I shall, mercifully, refrain from continuing the phrase.
Now, I've been sitting around here for a while, reading a bunch of different theories. Some of them crackpot theories, some of them credible. Please note, most of the things I am sayng are not of my making, rather I am just putting the puzzle pieces together. And yeah, prolly gonna get flamed a lot for this...
Where better to start than the very end? I'll begin by addressing the most vague and most relevant topic of discussion; the secret ending. I'll just go through, bit by bit.
It starts with Ansem Reports flying through the air. Nothing surprising there, the AR's have been our source of background knowledge through KH1 and 2. The particular excerp that comes up talks about the keyblade's potential for destruction as well as good. I was actually rather surprised at this. Of all Ansem Reports, it seems to be LEAST conducive to the rest of the video. (Jumping ahead slightly) the tone of the scene to me made it seem like the three standing together were not friends with the last one approaching. But that may have just been me...it would have been nice if it was easier to distinguish whether or not the knight people were good or not. I personally believe that they are good (I'll explain this more later on) despite the background music. >_< (Jumping back) So yeah, something about good and evil. This suggests the keyblade has two possibilities. Why, then, are there four keyblade wielders, all coming from different paths? We will discover this and more, as we delve into the depths of the vague and unusual ending, here on the History Channel. (J/k.)
They may come from four different paths, but there *may* be two alliances. Refer to the middle of the above paragraph if you don't know what I'm talking about since I ramble so much. The three seem to stand for good. Why do I think this? Because the first guy is standing on the body of a HUGE defeated Nobody. We sorta came to know Nobodies as being bad, so people who fight them would logically be good. (Obviously this isn't rock solid and there are ways around it, but I'll let it stand for the time being)
Okay...that takes care of the Ansem Reports. Now onto the part where we see the guy. As I said, he is standing on the body of a huge defeated Nobody. The background music presents an evil tone, I know, but just try to think of it as more epic than evil. His keyblade is interesting, kinda like an ancient Mayan or Aztec design. This makes me think this took place in the past. I don't know about everyone else, but despite the futuristic looking knight outfits, it sorta presented an ancient tone to me, not to mention the (jumping ahead) "It all BEGAN with birth by sleep." Through extrapolation, one may assume this took place in the past.
Next, you see a figure walk up. I am SURE this is a woman. For one, the horns on her helmet go down, and for all Da Vinci Code fans out there (YAY MOVIE WAS T3H ROXX()RZ!!!!) down arrow means feminine, up arrow means masculine. Not to mention her (forgive my rudamentary language here) boob slots on her armor. When the next figure approaches, there are lines on his armor that MIGHT be mistaken for boob slots, but it is actually completely flat. Plus, the horns on his helmet go up. So, we've established two guys and a girl. From now on I will refer to them as B1, B2, and G.
Now, I'm not gonna get too meticulous on what keyblades they pick up, but I will mention that B1 picks up Sora's key, B2 picks up Riku's key, and G picks up the Inverse/Mickey's key. So...coinkidink. Main guy get's Sora's...other guy get's Riku's...and girl get's Mickey's. Now, I know Nomura said these characters were completely new faces, but I believe these characters are in some way counterparts to Sora, Riku, and Kairi. The only one that doesn't make since is Kairi with Mickey's keyblade. However, think about this. They're both royalty. I leave that open to speculation so you can ponder that for a while. (I also know that some people have decided to speculate on keyblades representing realms. I'm not going to touch on this, however, because there is no evidence suggesting it, and no way to differentiate whether Kairi or Sora would get the Light's key. Also, you end up with the problem that just because you found a keyblade in a certain place, does that mean where you found it is the realm it stands for? Since anyone with a strong heart can wield a keyblade, I'm gonna have to say no to this theory. Well, waddaya know...I guess I did touch on it.)
ONWARDS, we see a dark figure approaching. And the moment you've all been waiting for: the text analysis.
Master of Keyblade: Since it doesn't say Keyblades, I assume it's referring to A master of A keyblade. Meaning: we have a keyblade wielding antagonist.
The Lost Two: The ONLY hint this gives is of Sora and Kairi. They were lost from each other during both KH games, and were trying to find their way back to the other. Maybe a similar situation occured in the past?
Memory of Xehanort: You can't very well have memories of someone before they were born, so we have no choice to believe that Xehanort was very powerful even before he became Ansem's apprentice, maybe even a Keyblade master in the past. So yeah...Xehanort's old...
Chasers: Totally out of the blue. But one theory I've found that I particularly like is a definition given by Dictionary.com.
1. One who decorates metal by engraving or embossing.
While I doubt Square would get THIS elusive just to try to get "Makers of the Keyblades" across, it is the ONLY lead we have on this. So I'm just going to assume this is reffering to the Keyblade makers.
Keyblade War: OOOOOOH! War! The only thing I can pull out of this is that the different wielders of the keyblade fought, probably those wielding in the name of good and those in the name of evil.
It all began with...birth by sleep: Da dum! This is the most difficult part to understand. What it seems to say is that someone/something was born while someone/something else was sleeping. (Jumping WAAAAAY back to KH1) Kairi told about how her grandmother described how the world was destroyed, then recreated. She told of a war that destroyed the world. *coughkeybladewarcough* Then the world was given birth again. But who was sleeping? The light of the children created the world. What is the only thing that could have stood in the way of the light? Darkness. Darkness slept while the light gave birth. Ooooh. Deep. But we can't be so vague as to say darkness slept. It has to be someone embodying darkness. The verdict: The keyblade war between the light and the dark ended with the destruction of the world. The light won, but only barely. The light wielders put the dark wielders to sleep. The world was recreated. With darkness gone and all well, the keyblades disappeared. But darkness (I believe Xehanort was the chosen wielder of the dark keyblade) eventually woke up, with all his memories gone. So he began working with Ansem and rediscovered the darkness. When this happened, Sora, chosen wielder of the light was awoken to combat the darkness and keep the balance.
Yay! You've survived the first part of my theory! Give yourself a pat on the back. Now, for one of two more points I have to discuss. These are MUCH shorter.
The symbol Roxas draws: It was a crown. I saw it, plain and simple. It represents the light, a complete being. Yeah, that's that.
On the subject of counterparts of worlds: I think the dark beach at the end is the dark version of Destiny Islands. As such, I believe all worlds exist in Nothing, Light, and Darkness. We haven't seen any Nothing worlds except Twilight Town and TWTNW. I belive TT is the nothing counterpart of Traverse Town and TWTNW doesn't have a counterpart, since it was created by the Org. Gradually, the Org was trying to bring their world into the light in order to lure Sora to them so that he could open the door to Kingdom Hearts. Yeah...does that take care of that? I believe so.
Hope you enjoyed it. PLEASE post any comments, praise, corrections, additions, or contradictions. It is all welcome.
Now, I've been sitting around here for a while, reading a bunch of different theories. Some of them crackpot theories, some of them credible. Please note, most of the things I am sayng are not of my making, rather I am just putting the puzzle pieces together. And yeah, prolly gonna get flamed a lot for this...
Where better to start than the very end? I'll begin by addressing the most vague and most relevant topic of discussion; the secret ending. I'll just go through, bit by bit.
It starts with Ansem Reports flying through the air. Nothing surprising there, the AR's have been our source of background knowledge through KH1 and 2. The particular excerp that comes up talks about the keyblade's potential for destruction as well as good. I was actually rather surprised at this. Of all Ansem Reports, it seems to be LEAST conducive to the rest of the video. (Jumping ahead slightly) the tone of the scene to me made it seem like the three standing together were not friends with the last one approaching. But that may have just been me...it would have been nice if it was easier to distinguish whether or not the knight people were good or not. I personally believe that they are good (I'll explain this more later on) despite the background music. >_< (Jumping back) So yeah, something about good and evil. This suggests the keyblade has two possibilities. Why, then, are there four keyblade wielders, all coming from different paths? We will discover this and more, as we delve into the depths of the vague and unusual ending, here on the History Channel. (J/k.)
They may come from four different paths, but there *may* be two alliances. Refer to the middle of the above paragraph if you don't know what I'm talking about since I ramble so much. The three seem to stand for good. Why do I think this? Because the first guy is standing on the body of a HUGE defeated Nobody. We sorta came to know Nobodies as being bad, so people who fight them would logically be good. (Obviously this isn't rock solid and there are ways around it, but I'll let it stand for the time being)
Okay...that takes care of the Ansem Reports. Now onto the part where we see the guy. As I said, he is standing on the body of a huge defeated Nobody. The background music presents an evil tone, I know, but just try to think of it as more epic than evil. His keyblade is interesting, kinda like an ancient Mayan or Aztec design. This makes me think this took place in the past. I don't know about everyone else, but despite the futuristic looking knight outfits, it sorta presented an ancient tone to me, not to mention the (jumping ahead) "It all BEGAN with birth by sleep." Through extrapolation, one may assume this took place in the past.
Next, you see a figure walk up. I am SURE this is a woman. For one, the horns on her helmet go down, and for all Da Vinci Code fans out there (YAY MOVIE WAS T3H ROXX()RZ!!!!) down arrow means feminine, up arrow means masculine. Not to mention her (forgive my rudamentary language here) boob slots on her armor. When the next figure approaches, there are lines on his armor that MIGHT be mistaken for boob slots, but it is actually completely flat. Plus, the horns on his helmet go up. So, we've established two guys and a girl. From now on I will refer to them as B1, B2, and G.
Now, I'm not gonna get too meticulous on what keyblades they pick up, but I will mention that B1 picks up Sora's key, B2 picks up Riku's key, and G picks up the Inverse/Mickey's key. So...coinkidink. Main guy get's Sora's...other guy get's Riku's...and girl get's Mickey's. Now, I know Nomura said these characters were completely new faces, but I believe these characters are in some way counterparts to Sora, Riku, and Kairi. The only one that doesn't make since is Kairi with Mickey's keyblade. However, think about this. They're both royalty. I leave that open to speculation so you can ponder that for a while. (I also know that some people have decided to speculate on keyblades representing realms. I'm not going to touch on this, however, because there is no evidence suggesting it, and no way to differentiate whether Kairi or Sora would get the Light's key. Also, you end up with the problem that just because you found a keyblade in a certain place, does that mean where you found it is the realm it stands for? Since anyone with a strong heart can wield a keyblade, I'm gonna have to say no to this theory. Well, waddaya know...I guess I did touch on it.)
ONWARDS, we see a dark figure approaching. And the moment you've all been waiting for: the text analysis.
Master of Keyblade: Since it doesn't say Keyblades, I assume it's referring to A master of A keyblade. Meaning: we have a keyblade wielding antagonist.
The Lost Two: The ONLY hint this gives is of Sora and Kairi. They were lost from each other during both KH games, and were trying to find their way back to the other. Maybe a similar situation occured in the past?
Memory of Xehanort: You can't very well have memories of someone before they were born, so we have no choice to believe that Xehanort was very powerful even before he became Ansem's apprentice, maybe even a Keyblade master in the past. So yeah...Xehanort's old...
Chasers: Totally out of the blue. But one theory I've found that I particularly like is a definition given by Dictionary.com.
1. One who decorates metal by engraving or embossing.
While I doubt Square would get THIS elusive just to try to get "Makers of the Keyblades" across, it is the ONLY lead we have on this. So I'm just going to assume this is reffering to the Keyblade makers.
Keyblade War: OOOOOOH! War! The only thing I can pull out of this is that the different wielders of the keyblade fought, probably those wielding in the name of good and those in the name of evil.
It all began with...birth by sleep: Da dum! This is the most difficult part to understand. What it seems to say is that someone/something was born while someone/something else was sleeping. (Jumping WAAAAAY back to KH1) Kairi told about how her grandmother described how the world was destroyed, then recreated. She told of a war that destroyed the world. *coughkeybladewarcough* Then the world was given birth again. But who was sleeping? The light of the children created the world. What is the only thing that could have stood in the way of the light? Darkness. Darkness slept while the light gave birth. Ooooh. Deep. But we can't be so vague as to say darkness slept. It has to be someone embodying darkness. The verdict: The keyblade war between the light and the dark ended with the destruction of the world. The light won, but only barely. The light wielders put the dark wielders to sleep. The world was recreated. With darkness gone and all well, the keyblades disappeared. But darkness (I believe Xehanort was the chosen wielder of the dark keyblade) eventually woke up, with all his memories gone. So he began working with Ansem and rediscovered the darkness. When this happened, Sora, chosen wielder of the light was awoken to combat the darkness and keep the balance.
Yay! You've survived the first part of my theory! Give yourself a pat on the back. Now, for one of two more points I have to discuss. These are MUCH shorter.
The symbol Roxas draws: It was a crown. I saw it, plain and simple. It represents the light, a complete being. Yeah, that's that.
On the subject of counterparts of worlds: I think the dark beach at the end is the dark version of Destiny Islands. As such, I believe all worlds exist in Nothing, Light, and Darkness. We haven't seen any Nothing worlds except Twilight Town and TWTNW. I belive TT is the nothing counterpart of Traverse Town and TWTNW doesn't have a counterpart, since it was created by the Org. Gradually, the Org was trying to bring their world into the light in order to lure Sora to them so that he could open the door to Kingdom Hearts. Yeah...does that take care of that? I believe so.
Hope you enjoyed it. PLEASE post any comments, praise, corrections, additions, or contradictions. It is all welcome.