“We could go on a date, fancy restaurant and all. Like we used to?” He twisted one of his chin hairs and laughed. “Just kidding, heh.” Demetri sighed.
Ah, of course. Kitty's eye twitched a bit, as a scowl reached her face, thought she managed a bitter-sounding laugh. "Right." She replied, putting every ounce of her being into not hitting the Colonel. Argh! Get it together! She tried to put on a smile, but only managed to have a slightly bored expression on her face.
“We haven’t talked in a while. How’ve you been Kitty?” He leaned up against the counter next to her, a serene look on his face.
Without facing him, her eyes darted to his, though they landed on the ceiling. "Besides the attack? Bored." She fully admitted it, stretching out her arms in front of her. "Of course, it was the good kind of bored--the type everyday normal people have. Finally got used to the quiet...I know, after all these years, and now I get used to it."
She chuckled to herself, nodding her head. "It's been years, but...I still remember that hair-raising feeling of battle. Of the military." She added, her hands playing with some of her hair. She could never really sit still, even if her life depended on it. "The adrenaline, the fear, the pain...everything. Like it happened yesterday. I even feel the loss of someone--"
Kitty caught herself in time, faking a cough. "Sorry! The, er, the loss of having to quit the military and losing my men." She hastily added, waving her hand in front of her. "I mean, I know I quit, but it was like losing my life in a sort of sense..."
Argh! Why did you have to go and SAY THAT?! Beating herself mentally, Kitty gave another fake cough. Getting rather nervous, she got the feeling that it was about time she asked the question. It was something she'd been wanting to ask for a while now, but really, she feared the answer. The bull-shit excuse wouldn't fly this time--this time, she wanted the truth.
"So...I've been wanting to know, Colonel." She stepped forward, turned, and faced him, a devilish smile on her face. Oh, how the feelings of anger and frusteration quickly overcame those of sorrow and heartbroken-ness. She stepped forward to that she was almost in his face, maintaining her smile the whole time, putting both arms at the counter, trapping him (both physically and metaphorically).
"Why did you dump me, and this time, the truth."
Once they had arrived at the Wei residence, Yue rolled on her heels as Shun opened the door and stepped in. She followed almost immediately, though paused when he knelt to the ground.
What? Surprised by this word, though she had no time to ask, Yue glanced over at Shun. But before she could say anything, he had already gone to the couch, patting the seat next to his. Ah, well, none of my business, anyway. She assured herself, waltzing over and plopping down onto the couch.
Right now was their time.
She rested her head on his shoulder, taking her hand into hers as she gave out a little sigh. Not the type you do when you're worried or tired. The kind you do when you're happy. Getting a smile to play on her lips, Yue snuggled close to Shun, leaning on him and she placed her hand over his. Her hand looked to tiny compared to his, but whether his hand was huge or her hand was itty bitty was another question.
Whirrling around, she gave him a gentle kiss on his cheek, wrapping his arm around her waist. Her expression fell for a moment as the thought of the mission came up. If he ended up going, how long would it be before they saw each other again? She wished she could've gone, but she wasn;t in the military...that and she'd probably only end up getting in the way.
Don't think like that! Not now! She yelled at herself mentally. Flashing a smile, she cleared her throat. "Tell me, what's on your mind?" She asked playfully.