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One is All, All is One

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Oct 23, 2007
The realm of Sleep
Pride bit his lip and formed his shadows around him protecting him and Sloth from the massive explosion that his brother had caused. “Greed you bastard” he muttered as he then began to walk away. “Chase after him if you want Sloth but I’m done, its almost sundown and that means I’d be toast against him and the Chimera” he whispered into his ear.

Pride then vanished from sight, hiding within the shadows and going back to Father to alert him of what had taken place.


The Based Battletoad.
Sep 9, 2005
Paris, Tokyo
Envy lie on sprawled out on the ground from Shun’s attack. Every part of his body had a crimson lightning dancing around it as his many wounds healed instantly. The Homunculus roared in anger. How dare this human injure him? Make him bleed? Give him fear? What level of arrogance must one have to challenge him as this ‘Steel Earth’ did?

Envy’s disguise literally began to crumble at that moment. Red lights flashed around his countenance as his base appearance of ‘Arcade’ peeked through ‘Rio’s. Brown eyes were replaced with hues of green, red locks were replaced with brunette curls. The furious monster gasped and leapt up from the ground. One lightning covered hand covered his face as his entire pigmentation shifted from a sun-kissed peach to a chestnut.

“Dammit!” He watched fervently as his gray golems turned around to take their leave of ruined Central City. “Hey! You don’t leave unless I command you to!” The Homunculus stomped down with all of his might, creating a gigantic crater in the ground in the process. Envy let out a twisted roar, one that lacked absolutely any human similarity.

He took a deep breath. Slowly, his disguise recomposed itself, as did his composure. With his mind right, Envy focused back on Shun.

“Hmph. It looks like the sun’s set,” Rio, the Aerugan general smirked. “Fine then. I’ll let you go—after all you’re a Sacrifice,” He shrugged. “I’ll have to return that attack some other time…” The creature looked down at his open palms—they were trembling.

“Steel Earth.”

* * *

Demetri’s ears were ringing. His world was covered by a wash of white. He couldn’t see, couldn’t hear. Was he even still alive? All he could remember was one ugly motherbonker and a huge boom. Wait…no…there was definitely something there. And it definitely didn’t feel good.


All five of the circles on Demetri’s body ignited with a purple light. Suddenly bolts of lightning of that same color radiated around him. The rubble he was covered in disappeared in an instant. Ringing subsided, and vision returned, the Staccato Alchemist pulled himself out of the rubble.

“Ugh…” The Colonel brought his hand to his throbbing forehead, “What…” Golden eyes scanned the ruins, “Shit!” He spied a certain black haired woman covered in the debris. Maverick rushed to dig her out, oblivious to the carnage just a few measly feet away from him.

The Fuhrer pushed the scorched corpses of his guard away. The limp husks met the ground below in a cloud of dust. He was covered in blood that was not his own, a fact that made him cringe in disgust. The giant of a man watched with a dull expression as the Xingese Emperor mimicked his actions. The two men nodded.

Only seconds later there was more activity in the ruins. It was Prince Salazar. He gingerly pushed the mangled armored corpse off of him. A splatter of dried blood that was on his face was being wiped away by the bitter tears falling from his eyes.

“What….what just happened?!” The Prince was trembling.

“The end of whatever chance we had at peace.” Demetri answered, a newly lit cigarette in his mouth. With the ceiling gone, the purplish glow of the twilight sky blanketed the ‘room’.

“Take it all in Prince…because this will be the last peaceful sky you’ll see for some time.” The Colonel exhaled a long stream of gray smoke, as his golden eyes looked longingly towards the sky.

Verse One: Red Rock Blues

One Week After The Attack

One week. One-Hundred-Sixty-Eight hours. In the grand scheme of things, that’s really not that long. But you’d be amazed how long One-Hundred-Sixty-Eight hours feels when you’re stuck on clean up duty. The attack by the ‘Gray-Army’ left Central City in ruins. Whole blocks were leveled, homes destroyed, gates burned to the ground. That said, I think our people are worse off.

The high spirits everyone felt just hours ago have hit rock-bottom. The only chance we’ve had at peace has been shattered, and worse of all, nobody knows who to blame. We can point the finger all we want, be the fact of the matter is, Central has all but fallen, and two world leaders are dead. And no-one knows who’s behind it.

Tch, and here’s me thinking I could take my vacation next week.

Creta and Drachma are outraged [at Amestris, of course] at the loss of their leaders, while Aerugo’s gone completely silent. Our own alliance with Xing is holding strong, but tensions between the five nations are at an all time high. But that’s not what’s givin’ me grief at the moment. It’s the intel my men have gathered from the battle ground. Rio Medichi, an Aerugan general was spotted at the fore-front of the Grey Army’s forces.

It doesn’t make sense though—I’ve battled Aerugan forces before, and this is definitely not their style. Their way less…vicious. Not to mention they don’t have near-immortal, philosopher stone wielding golems at their disposal.

Golems…the Stone…and…the monsters.

Pride. The cat Stormstep and Frosty encountered. What they said about him sounds like something out of a comic book. And not even a good one either. If I didn’t see the golems for myself I wouldn’t believe it but nothing is impossible after that attack.


The chimeras and their boss, the ones that breeched the command center. They were independent from the Grey Army; their existence can spell even more trouble for us. The leader’s body wasn’t found among the wreckage, so it’s expected that he got away—we have no information on his whereabouts either.

The Fuhrer’s called for a meeting including each officer involved in the Summit-attack. Meaning all us Alchemists will be in attendance. He’s requested I bring each ‘auxiliary’ soldier I had along too, meaning Rose and…Kitty will be coming too. I’ve already sent my lieutenant Carmine for them.

Tch…things just get messier and messier.


King Naruto

Retired (for now)
Oct 19, 2005
Creating bonds to save our world and bring peace
Staring at the blue sky above Central, Shun was worried about the recent meeting. It had been one month since the Peace treaty incident and since he had fought against the Hummonculi. He had told no one yet about it except for Dorian Gray and Demetri. He knew things weren't going good at all. He was the Lt. General and he was given a shit ton of info about the incoming missions and things to come. Stepping into the clinic, he caught Kitty right before she had left out. The older woman was pretty damn hot in her own right but, he wasn't here for her. He was here to see Yue. "Hey Kitty. I see you were invited to the party. My car's parked outside. I'll be along in a minute as I have to speak with someone." Shun said with a smile.

His eye's focused on Yue's eyes and he stepped forward with a dozen Xingnese roses. Handing them to her, Shun spoke in a cute tone, "So Yue, are we still on for that date tomorrow? I mean I'm free." Yue was so cute to him and he had the longest crush on her since the day she had met Kitty and him. "Well before you answer, give it some thought. I gotta get to this meeting." Shun said casually before walking back out the door. Hopping in his car, he looked over at Kitty. Starting his car and driving, he spoke quickly to Kitty, "Hey one day i'm going to sweep ue off her feet and away from all this convoluted mess. But that's beside the point, this meeting is gonna be grueling. We'll meet Demetri at HQ. This is gonna be a pain but, I gotta clue you in on some details after the meeting." It wasn't long before they arrived at Central.

Hopping out of his conertible, Shun was prepared for the worst case scenario. This just wasn't his month.


~ ♥~ Grand Summoner~ ♥~
Jan 3, 2006
Racing chocobos ~
The black haired girl watched as the blonde paced the room, biting her lip and giving all too heavy sighs. She gave a sigh herself, perching her chin onto the palm of her hand as her eyes kept in rhythm with the other's feet. Finally, she came to a halt, and it was then that Yue looked up interestingly, half-curious, half-worried at the initial reaction. Just a few moments ago, a Lieutenant had come to the clinic, requesting Kitty's prescence, leaving shortly to find 'another soldier'. Yue knew that it wasn't doubt that was stopping her, but something else. What exactly was the big question, and Yue had been keeping her mouth shut, but finally couldn't keep quiet anymore:

"What is it?" She blurted out, eager to hear the answer.

The older woman rolled her eyes and stepped towards her, prompting Yue to lean back a bit in surprise. She raised her middle and thumb together, and quickly flicked Yue's forehead. Giving an "ow" in surprise, Yue fell back on her chair, rubbing her forehead as Kitty spun on her heel and marched to the closet.

"The whole thing was fishy." Kitty mumbled, closing the closet door behind her. "Obviously, the guy wants to either tell us to shut up or maybe tell us just what the hell's going on."

Straightening herself up, Yue tucked her hair behind her ear as she heard some rustling and bustling from the closet. "So you're going?" She asked curiously as Kitty finally stepped out of the closet, clad in a sleeveless white tunic and some shorts reaching above her knees, her normal black boots accompanied by white knee-highs. She pulled a pin out of her hair as she rummaged through a drawer, pulling out a rubber band.

"Of course." Kitty grinned, wrapping her hair up in a high ponytail as she pulled on some silver hoop earrings from seemingly nowhere.

"I can't tell if you're getting dressed up or being too casual." Yue admitted, her eyes on the exposed chest to the earrings to the shorts.

Kitty pouted, flipping her bangs to the side as she rested her hands on her hips. "What? I look fine!"

"Fine for a hooker." The comment was met by a pillow to the head, though Kitty ended up grabbing a shawl to put on her shoulders. "Much better. At least your boobs aren't popping out."

"Please, don't be jealous, ironing board." Kitty cackled as Yue fumed, her face turning red as she looked down.

"I am NOT an ironing board! I'm a B Cup, damn it!" Yue wailed, flailing her arms as Kitty poked her forehead. "And why can't I go?"

"I'd rather not have you get wrapped up in this mess." Kitty admitted as she checked herself in the mirror, the slightest look of seriousness passing in a flash as she grinned. "Just stay put 'till I get back, tend to whoever comes, alright?"

"Yeah..." Kitty winked, though that made her feel no better. She gave a sad little sigh, sinking back into the chair as the door clinked shut. She better not get a medal. Yue thought grimly, though perked up as the door opened again.

"Boyfriend alert!" Kitty yelled suddenly, and Yue nearly had a heart attack. Obivously she meant Shun--she wasn't dressed, her hair was a mess, and she was slouching on the chair with a red mark on her head. She was more than surprised to see Shun, and quickly got up, patting her hair down as he walked in, nicely greeted by a dozen Xingese roses.

"So Yue, are we still on for that date tomorrow? I mean I'm free. Well before you answer, give it some thought. I gotta get to this meeting."

"Sure..." She felt her cheeks get red as she looked at the roses he had presented to her, feeling all gushy and giddy though she made sure to call a 'good-bye!' before the door swung shut. She let out a giggle, looking through the closet for a vase. Obviously her answer would be yes, and she hoped--prayed--that all would go well tomorrow. That and she was tired of Kitty's teasing about them 'not even on first base yet'.


Kitty yawned as Shun got in, resting her arms behind her head as she grinned at him. "Smooth." She chuckled. Ah, young love. So beautiful, so foolish. So...young. Yeah.

"Hey one day i'm going to sweep her off her feet and away from all this convoluted mess." Shun pointed out as Kitty chuckled. "But that's beside the point, this meeting is gonna be grueling. We'll meet Demetri at HQ. This is gonna be a pain but, I gotta clue you in on some details after the meeting."

"Man, everything having to do with Central is a pain." Kitty whined, though she knew exactly what he meant. She was once in his place, after all, though that was a long time ago. And obviously, things were only going to get worse.


"I'm gonna kick Demi for this." She mumbled, looking up once they arrived. "Man, somehow I can't seem to grasp the fact that this is somehow the Furher's fault. But I'll keep my mouth shut..." She hopped out, following Shun as they entered.

This is gonna suck.



Nov 17, 2005
It's been a week since the sudden attack and frankly, Cura had small chills thinking about the monster that Stormstep and herself had encountered. The thought of that monster, whether she liked it or not, kept popping up in her mind and it was hard to get rid of. That didn't mean she was ready to run away the next time she met him.

Just as there were chills, there were flames inside her. She vowed to herself that she would get him. It was frustrating to be beaten down like dirt that day and in that one week, she trained as hard as she could, pushing herself to be better. Rey caught her attention as she sat in her desk. She smiled, petting him. She knew that her father was fine during the incident, though he did look at her with disappointment, which she knew that he heard news about her being beaten up. She stifled a sigh.

Looking at her watch, she stood up. "Let's go." She said. The Fuhrer requested a meeting and she had to get going. She wasn't sure of what was going on and who or what the enemies were, and that only made her irritated. Rey made himself comfortable on her shoulder. "...I fear what we don't know but not knowing anything...sucks." She said softly, as Rey agreed with his tiny voice.


Her Trouble-making Paladin
Dec 26, 2010
Kingdom of the sun
Brad jumped up and threw his undershirt into the hamper. He'd been working hard in the week following the incident. The next time he met Pride he was going to kill that freak! But at the same time Brad had other things to do. He was helping with reconstruction. Until the meeting he would have to devote his time to eating, sleeping, training and reconstruction. Except for the building that Pride had dropped on him. He'd left THAT well alone. Biasness and such. Brad yawned as he took a shower and changed into his normal jacket combo to make his way to the meeting. Sure you needed to be in uniform but what if they were attacked again? THEN where would he be? Making sure everything was in working order Brad left his house and started his dash towards central. He didn't have too much time to get there but this time he'd be on time. Provided demon shadow weilding pride's didn't attack again. Besides he HAD to know what was going on and where everyone would go from here. He knew he'd be sticking with Frosty in order to pay off his debt. Brandon West didn't deal with unpaid debts. Hopefully this wouldn't involve him disobeying direct orders from anyone. He'd still do it mind you but it would be SO annoying....
Brad stepped into central and yelled out a greeting to see if anyone was there.
Here goes.


Oct 23, 2007
The realm of Sleep
He tapped the street lamp repeatedly listening to the sounds it produced. Jack did this at times for it gave him ideas for new techniques to use, not only that but it helped concentrate his thoughts on specific things. The fuhrer had called for a meeting and he was one of the few to come.

Most likely the meeting was about what happened at the summit and how they would deal with those strange creatures next time. As he finally made his way inside he sat down in his chair and tapped his index finger on the table with a bored appearance.

“Let’s get this meeting going” he said to no one in particular.


The Based Battletoad.
Sep 9, 2005
Paris, Tokyo
Central Command – The Fuhrer’s Chambers

YouTube - Final Fantasy IX OST - Cid's Theme ~ Lindblum Castle Theme

As a result of the destruction of the Audience Chamber a week earlier, all meetings were now held in the Fuhrer’s personal chamber in the Command Center. The size and utilities that the room held made it the prime choice for such things, and the Fuhrer himself suggested the arrangement. The large room was graced by turquoise carpets and wine colored rugs at the bottom, and marble at the ceiling and walls. Xavier Wallace’s desk sat near the back of the room, just in front of the wall length windows, while a long table took residence in the middle. Brown leather chairs surrounded the table, with the exception of the head of the table, which was left empty to provide a clear view of the Fuhrer’s desk.

The Staccato Alchemist, along with his father, and the head of the investigations branch: Carver Amell. Carver Amell was a thin man, pale of skin with black, slicked back hair. He wore a black version of the military-garb, and gripped an extravagant ebony cane, complete with a gaudy ruby at the top. He was blind, and as such, his eyes were bright white.

The Colonel had his sleeves rolled up, and the jacket of his uniform unbuttoned, revealing his gray button-down. The soldier looked visibly tired, from the tiny bags under his eyes, to the ‘pricklyness’ that invaded his chin. At least he tried to make up for it by tying his dreads in a neat ponytail for the meeting. He sat atop the Fuhrer’s desk just beyond the long-table, hands shoved in his pockets, a dull look on his countenance.

The three men were completely silent, with a damn near visible tension between them. Amell didn’t like Demetri, The Fuhrer wasn’t fond of Amell, and Demetri didn’t like either one of the men. Every now and then, one would catch the other glancing at the others, causing that one to quickly retreat back to their own devices.

Grown men eh?

Finally, the double mahogany doors swung open, revealing Lt. Ben Carmine, decked out in his ‘spiffy’ uniform. He saluted his three superior officers with a warm smile. Ben was a young man. A promising and enthusiastic soldier. He was a ginger, red hair, freckles and all with an athletic frame and green eyes.

“Sirs,” The solider began with his thick country accent, “General Shun’s just arrived with the Colonel’s auxiliaries. Stormstep, Frosty, and Shockwave have arrived as well. Should we bring them in?” The three men all nodded. Carmine saluted yet again, and headed back out the doors. Moments later, the gang was all there, pouring through the doorway and into their respective seats.

Demetri stayed on his perch though, because he would be presenting along with Cullen. The men exchanged sharp glares at one another, rather childishly. The Fuhrer, acting as the bigger man, smiled at the rest of them.
“Welcome everyone!” He began.

“What’s he so happy about?” The Colonel thought with a grimace.

“I’m sure you’re wondering why I called you all here today. Obviously it’s about last week’s events. Seeing how you all were at the center of it all I figured it would be wise to include you in our plans for the next move.” Fuhrer Wallace gestured towards Demetri and Cullen, “Both Colonel Maverick and General Amell have worked tirelessly to make sense of the attack, in addition to mapping out possible strategies for future movements.” The Staccato Alchemist nodded to everyone, while General Amell gave a small wave. “You two may begin when ready.” The Fuhrer nodded.

The Colonel sighed, “We’ve got our work cut out for us. That’s for sure.” He pulled one hand out from his pocket, “We confirmed early on that there were in total two separate attacks. One out in the city, by the ‘Grey Army’ and the other on the Command Center by the Chimeras and the…let’s just call him ‘Enigmatic Man’.” The man waved his hand through the air, “That said—“

“Let’s begin by going over the information we gathered from the streets,” General Amell chimed in, tapping one finger against the top of his cane.

“With all due respect General Amell, I think we should start of with each soldier’s personal recount of the battle. They may be able to add more to our own findings.” The Colonel shot back. Both men quietly roared.

“Fine then, Colonel Maverick. We’ll listen to the soldier’s personal account of the battle.” Demetri could sense the man’s frustration, and it made him grin from ear to ear.

“Anyone can begin. Please, be as descriptive as possible.” The meeting was turned over to the audience.


Oct 23, 2007
The realm of Sleep
“Well I guess I’ll start” Jack spoke loudly as he then cleared his throat and began to speak.

“I don’t have much to say but what I can tell you is that I along with another alchemist encountered white zombie-like creatures that was using philosopher stones. They were being controlled since the fact that they obviously didn’t have a mind of their own.”

He then paused thinking back and recalling more of the information trying to put it into as much detail as he could “Normal weapons such as swords and guns won’t work on them as they just regenerate, if we ever encounter them again my suggestion is that we use someone that can take out a number of them at once like you Staccato or even you Frosty.”

“They have no emotion and they never travel alone always in packs” he then adjusted his seat and laid back a little. “That is all the information I have on them”

King Naruto

Retired (for now)
Oct 19, 2005
Creating bonds to save our world and bring peace
Entering the building, Shun hurried along to the main meeting room. He hated these formal meetings which is why he worse his casual uniform. If it irritated the Fuhrer and his men then he would gladly do what it takes. He wouldn't be reprimended though since he had showed time and time again that he was loyal and the most qualified for his position. Standing beside the Fuhrer, he just listened to the banter thrown around. Finally sitting down, he kicked his feet up on the table while leaning back in his chair. His balance was perfect like always and his arms were behind his head.

After hearing Jack throw out Staccato's name, Shun quickly retorted, "Hey don't downplay my power. I took it many of them on my own. You know Earth and Plants can kinda do that." Looking at the Fuhrer, he nodded and then decided it was time to explain what happened to him. "Well it's my turn. Well upon given control of Central forces, I sent the forces to protect civilians and block off the streets. I then proceeded into the city, destroying the gray monsters. It was weird though like Jack stated. Upon the destruction of a few, I engaged an Aerugan soldier in battle who proved to be a match. It may have been the overall leader of the forces. Upon thorough destructive force, the enemy revealed that it wasn't Aerugan. It healed it's body from all wounds and it seems as though it can shapeshift as it came to a different look. Apparently it wasn't Aeruga that had attacked. They might be able to heal but, excessive force seems to be able to slow or even stop their regeneration. These things are way different from us humans and I believe that if they come back then we won't be so lucky of their retreat."

Shun spoke quick and explained in as much detail as he could. His eyes were focused and they searched the room for Staccato and Kitty's eyes, giving them a look that said they needed to talk afterwards at Kitty's clnic.


~ ♥~ Grand Summoner~ ♥~
Jan 3, 2006
Racing chocobos ~
Having chosen to be quiet, Kitty had been laying back against the chair, her legs propped up on the desk. Not something normal for an ex-soldier, but she did it just for the spite of it. Just when you think you're out of their grasp, they somehow manage to reel you in. She didn't pay too much attention, occasionally scoffing and giggling quietly to herself on several things that several people said, though Shun caught her attention, giving a signal.

Kitty decided to speak next, swinging her legs off the table as she propped herself up on both elbows, chin on her hands, giving the greatest smile you could give. She batted her eyelashes at each person, then pushed herself off the table and stood up, hands on her hips. "Going back on what was already announced, you kill 'em by destroying the fake Philospher's Stones imbedded into their bodies." She spoke politely and sweetly, with a playful smile crossing her lips as she spoke. "I am more than sure that certain people in this room already know what those things were." She looked around, though her eyes landed on the Furher.

"My wild guess is they're some failed Hommunculi." She shrugged, feigning ignorance. "But that's just me."

Kitty shrugged again, though she sat back down, once again propping her legs onto the table. "Oh, and my account? I was here, defending Central from oncoming Chimeras. Thing is, the Chimeras were focused on Central, whereas the fake Hommunculi were just going about town, wrecking things, eating people. Y'know. I'm pretty sure the two aren't too loosely connected."


New member
Jun 14, 2008
Behind You
Rose sat back in her chair, tripod case at her feet, listening carefully to the accounts and interactions between the people in the room. Seeing their tensions between one another, their grudges, somehow made them seem more human, which helped ease her own anxiety a little. She felt very much like an intruder in this place, a Drachman assassin amongst the military and only a few yards from the Fuhrer. It was absurd, really. Rose began to feel irritation creeping in under her anxiety as she listened, feeling that most of this was pointless as most people in the room were just going to be repeating what had already been said.

There was nothing for it, however, all she could do was try and learn as much as she could from today, even if it was only very little.
As much as she hated to admit it, her part in whatever was going on was probably not even close to being over.

Once Kitty had finished her brief account, Rose leaned forward her seat, seeming to fix all of them with her green eyes.

"I didn't see the chimeras myself." Rose began, her voice low but audible, "I only saw the gray things, the.... the homunculi. I was in a bar, when I heard screams and went out to see what was going on. I saw a few of them, being shot at but not going down. I tried to stay out of sight as much as I could, but when I encountered one... to be honest, I got a little lucky.
I drew my sword and immediately went for the chest. The body of the creature wasn't particularly resistant, and I cut it almost in half, breaking the Stone.
After that I went to Central Command, where I was asked by Demetri to assist him. We went to where the meeting was being held, and despite the Colonel's efforts, a bomb was set off. We had enough left over luck to not get killed by the explosion."


Nov 17, 2005
Once the Colonel and General finished their little argument, Major Richardson spoke first, explaining the strange creatures which attacked. After Richardson, it was Liutenant General Shun. Cura stared at the wall in front of her quietly, attentively listening to everyone who spoke. Kitty spoke next, with something that made Cura turn her head to face her slowly.

"Oh, and my account? I was here, defending Central from oncoming Chimeras. Thing is, the Chimeras were focused on Central, whereas the fake Hommunculi were just going about town, wrecking things, eating people. Y'know. I'm pretty sure the two aren't too loosely connected."

And Cura berrated herself. There was always that possibility, even though she hoped not.

Rose spoke next, explaining her experience in the event. She hasn't really seen the homunculi up close, but she knew they were ugly. When Rose was done, she felt the need to share her own, as she was requested to.

"Stormstep and I encountered a human, or rather, a monster. He was already in a fight with the unknown man by the time I had arrived, but Stormstep was terribly injured by then."

Cura gritted her teeth behind her tightly closed lips for a moment before continuing. "He moved too fast for us to keep up with him and he had strong blows. Furthermore, he controlled shadows, although it may sound absurd, but this is no ordinary man I am talking about."

"Since Major Richardson pointed out the use of the Philosopher's Stones by these unexpected enemies, I am guessing this man also had assistance from the Philosopher's Stone."

Cura ended her account and sat a little rigidly, hiding a clenched fist under the table for her disappointment in herself. She would have felt a little better if she was able to land a blow on Pride, but not even that was achieved. But next time...next time, she was going to give him and these enemies what they deserve.
Last edited:


Her Trouble-making Paladin
Dec 26, 2010
Kingdom of the sun
Brad stood as Frosty sat, it was time to give his own account on the events.
"I was on my way to the summit when I was attacked by Pride" he said "He didn't just control the shadows either, he could also manipulate their shape as well. He made a drill and used them to bring down a building on top of me" he shuddered "His skills also greatly increased when we had a brief midair scuffle. I managed to hit him a few times but he basically picked me apart. But he didn't use alchemy once during our battle. I think the stone must be inside of him, like it is with the gray creatures, if thats the case then the only way to kill him is to rip it out" He paused for a moment "That shapeshifter you mentioned..and now Pride...if the gray creatures are FAKE homunculi then I believe the people we fought....Pride and the shape shifter...must be the real deal. True, complete homunculus. It makes sense doesn't it? homunculi cannot use alchemy...the people we fought didn't use it. They're obviously not human and like the gray creatures they're powerful. Too powerful. What else could they be?" he sat down again now that his thoughts were out in the open


The Based Battletoad.
Sep 9, 2005
Paris, Tokyo
All three men fell silent as each soldier gave their account of the incident. Their mind’s gears turning all towards three completely different solutions. The word ‘Homunculus’ was screaming in the dread-locked alchemist’s mind. The reports from the men stationed in the city certainly matched the legends. Human looking creatures with powers beyond anything science could achieve. What if they were Homunculi though? What were they after? What could they possibly gain from disrupting the Summit?

“Homunculi? You have to be kidding me!” The blind General proclaimed as he pounded his cane on the tile, “My Fuhrer, you can’t possibly believe this!” Demetri’s brow was twitching.

“Regenerating wounds, shadow manipulation, super strength? Sound familiar General? Steel Earth, Stormstep, and Frosty’s accounts all point towards that conclusion. Even Ex-General Intan thinks the theory has weight. It’s worth looking into.” The Alchemist said, still sitting atop the Fuhrer’s desk. Amell was frowning.

“You’re an Alchemist Maverick! You should know that something such as a Homunculus is pure legend! It’s obvious these are products of Aerugan weapon research! They’ve always been one step-ahead of us technologically, and they’ve with this they’ve proven it again!” The gaunt soldier slammed his cane down again, “My Fuhrer, I’m certain you understand my ideology when I say we march on Aerugo at once—“ The Colonel heaved himself off of the desk, hands still in his pockets, he walked closer to Amell. The Staccato Alchemist hovered over the Intelligence Dept. Head.

“With what troops General? We’re still in disarray from last weeks attack! We can’t afford to act on impulse here! Besides, Aerugo doesn’t even practice Alchemy. They have no means to produce a Philosopher’s Stone—let alone an army of Homunculi—I’m sorry, golems, that use them as power sources!” Demi caught himself ready to swing on a blind man. Thankfully, he caught himself and stepped back, moving a number of feet away back towards the desk.

“Actually Colonel, that might not be entirely true.” The Fuhrer chimed in. All eyes fell on the until then, silent commander. With one massive hand, he stroked his bush of a beard, recalling a previous conversation. “Prince Salazar, who has been acting as commander in stead of his ill father, mentioned to myself and the other leaders that his men have been researching alchemy. He even claimed to know the recipe of the Stone.” Demetri’s golden orbs widened in shock.

“That doesn’t make sense. King Ezio openly condemned Alchemy. It’s one of the main reason our countries have butted heads for so long. Why have the country make such a sudden shift…unless…” He turned his head the Fuhrer’s way, “Salazar’s father doesn’t know. Does he?” The Fuhrer nodded.

“I confronted him with that same question. The Prince refused to answer.”

“---In the months before the Summit, around the time King Ezio fell ill, our spies have reported signs of civil unrest in a number of large Aerugan cities. It appears that Salazar’s recent reign has caused a number of problems for the nation,” Alistair reported, “Prince Salazar has either altered or done away with several of his father’s doctrines and programs. Some praise his movements, while others speak out against it.” Demetri smirked.

“Aerugo’s on the brink of civil war. No wonder the Prince is desperate for power.”

“A perfect reason for him to create Homu-“ The General caught himself, “—Golems.”

“It’s a good angle, but still,” He continued, ignoring the fact that he just more or less agreed with Amell, “Why would Aerugo want to thrust itself into another war? I doubt they fear the terms of the treaty that much. They can’t afford to fight the world, and home.” The Colonel shook his aching head. For every answer, they were just arriving towards more, and more, and more, and more questions. The room yet again stiffened, all minds unable to find an answer.

It was the Fuhrer who cut through the silence with his booming voice. With his hands behind his back, he prompted the Colonel and General to stand down. The two men saluted, though reluctant, and stepped to the side, officially giving the floor to their commander.

“Both soldiers are correct. Aerugo’s recent movements warrant extreme suspicion. They claim to know how to create a Philosopher’s Stone, the very same item that the ‘Grey Army’ uses as fuel. Not only that, but since the attack, they’ve gone completely silent. It’s enough to call for an investigation,” A small smile crept upon Amell’s face, “That said, what Staccato said also holds weight. As it is right now, we cannot spare soldiers to march on an enemy nation based on suspicions alone—no matter how strong and well found they are.” Demetri bit his lip, visibly tense as his father spoke on.

“This will be our course of action,” He stepped closer towards the table where the rest sat, “We will form a small squad,” Both the General and Colonel knitted their brows, skeptical, “That squad will enter Aerugo covertly and investigate.” He said investigate, but Demetri doubted that was the true goal. The plan was risky, but he had to admit, it was all they had—Aerugo was their only lead—whether or not it proved fruitful was yet to be seen. And a small group had a better chance of going in undetected than a whole platoon.

“Who’re you sending?” The alchemist had to ask.

“That…requires some deliberation. I’ll talk it over with General Amell—in the meantime, you all are dismissed. Thank you for an excellent meeting.” Fuhrer Wallace grinned as he saluted the men and women, turning them all loose. Amell nodded to the Fuhrer as he took his careful leave.


“Relax Colonel. Amell’s a decent soldier, I’m sure he’ll make the right decision. And before you ask; no, you can’t go. You’re needed more in Central.”



“Right.” He saluted before quickly shuffling out with the others. The Fuhrer sighed.

“Oh, Ms. Beloi was it? I’d like to have a word with you if you don’t mind.” The hulking fellow waved the woman down. There was something curious in his glass gray eyes.

On the other side, in the hallway directly outside the Fuhrer’s chambers the soldiers the remaining soldiers either congregated or went their separate ways. The first thing Demetri did when those double doors slammed shut was lit himself a cigarette.

The gray smoke flew from his nostrils and out into the atmosphere.


~ ♥~ Grand Summoner~ ♥~
Jan 3, 2006
Racing chocobos ~
It had taken her every ounce of herself to not cut in; but she managed to keep her mouth shut, though she did frown and scowl, with an occasional "My ass" under her breath. Her arms had been crossed so tightly against her chest that she almost suffocated. Once the Furher spoke, she wanted to burst out laughing; the pure denial that they faced! How could they be so ignorant?! Still, they managed to agree on one thing--the military was in bad shape, and sending a small group to go to Aerugo was actually a good idea.

Once they were dismissed, Kitty purposely let out a rather loud yawn, pretending to stretch, and let most of the people leave before she did. She didn't like crowds, in all honesty, especially when leaving a room. Made her all iffy and slightly claustrophobic. Funny thing, she could hide in a barrel for a week but to be packed in with a room of people? She'd much rather be in the barrel. She slid out of the door, being the last, making sure to close the doors behind her. And when they did, she suddenly let her anger out, punching the wall. There was no mark, but she had to let her anger out somehow.

With a small sigh, she kept going, looking for Shun (who would hopefully and generously give her a ride back) when she walked into a puff of smoke. "Geez, Dem, watch where you put that thing." She coughed, waving away the smoke. It was mostly her fault for not watching where she was going, but still, she was still a little steamed. "Honestly! I should've stayed home, that whole thing was so pointless!" She added rather loudly, pouting as she crossed her arms. "Getting dressed up just to be told to leave--how rude! I mean, not for you guys." She added (again) to the Alchemists.

Suddenly remembering something, Kitty poked Shun. "Oi, what was with that look?"


New member
Jun 14, 2008
Behind You
Rose slowly stood up as everyone filed out of the room, wondering what the Fuhrer could possibly want for her. Whatever it was, it probably wasn't good. She took a slow, deep breath in an attempt to ease the tight ball of anxiety that sat in her stomach, but it wasn't so easily shifted. Rose had known from the very start that this meeting had been a bad idea, but she hadn't seen any other way. Her situation was delicate on the most ordinary of days without adding running off after being called to a meeting such as this.

Nothing for it now. she thought as she moved toward the Fuhrer, her face completely devoid of emotion.

"What is it, Fuhrer?"


Oct 23, 2007
The realm of Sleep
Jack sighed, the meeting was almost a complete waste of his time. They still had little information of the new foes that appeared at the summit and the information they did have was not that much helpful. Destroy the philosophers stone within them? His comrades made it sound so easy yet he knew people like Pride wouldn’t just hand it to them.

He looked towards the sky and then let out a deep sigh “Things are about to get crazy” he muttered as he then took out a cigarette, lit it, and began to smoke.


Oct 23, 2007
The realm of Sleep
Out of nowhere it seemed a young alchemist ran into Jack on the sidewalk. He took one last puff of smoke and then put out the cigarette. “No I’m fine”

He then noticed the kid was not any ordinary alchemist, but a state alchemist like him.

“Hey kid what’s your name?” he was intrigued by him, it seemed to Jack that state alchemists joined at younger ages every year. He then motioned for him to follow after he gave his name. “I’m Jack Richardson, the shockwave alchemist come on I’d like to take you out to a diner”

He wanted to find out why exactly this kid joined the military and what he had hoped to accomplish, after sitting down and asking the waitress for a cup of coffee he then spoke again “So tell me, why exactly did you join the military, and what kind of skills are you capable of?”
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