Central Command – The Fuhrer’s Chambers
YouTube - Final Fantasy IX OST - Cid's Theme ~ Lindblum Castle Theme
As a result of the destruction of the Audience Chamber a week earlier, all meetings were now held in the Fuhrer’s personal chamber in the Command Center. The size and utilities that the room held made it the prime choice for such things, and the Fuhrer himself suggested the arrangement. The large room was graced by turquoise carpets and wine colored rugs at the bottom, and marble at the ceiling and walls. Xavier Wallace’s desk sat near the back of the room, just in front of the wall length windows, while a long table took residence in the middle. Brown leather chairs surrounded the table, with the exception of the head of the table, which was left empty to provide a clear view of the Fuhrer’s desk.
The Staccato Alchemist, along with his father, and the head of the investigations branch: Carver Amell. Carver Amell was a thin man, pale of skin with black, slicked back hair. He wore a black version of the military-garb, and gripped an extravagant ebony cane, complete with a gaudy ruby at the top. He was blind, and as such, his eyes were bright white.
The Colonel had his sleeves rolled up, and the jacket of his uniform unbuttoned, revealing his gray button-down. The soldier looked visibly tired, from the tiny bags under his eyes, to the ‘pricklyness’ that invaded his chin. At least he tried to make up for it by tying his dreads in a neat ponytail for the meeting. He sat atop the Fuhrer’s desk just beyond the long-table, hands shoved in his pockets, a dull look on his countenance.
The three men were completely silent, with a damn near visible tension between them. Amell didn’t like Demetri, The Fuhrer wasn’t fond of Amell, and Demetri didn’t like either one of the men. Every now and then, one would catch the other glancing at the others, causing that one to quickly retreat back to their own devices.
Grown men eh?
Finally, the double mahogany doors swung open, revealing Lt. Ben Carmine, decked out in his ‘spiffy’ uniform. He saluted his three superior officers with a warm smile. Ben was a young man. A promising and enthusiastic soldier. He was a ginger, red hair, freckles and all with an athletic frame and green eyes.
“Sirs,” The solider began with his thick country accent, “General Shun’s just arrived with the Colonel’s auxiliaries. Stormstep, Frosty, and Shockwave have arrived as well. Should we bring them in?” The three men all nodded. Carmine saluted yet again, and headed back out the doors. Moments later, the gang was all there, pouring through the doorway and into their respective seats.
Demetri stayed on his perch though, because he would be presenting along with Cullen. The men exchanged sharp glares at one another, rather childishly. The Fuhrer, acting as the bigger man, smiled at the rest of them.
“Welcome everyone!” He began.
“What’s he so happy about?” The Colonel thought with a grimace.
“I’m sure you’re wondering why I called you all here today. Obviously it’s about last week’s events. Seeing how you all were at the center of it all I figured it would be wise to include you in our plans for the next move.” Fuhrer Wallace gestured towards Demetri and Cullen, “Both Colonel Maverick and General Amell have worked tirelessly to make sense of the attack, in addition to mapping out possible strategies for future movements.” The Staccato Alchemist nodded to everyone, while General Amell gave a small wave. “You two may begin when ready.” The Fuhrer nodded.
The Colonel sighed, “We’ve got our work cut out for us. That’s for sure.” He pulled one hand out from his pocket, “We confirmed early on that there were in total two separate attacks. One out in the city, by the ‘Grey Army’ and the other on the Command Center by the Chimeras and the…let’s just call him ‘Enigmatic Man’.” The man waved his hand through the air, “That said—“
“Let’s begin by going over the information we gathered from the streets,” General Amell chimed in, tapping one finger against the top of his cane.
“With all due respect General Amell, I think we should start of with each soldier’s personal recount of the battle. They may be able to add more to our own findings.” The Colonel shot back. Both men quietly roared.
“Fine then, Colonel Maverick. We’ll listen to the soldier’s personal account of the battle.” Demetri could sense the man’s frustration, and it made him grin from ear to ear.
“Anyone can begin. Please, be as descriptive as possible.” The meeting was turned over to the audience.