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One is All, All is One

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sora itchikara

New member
Mar 24, 2011
The darkness of my mind...
"I guess you didn't notice that?"
I point to a small but very quickly bleeding cut on his arm.
I then smile while wiping the small bit of blood off my lip.

"You didn't feel it but I punctured a small non vital vein that can paralzye a person's arm in twenty minutes if the bleeding doesn't stop."

I smile again and then crouch down into a fighting stance and then launch another assualt on him.

"Take this!"


Oct 23, 2007
The realm of Sleep
Jack chuckled at the young alchemist’s remark regarding his wound, if he did such simple things in battle he would surely die in a matter of seconds.

He slammed his hand unto the ground forming rock walls in a cube style on Sora, whatever he was attempting now he surely couldn’t do from that position. The walls were thin so surely he should’ve been abler to break out of it easily.

“You got move left kid, make it a BIG one”

sora itchikara

New member
Mar 24, 2011
The darkness of my mind...
I kick the wall of the cube out of place.
Then I take a big part of the wall and kick it at him.
While he was concentrating on the wall piece I made my next move.
I slam my hands to the ground and form a metal ball and chain.
I swing it at him and wrap him with the chain.
I then rush at him while regaining my staff from earlier.
Aiming it at his throat I charge at him and then stop a few inches from him.


~ ♥~ Grand Summoner~ ♥~
Jan 3, 2006
Racing chocobos ~
Flashing a smile, Yue nodded at Shun. "You're right." She was so silly to think otherwise. Things would turn out okay. They usually did, so long as Shun was around. They would figure out a way to do this, right?

Unfortunately, as she listened to the Colonel, she was wrong.

"So, you're saying we sit here and do nothing."

Kitty's response was quick, curt, and almost had a threatening tone to it. This was exactly what she hated about the military; bound by orders, always trapped and unable to actually act on anything because the upper dogs won't let you do a thing. She strongly disliked the idea of leaving it to someone else--then again, she had cut ties with almost everyone, so it was more of a 'I don't like this' kind of taste to it.

For once, Yue agreed with Kitty's rash response--a first, for sure. For some reason, Demetri's words actually made her feel even worse. "There must be something we can do." Yue said softly, frowning as she looked down.

King Naruto

Retired (for now)
Oct 19, 2005
Creating bonds to save our world and bring peace
Listening to Demi, the colonel was right. The fuhrer was too stubborn and Amell knew damn well that Staccato and Steel Earth did not work well with following orders. He was right though, if him and Shun could get someone in then they would be set. Kitty was quick to retort and her words put doubt in Shun's mind. "Wait Kitty, I think Demi's on to something. There are two people that I trust. One is Cura aka Frosty Alchemist. She's probably the most trustworthy and one of the smartest female alchemists in the military. Also there's a soldier by the name of Dorian Gray. He's the soldier that stopped the raid in Lior a couple months ago." Shun responded.

Letting go of Yue, he walked over to the window. His mind was racked with thoughts and things weren't getting much better. "Staccato, I want you to sneak in. My sister can get you pass the borders and help you watch out for the team. With you on the outside and people on the inside, we're good. I'll watch HQ and make sure things are going gravy. I would go but, I got more standing here and your better at recon. Trust me dude. Me and Kitty are better suited here." Shun finally stopped looking out the window to give The Colonel a heartwarming smirk. Feeling tired from all the work lately, Shun wanted to end this meeting now.

"Well let's end this now. Dude you should talk to Cura about our plan and whoever you got in mind. I'm tired, I need to think, and I wanna be alone with a certain person while I still can." Shun commented while scratching the back of his head. Making his way back to Yue, he looked deep into her eyes, before he spoke sweetly to her, "Hey I want to spend some time with you. I'm free for the rest of the day and it's not often that we get to spend time alone. Back to my place?" His words were sweet and romantic like always. His voice had this enchanting feature about it and he wanted to be with his beautiful spouse.


Oct 23, 2007
The realm of Sleep
Jack smiled, finally the kid was starting to think and plan AHEAD but he still wasn’t thinking clear enough yet. He moved out of the way when the wall of rock came towards his way, he simply used a sound blast to push the ball away from him but let the chains wrap around him because he knew what the kid was thinking.

“Not bad but you know where you messed up at” he then held up his hands and frowned “Never let an alchemist this free especially one that has circles on him where he can access them, I’ll show you why”

Jack then bent down and slapped his hand to the ground to form a small rock pillar to break the chain and his staff, then he kicked Sora at his knee to knock him off balance and slapped together his hands once more to use his Amplitude technique. First he made sure to change the sound frequency around his ears to make sure he wouldn’t be harmed and then unleashed hell upon the young alchemist

He watched silently and emotionlessly as Sora screamed out in pain as his ears felt like they were going to split apart, after around three seconds he stopped as he didn’t want to kill him.

“I don’t want to see you on that battlefield yet” he then brought out a napkin and tossed it to the ground so that he may wipe himself in case he was bleeding and then began to walk away.

“You not quite ready to fight yet”


The moonlight enveloped the sky, a woman was walking in the street alone. The sound of her feet echoed throughout the dead-silent street all was quiet….too quiet.

The demon.

He lurked about stalking the woman like a lion ready to pounce upon its prey. His shadows crept upon her as he moved swiftly making sure not to lose sight of her, he licked his lips. He could already taste her flesh, the beautiful brunette with blood pumping through her body didn’t know what would become of her tonight; that blood would soon drip upon the town of Rush valley.

Pride then leapt out and tackled her to the ground, she cried out for help but his shadows quickly covered up her mouth and a sick smile came to his face.

“Don’t worry this won’t take long” The shadows then began to rapidly pierce her body.


~ ♥~ Grand Summoner~ ♥~
Jan 3, 2006
Racing chocobos ~
Cura? Cura...that name sounds so familiar. Yue frowned, pondering the name. She had definitely heard that name somewhere. Where exactly escaped her, but as she listened to Shun, it came to her. That was the name of the female Alchemist she had healed when the attack had happened, if she recalled correctly. She had gotten in a scrap with one of the Hommunculi...But she had come out alive. Yue personally agreed with Shun's suggestion, but kept quiet because, well, she wasn't in the military.

Finally, after all was said and done, Shun reapproached her. She immediately agreed, wanting to have a break from all this bad news. She had enough from Kitty whining about it all week--a break was exactly what they needed.

"Sure, let's go." Yue replied, quickly washing her hands. Though as she did, she noted a small cut on her hand. Hm? When was this? She thought as she inspected it. It was a clean cut, but the odd thing was that she didn't feel it. Shrugging it off, she placed a small bandage over it, trailing back to Shun. "Ready when you are."

"Don't get knocked up." Kitty called out bitterly, her chin on her hand. It was all very frusterating, especially the part where Dem mentioned his denial on the mission. Honestly, why in the world wouldn't you send your best men out? The idea was absurd, stupid, ridiculous, and made her head hurt.

No wait, that one was a headache.

Pushing herself off the couch, Kitty rubbed her head as she wandered over to a nearby medicine cabinet, popping a few pills to ease her pain. With a sigh, she spun around, looking at Demetri.

"...Now what?" She asked him with another sigh. Men are so frusterating.


The Based Battletoad.
Sep 9, 2005
Paris, Tokyo
Lieutenant Colonel Cura. He was familiar with her, and Shun was right to trust her. A good soldier, and daughter of an even better one. Not to mention, she went toe to toe with one of our Big, Bad Homunculi friends. Demetri thought to himself, nodding. But the second soldier Wei mentioned for some reason set off his ‘Demi Sense’. He stopped the raid. The soldier assured himself. Shun trusts him. He reminded himself. Why haven’t I served with him?

The Colonel shook it off.

“Fair enough. Then I’ll nominate my L.T. Chase Carmine,” Chase was one of the finest soldiers Demetri had ever served with, albeit, he was a little wet behind the ears—and saw things in rose-tinted glasses. “Seeing things as they are now will do him some good…” He watched as the Xingian General casually stepped towards the window opposite of them.

Demetri was still as he listened. It made sense, a General could pull more strings than a Colonel; even if that Colonel was regarded as a hero. Still though, he had business to take care of here before he even thought about leaving to Aerugo, that, and he needed an acceptable excuse to ditch the Command Center for the no doubt weeks the mission would take.

“Deal. But let me meet up with the team after they make it inside. I’ve been doing some work on the side that could help us,” The Colonel smirked, “A bonafide trump card.”

With that, the meeting was concluded. The lovebirds went to do….whatever it was they do, leaving Demetri and Kitty solo at the office. While the ex-soldier went to her kitchen, he trailed off to find her phone.

The device was mounted in a box on one of the walls. Stretching out an index finger, he circled around the pad to dial in his number of choice. The phone rang, and within seconds, a heavily panting man answered the phone.

“C-Colonel Maverick!” The voice exclaimed in a voice that was a mixture of both shock and joy.

“Carmine. Is it done? I haven't been able to check in about it.” Demetri asked rather coldly, as he leaned himself against the box.

Chase Carmine’s voice fell to a whisper. “Yessir. Just as you said, the attack caused all of the prisoners to be moved to other locations.”


The Lieutenant chuckled. “The truck was successfully intercepted. The target’s on their way to the west as we speak.”

The Staccato Alchemist grinned. “Nice job. Keep checking in with the team. When I get back, I’ll have another job for you—a big one.”

“Yes sir!”

“Oh yeah, Carmine?”


“Do me a favor. Keep tabs on Rose Beloi for me. And contact The Frosty Alchemist too, tell her to pack up for a trip to the South.”

“That’s two favors sir.”

Demetri frowned. Somehow, Carmine could sense the frustration radiating from his superior.

“S-sorry sir. I’ll get on both of them right away!”

“Rrrright.” Demetri scoffed. And with that, the men hung up their phones.

"...Now what?" Kitty asked, turning around to face him.

The Colonel slowly walked up to her. Arms crossed, he calmly paced in front of her. With a grin, he stopped and faced her.

We could go on a date, fancy restaurant and all. Like we used to?” He twisted one of his chin hairs and laughed. “Just kidding, heh.” Demetri sighed.

“We haven’t talked in a while. How’ve you been Kitty?” He leaned up against the counter next to her, a serene look on his face.

* * *

The Fuhrer remained silent as, and after Rose stated her case. Once she concluded, a small smile could be scene playing upon the soldier's countenance. Thinking, he stroked his beard.

"Well said Ms. Beloi." He smiled wide, "There's no doubt in my mind that Demetri made the right choice allying with you." Xavier laughed as he shifted over to his side, going through one of the compartments on the side of his desk. Seconds later, he resurfaced in the center, a thin vanilla colored folder in his hands. "However, there's still the matter of you sneaking into military grounds--seen as treason!" The Fuhrer slammed the folder onto the desktop, a few of the papers spilling out the side.

"Take care of this, and consider all of that mess forgotten. You see, one of our prisoners ; Nikola Tesla has escaped during the confusion of the attack. I want you to kill him--he's much to dangerous to be allowed to roam free."

King Naruto

Retired (for now)
Oct 19, 2005
Creating bonds to save our world and bring peace
It had been atleast a couple minutes since Yue and Shun had left Kitty's clinic. Along the way to his house, they had some random talks and even shared some good laughs. He couldn't helped how much he cared about her and he knew this was love. It had been awhile since he felt like this and Demetri, once again, the main person that knew what happened to last and it was one of the reasons he despised the name Wei. Finally making it to his house, it was a nice loft at the top of one of the highest building. It wasn't much nor the abode that one of his level should be in but, Shun liked to live lowly. It kept him in touch with the earth nad not become some bigwig asshole like Amell.

As they laughed, Shun kissed Yue once before opening his door. As soon as he stepped in, he noticed that something was wrong. His brother's necklace was laying on the ground and he knew who had been here. He had never allowed anyone to touch nor see this necklace. "Sister." Shun said with a worried face. His mind began to the horrific fight between Him and Demetri vs his borther. It was a nightmarish battle which took Shun's right arm. But, he had to stop this because he didn't wanna keep Yue worried. Looking back at Yue, he smiled brightly. "Well welcome to my home.....again." He laughed alittle and then walked over to his couch, patting the space right beside him. He just wanted to relax with Yue and spend a perfect night.


~ ♥~ Grand Summoner~ ♥~
Jan 3, 2006
Racing chocobos ~
“We could go on a date, fancy restaurant and all. Like we used to?” He twisted one of his chin hairs and laughed. “Just kidding, heh.” Demetri sighed.

Ah, of course. Kitty's eye twitched a bit, as a scowl reached her face, thought she managed a bitter-sounding laugh. "Right." She replied, putting every ounce of her being into not hitting the Colonel. Argh! Get it together! She tried to put on a smile, but only managed to have a slightly bored expression on her face.

“We haven’t talked in a while. How’ve you been Kitty?” He leaned up against the counter next to her, a serene look on his face.

Without facing him, her eyes darted to his, though they landed on the ceiling. "Besides the attack? Bored." She fully admitted it, stretching out her arms in front of her. "Of course, it was the good kind of bored--the type everyday normal people have. Finally got used to the quiet...I know, after all these years, and now I get used to it."

She chuckled to herself, nodding her head. "It's been years, but...I still remember that hair-raising feeling of battle. Of the military." She added, her hands playing with some of her hair. She could never really sit still, even if her life depended on it. "The adrenaline, the fear, the pain...everything. Like it happened yesterday. I even feel the loss of someone--"

Kitty caught herself in time, faking a cough. "Sorry! The, er, the loss of having to quit the military and losing my men." She hastily added, waving her hand in front of her. "I mean, I know I quit, but it was like losing my life in a sort of sense..."

Argh! Why did you have to go and SAY THAT?! Beating herself mentally, Kitty gave another fake cough. Getting rather nervous, she got the feeling that it was about time she asked the question. It was something she'd been wanting to ask for a while now, but really, she feared the answer. The bull-shit excuse wouldn't fly this time--this time, she wanted the truth.

"So...I've been wanting to know, Colonel." She stepped forward, turned, and faced him, a devilish smile on her face. Oh, how the feelings of anger and frusteration quickly overcame those of sorrow and heartbroken-ness. She stepped forward to that she was almost in his face, maintaining her smile the whole time, putting both arms at the counter, trapping him (both physically and metaphorically).

"Why did you dump me, and this time, the truth."


Once they had arrived at the Wei residence, Yue rolled on her heels as Shun opened the door and stepped in. She followed almost immediately, though paused when he knelt to the ground.


What? Surprised by this word, though she had no time to ask, Yue glanced over at Shun. But before she could say anything, he had already gone to the couch, patting the seat next to his. Ah, well, none of my business, anyway. She assured herself, waltzing over and plopping down onto the couch.

Right now was their time.

She rested her head on his shoulder, taking her hand into hers as she gave out a little sigh. Not the type you do when you're worried or tired. The kind you do when you're happy. Getting a smile to play on her lips, Yue snuggled close to Shun, leaning on him and she placed her hand over his. Her hand looked to tiny compared to his, but whether his hand was huge or her hand was itty bitty was another question.

Whirrling around, she gave him a gentle kiss on his cheek, wrapping his arm around her waist. Her expression fell for a moment as the thought of the mission came up. If he ended up going, how long would it be before they saw each other again? She wished she could've gone, but she wasn;t in the military...that and she'd probably only end up getting in the way.

Don't think like that! Not now! She yelled at herself mentally. Flashing a smile, she cleared her throat. "Tell me, what's on your mind?" She asked playfully.

sora itchikara

New member
Mar 24, 2011
The darkness of my mind...
I sit up and taking the napkin I wipe the blood under my ears.
After I finish I look up at the dark sky.

"I knew it... Im still to weak..."

I stand and start walking down the the now quiet streets.
I listen to the blowing wind for any sounds of footsteps.
I then stop and sit down trying not to give in to the dizzyness going through my body.
When I sit down I hear a small mouse running away from my position.

"What did he do to me? My legs won't stop shaking... Or is it... That I'm scared?"


New member
Jun 14, 2008
Behind You
Rose picked up the folder with a small smile and took a brief look inside, and saw about what she had expected. She found it slightly ridiculous that her prescence at Central Command during the attack was being labelled as treason, but if this was all the Fuhrer wanted in order to set things right, then that was just fine with her. After all, this was her trade. Rose began to think that the Fuhrer knew more about her than he would ever admit; this was just too convenient, him asking this of her when he claimed to have no knowledge of her background.

"I see... well, if this is what I have to do, then I guess I don't have any choice. I can only hope that you are a man of your word, Fuhrer."

With this said, Rose stood up from her chair and smiled briefly at the Fuhrer before turning away and walking toward and then out of the double doors, unable to keep herself from grinning a little as she left the building.


The Based Battletoad.
Sep 9, 2005
Paris, Tokyo
Her arms barred him in. But compared to the words she spoke, those were nothing.

"Why did you dump me, and this time, the truth."

A single bead of sweat rolled down the side of his face. For a moment, that perpetual cool and collected exterior that he exuded disappeared, showing his genuine discomfort. When he recovered from the shock, as quickly as it fell, his wall was rebuilt. With a sigh, he crossed his arms, and closed his eyes. It was something he had long since buried, that is, the abrupt close of his and Kitty’s relationship.

It wasn’t like…

“It wasn’t like I wanted to end it…you know?” Golden eyes were averted from the gray orbs across from him, “There were…matters that were out of my hands.” Demetri sighed again. The creases forming on his face were off a man racked with stormy emotions. Images of their last night ‘together’ replayed themselves. That night, a dinner he was going to pop the question.

But he couldn’t.

He looked any way but her way.

Somewhere Underground

The heavy footsteps of a certain envious Homunculus echoed throughout a shadowy city. The buildings resembled fossils frozen in time; residences with furniture and utensils untouched by anything save for caked on dust, churches with bibles whose pages remained tattered in the same fashion their owners had left them in.

This was where they resided, deep in the shadow of a world time has all but forgotten.

Envy was killing time. He was scheduled to head for Aerugo any minute now, but the boss wanted him to wait for…something. So…he relaxed. Hands folded behind his fedora covered head, the creature whistled some human tune.
And that was when his path crossed with Sloth’s: who was busy at work building up the buildings in their Father’s image.

King Naruto

Retired (for now)
Oct 19, 2005
Creating bonds to save our world and bring peace
Similing as Yue snuggled in close, Shun couldn't help feel this beautiful warm feeling within him. It had been years since he felt this. The last time he felt this was when Demetri and him cut themselves and became blood brothers. Made him feel like he had family once again and Demetri wasn't even the same ethnicity as Shun. Now someone else was getting close but, this person would get close since she was a female. Would be weird if Demetri was that close to Shun. Cringing as that thought occured, he instantly thought of something else to occupy his mind which happened to be the thought of Yue. She was there for him whenever he needed a shoulder to lean on and she could be trusted with his biggest secret.

"What's on your mind?"

What's on his mind? A devious question that he could a millions answers to and all of them leading to Kitty's comment of not getting knocked up. Instead of blatantly stating the obvious, he turned and looked into her eyes. "You really don't wanna know.......yet." Shun retorted with his devilish smile, "So how does it feel to be with the greatest general to ever exist who also happens to be a crowned prince of Xing? You know you look so cute with a diamond crown." Picturing that within his own mind, Shun would be gracious to have his way. It would mean peace and an even better life for him, and Yue. Shoot even Kitty and Demi would be able to get in on the fun.

He then thought back to a day he spent with Yue atleast a month ago. "I wonder if you still have that ticklish spot." Wondering outloud on purpose, Shun gently, but quickly, picked up Yue on his lap, and started tickling the spot on her stomach. He knew she would fight back but, there was no way to stop him now. He knew how to handle his strength with steel arms which made him all the more unique. He did this for alittle while before leaning his head on the couch near her. The way he had her on his lap, he had to move up so he could face her. For some reason, all fun had left the room and it had got kinda serious real fast. His locked on her lips and he gradually got close before he planted a deep kiss on her.


New member
Jun 14, 2008
Behind You
Rose sat in her small apartment, looking at the files the Fuhrer had given her and sipping thoughtfully at a half drunk glass of dark rum. These documents were a little more detailed than the ones she was used to receiving, but they were essentially the same. It contained seemingly every detail on the man she had been asked to kill, and even though he had been labelled as a "dangerous criminal", Rose was not at all worried about her ability to deal with him. Nodding to herself, Rose gathered up the documents and placed them back into the folder before finishing the last of her rum in one swallow.

Grimacing a little as the burning liquid slipped down her throat, Rose walked toward her bedroom, meaning to catch a little sleep before beginning her mission. It seemed to her that this had been one of the longest days of her life, and she was deeply exhausted. Xenotime, and the man who might be residing there, could wait a little longer.


Her Trouble-making Paladin
Dec 26, 2010
Kingdom of the sun
Sloth thought of himself as a pretty decent handyman all things considered.
Errr HandyHomonculi anyways
When Father had something big and impressive he needed built he usually called on Sloth to get the job done. When he needed something torn down so they could use the free lumber Sloth was there.
This job was no exception.
This time he had to build up what father called 'New Xerxes' and it would take a little while, as all cites tended to. After all, you can't build rome in a day and you sure as heck can't build Xerxes in a day.
Plus he had to add in various father related merchandise as well to 'spice up the place' So father's face and image were currently all over the city. Well the finished parts of the city anyway. Currently Sloth was finishing up a father statue next to his most recently finished building (a restaurant. After all, not even father could run all life as we know it without food). He sighed and stepped back, pretty proud of his work when he heard footsteps behind him. He looked around and resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Envy.
"Hello Envy" he said "what brings you here?"


~ ♥~ Grand Summoner~ ♥~
Jan 3, 2006
Racing chocobos ~
“It wasn’t like I wanted to end it…you know?” Golden eyes were averted from the gray orbs across from him, “There were…matters that were out of my hands.”

That was it? Because of something that had nothing to do with them? She half-expected as much, but the fact that he wouldn't look Kitty in the eye definitely said something. For some odd reason, she actually laughed at the response, though she immediately backed off, plastering one of the fakest smiles anyone had ever seen on her face.

"Okay, I get it, bad question." She stated, waving her hands. "None of my business. Yep."

There was a painful silence as she stared at the ground, still having a small smile. She was an idiot to ask. For all she knew, there was probably someone else. Well, she would never know. And for some stupid reason, she just kept smiling. She couldn't stop.

With a haughty sigh, Kitty placed her hands on her hips, wandering back into the kitchen. "Want some tea? Yue made it, it's good~" She asked, almost as if nothing had happened, even giving a small chuckle. "Oh, oops, it's cold, lemme heat it up."

Walking over to the stove, she watched the flames flicker as she held the pot over them, humming some tune she had heard the other day. She hated the way she was acting--it was so fake. It was like a drug; she just couldn't stop. The worse she felt, the more happier she pretended to be.

Pouring the tea into two cups, she gently blew on them both, wandering over to the Colonel. She extended her right one to him, the same smile on her face. "Here you go! Careful, it's hot." She giggled, taking her own sip.

Wow, how she wanted to cry right now.


"So how does it feel to be with the greatest general to ever exist who also happens to be a crowned prince of Xing? You know you look so cute with a diamond crown."


For some reason, that word hit her hard.

Luckily, the word 'diamond' also hit her. In a good way.

Yue frowned a bit, tugging at her hair. "Maybe if I had longer hair." She suggested, tucking a lock behing her ear. "And I think I'm the second luckiest person alive to have you--you being luckiest to have me."

It was a bit of a conceited statement, but all in good fun.

"I wonder if you still have that ticklish spot."

Her eyes immediately widened, but before she could react, she was already under the wrath of the tickle monster. "Noooooo!!" She laughed so hard, her body wriggling as she was tickled. She hated being tickled SO much, but everytime Shun did it, she couldn't help but somewhat enjoy it. It was tortue, but at the same time, it was so much fun.

Finally, she was free, and she took the chance to catch her breath as her last few laughs left her. She let herself rest there, her eyes watching soon. Suddenly, she felt semi-nervous as he leaned in on her. The kind of nervous you get when you have those butterflies, you know? It wasn't bad, most definitely not. He was the only one who made her nervous like this.

Closing her eyes, Yue could feel Shun kissing her, and she felt her face turn red. She could almost hear Kitty's voice, but promptly ignored it as she pulled Shun closer to her, one hand running through his hair. She loved every moment she spent with him regardless of what they were doing--but this was somewhat different in that they expressed it.

As soon as they parted, she whispered very softly, "I love you..."


Oct 23, 2007
The realm of Sleep
“Ah another useless book” Jack said sighing as he then placed the book on ancient civilizations back unto the bookcase from which he found it. He was trying to find out if the enemies that appeared at the summit in any of the books but so far no luck.

“Come on they have to be SOMEWHERE in history”

He shook his head and closed his eyes, they needed as much information about the homunculus as they could and fast. His eyes scanned the section once more until he found what he was looking for.

Ancient creatures of myth.

“Seems good enough” Jack then headed towards the counter to check it out along with three other books.


“Now lets see how am I going to do this” spoke Pride as he sat atop a building gazing out unto the silent town, he had finished his meal and hour ago lucky for him the streetlamps were on otherwise he would have to find other means of killing the woman.

A smile then etched itself upon his face “Of course why didn’t I think of that before?” his laughter echoed itself throughout the town as he then vanished within the shadows.


Nov 17, 2005
As soon as Cura got back home and she was about to step into the shower, she heard her phone ring. Sighing, she wore a robe as she picked it up. It was Lt. Carmine, and orders from Colonel Maverick stated that she "pack up for a trip to the South".

"Alright. Thank you very much." She said, setting the phone down. She looked at Rey and wondered whether he'd do fine following her. And even without telling him, Rey had a determined look and squeaked for her faith in him.

"I guess we're off to Aerugo, Rey. Let's see what goes from there." She said as he hopped onto her hand. She sat down on the couch as she looked outside.

King Naruto

Retired (for now)
Oct 19, 2005
Creating bonds to save our world and bring peace
"I love you"

Yue's words echoed throughout Shun's brain and his heart. It had been so long since those words were spoke to him. It was a beautiful confession that Shun almost didn't know how to respond. He had so much feelings for Yue that he knew damn well it was love. A smile crept on his face as he hugged Yue a little tighter. The words were still running through his mind and he felt it was now time to respond. Besides a nice pause always let anticipation grow.

"I love you more Yue."

Shun's response was real but, funny. His heart was beating faster then normal and he could the heat between them growing. Besides love, his "desire" was getting larger. This night was gonna end mush differently then their usual night. He could feel her getting closer as their lips came closer. This wasn't just regular making out. No by far these kisses were much more passionate. As the day got closer to an end, the night just got better. Intimacy was a special part of a relationship and Shun could only see himself being intimate with Yue. A perfect night for the perfect couple.

Greed on the other hand was patiently waiting for the time that he would intiate the plan almost a month from now that would end in the downfall of his brothers and the increase of his own power. "Im such a greedy bitch." Greed pronounced to himself.
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