"Oh, man, throw that picture out!" Kitty howled with laughter as her face was flushed, eagerly reaching for a photo that was just out of her reach, in the clutches of Yue.
"No way! You're actually flat-chested here! How did you do it..." Yue stared at the picture omniously, looking from the young, short-haired girl to the older, bustier version.
Finally snatching the picture away, Kitty placed it on a small pile to her left, deciding to get rid of it. The duo was currently sorting through Kitty's old memories, a task that would normally have been put off, were it not for Yue opening a closet that led to her buried under Kitty's many knick-nacks and junk she had collected over the years.
And thus the trip down memory lane began, a happy and sad one, at that. Kitty had been happily explaining every single thing, from pictures to old jewelry to old uniforms and the like. Yue was actually wearing her old military uniform from when Kitty had first joined, while Kitty had put on an old dress she had found, complete with sunhat. The two had been at it for some time, though were coming to an end as they were now going throught he last of Kitty's photos.
Yue was picking through a pile herself when she spotted one with a slightly torn edge, bearing a picture of Kitty and the Colonel she had met a while back. The two didn't look too different, but notably happier; the two were bearing all smiles at the camera, though the background was unfamiliar to her.
"What'cha lookin' at? Another old memory?" Kitty asked her, making her jump.
"O-Oh, um..." Yue stuttered as Kitty swiped the pic. To her surprise, Kitty let out a roar of laughter, showing Yue the pic.
"Where in the world did you find this?" She asked, looking at it. "Man, this was when we first went out...years ago. I think it was right after I got promoted..." Kitty paused as she racked her brain. "No, wait, I was already Major General...Hm. Oh! Maybe after his promotion...? Crap, now I can't remember." She gently placed it on a pile to her right, clapping her hands together. "Done! Finally!"
Yue shook her head, looking from the 'keep' pile to the 'throw away' pile, and noted the sheer difference between the two. Sure, there were a lot of things that Kitty held dear, but damn, did she have a lot of fond memories. "Ah, well, I'm going to change, this is just a little tight." She admitted sheepishly, looking down at herself. It was actually the contrary--'specially round the hips and chest area--but she lied anyway, ducking to the bathroom to slip back into her clothes.
After wiggling her way out of the uniform, she had gotten back into her little black dress, and was strapping on her sandals when Kitty waltzed back into the room, sporting--dare she mention it--a pair of black slacks accompanied by her usual white crossed top.
"Wow, you do own a pair of pants." Yue gasped rather dramatically.
Kitty scowled at her. "What? Just because I like skirts better doesn't mean anything." She protested, wiggling her butt. "Don't be jealous, green isn't your color. ♥"
Now it was Yue's turn to scowl back, only to pick up her cup of tea. "Not all guys like big boobs, some like then small, sensitive, and perky." She replied curtly, taking a sip.
Kitty snickered, sitting on the table in front of Yue, bearing a mischevious look. "Like Shun?"
Yue almost choked, setting the cup down as she coughed for air. "You--I--ugh!" She tried to catch her breath, but only when Kitty gave her a good whack to the back was she finally able to breathe.
"You know, you never came back that day." She mentioned curiously. "What happened?"
"I slept over." Yue muttered, licking her lips as she took another sip, though this one was rather quick and she was done before Kitty could speak. "We talked, and by the time we realized what time it was, it was late, so I stayed with him."
"Same bed and everything?" This was met with a pillow cushion. "What? It's written all over your face!"
Desperate to get the conversation elsewhere, Yue suddenly remembered, "Oh, wait, today is when they'll dispatch whoever's going to Aerugo, right?"
"Ah, right, I forgot 'bout that. Not much we can do about it." Kitty shrugged, getting up. "We'll wait from word from either Dem or Shun. Er, I'll wait for that word..."
The two stayed in silence for a moment, each in their own trail of thoughts. After a moment, the two got up and began cleaning up, Kitty heading for the closet and Yue heading for the kitchen. The clinic doubled as their home, at least, it sort of did. Where they resided was the second floor, and the clinic was on the first. Yue went downstairs and placed her cup in the sink, giving a long sigh.
The day was uneventful, as she liked it, but for some reason, she had the gut feeling it wouldn't stay like this.
"Miss...Desiree Doene?" The man asked, looking up from his clipboard.
The woman smiled, giving a small, curt nod. "Yes, sir."
"Funny, no one mentioned any new secretaries...As much as the Colonel needs one, it's a little strange to have one pop up so suddenly, isn't it?" He laughed a bit, inspecting her resume.
Desiree blushed slightly, a hand to her cheek as she looked at the man. "I'm sorry...but I was asked to do this, you see."
"Yes. I thought it was odd too..." A look of curiousity was on her face now, though her hand lowered, resting itself above her right breast. "But, the request was made, wasn't it?" She asked, lightly touching the spot.
His eyes, while unmoving from her hand, darted down to the clipboard. It was an odd situation for sure, but the papers were there, signed and sealed, somehow. Despite the timing, he couldn't really argue about it, and why would he? Hell, he considered getting one of his own, 'specially if they came looking like this one did.
"Alright, he'll be in...his office." The man chuckled slightly, showing her the way. "Easy to find. Good luck."
"Thank you so much!" Desiree took his hand gently, bending forward. "I'll do my best."
As she walked away, she tucked a blonde hair behind her ear, giggling to herself. In reality, she deserved an award--best liar on the face of the planet. No, best liar int he history of ever. Of course, she had some help, but right now, it was on her. She took on the assignment because she was the only one who could do it. As she reached the door, she cleared her throat, trying to remember that day she spotted him and the woman together.
With a small smile, she knocked twice, and gently pushed open the door. She stepped inside, quietly closing the door behind her.
"Excuse me, Colonel Maverick? I'm your new secretary." She spoke, giving a small bow. "My name is Desiree Doene, I'm pleased to meet you."