You know, sometimes, Shun’s strength really amazed Demetri. Then again, Demi was nothin’ but skin and bones anyway, so maybe it wasn’t too hard to drag him along in such a manner that the Steel Earth Alchemist had. The car ride to Kitty’s clinic was short, but awkward, as the dread-locked soldier was forced to keep quiet, what with his annoyance at Shun, and the standard stoic way he approached Ms. Amalia. The Xingan soldier had long since forbade his friend from lighting ANYTHING up in his car after an incident back when they were younger. The said incident involved a number of fire-trucks and one very, very upset budding earth alchemist, and a ruined brand new car.
So, needless to say, he couldn’t smoke.
Eventually, the door swung open, and Wei rushed out towards the steps leading to the building. As he reached for the brass door hinge, he turned to both Demetri and Kitty.
"We need to get in that mission. They need a leader so, maybe I can push forward with that. This is not Aerugo at all. I know your father and mine have some underlying goal in this and I doubt it'll be peaceful at all. I don’t trust this. We're not meant for recon so, why send alchemists." Shun paused, "Let's finish talking about this inside."
Doubted it would be peaceful? It was certain it wouldn’t be peaceful. There was going to be bloodshed, and lots of it. Stepping into Aerugo now, no matter how small the group was, was like throwing a match on top of a puddle of gasoline. Ol’ Golden Eyes was sure of this, however, was their a way to avoid it? He had to admit, even he was uneased by the nation’s latest actions, and the fact that they’ve been practicing alchemy only made him more nervous. He rubbed his thumb back and forth across the stubble on his chin as he approached the doorframe. Always the gentleman, Demetri held the door open for the former General to step through, winking teasingly as she passed by. With some relief, he stripped off the tight blue military jacket, revealing in full his gray button-down.
When golden eyes laid eyes on the two lovebirds that were Yue and Shun he sighed deeply. “Watch it you two, trust me.” He closed his eyes and shrugged, “Love is the most dangerous thing in the world. I’ve seen plenty of good men, and women, go down on the battlefield because they were thinkin’ about their Sweetheart. Remember Private Johnson? I’d rather take on fifty Homunculi before that.” As the alchemist tenderly rested his head on the assistant’s shoulder, Demetri threw his hands in the air and walked off towards a sitting area a few meters away. “Ahhh! You’re just dead set on ending up in a ditch, aren’t ya?” He groaned, before collapsing on a loveseat in front of Kitty’s coffee table. With his white gators still on, he kicked his feet up on the table, making sure not to scratch the glass—he was courteous after all.
Tilting his head up over his shoulder, two fingers parted the curtains of the window behind him. The street was quiet on this sleepy Sunday afternoon. A complete difference to the mayhem that no doubt occurred on this very block just a few days ago. That thought put his mind back into a business state.
“The covert mission to Aerugo. There’s no doubt two separate goals to it. One that’s on the table, and the other that’s under it. You know how General Amell works Shun, we were in his unit back when we were rookies,” He turned his head towards his friend, “He’s ruthless. Enemies, allies, sometimes I wonder if he’s blind to even those ideals. Hell, I’ve still got scars from his ‘training’ methods,” He brushed his tattooed hand across his chest, “I’d put money on it that if he’s got a hand in planning this, Aerugo is gonna get burned to the ground.” The alchemist crossed his arms and shut his eyes. Frowning he began again, “And igniting a civil war…is the perfect way to go about it.” He sighed, visibly upset.
“But you called this lil’ meeting. What’s up?”
* * *
"What is it, Fuhrer?"
The Fuhrer’s ear twitched as she spoke. The soldier smiled, “Relax. I just wanted to talk in private.” He waved for her to take a seat, this time, at a chair prepared directly in front of his oaken desk, which he moved to sit at himself. The hulking, darkskinned man folded his hands on top of the object. “I have to thank you for aiding my son Demetri in his endeavors, Ms. Beloi. Though things ended up for the worse, they could have been much grimmer if it weren’t for you, and the others’ aid.” A massive palm stroked a grizzly beard, “Though, it looks like the Colonel neglected to mention something , regarding you, in his report…” Gray eyes flickered with some sort of unidentifiable emotion. “Two of my men say they found you snooping around our base during the Chimera attack. They went on to say that you were captured—so I’m assuming that it was the Colonel that took you out of custody?” The answer was obvious, and he wasn’t expecting an answer.
“No matter. I’m more intrigued by the fact that we have absolutely nothing on file for you. It’s as if you’re a ghost…just where do you hail from, Ms. Beloi?” He looked intently at her with narrow, cold eyes.