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One is All, All is One

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sora itchikara

New member
Mar 24, 2011
The darkness of my mind...
"Im Sora the Starlight Alchemist... I joined the military to learn more on Homunculi and other types of research. But why do you want to know these things?"
I look around the Diner surprised that he chose a Diner but I didn't care much.
"You look like I've seen you somewhere before. But where?"
I look at him a little curious as to why he wanted to know so much.


Oct 23, 2007
The realm of Sleep
“Simply because I’m tired of young people lose their lives out on the battlefield, their reckless and naïve and moreover they lack resolve” he answered back quickly and firmly.

“Research? Well we do need to know more about the homunculi but be careful about how you go about your business you never know who’s watching you” he then took a napkin from the table and asked the waitress for a pen.

“I want you to meet me at this spot at this time” he handed him the napkin paid the kind lady and left the diner.

The napkin read 5:45 P.M. Skyward plain. It was a spot within central near the park, a rather odd spot considering it is a simple grass plain within a city a rather uncommon spot for a plain to be but he found it perfect for what he was meeting Sora there for.

sora itchikara

New member
Mar 24, 2011
The darkness of my mind...
I read the napkin curiously.
I then notice the instructions on it.
"Meet me at 5:45 P.M Skyward plain?"
I watch him as he leaves and then I start to leave also.
When I get outside a cool breeze meets my face.
I then round a corner and head home.

King Naruto

Retired (for now)
Oct 19, 2005
Creating bonds to save our world and bring peace
His eyes darted to the Fuhrer as the meeting completed itself. He may not have showed but, he was slightly annoyed. They were doing all this research and mission planning but, the Lt. General didn't even know anything. Walking out of the room, Shun punched the wall beside Demitri. "This is bullshit ya know? I have nationwide command. My authority is only second to the General and the Fuhrer." Shun exclaimed toward Demitri and Kitty. Some soldiers were staring and Shun knew he would have to calm himself down. I was unlike him to be angry so, it best if he was calm.

HIs head turned to Kitty as, his lips formed a grin and words. "Let's get to my car first." Shun commented and then he grabbed Demitri by the shoulder, "Your coming too even if you don't feel like it." It seemed pretty anime-style as Staccato was dragged to Shun's car and thrown in. Everything seemed well as Shun began the car and started driving toward Kitty's clinic.

"We need to get in that mission. They need a leader so, maybe I can push forward with that. This is not Aerugo at all. I know your father and mine have some underlying goal in this and I doubt it'll be peaceful at all. I dont trust this. We're not meant for recon so, why send alchemists." Steel Earth explained as he finally pulled up to the clinic, "Let's finish talking about this inside." Stepping out of the car, he quickly made his way into the clinic. Throwing his jacket on the coat rack, Shun took his time as he walked to Yue. Before she could turn around and notice him, he quickly wrapped his arms around her waist but in a way that she knew it was him. Resting his head on her shoulder, his eyes stayed on the door for when Kitty and Demitri would walk in.


The Based Battletoad.
Sep 9, 2005
Paris, Tokyo
You know, sometimes, Shun’s strength really amazed Demetri. Then again, Demi was nothin’ but skin and bones anyway, so maybe it wasn’t too hard to drag him along in such a manner that the Steel Earth Alchemist had. The car ride to Kitty’s clinic was short, but awkward, as the dread-locked soldier was forced to keep quiet, what with his annoyance at Shun, and the standard stoic way he approached Ms. Amalia. The Xingan soldier had long since forbade his friend from lighting ANYTHING up in his car after an incident back when they were younger. The said incident involved a number of fire-trucks and one very, very upset budding earth alchemist, and a ruined brand new car.

So, needless to say, he couldn’t smoke.

Eventually, the door swung open, and Wei rushed out towards the steps leading to the building. As he reached for the brass door hinge, he turned to both Demetri and Kitty.

"We need to get in that mission. They need a leader so, maybe I can push forward with that. This is not Aerugo at all. I know your father and mine have some underlying goal in this and I doubt it'll be peaceful at all. I don’t trust this. We're not meant for recon so, why send alchemists."
Shun paused, "Let's finish talking about this inside."

Doubted it would be peaceful? It was certain it wouldn’t be peaceful. There was going to be bloodshed, and lots of it. Stepping into Aerugo now, no matter how small the group was, was like throwing a match on top of a puddle of gasoline. Ol’ Golden Eyes was sure of this, however, was their a way to avoid it? He had to admit, even he was uneased by the nation’s latest actions, and the fact that they’ve been practicing alchemy only made him more nervous. He rubbed his thumb back and forth across the stubble on his chin as he approached the doorframe. Always the gentleman, Demetri held the door open for the former General to step through, winking teasingly as she passed by. With some relief, he stripped off the tight blue military jacket, revealing in full his gray button-down.

When golden eyes laid eyes on the two lovebirds that were Yue and Shun he sighed deeply. “Watch it you two, trust me.” He closed his eyes and shrugged, “Love is the most dangerous thing in the world. I’ve seen plenty of good men, and women, go down on the battlefield because they were thinkin’ about their Sweetheart. Remember Private Johnson? I’d rather take on fifty Homunculi before that.” As the alchemist tenderly rested his head on the assistant’s shoulder, Demetri threw his hands in the air and walked off towards a sitting area a few meters away. “Ahhh! You’re just dead set on ending up in a ditch, aren’t ya?” He groaned, before collapsing on a loveseat in front of Kitty’s coffee table. With his white gators still on, he kicked his feet up on the table, making sure not to scratch the glass—he was courteous after all.

Tilting his head up over his shoulder, two fingers parted the curtains of the window behind him. The street was quiet on this sleepy Sunday afternoon. A complete difference to the mayhem that no doubt occurred on this very block just a few days ago. That thought put his mind back into a business state.

“The covert mission to Aerugo. There’s no doubt two separate goals to it. One that’s on the table, and the other that’s under it. You know how General Amell works Shun, we were in his unit back when we were rookies,” He turned his head towards his friend, “He’s ruthless. Enemies, allies, sometimes I wonder if he’s blind to even those ideals. Hell, I’ve still got scars from his ‘training’ methods,” He brushed his tattooed hand across his chest, “I’d put money on it that if he’s got a hand in planning this, Aerugo is gonna get burned to the ground.” The alchemist crossed his arms and shut his eyes. Frowning he began again, “And igniting a civil war…is the perfect way to go about it.” He sighed, visibly upset.

“But you called this lil’ meeting. What’s up?”

* * *

"What is it, Fuhrer?"

The Fuhrer’s ear twitched as she spoke. The soldier smiled, “Relax. I just wanted to talk in private.” He waved for her to take a seat, this time, at a chair prepared directly in front of his oaken desk, which he moved to sit at himself. The hulking, darkskinned man folded his hands on top of the object. “I have to thank you for aiding my son Demetri in his endeavors, Ms. Beloi. Though things ended up for the worse, they could have been much grimmer if it weren’t for you, and the others’ aid.” A massive palm stroked a grizzly beard, “Though, it looks like the Colonel neglected to mention something , regarding you, in his report…” Gray eyes flickered with some sort of unidentifiable emotion. “Two of my men say they found you snooping around our base during the Chimera attack. They went on to say that you were captured—so I’m assuming that it was the Colonel that took you out of custody?” The answer was obvious, and he wasn’t expecting an answer.

“No matter. I’m more intrigued by the fact that we have absolutely nothing on file for you. It’s as if you’re a ghost…just where do you hail from, Ms. Beloi?” He looked intently at her with narrow, cold eyes.


Oct 23, 2007
The realm of Sleep
Jack sighed as he sat in the grassy plain alone, he liked this place. It was a nice get-away from all the military stuff he was in and was one of the few things that cleared his head. He glanced at his watch.

He read it as 5:43 P.M.

“Well It’s almost show time” he then got up off the ground and dusted himself off and began to stretch.

The reason he asked the kid here was to test him in battle, he wanted to see if the Sora truly had what it took to be in the military. Someone of his age should be enjoying life not helping end another one’s.


He shoved his hands into his pockets and waited patiently for his comrade to arrive.


~ ♥~ Grand Summoner~ ♥~
Jan 3, 2006
Racing chocobos ~

Humming to herself, Yue carefully arranged each rose, putting them in just the right place. One by one, each of them was gently put in their place in the vase. She heard the door open just as she placed the last rose, though didn't turn around; she wanted to finish before attending to anyone.

Wrapping his arms around her waist, she could tell it was Shun right away. "Welcome back." She greeted him cheerfully.

"Ah, such a gentleman, as always." Kitty stuck out her tongue as Demitri winked; all in good fun. But boy, was it good to be back! She took off her shawl, hanging it on the racket. "Yue, we're back--oh, my." She let out a chuckle as she spotted the two in an embrace. .

“Watch it you two, trust me.” He closed his eyes and shrugged, “Love is the most dangerous thing in the world. I’ve seen plenty of good men, and women, go down on the battlefield because they were thinkin’ about their Sweetheart. Remember Private Johnson? I’d rather take on fifty Homunculi before that.”

"Sounds more like you're jealous~" Kitty giggled, watching as her assistant's face turned as red as the roses she was tending to. Although another thought hit her head; guess he never thought about her back then, huh? Getting slightly depressed at the thought, Kitty let out a slow sigh, crossing her arms as she pouted, turning away from them.

“Ahhh! You’re just dead set on ending up in a ditch, aren’t ya?”

"Oh, you'd know about that, wouldn't ya?" Kitty blew a rasberry at the guy, clasping her hands together. "Young love is the epitome of life's fruit, being what is central to maintain a normal life, as well as being...you know, the way our civilization reproduces." Kitty snickered, waving at the couple. But rather than continue, she plopped down next to him, resting her chin in her hand as he continued on about Aerugo. "Boy, are things a wreck..."

Yue's face couldn't possibly get any redder, but rather than let it bother her, she turned around and gave Shun a tight hug. "I like normal." She smiled, looking up at Shun "Jealous?" She asked Kitty, who blew a rasberry at her.

“The covert mission to Aerugo. There’s no doubt two separate goals to it. One that’s on the table, and the other that’s under it. You know how General Amell works Shun, we were in his unit back when we were rookies,” He turned his head towards his friend, “He’s ruthless. Enemies, allies, sometimes I wonder if he’s blind to even those ideals. Hell, I’ve still got scars from his ‘training’ methods,” He brushed his tattooed hand across his chest, “I’d put money on it that if he’s got a hand in planning this, Aerugo is gonna get burned to the ground.” The alchemist crossed his arms and shut his eyes. Frowning he began again, “And igniting a civil war…is the perfect way to go about it.” He sighed, visibly upset.

"Obviously, as if things weren't bad enough!" Kitty whined, though it was less serious than the tone of everyone else's voice. "Why are people so dumb, Demi-kun?" She asked, crossing her legs as she leaned back into the loveseat. Man, that thing was comfy! She ended up having to sit up straight to keep herself focused. "You're gonna propose a way to get us in, aren'tcha?" She asked Shun, closing one eye.

Yue's eyes widened as she bit her lip. Things really were a mess if they were going to go to Aerugo. Despite not knowing the details, she did know that the world was in a state of panic after last week's events. She also knew that there was an outside party responsible for everything--but who could it be? She could feel her heart racing, hugging Shun tighter as she bore a worried expression.

Why did things have to turn out this way?


Nov 17, 2005
It was somehow disappointing that the end of the discussion felt somehow strange to her. Nothing really has been concluded. Still, it must have just been insecurity inside her. There definitely was no conclusion in the meeting, simply because everyone was baffled by the appearance of the enemies.

Except for the Fuhrer, who seemed quite pleasantly...pleasant.

Cura left the room after a salute. She sighed inaudibly. There were discussions going among other members, but all she wanted to do was to get a good meal and relax in her home with Rey. Speaking of Rey, he popped up on her shoulder once she left the room. "Rey, things doesn't look too good, do they?" She asked softly in a gentle tone as she walked out of the building and towards a nearby restaurant she liked.


New member
Jun 14, 2008
Behind You
Rose liked the way the Fuhrer was looking at her not at all, it was a deep, searching look and it was cold. It did little to set her at ease, despite his words, and Rose was thankful that she had kept one of her knives hidden on her person. She probably wouldn't need it, but it still calmed her considerably to feel it's weight against her body.

She looked away from the Fuhrer's gaze, not liking the position she had just been put in. Surely where she was from was her business, and had nothing to do with the attack. But there was no way to lie to him, surely her accent had already given her away and this was some sort of test.

"I'm from Drachma, Fuhrer, as I'm sure you have guessed, but I have called Amestris my home for many years now."

Rose shifted a little on her seat, as if it discomforted her physically to admit this to him, and waited for what would follow.

King Naruto

Retired (for now)
Oct 19, 2005
Creating bonds to save our world and bring peace
His eyes were locked on Demi as his old friend spoke. Shun always wondered just why Demi made commented like that. He was just jealous and all Shun could do was smile at the man's jealously. Beisdes there was always Shun's love struck sister if Demi needed someone. Soon as he heard the Johnson comment, he was kinda hurt. "Hey Johnson was a good friend. He had a good head on his shoulders. Too bad they couldn't find it." Shun exclaimed happily. He felt Yue turn and hug him and he got happier. He loved her hugs and they kept him in a good mood no matter what.

What soon followed were several words from Kitty and then a couple big things out of Demi's mouth. He also remembered General Amell's training. He remembered having to spar with Demi in a damn blizzard while only wearing shorts. There was so much bullshit that Amell had put them through and Shun had his own set of scars on his back. But it couldn't be argued that Amell had made them much stronger and the alchemists that they are now. "Yeah your dad is really trying to end this war any way possible. But, yeah I got n idea and maybe a plan." Shun said to his friends.

"First and foremost, our main way in is Demi. Dude you live with the Fuhrer and you have the best stand with him. Use it to your advantage. Sorry but, I need you push him to let me lead and then get you and Kitty in this. Next we can't let Aerugo burn. If anything happens, then I know for a fact that my father and the Fuhrer will indeed use the Aerugon technology in the wrong way. My sister has been keeping tabs on Aerugo and let's just say they're technology beats ours. We just have military power. If Aerugo falls then the other two leaderless nations will backdown and be under Amestris rule. That doesn't sit well with me." Shun explained with a dissatisfied look on his face.

Looking at Yue's face as she bore a worried face, he felt her hug get tighter. "Hey. Don't be worried. When was the last time I let anything bad happen?" Shun said sarcastically as he looked down at her. His eyes searched out hers' as he kissed her on the forehead. He didn't like when she was worried. It made him feel really uneasy.

"So any thoughts?"


Her Trouble-making Paladin
Dec 26, 2010
Kingdom of the sun
"I'll have the chicken!"
"of course you will..."
Brad pouted crossing his arms at his waiter "your making it sound like thats all I order!"
The waiter in question, Joe, smirked "Well you do come here quite often"
Brad shrugged "Its nearby the summit and has the best chicken. Where else would I go?"
Brad was pretty cheerful about the meeting being over. Nothing got done except to recap the disaster. Brad had paid careful attention to the other stories of what happened but that didn't mean that he was very interested. It was like school, you go there, learn what you need to learn, memorize it and go on. Thats what Brad had done as he ignored his rumbling stomach. A rumbling stomach that refused to be subdued without some sort of chicken like substance. Brad leaned back in his chair as he waited for his food to come, mid still on the meeting. The fuhrer had seemed okay but everyone else was freaked out about the mysterious enemy that had appeared and basically curbstomped them. Brad himself had gotten over his freakout, his battle with Pride had shown him that he was FAR from invincible. Brad leaned forwards and let out a breath as he waited for his food to get here. The boy was twitchy. He hated to be in one place for too long ESPECIALLY when he had something like this on his mind, it made his thoughts random and they didn't really connect with each other. The only thing that would really help this situation....
"and here is your chicken sir"
Sweet mamma.


Nov 17, 2005
Cura had stepped into the restaurant and a waiter came up to her. She remembered his face and his friendly personality, but she never really asked his name. "Good evening, Miss Cura. The usual...?" He asked politely.

She gave a small smile. "Yes, and some bread as well." She said, as she sat down in a small table at the corner of the restaurant. Rey hopped off her shoulder and on to the table, and she stroked his head and body gently with her finger. She was aware of the looks she got from a few lone men around the restaurant, but she paid no attention.

What if...she silently gulped. She took a sip of water and sat silently for a moment, looking at the wall blankly. What if this is going to become a war? She had felt some fear in her but she calmed herself down as soon as it came.

Soon after, a small basket of bread came. This was for Rey. He nibbled on the small pieces of bread she tore off for him. No later did her food come, a steaming bowl of chicken soup and macaroni and cheese. She said a soft 'Thank you' to the waiter before he left her to enjoy her food alone.

Yet she didn't feel hungry anymore. The more she thought about the current situation, the more uneasy she felt. Playing with her food for a moment, the waiter came back and asked whether she was unsatisfied with the food. "No, not at all." She said. "It's great, as always." She shoved a spoonful of mac'n'cheese in her mouth and gave a tiny blush from her actions.

There's no use thinking about the bad things... She thought.

sora itchikara

New member
Mar 24, 2011
The darkness of my mind...
I arrive at the Skyward Plain at 5:48 and see him standing there waiting for me.
I approach him while glancing around at the different buildings.
"Hey sorry Im late I fell asleep..."
I then feel a cool breeze blow across my face as I stood in the empty plain.
The only things that were really around was a few benches and a small marble fountain.
"So why did you want me to meet you here?"


Oct 23, 2007
The realm of Sleep
“Pretty simple Sora, the reason why I called you here is because I want to test your resolve” he then brought out his hands from his pockets and brought them before him in a fighting stance.

“You are to fight me using everything you’ve got, act like you want to kill me” he then glanced at Sora’s alchemist pocket watch and then back towards his face “Prove to me your worthy of wearing that watch.”

The two stared down each other as several seconds passed Jack then broke the silence “You can make the first move”

sora itchikara

New member
Mar 24, 2011
The darkness of my mind...

I take on a fighting stance and glance behind him then back to his face.
I give him a smile.
I then jump into the air with my legs fully pointed towards the sky.
With much ease I turn my body to preform my attack
I then turn down and make spining downwards kick to his face.

"Take this!"


Oct 23, 2007
The realm of Sleep
Jack narrowed his eyes at the incoming spinning kick, he clapped his hands together to activate his alchemy and did a small blast towards his leg. The while he was caught off balance he grabbed Sora’s leg and slammed him into the ground.

“Come on kiddo don’t tell me this is all you got?”

He then pushed out a wave forcing Sora’s body to be pushed, or rolled in a sense, several feet away from him. “I told you to give it everything you had don’t hold back”

sora itchikara

New member
Mar 24, 2011
The darkness of my mind...
I slide backwards thinking of a counter attack.
I put my right hand to the ground and spin on it to regain my balance.
Then I clap my hands together and use the cement under me to form a staff with blades on both ends.
I then start swinging it at him to keep him distracted.
Then I stab the staff into the ground and use it to lift off of the ground and then kick him backwards.
I find the next opening and sweep kick him while entering a frontal flip kick to his stomach.

"How's that?"


Oct 23, 2007
The realm of Sleep
How did he manage to pass the exams? Sure Sora was thinking and that was good but he wasn’t quite thinking clearly enough off a counter-attack.

“Your so simple-minded” he pushed off of his kick though he wasn’t expecting a sweep kick to follow up. He then clapped his hands together and produced a blast to the area the right of him near the ground that pushed him away from the attack and once again the blast separated the two.

His kick hit nothing but the ground and somehow that managed to put a smile to his face as he got up to his feet and dusted himself off.

“Come on are you holding out on me?” he then put up two fingers “You have two more tries before I begin an offensive assault on you so you better make it count."


The Based Battletoad.
Sep 9, 2005
Paris, Tokyo
"Why are people so dumb, Demi-kun?" Kitty groaned. A question that made Demetri snicker. Tilting his head her way he shrugged.

“Human nature, basically.” He sighed. Eventually, Shun began to finally tell them his plan. Demetri and Kitty both listened in, the former with his arms crossed.

“First and foremost, our main way in is Demi. Dude you live with the Fuhrer and you have the best stand with him. Use it to your advantage. Sorry but, I need you push him to let me lead and then get you and Kitty in this. Next we can't let Aerugo burn. If anything happens, then I know for a fact that my father and the Fuhrer will indeed use the Aerugan technology in the wrong way. My sister has been keeping tabs on Aerugo and let's just say they're technology beats ours. We just have military power. If Aerugo falls then the other two leaderless nations will backdown and be under Amestris rule. That doesn't sit well with me."

Demetri listened closely as Shun proposed the plan. His face reflecting a inner disdain for both the projected events, and in some cases, the plan itself.

"So any thoughts?"

The soldier sighed. Eyes shut, he removed his feet from the coffee table. He rested his elbows on his knees as he leaned his chin atop his folded hands. Facing forward, not at Shun, or anyone else in particular, he shook his head.

“It’s no good.” He stated dryly. “My old man—the Fuhrer, won’t budge,” Demetri sighed again, “He hears, but he doesn’t listen. Besides, you know that as long as Amell’s planning it, he’ll make sure we’re not on that team. They want someone they can easily manipulate should the need arise, meaning not us.” The man paused, contemplating something silently. “You’re right about one thing though, if Aerugo falls, it’s all bad.” Demetri’s head finally turned towards Shun.

“We might not be able to go personally…there’s no way around that. But what if we got someone in that we trust? You and me are high standing officers, they won’t ignore our nominations.”

- - -

"I'm from Drachma, Fuhrer, as I'm sure you have guessed, but I have called Amestris my home for many years now."

Xavier Wallace leaned back in his seat. Stroking his beard, there was a content air in his person, and a faint smirk. His suspicion in the woman had finally been confirmed. He had a feeling this woman was not Amestrian the moment she stepped through the doors. Her Drachman descent was almost certain in his mind once she relayed her bit of the conflict during the meeting moments ago.

“Of course. It’s as I figured.” He folded two large arms, “I can’t imagine you’re pleased by the death of your country’s Primer Sokolov, Ms. Beloi. Certainly if I were in your position, I would blame my men for their inability to protect him. Do you feel this way?” Again, he awaited her response. The Fuhrer had a great interest in this woman, but he had to be sure of something before he pursued it.

“What I’m saying is—did my son make a mistake trusting you?” He pasued, "Ms. Beloi?"


New member
Jun 14, 2008
Behind You
Here they finally were, at the nub. Anger began to pulse slowly in through her, steadily replacing the anxiety that had started to seem like a permanent resident. It was quite interesting, wasn't it? She had risked her life and had tried to aid in the defence of Central, and now her integrity was being called into question purely because of where she had been born. Rose had no doubt that if she were Amestrisian, she would already be ordering her first drink right about now.

"Well," she said, her accent growing thicker as her temper began to rise, "to be honest, it makes no difference to me whether he is living or dead. Drachma was always a miserable place, with a miserable man who called himself Premier. Regardless of where I was born, I risked my life on the day of the attack, so no I don't believe your son was wrong in trusting me. If I were to blame your soldiers for that man's death, or any of the deaths that happened that day, I should surely blame myself too, because I was there as well."
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