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One is All, All is One

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~ ♥~ Grand Summoner~ ♥~
Jan 3, 2006
Racing chocobos ~
A very dainty, willowy woman strolled the streets of Central, looking for something. A few men would courteously tip their hats off to her, she would give a kind smile, though it may have looked like a victourious smirk if there was a woman with them. Her normally kept down hair was pinned back, bearing a few flowers, and she wore a long, light blue dress that seemed to trail behind her, coupled with a see-through scarf.

Finally, the woman had arrived outside a clinic, curiously peeking in. Inside she spotted both a man and woman. While the woman seemed very cheerful, the man looked uncomfortable.

She smiled to herself, taking in a small breath. She had a source tell her that the two once went out, though obviously something had happened. While she certainly wanted to find out what, she merely puckered her lips, sending an unseen kiss at the man.

Desiree Done had found her target.

Demetri Maverick.


The Based Battletoad.
Sep 9, 2005
Paris, Tokyo
One Week Later –Central Command [The Fuhrer’s Office]

“Lieutenant Colonel Cura A. Lenard; The Frosty Alchemist. Dorian Gray; hero of the Lior Raid. First Lieutenant Chase Carmine. And…”

The Fuhrer paused. Before him stood the team assembled for the covert black operation to Aerugo. The task was a great one indeed. The team’s efforts here could very well mean war, or peace in their world. In front of the line of soldiers he paced, locking eyes with each and every one of them as he did.

He cast a particularly analytical gaze at Mr. Gray.

“The Stormstep Alchemist; Brandon West! Ranks mean nothing on this mission, and as such, Mr. West, you, will be taking charge of the team. We’ll be keeping contact with you personally throughout the mission.” The Fuhrer patted the boy on his head with a goofy grin. Finished, he pulled himself away, and backed back towards his desk. With all four of the soldiers in view, Xavier took a deep sigh and smiled. “You all have quite the mission to take care of,” He walked towards his right and stopped, “You’ll take the train till you reach the border. A squad will meet you there, they will help you cross into Aerugo. The codeword is snackcakes. Verify it with the team.”

The Fuhrer absolutely adored his sweets…

With a final nod, the goliath saluted the team. “Good luck. Amestris’ hopes rest on you four. Make us proud!” Fuhrer Wallace winked, and sent them off…and when they all exited, he waved for one of his attendants to come over. The woman, a frail looking thing bowed.

“Yes Fuhrer?” She asked in a polite tone.

“Call Shockwave and Starlight to my office Trisha. I’ve got a job for them to do.”

Colonel Maverick’s De-facto Office

In actuality, the Colonel was just a transfer from the West HQ. He was supposed to have been sent back after the Summit’s close. But, that plan didn’t account for an attack by ‘golems’. And so, Demetri Maverick was forced to stay in Central until things died down, and his files could be sorted.

His office for the time being was an old weapons storage room. It was big, yes. But it also lacked any of charm his previous office back in the west had. He had just put a radio and record player in here for crying out loud. If it wasn’t for the desk, and single couch, it could be mistaken for a warehouse.

Demetri sat at his desk, in a shotty looking wooden chair, meticulously going over a number of files. With a smirk, he circled something on one of the papers in red ink. Grabbing the sheet, the alchemist reached for the black phone in the left corner of the surface. The bit he circled on the paper was a number, which he now was dialing into the device.

It rang…it picked up.

“It’s me. Yeah. What’s the status of our package?” The voice on the other end was a raspy one. The fact that the man was speaking in such a hush tone didn’t help Maverick’s comprehension.

“Aight. Make sure he doesn’t stay in the city for long though. Head to the next one quick. Aight. Keep me posted.”

Aerugo – Prince Salazar’s Chamber

Moonlight poured through tall glass windows. White curtains fluttered on the gentle breeze that passed through the open glass. A single silhouette stood before these tall beauties, casting his long thin shadow over the ivory floor. Prince Salazar. He crossed his arms, a very solemn look on his face.

“Envy, was it?” He asked, looking out the window. The view from the top of the castle allowed one to see the entire capital city Rosa. His people. He reassured himself.

Arcade, please,” Stepping from the shadows of the room, the fine dressed dark skinned man grinned. The Homunculus stood just behind the Prince, watching the young man closely for any movement.

“Arcade then. Why are you here?” The monster laughed.

“Just checking in on an old friend! Making sure that toy we gave you is treating you right…” Salazar winced. A bead of cold sweat ran down the side of his face as he tightly clinched the crimson pendant around his neck.

“You mean, the Stone.”

“Indeed, so Prince. Is it everything you’ve dreamed of?”


New member
Jun 14, 2008
Behind You
It had been a long and rather boring journey, but Rose had finally arrived in what passed for central Xenotime. She hadn't seen all that many people since she had arrived, but it was not the lack of hustle and bustle that gave the town an air of tired desperation. To Rose it seemed as if every part of the town she had seen so far was giving off that feeling, like a harmless but still present radiation.

This place isn't quite as miserable as Drachma, she thought as she walked briskly through the town, but it's pretty damn close.

After a few moments of walking past nothing but houses and a few dispirited looking shops, Rose came upon what she had been looking for. The "lower" town of Xenotime, a place that gave off danger as well as desperation. Walking quickly and confidently in her leather boots, Rose chose the nearest bar that seemed to have rooms available and went inside.

A few of the people inside looked at her when she entered, but most didn't even register her presence. One man at the bar in particular was giving her a flat, probing look Rose had seen before, and stifled an urge to tell him to keep his eyes to himself. If this place was to be any use to her on her search, she could not start trouble. Once she had spoken to the barman and arranged accomodation for herself, Rose ordered a drink and carefully looked around the bar with quick, flickering glances so she would not be spotted doing so.

She was looking for a certain type of man, one that she had never failed to find in the dives and shadowed areas of even the most prestigious towns and cities, and knew that it would only be a matter of time before she found him and got the information she needed to move onto Tesla.
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Her Trouble-making Paladin
Dec 26, 2010
Kingdom of the sun
Brad figitated as he stood in fuhrer's office with three other soilders. A week had gone by without incident and he had spent it training, sleeping and eating. He was rather surprised when he got the summons to central command. He wracked his brains as the Fuhrer stared at them all. Had he done anything wrong that he could possibly be in trouble for? Brad scratched his head as he thought and the paled. It must be transmuting his uniform during the battle! He looked down at his stuffy blue uniform (thankfully he'd chosen to wear it and not his usual getup) and gulped. He remembered all too well what had happened the LAST time he had gotten into trouble for this particular offense. He shuddered as he remembered all of that floor scrubbing.....and dish cleaning.....and.....paperwork...piles and piles of paperwork! Brad chased away these nightmare fuelish thoughts and looked back at the Fuhrer, trying NOT to be intemindated by his large size.
His very large size.
'I didn't know people even BECAME that big' Brad silently moaned 'Even TRAVIS wasn't that big and according to Timmy's stories he was one huge fella'
The Fuhrer looked at them all for another moment before beginning to speak. and pace. Brad was actually swaying in fear of what was to come. Sure this was the military and yes he was a soilder (a state alchemist too!) but the teen just could NOT stay calm when a giant of a man (probably one of the most important men in the world on top of that) was about to punish him and punish him in front of other soilders
'Even Frosty's here to see it! Man this sucks! she's gonna think i'm some sort of hooligan or something' Brad silently panicked 'and then hate me forever! Plus I still owe her a debt and...argh!!!!'
“Lieutenant Colonel Cura A. Lenard, The Frosty Alchemist" 'Oh so her name's Cura' Brad thought 'wait that doesn't matter now! i'm about to be hung out to dry!'
"Dorian Gray; hero of the Lior Raid" 'He's going to punish me not just in front of Frosty but in front of heroes as well?!? How cruel!!'
"First Lieutenant Chase Carmine. And…"
Brad bowed his head and squeezed his eyes shut tight. Here we go..
"The Stormstep Alchemist; Brandon West! Ranks mean nothing on this mission, and as such, Mr. West, you, will be taking charge of the team. We’ll be keeping contact with you personally throughout the mission.”
Brad felt a hand pat his head and he looked up in confusion as the Fuhrer grinned at him. A goofy easygoing grin. Not a grin that promised doom and humiliation. Brad blinked, his mind on hyperdrive. Mission? him taking charge? What? Whhat???????? He shook his head as the Fuhrer backed back towards his desk. The man sighed and smiled and Brad looked at him owlishly “You all have quite the mission to take care of,” He walked towards his right and stopped, “You’ll take the train till you reach the border. A squad will meet you there, they will help you cross into Aerugo. The codeword is snackcakes. Verify it with the team.”
Brad was beginning to understand now. Aerugo. Investigation. He relaxed and nodded. He WASN'T in trouble and he was going to lead a team on what was probably a crucial mission that would mean the difference between peace and war.
Leading a team on a crucial mission that was the difference between peace and war?!?! A team made up of three high level soilders who probably had about as much respect for him as one would a hobo on the street begging for change?? Brad gulped again as the pressure sunk in. Maybe paperwork wasn't so bad after all....
“Good luck. Amestris’ hopes rest on you four. Make us proud!” Fuhrer Wallace winked, and sent them off. They all left the room and Brad pinched the bridge of his nose. With a deep breath he looked up at his team, emotions hidden behind a mask.
"So. Do any of you need to do anything before we head to the train?" he asked, shouldering his backpack that he'd placed beside the door. It had a few changes of clothes in it, snacks, a few magazines and a first aid kit. It was his traveling bag and he normally kept it well stocked up and brought it around with him just in case he needed to make a quick getaway and be on the run for any amount of time. Considering he had assumed he was going to be punished for something Brad had made sure to bring it along with him today.
He calmly waited for the team to reply


Nov 17, 2005
Cura stood before the Fuhrer with the other soldiers, always ready to have herself of use. She glanced at Dorian Gray. She had heard of him before, the hero of the Lior Raid. But she didn't expect him to make a presence today. And to think they were to be working together.

Nevertheless, she knew better than to make a judgement of him before she knew him.

“The Stormstep Alchemist; Brandon West! Ranks mean nothing on this mission, and as such, Mr. West, you, will be taking charge of the team. We’ll be keeping contact with you personally throughout the mission.”

She glanced at Stormstep and gave a small smile, wondering whether he was excited for his role. Funnily, it was a large role for a young boy such as him, but it must be an honour. Once dismissed, she saluted and left the room. Rey squeaked and crawled onto her shoulder.

"So. Do any of you need to do anything before we head to the train?"

Cura looked at Brad and gave a small salute. "I will be under you care, Sir." She said. "And I'm well prepared for the trip, thank you." She said. She relaxed and gave him an encouraging smile. "And I will be ready to give a hand whenever needed, Sir." Rey squeaked in agreement.


~ ♥~ Grand Summoner~ ♥~
Jan 3, 2006
Racing chocobos ~
"Oh, man, throw that picture out!" Kitty howled with laughter as her face was flushed, eagerly reaching for a photo that was just out of her reach, in the clutches of Yue.

"No way! You're actually flat-chested here! How did you do it..." Yue stared at the picture omniously, looking from the young, short-haired girl to the older, bustier version.

Finally snatching the picture away, Kitty placed it on a small pile to her left, deciding to get rid of it. The duo was currently sorting through Kitty's old memories, a task that would normally have been put off, were it not for Yue opening a closet that led to her buried under Kitty's many knick-nacks and junk she had collected over the years.

And thus the trip down memory lane began, a happy and sad one, at that. Kitty had been happily explaining every single thing, from pictures to old jewelry to old uniforms and the like. Yue was actually wearing her old military uniform from when Kitty had first joined, while Kitty had put on an old dress she had found, complete with sunhat. The two had been at it for some time, though were coming to an end as they were now going throught he last of Kitty's photos.

Yue was picking through a pile herself when she spotted one with a slightly torn edge, bearing a picture of Kitty and the Colonel she had met a while back. The two didn't look too different, but notably happier; the two were bearing all smiles at the camera, though the background was unfamiliar to her.

"What'cha lookin' at? Another old memory?" Kitty asked her, making her jump.

"O-Oh, um..." Yue stuttered as Kitty swiped the pic. To her surprise, Kitty let out a roar of laughter, showing Yue the pic.

"Where in the world did you find this?" She asked, looking at it. "Man, this was when we first went out...years ago. I think it was right after I got promoted..." Kitty paused as she racked her brain. "No, wait, I was already Major General...Hm. Oh! Maybe after his promotion...? Crap, now I can't remember." She gently placed it on a pile to her right, clapping her hands together. "Done! Finally!"

Yue shook her head, looking from the 'keep' pile to the 'throw away' pile, and noted the sheer difference between the two. Sure, there were a lot of things that Kitty held dear, but damn, did she have a lot of fond memories. "Ah, well, I'm going to change, this is just a little tight." She admitted sheepishly, looking down at herself. It was actually the contrary--'specially round the hips and chest area--but she lied anyway, ducking to the bathroom to slip back into her clothes.

After wiggling her way out of the uniform, she had gotten back into her little black dress, and was strapping on her sandals when Kitty waltzed back into the room, sporting--dare she mention it--a pair of black slacks accompanied by her usual white crossed top.

"Wow, you do own a pair of pants." Yue gasped rather dramatically.

Kitty scowled at her. "What? Just because I like skirts better doesn't mean anything." She protested, wiggling her butt. "Don't be jealous, green isn't your color. ♥"

Now it was Yue's turn to scowl back, only to pick up her cup of tea. "Not all guys like big boobs, some like then small, sensitive, and perky." She replied curtly, taking a sip.

Kitty snickered, sitting on the table in front of Yue, bearing a mischevious look. "Like Shun?"

Yue almost choked, setting the cup down as she coughed for air. "You--I--ugh!" She tried to catch her breath, but only when Kitty gave her a good whack to the back was she finally able to breathe.

"You know, you never came back that day." She mentioned curiously. "What happened?"

"I slept over." Yue muttered, licking her lips as she took another sip, though this one was rather quick and she was done before Kitty could speak. "We talked, and by the time we realized what time it was, it was late, so I stayed with him."

"Same bed and everything?" This was met with a pillow cushion. "What? It's written all over your face!"

Desperate to get the conversation elsewhere, Yue suddenly remembered, "Oh, wait, today is when they'll dispatch whoever's going to Aerugo, right?"

"Ah, right, I forgot 'bout that. Not much we can do about it." Kitty shrugged, getting up. "We'll wait from word from either Dem or Shun. Er, I'll wait for that word..."


The two stayed in silence for a moment, each in their own trail of thoughts. After a moment, the two got up and began cleaning up, Kitty heading for the closet and Yue heading for the kitchen. The clinic doubled as their home, at least, it sort of did. Where they resided was the second floor, and the clinic was on the first. Yue went downstairs and placed her cup in the sink, giving a long sigh.

The day was uneventful, as she liked it, but for some reason, she had the gut feeling it wouldn't stay like this.


"Miss...Desiree Doene?" The man asked, looking up from his clipboard.

The woman smiled, giving a small, curt nod. "Yes, sir."

"Funny, no one mentioned any new secretaries...As much as the Colonel needs one, it's a little strange to have one pop up so suddenly, isn't it?" He laughed a bit, inspecting her resume.

Desiree blushed slightly, a hand to her cheek as she looked at the man. "I'm sorry...but I was asked to do this, you see."


"Yes. I thought it was odd too..." A look of curiousity was on her face now, though her hand lowered, resting itself above her right breast. "But, the request was made, wasn't it?" She asked, lightly touching the spot.

His eyes, while unmoving from her hand, darted down to the clipboard. It was an odd situation for sure, but the papers were there, signed and sealed, somehow. Despite the timing, he couldn't really argue about it, and why would he? Hell, he considered getting one of his own, 'specially if they came looking like this one did.

"Alright, he'll be in...his office." The man chuckled slightly, showing her the way. "Easy to find. Good luck."

"Thank you so much!" Desiree took his hand gently, bending forward. "I'll do my best."

As she walked away, she tucked a blonde hair behind her ear, giggling to herself. In reality, she deserved an award--best liar on the face of the planet. No, best liar int he history of ever. Of course, she had some help, but right now, it was on her. She took on the assignment because she was the only one who could do it. As she reached the door, she cleared her throat, trying to remember that day she spotted him and the woman together.

With a small smile, she knocked twice, and gently pushed open the door. She stepped inside, quietly closing the door behind her.

"Excuse me, Colonel Maverick? I'm your new secretary." She spoke, giving a small bow. "My name is Desiree Doene, I'm pleased to meet you."


Oct 23, 2007
The realm of Sleep
“Sir you requested to see us?” asked Jack as came into the Fuhrer’s presence, he had brought along Sora since the woman said he requested them both. He had dragged Sora from what he was doing and made the two get there as quickly as possible.

“Is this in regards to the Aerugo mission???” He didn’t think that they were going but he still decided to ask anyway.

King Naruto

Retired (for now)
Oct 19, 2005
Creating bonds to save our world and bring peace
His eyes locked onto the Fuhrer, Greed aka Dorian Gray could only smile as he was picked for the mission to Aerugo. But that wasn't all the reason that he was smiling. No the real reason was from the talk that he and the Fuhrer had only a day or two ago. Shun was a fool to believe that Greed's greedy nature wouldn't overstep the bounds of their friendship. His eyes scanned the others that were here. The girl known as Cura and the man known as Chase Carmine weren't too intimidating. He couldn't believe though that a child was asked to take control but, he wouldn't fight it. Besides the boy wouldn't get in the way of things to come.


Papers were scattered everywhere and various obscene words were spoken outloud. Shun was at it again in his office, filing paperwork and writing many legal documents. He hated the desk work but, it couldn't be avoided. He didn't have an assistant nor did he want one. He once had a very beautiful female assistant and she caused many of problems. One of them just happened to be the reason that he and Yue were able to find eachother. Pushing those thoughts of his head, Shun slammed his pen into his desk with a furious rage. "I hate this so much. I wanna go home." Shun muttered and before he knew it, his wish would be granted. A soldier barged into his office and saluted him.

"Sir, The Fuhrer has brought word that you are allowed to have the rest of the day off. That is all Lt. General Shun." The soldier brought word from the higher up. It was weird though since he had so much do and more then likely they would have someone finish up. Not letting it bother him, Shun instantly stood up and began to leave his office. His mind raced with the thoughts of Demetri and his sister Kina in Aerugo. "I hope he's able to get in." Shun muttered.


~ ♥~ Grand Summoner~ ♥~
Jan 3, 2006
Racing chocobos ~
A wail was heard, followed by the sound of multiple things falling to the floor. It didn't take a genius to figure out what had happened, though Yue remained at what she was doing, pouring herself a cup of tea. She had told Kitty that she had way too many things, but you can't change a pack-rat. With a small sigh, Yue approached the steps and looked up, spotting a notebook at the top step.

"Are you alright?" Yue called up, holding her cup carefully so as to not burn herself.

"Ow, ow, OW! Never been better, what do you think?!" Kitty called back, the sound of more things falling was heard, and then footsteps. "Ugh, I need to organize myself better..."

Laughing quietly to herself, Yue took a sip as she wandered over to a nearby seat. She wasn't going to help--nope, if Kitty wanted to learn her lesson, Yue couldn't go and jump into help every time she was in trouble. Letting out a small, heated breath, Yue's attention was perked when she heard a knock on the door. Setting down her tea, she quickly patted her hair down. It was probably a customer, but hey, you never know who it could be. After making sure she was cleaned up, she cleared her throat a bit, checking the window to see who it was.

King Naruto

Retired (for now)
Oct 19, 2005
Creating bonds to save our world and bring peace
It had been atleast been an hour since Shun had got home. He wasn't doing anything productive but, sitting on his couch in his shorts. He scratched his bare chest as he flipped through the channels on TV. He really was bored and needed some excitement. "Wish Yue was here. Would be as exciting as earlier this week." Shun grinned and suddenly there was a knock at his door. Then there was another knock and Shun raised an eyebrow. Before he knew that knock turned into a pound which was procedded by an even louder slam. "Yo calm down out there. I'll turn down the radio. Geez neighbors." He commented with a sigh. Just then the door flew off the hinges and exploded into wooden debris.

A black military boot stepped in and Shun just watched from his couch. A man with glossy white hair and red eyes made his way into Shun's lovely abode. "Hello Lt. General. I mean Ex Lt. General. Quite a lovely day were having here." The man had a creepy smile on his face and electrifity was coarsing over his hand. Shun was confused and didn't wanna hurt this guy so, he just responded. "What the hell Keiji?" Keiji continued to smile while retorting, "We know you are a traitor and i've been sent to kill or capture you if possible so, your choose. No wait i rather kill you." Snapping his finger, the lightning throughout his body surged to the top and shot forward in an arc.

Shun was already up and rolled foward. Dashing forward, Shun clapped his hand on the ground. A spear formed from his floor and he was quick to attack Keiji. Both men began a ballad of hand to hand combat. The spear broke into pieces as Shun slid backwards. "Tch damn." He uttered before a lightning bolt almost struck him. Before he could react again, a lightning bolt shaped hammer slammed into his chest. Sending him flying back, Shun wa knocked out of his large glass window. Keiji laughed as he had finally got what he wanted. To kill Lt. General Shun.

Suddenly Kitty's clinic door was forced open and knocked off it's hinges. In stepped a rather dark skinned figure with long white hair and red eyes. He had this sick grin on his face and his arms were covered in metal. This man was Kenji Amato aka the Gunfire Alchemist. "Hello ladies. The Fuhrer has given you a summons and if you refuse then you must pay the price.....WITH YOUR LIFE!" Kenji stated before he clapped his hand against the circle on his metal arm. The metal glowed before shaping into a gatling gun. Grabbing the bullet chain that was situated around his chest twice and his belt, he placed it in the gatling gun. He then pointed the gun at Yue, and spoke once again. "But you. Your not to be harmed too much."


The Based Battletoad.
Sep 9, 2005
Paris, Tokyo
Chase Carmine. A fiery soldier with messy orange locks, and brown eyes. He was a young man, fresh out of university. He was one of Colonel Maverick’s most trusted soldiers, and, although he was wet behind the ears, he showed promise. That alone was what solidified him a spot on this team. As the exited the chambers, the tall lieutenant let out a sigh of relief. He always felt like he was ready to shit bricks around the Fuhrer. There was something about that goofy demeanor that spooked the hell out of him.

That, and the fact that he was the Colonel’s dad. Sheesh. They were both scary. In the hallway outside the chambers, the quartet began their trek into the city. Carmine rubbed his neck, rather uncomfortable around them all. A hero, an alchemist, and a kid. Carmine was terrible with kids. Nervous around women, and he didn’t like this Gray cat. Somehow, he was beginning to regret accepting the job.

Why the hell did they give the rookie the leading role? We’ve got LT Cura, and the Lior Raid hero here. Hell, I could do a better job than him! Maybe what the Colonel said was true? Did they pick Stormstep because he’d be easy to manipulate or---

"So. Do any of you need to do anything before we head to the train?"

Chase snapped out of his own thoughts. “Ah, no Sir. I like to travel light!” The lieutenant spoke in a wholesome southern tone. As he flashed his leader a goofy grin he pumped his arm proudly in the air. Carmine had small brown duffle bag slung over his shoulders, inside it held two change of clothes [covert garbs, and play clothes], and two revolvers [his weapons of choice]. “ ‘Sides, I doubt we even got time to fool around huh?” He shrugged.

“Trains thata way, if it’s awlright with you Boss, we should get goin’.” He admitted he was being a tad bit stand-offish. But hey, sometimes it was like that.

* * *

Demetri was dancing around his office. A hodgepodge of brass, woodwinds, and keyboards blared from his record player. The manner in which he moved could only be described as some manic combination of swing, tap, and ragtime. But he sure as hell looked smooth doing it. This was the age old ritual Staccato participated in when he knocked out a stack of paper work.

The soldier’s blue jacket was tossed to the side, and his white dress shirt was left unbuttoned at the top, sleeves rolled up. He was working up one hell of a sweat.

“Bada da daaa! Bada da da da daaaa!” He hollered out trying to imitate the instruments. He grinned giddily. The man was so absorbed in the ritual that he didn’t even hear the knocks at his door. “Da da da da da daa---“ When the door opened, he froze up. There in the frame stood a woman.

"Excuse me, Colonel Maverick? I'm your new secretary." She spoke, giving a small bow. "My name is Desiree Doene, I'm pleased to meet you."

“Secretary?” The Colonel repeated, as if he never heard the word before.

Desiree Doene. She was beautiful, but a certain kind of beautiful. The kind of dangerous beautiful that all men were drawn to—despite the nagging feeling that pursuit might get you burned, in more ways than one. Everything from her complexion, down to the shape of her body was perfect. So perfect, that it lured Demetri to wonder what had he done to receive such good karma.

Or…maybe it was bad karma that caused him to cross paths with this woman. One thing was for sure though…

“The brass didn’t say anything about getting me a secretary…” Closely, he examined her as she stepped further into the room, the door shutting behind her. Demetri, strolled over behind his desk, quickly grabbing a towel from one of the compartments. He was realized his sweaty appearance wasn’t the most flattering. “Not that I’m not in need of one,” The soldier smiled as he walked back around to the front of the desk. He leaned himself against it, patting his damp skin down.

“Who am I to look a gift horse in the mouth right?” Demetri laughed and grinned. “So, pleased to meet you Ms. Doene—“ He caught himself, “Or….is it Mrs.?”

* * *

The Fuhrer shook his head.

“No soldier, this is something much more dire. Recently, we lost contact with a team in Rush Valley. They were sent on a simple supply run for the restoration effort. It’s probably nothing, but we can’t afford to turn a blind eye, especially with things as they are now. You and Starlight are to travel out to Rush Valley and investigate at once. Do you accept soldiers?”

He looked towards them both, awaiting for approval.


Her Trouble-making Paladin
Dec 26, 2010
Kingdom of the sun
"I will be under you care, Sir" Frosty said with a small salute "and I'm well prepared for the trip, thank you"
Brad blinked...sir? It was kinda weird being called sir by someone like Frosty, he WAS just a kid after all.
Frosty visibly relaxed and gave him an encouraging smile. "And I will be ready to give a hand whenever needed, Sir." Brad smiled back at her "Thank you" he said with a nod "I appreciate it, and you too mr. ferret" he added to Frosty's pet who seemed to be squeaking in agreement.

“Ah, no Sir. I like to travel light!” Carmine spoke next in a southern accent. He flashed Brad a goofy grin and pumped his arm proudly in the air. Brad nodded at him as he noticed a small brown duffle bag slung over the man's shoulders. "‘Sides, I doubt we even got time to fool around huh?” He shrugged.
Brad copied the shrug "Just making sure everyone had everything" he replied "This mission's pretty important after all" He looked over at his last teammate who remained silent. Brad eyed him for a moment and shook off a feeling of mistrust as Carmine spoke again
“Trains thata way, if it’s awlright with you Boss, we should get goin’.” Carmine said. Brad twitched in slight annoyance. He KNEW where the train was thank you very much... it seemed like this guy was acting like he was just dicking around when they should be on the move.
'well SORRY for asking a question' he thought irritably
"Well since everyone's prepared then lets go" he said aloud and lead the way to the train station, thinking about the team as he walked.
'One's silent, one i'm probably going to strangle...although i should probably give him a chance...he seems like he's just trying to help...argh... at least the last one is Frosty' Brad thought as they walked 'This mission is going to be.....interesting at the very least'
They four reached the train station with little to no incident
"I'll go buy the tickets" Brad said racing off to the stand
"Four please" he said "we're going to the border"
After paying for the tickets and passing them out to his team he stepped on board and chose a seat before stretching, yawning a little and looked out the window as he waited for the train to start moving.
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Nov 17, 2005
Cura watched as Brad went to get tickets, and then spotted someone familiar. Her father. She saluted and nodded to him respectfully from afar, to which he gave the same gesture. However, it seemed as if he gestured her to come towards him and she did as she was told.

The stern man looked down on her and she rigidly anticipated his words. He held out a gun, which looked familiar to her. Looking at him curiously, he softened his expression slightly. It was nearly unnoticeable, but knowing her own father, she spotted the difference. "Your mother's gun." He said.

He placed the gun in her hand, awkwardly clearing his throat. "It's a keepsake...for the both of us." He said.

Cura didn't have clear memories of her mother, save for the little tape she had with her mother's song. She held the gun tight in her hand, reveling the feel of the grip she had. "Thank you. I will treasure it." She kept the gun in the bag she brought along.

Once they parted, she took her seat across Brad. Rey squeaked and nuzzled her cheek, making her smile. She looked at Brad, who yawned. She wondered why he decided to join the military. A boy so young, he should just be enjoying his life instead of being brutally beaten by some monstrous creature. At one point, she might have even felt like taking care of him, like a younger brother.

But when she thought about it, she could never imagine herself being so open and caring, if that was what sisters do.


New member
Jun 14, 2008
Behind You
After a while sat at the bar, while Rose was slowly making her way through her second drink, a man sat down in the seat to her left. He didn't speak to her, he only ordered his drink and waited silently for it to come. Despite his silence, Rose knew that this was the man she had come to find and looked briefly toward him. Rose observed with faint surprise that this man was much younger than her, and also much younger than the usual types she used for her missions. He looked barely out of his teens, and his face had a soft, open look to it. The only part of him that actually told her she had been correct on her assumption was the cold killer's eyes that started out from his oddly youthful face.

Rose looked away from him once more and reached into her jacket pocket, clasping a coin in her hand before bringing it out again. She allowed the briefest gleam to show through her fingers before hiding it away once more within her palm.

"I'm looking for someone." She said, her voice quiet, her tone casual.

Out of the corner of her eye, Rose saw the man nod and flash her a grin that was little more than an almost aggressive flash of teeth.

"Tell me about him, and maybe I can help you." The man responded, his voice only slightly roughened by cigarette smoke.

Instead of wasting anyone's time with a lengthy description, Rose reached into an inside pocket this time and produced a bent and rumpled photograph, which happened to be the only surviving document out of the folder the Fuhrer had given her.

There was a few moments of silence from her temporary companion before he slid the photo back across the bar, face down. Rose slid the coin to him in the same fashion, but stopped just before it reached him. She looked toward him expectantly, knowing all too well that he could just be wasting her time.

"Moogear's mansion." He said, speaking in the flat tones of utter surety, "Or at least around there. He's been seen around that area."

Rose quickly dipped into her pocket and added another coin to the one already in her hand and gave them to the man, her movements little more than a flicker. With the transaction complete, Rose finished the last of her drink and exited the bar, glad to finally have a starting point.


~ ♥~ Grand Summoner~ ♥~
Jan 3, 2006
Racing chocobos ~

Completely taken aback by the sudden intrusion, Yue froze up when the gun was pointed at her. Why in the world would something like this happen? They didn't do anything wrong, so why would this even be happening? The guy was serious; Yue bit her lip nervously, knowing she was in trouble.

"The hell are you talking about?!" Kitty exclaimed angrily, wriggling out of the pile she was half-buried under in an effort to escape. "You can't just barge in here like this!"

The Alchemist gave a wide, twisted grin, the kind that you have when you know something that other people don't. "Amalia Intan, you're under arrest for treason and the attempted murder of the Fuhrer, along with Lt. General Shun Wei Lin and Yue Jia Li as your accomplice." He cackled, clearly gleeful.

Yue's jaw dropped--murder?! They hadn't done anything! Before she could speak however, Kitty had already gotten out of the mess and had stood up, pointing a finger at the man.

"I don't know what the hell you guys think you are, but I'm not going anywhere." Kitty replied very slowly as the gun shifted from Yue to Kitty. "Don't make me kick your ass, Amato."

He threw his head back and laughed, and Kitty quickly seized the oppotunity; she jumped forward, and as multiple bullets came at her, Yue quickly ran for cover. The man swung his arm at Kitty, who rose an arm and was easily pushed over. As she tried to clap her hands, she was shot at; rather than take the rsik, she bolted off, overturning the nearby table and hiding behind it.

"Do you know who you're messing with?!" Amato called triumphantly as he let his rounds on the poor table.

A bullet pierced through the table and razed Kitty's arm; a slight wince was on her face, but she was preoccupied with something else. Once the bullets had stopped, the woman stole a glance over, only to see that he was gone. What the--?! Jumping out from her spot, she looked around cautiously. The scene hadn't changed, and the only way out was through the door.

Having noticed the cease fire, Yue's head popped up behind the couch, also confused. "Where'd he go?" She asked worriedly, slowly climbing over the couch.

"Stay down!" Kitty barked, though the call was too late; the Gunfire Alchemist came crashing through the window, guns and bullets ablaze. Yue shrieked as grazed her cheek and she winced, but when she opened her eyes, she was horrified to see the gun inches away from her face.

"Checkmate." The Alchemist grinned, beckoning for Kitty to come closer. "I've got your Queen right here."

Slightly confused by the statement, Yue realized the error and slowly said, "Um...you mean King."

The man looked at her. "What?"

"You need the King to win. Not the Queen." Using a chess term without playing chess? Are you serious? Once Amato's head was turned, Kitty slowly knelt down, lightly clapping her hands and using a diamond finger to carve into the floor. Once Yue spotted this, she continued. "You know? You capture the King to win. Maybe you're thinking of checkers?"

The expression on the man's face was priceless; clearly confunded and entirely focused ont he conversation, he had forgotten about Kitty, though she definitely didn't forget about him; clapping her hands together, she placed her hands on the floor, and the entire place seemed to shake. The floor under the Alchemist cracked and then ripped apart, creating a rather large hole. He (obviously) fell through, and Yue gave a sigh of relief.

Thank goodness for Alchemy... "What do we do now?" Yue asked, though Kitty was gone; the woman was already jumping down the stairs, having miraculously changed and carrying two bags.

"We're leaving, that's what." Kitty told her, throwing a bag at her as she peered outside. "They'll be coming any minute."

Yue was baffled. Leave? Leave where? As she remembered the man's words, something suddenly hit her-- "What about Shun? Did they attack him too?" Her thoughts suddenly went into a worried frantic. "We have to go to him, what if something happened?" She told Kitty as she followed her outside to something under a tarp. "...What's this?"

Kitty grinned, pulling it off and revealing a motorbike. "My baby, Marcel. Ain't she a beauty?" She chuckled to herself, swinging her leg over and patting the seat behind her. "Come on, we're gonna go check on your boyfriend."

As Yue hopped on, the motor let out a low rumble. "I'm sure if we go to the military, they'll fix this." Yue said as they rode off, hugging Kitty's waist.

"Doubt it." Kitty replied as she put on a pair of shades. "This is too big to be a mistake. We've been cast out as scapegoats."

"But...but why?" Yue couldn't understand the situation.

"Who knows? Because we're girls? Because you and Shun are Xingese? We don't have any leads right now. Best thing to do is head over to Shun's and see if they got to him." Kitty replied.

Yue frowned, though she remained silent. Why in the world was this happening? They hadn't done anything. Shun...please be safe...

King Naruto

Retired (for now)
Oct 19, 2005
Creating bonds to save our world and bring peace
The wind was in an uproar as the sound of clapping hands could be heard distinctively from metal hands. Shun was dead yet and he couldn't die now. Touching the wall of the building, he changed the shape of the wall underneath him. Forming multiple giant hands, Shun smashed into the first one with his steel shoulder, slowing down his rate of fall. He hit a second one much less harder then the last and then the third smashed into his shoulder and there was a rattle and cracking sound within his left automail arm. Next he slammed into a fire escape railing. He winced in pain and his body rolled off on another railing. His body was hurt as he finally slammed into a dumpster, hitting his head on the side. Blood drizzled down his face as his face tensed up.

Kenji stepped out of the building with a satisfied look on his face. Smiling as he looked at the sky, he knew a pomotion was coming his face. Shun climbed out of the dumpster and he had to get himself to safety and help. His left arm was barely moving as he made his way to the corner of the building. Dragging his body, Shun came around the corner, behind Kenji. this was the perfect opportuniy to get some payback. Taking three daggers between his fingers from the hidden pouch on his shorts, Shun threw them at and around Kenji. The first one hit him in the spinal cord, dopping him to his knees as he yelled out in agony. The other two were no the sides of his body. Shun walked over to Kenji and looked him in his eyes.

"Haha. This is only temporary. Besides my bro probably alread got your girl and you know how he is with pretty women. You saw him during the war." Kenji said with a sadistic smile.

Shun swiftly kicked Kenji in his mouth as he responded, "SHUT UP! You'll die along with him if she's touched."

Stepping backwards, Shun stumbled a bit. His side was in pain, his head was still bleeding, his left shoulder was shattered, and he could barely see out his right eye. Walking over to the wall, Shun sat against with his head hung low. "Yue......I hope your safe. I'll probably die here. Never thought I would be beaten so soon." Shun commented on his current situation as he touched the wound on his chest where he had been hit by the lightning strike by Kenji.

Meanwhile at the Central HQ....

A soldier rushed in the Fuhrer's office and saluted the leader of the grandest army ever. "Sir, we have report that Kenji Amato has killed Shun Wei Lin." The solider said as the Fuhrer raised an eyebrow. He didn't believe that such a man would be killed by someone of Kenji's stature. Shun was the Lt. General for a reason and no one since Demetri had come close to bringing him down since he gained such title. "Bring my car around and gather several of the men. I want to make sure he dead with my own eyes." The Fuhrer commanded the lieutenant. It had been several minutes since the mission meeting, so there was plenty of time for this. Now the Fuhrer was on his way. Who would make it to the injured Shun first, the Fuhrer or Kitty?


~ ♥~ Grand Summoner~ ♥~
Jan 3, 2006
Racing chocobos ~
Desiree shook her head as she chuckled. From the music, to the Colonel's appearance, to his own reaction, the situation was funny. She turned and examined the record player curiously; she wasn't too much into technology, but it was interesting every one in a while to see what's happening with what.

Remembering the questions, Desiree stood up straight, though this time, had a small frown on her face. "It's a bit of a surprise for me, too." She explained, looking around the office. To be honest, it looked more like a warehouse if anything... "I was supposed to meet you back in West HQ, but they insisted I meet you here." She looked at a small cannon on the floor, kneeling down to inspect it closer.

Immediately jumping up, she laughed as she had one hand on her cheek. "I'm so sorry, Colonel, your office is...quite interesting." Desiree tried to play it off, but it was a bit hopeless; the office was just filled with weapons. Who the heck would keep a cannon there?

Suddenly remembering the last question, she shook her head. "No, no, it'd be Miss." She playfully corrected him, but gave a shameful, coy smile. "I know, it probably should be Mrs. at my age..." Her voice trailed off as another weapon caught her attention. Too many guns for my taste...

Clearing her throat, she walked up to the Colonel, sticking her hand out. "A pleasure to be of your assistance, Colonel. Tell me what to do, I'm here for you." As an afterthought, she added, "And please, just call me Desiree, my mother is Mrs. Doene." She winked playfully, shaking his hand.

Her eyes widened a bit as his hand held hers, and she gave a small giggle, the kind you do when you have something you want to say.


Oct 23, 2007
The realm of Sleep
“Sir yes sir” Jack shouted as he then saluted and left his leader’s presence bringing Sora along with him, he waited until they left the building before speaking. “We’ll leave as soon as possible, go to your place gather your things and meet me at the train station in an hour that should be plenty of time for you to pack or do something”

He then smiled and patted the kid on the head “I look forward to seeing how well you’ll do in the mission” with that he then left to go and pack for the journey ahead of him.


Jack sat silently on the bench his eyes gazing down at his pocket watch watching the clock tick on by. The train the blew and the man near the front of it shouted “All aboard for Rush Valley!”

He sighed and got up heading for the train before him, he leaned against the side of it and waited patiently for his comrade to arrive before he got on.


~ ♥~ Grand Summoner~ ♥~
Jan 3, 2006
Racing chocobos ~
"Can't you go any faster?!" Yue prodded Kitty impatiently, clearly anxious.

The blonde resisted the urge to hit her, mainly for the fact that if she let go she might've lost control of the bike. She was already going as quickly as she could, having narrowly avoided running over several people, if she went any faster, they'd end up flying off the bike. She understood the situation, but it was precisely at times like these that people needed to keep their cool.

Yue, on the other hand, was completely freaking out. The possibility of what could happen between the time they got there was simply innumerable, her head filled with what she thought was the worst possible scenario. She didn't want to, but there wasn't a guarantee that it didn't happen.

Once the place was in sight, the two came to a slow halt a ways before it. Hiding the bike in some bushes, the two took a look around. Everything seemed normal enough, and the two quietly made their way over. All was well until Yue violently tugged at Kitty's arm.

"What?!" Kitty hissed, clearly annoyed.

"The window!" Yue cried, pointing at the object of her dismay. Sure enough, the window had been shattered, fromt he looks of it by something being thrown out of it.

"Just be alert, we don't know what's going on--" Kitty started, but she was cut off by Yue's sudden running out in the open. "--...Yeap, just run, who cares if someone able to kill you is around?!" She threw her hands up, though began running after her.

"Shun! Shun!" Yue cried, dropping to her knees beside the bloodied soldier.

Kitty looked around, making sure that no one had seen what happened. "What happened?" She asked, kneeling down beside the two as Yue immediately started her Alkahestry, healing him. "They said we're accused of conspiring against the Furher..." Standing up, she looked at the place. "...I'm gonan make sure whoever attacked Shun is gone, stay here, I'll be right back."

With those words, Kitty headed around, inspecting the area. Yue herself was shaking; she couldn't believe this was all happening. The wound was also hard to heal; it was like he got hit with lightning or something, and didn't have a direct spot, instead being spreaded out somehow. She managed to get most of it healed, but her hands were shaking too much to finish; letting out a small cry, she hugged him, doing everything it took not to cry.

sora itchikara

New member
Mar 24, 2011
The darkness of my mind...
I arrive at the station and see the train almost ready to leave.
I run faster to the train and see Jack standing next to the train not looking to happy.

"S-Sorry Im late. Got held up by someone who needed me. Were you waiting long?"

I toss my bag over my shoulder and smile casually.

"Well let's go before they leave us."
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