, that protrudes form his back, resembling what may look like wings. His eyes glow blue and his skin is almost completley peeled off, revealing the same blue substance, though his clothes are spared/. Now a blue circle is above his head as he is able to form data (either technologic or organic) into weapons as he now views the whole world as data, and has enhanced abilities, that go beyond what he thought possible. He can now fly.He still cannot fully control his forms, but through will he can make some functions on his own.

Themes: (Music you feel best represents your character)

Will edit but I gotta go to bed. Everythign will be explained....
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